Where did the name Nikita come from and what does it mean? What fate awaits Nikita? The name Nikita in a foreign passport, in English, in different languages: how to spell it

The name Nikita came into the Russian language from Greece, along with its adoption into Kievan Rus Orthodoxy. Translated from Greek the name Nikita (Νικήτας) means winner. Surnames derived from this name are quite popular, such as Nikitin or Nikitenko, etc.

Nikita is a purposeful, sometimes selfish man. He knows his worth and achieves his goals with confidence in his eyes. He is independent and does not like to obey. Despite the active life position can be vulnerable and sentimental. Nikita's appearance is more likely from his mother's, although many character traits are closer to his father's side.

They value family, although this is more likely due to their love for children. Family life is rather complicated, but there are pleasant exceptions. They adore their parents. IN general family occupies an important place in Nikita's life.

Nikita usually has several talents and the main thing is to consider them in time and work in these directions. He shows a penchant for leadership in almost all areas of life, except at home. At home, Nikita likes to take a break from the leader's halo. He has few friends, since diplomacy is not his thing. But if he has friends, then they are the most faithful and reliable that fate can send.

The meaning of the name Nikita for a child

Little Nikita pleases his parents with his intelligence. He has shown a penchant for knowledge since childhood. The boy grows up cautious and always looks closely at strangers first. It will be difficult to talk to little Nikita if he doesn’t know you. Parents will need a lot of patience, since Nikita is very sensitive to psychological and physical pressure. Pressure on him may cause a backlash, but explanation works well. Nikita is growing up well active child. His activity requires an outlet, so do not forget to take breaks during classes for active games. Studying is good for him, but only if he himself has a craving for it. The parents' task is to teach Nikita to love learning.

Short name Nikita

Nikita, Niki, Nick. (Tsar Nicholas II in home environment he called himself Niki, which is also his abbreviated name Niki in childhood.)

Diminutive pet names

Nikitochka, Nikitushka, Nikitonka, Nikitos, Nikiha, Nikitosik.

Patronymic name of Nikita's children

The correct spelling of the patronymic is Nikitich and Nikitichna. Among the people, they may change to Nikitych and Nikitychna. Another version of “folk art” Nikitovich and Nikitovna, which is not correct.

Name Nikita in English

Nikita in English is written as - Nikita. The name is written the same way in German.

Name Nikita for international passport spelled the same way as in English - NIKITA.

Translation of the name Nikita into other languages

in Arabic - نيكيتا
in Belarusian - Mikita
in Greek - Νικήτας
in Georgian - ნიკო
in Yiddish - ניקיטה
in Spanish - Nikita
in Italian - Nikita
in Chinese - 尼基塔
in Latin - Nicetas
in German - Nikita
in Polish - Nicetas and Nykyta
in Romanian - Nichita
in Ukrainian - Mikita and Nikita
in Finnish - nikitas
in French - Nizier and Nicétas
in Japanese - ニキータ

Church name Nikita(V Orthodox faith) invariably, as indicated by the names of the saints. Read about Nikita of Novgorod, St. Nikita of Chalcedon and other patrons of names in a separate article.

Characteristics of the name Nikita

Nikita's character is active and joyful. He loves to be in noisy companies and feels comfortable there. Activity of character pushes to travel. Nikita enjoys traveling if he has the means. Even if you don’t have a lot of money, you will always find an option, even if it’s not for long and not far away, but still to leave. Easy to talk to and can be the life of the party. The sociable character on vacation changes dramatically at work. IN official relations Nikita is more of an individualist and does not like teamwork. Can only obey personally chosen authorities.

Nikita's character in relation to the weaker sex manifests itself with the best side. He is seductive and relaxed. His wonderful sense of humor is especially good at such moments. Loves children.

The secret of the name Nikita

Nikita's mystery is not easy to unravel. His cheerful and assertive character hides one peculiarity. Nikita is a vulnerable and deeply worried person. Behind his determination and drive lies empathy and sentimentality. Despite the external similarity with the mother, relations with her are often tense. Nikita has a hard time experiencing reproaches and reproaches from such loved one. The relationship with the father is rather trusting or even friendly. Nikita can turn to his father in a difficult situation for advice.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

Totem animal- Hedgehog.

Color of the name Nikita- Violet.

Tree- Ash.

Plant- Bell.

Stone- Pomegranate.

In this material you will find information about the meaning male name Nikita, his origin, history, learn about the options for interpreting the name.

Full name - Nikita

Synonyms for the name - Nick, Nike

Origin: Ancient Greek, “winner”

Zodiac - Taurus

Planet - Venus

Green color

Animal - Cat

Plant - Melissa

Stone - Beryl

Scientists have reliably established that the name has Greek roots. Νικήτας means “Winner”, as it was formed on behalf of the goddess of victory Nike. IN Russian Empire it was more familiar as Nikita; people found this pronunciation more convenient. That’s how it took root in Rus'.

Love named Nikita

The guy especially values ​​in his chosen one appearance, ability to dress well, intelligence, freedom and temperament. Only a true priestess of love can capture the heart of this man.

Nikita has no shortage of fans. They like his charm and ability to teach himself. But for him, women become just fun, a means of entertainment. He can date several girls at the same time, and does not feel remorse.

In love he is generous and kind, but very quick-tempered. In one moment it can destroy everything. His passion for change pushes him to such actions. Unfortunately, his beloved will not become the meaning of life for him. He will listen to her only if she satisfies him sexually. But the girl must be prepared for the fact that she will definitely have rivals, and the guy will not even bother to hide his connections.

Sexuality of the name Nikita

The young man is fickle in his affections. For him, first of all, the sexuality of his partner and her activity are important. He doesn't connect sex and love. For him, they don't have to be together. If he likes a girl, he can calmly sleep with her without experiencing deep feelings.

Nikita is a great partner, well versed in female psychology. The intimate process itself gives a man pleasure, but he never relaxes, because he wants his partner to also receive satisfaction.

Marriage and family named Nikita

Not everything is so smooth in this man’s family. He is unable to resolve the conflict diplomatically. Even if a young man gets married, then happiness married couple this marriage will not last long. Nikita will live for her own pleasure, and her husband will take on the bulk of the household chores.

Polite and able to maintain mutual respect long years. And he does it sincerely, especially if there are children in the family. For this he will treat his wife well. It may change over time, but for this a man needs smart wife, which, without commanding, will be able to subjugate him. She loves children and will not go through a divorce just for them. She always provides for her family financially.

Business and career

By nature, this person is a leader. But he does not particularly strive forward in his chosen profession, although he achieves amazing success and honor. Most importantly, he needs a guiding star that would push him to exploits. But it doesn’t have to be a wife.

Nikita does not tolerate empty chatter and hypocritical people. He tries not to communicate with such people, but his chosen profession does not allow him to follow his principles.

Most suitable for him creative professions and politics. Here he can show his abilities. There is no doubt that this man is talented. Also, the desire to change everything attracts him to unknown distances, so he can become a traveler or a pioneer.

The meaning of the name Nikita in character

As a child, he is a quick-witted and intelligent boy. He is careful and therefore his parents do not have to worry about his safety. The child will protect himself, he will never climb on tall tree, will not approach a stranger, will not eat a dirty apple.

If a boy is dissatisfied with something, you should explain your point of view to him. But under no circumstances use force. And then out of affectionate and gentle son you will get a stubborn and angry person who will go through life with a negative mood. An adult young man becomes more demanding of himself and those around him. He will strive for the task, but in case of failure, out of despair he may commit rash actions. This person is fickle; it is easy for him to break off a long-term relationship, but starting a new one is even more interesting. He doesn’t like to choose; the problem of giving preference to one thing will always be there for him.

Teen Nikita

Nikita behaves great at school, he always does his homework, is never late, and is not rude to adults. He studies well, but achieves this not through diligence, but thanks to his excellent memory. The guy loves to fantasize, there are always a lot of ideas in his head. He treats his peers well, but sometimes they do not reciprocate his feelings, which greatly upsets the young man. Girls like Nikita, but not every one is worthy of his attention. A guy can also quickly change his decisions and views regarding his studies. It is not difficult for him to leave his 3rd year of university in order to get a job in a completely different industry.

Successful people and stars:

Nikita Mikhalkov - actor, director, TV presenter, producer
Nikita Mikhailovsky - actor
Nikita Presnyakov - singer
Nikita Khrushchev - politician
Ideal compatibility: Alla, Claudia, Lyudmila, Natalya, Svetlana
Unsuccessful compatibility: Antonina, Vasilisa, Irina, Regina

All names have their own secret. Everyone without exception wants to solve it: astrologers, historians, and astronomers. The mystery lies not in the origin of this or that name, but in its impact on the character and destiny of a person. Most of the names used in modern world, came from the past. We can only guess about the meaning and mystery of our name. The name Nikita is a kind of code that affects a person’s subconscious. You can try to figure out how it influences everything that happens in life and learn more about the meaning and fate of the name Nikita.

Nikita is a kind, beautiful name. Derived from ancient Greek "nikao"- “winner”, “victorious”. At the beginning of the last century, it was believed that Nikita was a feminine name and inherent weak people, therefore, at the first opportunity, which appeared only in the mid-30s, among the names that began to be abandoned was the name Nikita. Currently, Nikita is a popular and frequently used name.

According to church canons, the name Nikita means “all-conquering.” The most powerful patron of the name is considered to be the Holy Martyr Nikita of Goth of Constantinople. Name Day is celebrated all year round.

The full name Nikita has a number of abbreviated forms: Nikitka, Nik, Nikitushka, Nikitos, Kita, Mikitka, Niki, Nikusha, Nikesha.

Childhood and youth

Nikita is a smart and quick-witted boy, but with a difficult character. Outwardly he looks like his mother, but got his character from his father. Since childhood, the family instilled a sense of caring for others, speaking kindly and with love. As a rule, the boy is talented and hardworking. At school he shows himself to be a diligent student and a favorite of the teachers. He is diligent, easily understands school material, and grasps everything on the fly.

Nick has known his worth since childhood. He is a little selfish, persistent, stubborn and purposeful. Parents need to help their son in all his endeavors, encourage him, and create situations for success. There is no need to scold over trifles. He doesn't like being bossed around, including by his parents.

Nikita has many friends whom he values ​​very much. He will never betray and will be there for you Hard time. The boy is interested in sports. Loves to walk and travel.

IN adolescence begins difficult period for Nikita. He begins to think about his purpose in life, makes plans for the future, and searches for himself. He refuses help from parents and friends in these matters. He strives not to depend on his parents - he is looking for part-time work.

Nikitos also showed leadership qualities in his youth. At this moment, the main thing is to keep the line between pride and the desire to please. A guy sometimes establishes himself by following his principles. He does this without any doubt or hesitation. The only thing that can justify him in this situation is that he is gifted in this matter and knows what he wants. At this stage of life, only the most faithful friends remain with the young man.

Over the years, Nick becomes a wiser, more aware and understanding person.


As an adult, the question arises about the characteristics of the name Nikita. With age, a young man becomes demanding of himself and the people around him. Nick is distinguished by his poise, strength of character and seriousness. Loves praise. Strives towards the set goal. Doesn’t like to choose, it’s difficult to give preference to one thing. It can be noted that the owner of this name is a very dreamy person. Always attractive in appearance, the life of the party. Only Nick’s loved ones feel the severity of his character. Strangers don’t even realize what a despot he is in his interactions with his loved ones.

The meaning of Nikita's name, character and fate are hidden not just anywhere, but in the person himself. He is a man of high moral convictions. He surrounds himself only with those people who are “on the same wavelength” with him. As a rule, Nick has well-developed intuition. It is she who helps him feel how to behave in a given situation and not get into trouble. This man also has excellent intelligence. He simultaneously combines such qualities as wisdom, insight and erudition. Nikita is a good conversationalist, with whom it is always a pleasure to carry on a conversation on any topic.

The real passion of these men is cars and animals. There will always be a dog or cat in his house, which is part of the family. Nick's car is always well maintained, but he doesn't personally do repairs. He treats his car like a beloved woman - jealously.

Sometimes even the date and month of birth of a young man has an impact on his fate:

Nikita's health

Unfortunately, Nikita is no different good health. Almost all organs are weakened. To a young man It is necessary to periodically strengthen the body with all kinds of preventive measures. To improve immunity, you need to take vitamins. Nick should beware of drafts, cold and wet feet. Excessive emotionality can also lead to poor health. You need to be outside more often. You should also pay attention to sports activities.

Love and family

The interpretation of the name Nikita in the love sphere can determine his amorous nature. He has never been offended by female attention, so he can boast big amount novels. Girls appreciate sensitivity, intelligence, and beauty in him. Nikita is reputed to be excellent sexual partner. But not every mistress can satisfy Nick, but the one who knows how to skillfully give a man pleasure. Many women view him only as an object for sexual pleasure.

Nikita is picky when choosing a companion. For him, the girl’s popularity and her position in society are important. Nick is the owner in the relationship. He loves to fight for the lady of his heart, and, of course, to win. Of course, a scenario could also unfold that Nikitos would fall in love with the “gray mouse.” Over time, he turns her into a queen.

Nikitos, unfortunately, does not strive to family life. We can say that he is sensitive to his freedom. But if, nevertheless, the only lady of his heart appears who can conquer the guy, then he will immediately marry her. Nick will choose only a smart, beautiful and sexy girl. With her, he will be an honest and worthy life partner.

Nikita will never choose a career woman as her wife. In family life, next to him, he sees a girl focused on family and children. To support him in all his endeavors, praise him for his successes and empathize with his failures. And then, for the sake of his wife, Nick will be ready to make various sacrifices. Second in importance to Nick after his beloved wife are his children. He loves them very much and spoils them. To fulfill the wishes of his children, he is ready to sacrifice anything. The wife, whose husband proudly bears the name Nikita, needs to know that sometimes, for the sake of family happiness, she will have to remain silent somewhere, and somewhere she will have to give up her opinion for the sake of preserving the well-being of family life.

The most compatible names are the following: Alla, Anfisa, Anastasia, Alina, Diana, Inna, Irina, Ksenia, Lydia, Maria, Margot, Natalya, Nina, Polina, Tatyana, Svetlana, Ulyana. A marriage with Anna, Galina and Tamara can be problematic.

Not every female name fits the name Nikita. Therefore, when choosing a companion, it is necessary to take into account all compatibility factors. It is necessary to take into account the meaning of the companion's name. Let's look at a few examples of compatibility:

Career and business

By nature, Nikitka is a leader. When choosing a profession, he strives only forward. In any kind of activity he achieves great success and honor. Nick is a person specific word and business. He chooses only prestigious companies to work with. Thanks to his diligence and hard work, he can master any profession, but he often opts for creative or social activities. Nick can become a good teacher, actor, banker and even politician.

Numerology of the name

The number of the soul named Nikita is 5

Five has a favorable influence on a person. This number of souls is ruled by the planet Mercury. This planet endows its wards with persistent character, perseverance, power, success, and sociability.

Fives are interested in learning everything new and unknown. They get great pleasure from communicating with smart people that can tell you something new. In the flow new information feel comfortable. Fives have developed communication skills. A man with soul number 5 loves to travel. There is a huge sense of adventure.

Astrological data

There is interest not only in the compatibility of the name Nikita with certain people, dates, months, but also what it means in astrology. How does one or another zodiac sign influence the name:

  • Nikita-Aries - assertive and selfish, loves communication and being the center of attention.
  • Nikita-Taurus - purposeful, puts disrespect for the opinions of other people in opposition to his interests.
  • Nikita-Gemini - intelligent, strives to be perfect in everything.
  • Nikita-Cancer - lonely, independent, does everything on his own.
  • Nikita-Lev - a true predator, witty and reasonable.
  • Nikita-Virgo - strong by nature, reserved and hidden.
  • Nikita-Libra - does not know how to live independently, needs to be dominated.
  • Nikita-Scorpio - a hot-tempered, impulsive, brutal man.
  • Nikita-Sagittarius - a person of good humor, an interesting and respected person, of whom his parents are proud.
  • Nikita-Capricorn - courageous, but cruel, not wanting to enjoy life as it is.
  • Nikita-Aquarius - sentimental, can grow up to be a pessimist, in constant search of happiness.
  • Nikita-Pisces - can guess anyone, but easily creates problems out of nowhere.

The name lives forever. But it’s true, unlike all living things, names, no matter where they come from, have no statute of limitations - they live forever. And the meanings of names carry many pitfalls. Therefore, when choosing a name for a child, it is necessary to turn to all kinds of sources in order to find out the characteristics of character and destiny in the future.

Attention, TODAY only!

Nikita - “winner” (Greek)

WITH early childhood This is a smart, quick-witted boy. He does not immediately enter into conversation with strangers; he silently looks closely at them. One gets the impression that he doesn’t want to talk, but for Nikita it is important to get to know the person better, to understand whether he can be trusted.

Rough shouts and spanking have a bad effect on him; the child becomes withdrawn and touchy, which can lead to neurasthenia. Nikita often finds it difficult to make any decisions on her own. Parents should help him understand his childhood problems. Nikita should not be confronted with a difficult choice; he is lost and does not know what to do. At school he studies well in all disciplines, grasps everything on the fly. However, there are subjects that he does with pleasure; he should not be forced to do something against his will; he will do everything himself later.

“Winter” Nikita, especially “December”, does not like to write essays, not because he doesn’t know how, it’s just hard for him to put his thoughts on paper, it’s easier to tell it all. He is a complex, emotional boy, restless. It is difficult for him to do one thing. It is important for him to alternate mental stress with physical activity. Nikita enjoys riding her bike all day, watching cartoons, war films, and programs about animals. He is too energetic, his energy is looking for a way out, if he is limited in something, he can play pranks out of spite, do what his parents don’t like. He is persistent and stubborn. Outwardly he looks like his mother, but his character is that of his father. Growing up, he becomes self-confident, knows his worth, is able to achieve great success, and is purposeful.

“Spring” Nikita is selfish, easily wounded, and squeamish. He takes criticism painfully and does not tolerate comments, although in his heart he agrees that he was wrong. The spirit of contradiction lives in him. He is able to admit his mistakes himself, but if someone points out these mistakes to him, he will vehemently defend his rightness. Parents should carefully lead him to think about whether he is doing the right thing, to make him think about what is happening. All his life he searches for the truth, does not rush to conclusions, is able to put himself in the place of another in order to understand problems. Philosophical nature, very spiritual. He has a literary and artistic gift. Able to deeply empathize. He is very attached to his parents and always finds support in them.

“Summer” Nikita is multi-talented. He loves nature and animals very much. Good-natured, altruistic to some extent. Specific, fair. Somewhat slow. Can't stand pressure, has been too independent since early childhood. He does not know how to adapt to anyone, he is proud and independent. Having started a family, he does not strive to establish his leadership; all household chores fall on the shoulders of his wife, but in work he will not allow anyone to be ahead. He is obsessed with ideas, knows how to implement them, easily takes responsibility, and is not afraid of difficulties. Just like “spring”, “summer” Nikita vulnerable person, he is easy to offend, he doesn’t show it outwardly. He is very sociable, willing to make new acquaintances, and has a great understanding of people. As a child, it is very difficult to determine what he is more inclined to - how versatile his interests are. Parents should not direct his abilities in any particular direction; Having matured, he will find his place without much difficulty.

“Autumn” Nikita is the most unique personality of all Nikitas. All abilities are embodied in him. He is a writer, a musician, a dancer, an actor, a director, an artist, a mathematician, a physicist, and a chemist. Everything comes very easily to him. A favorite of the public, not a single celebration is complete without him, he is in great demand among girls, his friends are jealous of each other, everyone wants to get more of his attention than the rest. Nikita is very reasonable, purposeful, and practical. He knows how to give practical advice and support his neighbor at the right moment. Charming, witty, resourceful.

The following middle names are suitable for “winter” and “autumn” Nikita: Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Alekseevich, Viktorovich, Antonovich, Maksimovich.

“Summer” and “spring” - Veniaminovich, Anatolyevich, Vyacheslavovich, Borisovich, Leonidovich, Stepanovich.

Meaning of the name Nikita option 2

Ancient Greek origin: winner. These are men who know their worth. They are selfish and purposeful, they choose a goal for themselves and follow a direct path to it. They do not like to be commanded, they are persistent, stubborn and at the same time sensitive and vulnerable.

Outwardly they look like their mother, but their character is that of their father.

Their family life is difficult, but, loving their children, they prefer not to get a divorce. Very devoted sons.

These men have talent from God. They are leaders, however, this does not apply to seed life. They have few friends, Nikita lacks diplomacy, does not want to adapt to anyone and does not tolerate anyone's superiority.

“Winter” people are difficult to communicate with and are big debaters. They are hardworking and think through their plans down to the smallest detail. They do not tolerate long conversations on the phone.

“Summer” people are not very lucky in marriage, but they are patient. They love animals and often have a dog in the house. They like to go on business trips and drive their own car (but not repair it). Caring sons.

Ada, Veronica, Zinaida, Alla, Irina, Natalya, Lydia, Svetlana, Polina, Tatyana, Eleanor can become a good wife for Nikita, which cannot be said about Agnes, Anna, Vera, Albina, Galina, Glafira, Maya, Ekaterina, Martha, Tamara .

Meaning of the name Nikita option 3

Straightforward, specific. Despite their high sexuality, they are righteous and rich in their inner spiritual world. If they are modest, then they experience neuroses and deep depression on sexual grounds.

In early childhood they are sociable and affectionate. With age, good thinking, memory, and creative abilities are revealed, and for a gruelingly long time.

Unlucky marriages lead to children being born of different sexes, often girls.

Meaning of the name Nikita option 4

Nikita - from Greek. winner; decomposition Nikitin; vernacular Mikita.

Derivatives: Nikitka, Nika, Nikiha, Nikisha, Nikusya, Nikusha, Nikenya, Kenya, Nikesha, Kesha, Kita.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

  • Olenka in diapers, Nikita at her tits.
  • Nikita was born into red tape.
  • If the ice does not go on April 16-17, then the fishermen will not see their catch.
  • September 28 - Nikita the goose fly, Nikita the reporez, goose fly, hussar. This day has so many nicknames because they start cutting turnips and killing domestic geese; and at this time wild geese are preparing to travel to the southern regions.


Nikita was born to be a leader: from childhood he knows what he wants, and, overcoming any obstacles, he persistently moves towards his goal. Nikita is the master of his own destiny and therefore does not tolerate any pressure or dictate, except that he can sometimes listen to his father’s advice. A very talented, hardworking, charming person. Women easily give him their hearts, but Nikita just as easily parts with the vanquished in order to achieve new victories. True, deep down this Don Juan is very sensitive, vulnerable and lonely.

Meaning of the name Nikita option 5

NIKITA- winner (Greek).

Name day: April 17 - Hieromartyr Nikita the Albanian, Slav, labored in the Russian-Athos monastery; For preaching Christ and denouncing Mohammedanism, he was subjected to terrible torture and strangled.

June 6 - The Venerable Nikita the Stylite, Pereyaslavl miracle worker, in the world was a tax collector and a great sinner, then he repented, became a monk and labored on the pillar; cast out demons and healed the sick through prayer. Killed by robbers in 1186. September 28 - The Holy Great Martyr Nikita the Warrior, for the faith of Christ, after suffering, was thrown into the fire, but did not burn; buried by Christians in 372.

  • Gemini.
  • Planet - Mercury.
  • Color - purple.
  • Auspicious tree - ash.
  • The treasured plant is the bellflower.
  • The patron of the name is the hedgehog.
  • Talisman stone - garnet.


Nikita has known her worth since childhood. He is selfish and purposeful, and, having chosen a guiding star for himself, he goes to it without doubt or hesitation. He does not like to be commanded, is persistent, stubborn - and at the same time vulnerable and sensitive. Typically hardworking and talented; he is a leader, but he has few friends: he does not tolerate anyone’s superiority except that of his father. He is a man of concrete business, cannot stand empty chatter and boasting, Nikita has a charm that is detrimental to the weaker sex, but for him a woman is only fun, like a beautiful cat.

Meaning of the name Nikita option 6

Nikita looks like his mother. Characteristic a person with this name is lack of composure. It is impossible to force Nikita to focus on one thing, but you can interest him.

Lack of composure is, as it were, a measure of his actions and actions and even, to some extent, predetermines his fate.

Nikita grabs hold of several things at once, but is unable to bring any of them to completion. He is easily carried away by some idea, but just as quickly cools down, although considerable effort and money have already been spent. More active in words than in deeds. Scatteredness prevents Nikita from completely concentrating on one thing: today he is passionate about yoga, and tomorrow he practices karate with the same zeal; studying in the third year of a technical university, he may become passionately interested in acting skills or archeology, transfer to other educational establishments etc. He is talented and can equally succeed anywhere. The problem is different: where to stop? Nikita is just as changeable in his sympathies and affections. He is kind, but quick-tempered and at the slightest dissatisfaction he can instantly destroy previous relationships.

In marriage, a woman should not count on Nikita’s constancy, although he can be a touchingly tender and caring husband and a good father.

The meaning of the name Nikita option 7

Nikita, translated from Greek as winner, was born to be a leader: from childhood he knows what he wants, and, overcoming any obstacles, he persistently moves towards his goal.

He is the master of his own destiny and therefore does not tolerate any pressure or dictate, except that he can sometimes listen to his father’s advice. Nikita is a very talented, hardworking, charming person. Deep down, he is very sensitive, vulnerable and lonely.

What can you say about the meaning of the name Nikita? After all, in last years Many parents call their sons Nikita, the meaning of whose name they sometimes do not know. This name is associated with strength and masculinity, with decency, kindness and many other qualities.

That's why it's oldest name very often given to a newborn boy by those mothers who really want their child to be the smartest and strongest. But what is the meaning of the name Nikita, its origin and what qualities does the person wearing it have?

The name Nikita is of ancient Greek origin and is translated as “winner.” This suggests that Nikita always achieves her goal and does not lose heart. And he is always ready to help his family and comrades.

If you turn to Wikipedia and various dictionaries, you can find out that the name Nikita originally sounded like Mikita, but later changed. The owner of this name has a very gentle character. Nikita rarely gets into conflicts and gets offended by people.

This beautiful name is widespread throughout the world in various forms. Full form The name is Nikita, and the shortened form is Niki. He can be affectionately called Nikitka, Nikisha or Nikitochka.

What kind of life awaits him?

From early childhood, the boy has a very kind and cheerful character, but an extremely categorical and persistent disposition. Small child can take care of his pets all day long and play with blocks and cars.

This is a very kind, affectionate and obedient child, and everyone just dotes on him. But deep down in his soul this boy is extremely sensitive and very touchy; it is very easy to hurt him in the very heart. But Nikitka himself is unlikely to offend anyone.

As Nikita grows up, his character becomes more unyielding, but he still remains kind-hearted and cheerful. From the very moment of birth, Nikita has been a natural father. He is ready to help absolutely everyone, he has a big heart and a warm soul. Therefore, the fate of remaining alone does not threaten him, many people will always be drawn to him, and everyone without exception will like him.

He easily communicates with friends and colleagues, so he easily achieves great success, but his assertive nature has hindered him all his life, especially in communicating with his superiors. If he believes that he knows exactly how best to act, he will argue for a long time and persistently, contradict and will be very upset if his opinion is not taken into account.

But, despite this, his fate awaits him very happy and filled with fun. His family will always come first, and especially his beloved wife and children, and work and career- on the second. But the young man is very energetic and very hardworking, so he can manage to do absolutely everything: achieve great success in his career and build a house where harmony will always reign.

He loves to work with children and always gifts them with his warmth, sparing no effort and time for his heirs. The children of this man always grow up cheerful and cheerful, because their father simply dotes on them.

As for his personal life, a very happy fate is also prepared for the man whose name is Nikita. He attracts representatives of the opposite sex to his person like a magnet, standing out favorably against the background of strong and flashy young people who have emptiness inside and who are most often only interested in career growth. The young man conquers girls with his endless kindness and warmth.

He is very smart and independent. The young man is not looking for various adventures, but humbly waits true love because he knows exactly what he wants. Strong sympathy and devotion are of no small importance for him, and in this regard, this man is a conservative. Niki will never tolerate infidelity from her wife in her life.

With whom will he be incredibly happy?

What is the compatibility of a man with female names, and who has a better chance of becoming his chosen one? First of all, great importance It’s not the girl’s attractiveness that matters, but what Nicky can see in her.

If a girl has these positive traits character, such as decency, honesty and femininity, then she has every chance of winning him. And it doesn’t matter at all what his name will be future darling. But there is female names that suit this man.

The best compatibility is with girls named Alexandra, and. Of these five girls, the guy will be truly happy with Anastasia, since Anastasia has many qualities that Nikitka values ​​​​so much, but he will also be waiting for him with other women happy marriage. He has excellent sexual compatibility with women named Irina.

He has good compatibility with Alisa, Evgenia, Ksenia and Lyudmila. But for the marriage to be happy, the spouses will often have to compromise, show their best best quality and be able to understand each other. Compatibility with Nikita can only be built on mutual concessions, and Nikita can only be compatible as business partners.

It is generally accepted that Margarita and Margarita are absolutely incompatible with a man who goes by the name Nikita. It is better for a young man not to connect his fate with these women: these relationships will most likely be difficult to develop, because the owners of these names have different views on life.

Nikita is one of the first male names that was included in church calendar. There are also many martyrs, saints and monks in whose honor there are church holidays. Nikita's name day is celebrated on January 3, February 13, March 4, April 2, September 22, September 28, October 26, November 19, November 28, and you can also congratulate the birthday boy on December 30.

So, this is what the name Nikita means. Nikita is an extraordinarily beautiful name, and its owner is the best husband and father in the world. This man can rightfully be proud of his beautiful name, and it will bring him good luck!
Author: Kristina Kovgunova
