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В процессе подготовки к олимпиадам мне пришлось решать много заданий, и я выяснил, что упражнения, проверяющие знание фразовых глаголов, являются излюбленными для составителей олимпиад. При этом в стандартном школьном учебнике можно найти лишь пару-тройку фразовых глаголов, не более. Скудость материала по данной теме натолкнула меня на мысль создать свой собственный сборник упражнений для отработки употребления фразовых глаголов. Таким образом, я поставил перед собой

цель - написать пособие для работы с фразовыми глаголами;

задачи - пользуясь разными источниками, создать пособие, делающее работу учащихся с фразовыми глаголами увлекательной и познавательной.

Для решения поставленных задач необходимо выполнить следующие шаги:

Из огромного количества фразовых глаголов отобрать те, с которыми я буду работать;

Переработать биографии нескольких выдающихся британских личностей, употребив фразовые глаголы;

Составить систему упражнений в виде собственных рассказов, в которых будет отрабатываться употребление глаголов.

Я придерживался следующей системы. Глаголы распределялись по предлогам, составлялась биография, в которой употреблялись глаголы с одним предлогом. По тому же принципу (принципу одного предлога) затем сочинялся мой собственный текст.

Annie Doris (“Dolly”) Walker-Wraight (1920-2002)

Christopher Marlowe (1564 - ?1593)

Christopher Kit Marlowe was born and brought up in a shoemaker’s family in Canterbury, in 1564. Canterbury was a city where people from all walks of life, different languages and religions mixed up , so the boy Christopher picked up some dialects and accents and incredibly funny stories, which he later used to write his plays. When he was a child, it turned out that he had amazing talents and he was sent to study in Cambridge University and soon became the most brilliant dramatist and playwright of the Elizabethan England. As an intelligencer, he regularly visited European countries where he had ample opportunities to brush up his French, Italian and Spanish. Although his intelligence work took up a lot of his time, he never gave up literary activities until his untimely death at 29 years old. It was in1593 that serious problems cropped up . He had a powerful enemy, Archbishop of Canterbury, John Whitgift, who ordered his people to dig up information implicating Marlowe in atheism. Though some dubious facts were indeed dug up, Marlowe refused to own up to what he had not done. Fortunately, the poet had a devoted friend, his patron Thomas Walsingham, who was ready to back him up . Walsingham staged a fake death and Marlowe, no longer dressed up , but looking presumably like a sailor, escaped to the continent. Many years had elapsed before things began to look up for the exiled poet. Unable to completely bottle up his feelings, he poured them out in his immortal sonnets.

John Whitgift (1530 - 1604)

John Whitgift was the eldest son in a merchant’s family and was sent to study in St.Anthony’s school in London. His refusal to attend daily mass did not go down well with the school authorities so, branded as a heretic, he went back to his native town to lodge with his aunt. According to his earliest biography, ‘She (the aunt) thought at first she had received a saint into her house, but now she perceived he was a devil.’ Whitgift went on to study at Cambridge University where he settled down under the guidance of a leading Protestant reformer and soon wrote a doctoral dissertation on the Pope as Antichrist. When Elizabeth became the Queen, he grew in importance and in October 1583 he was made the Archbishop of Canterbury. It was then that Whitgift ruthlessly began to crack down on anyone who questioned his teachings, laid down in the Thirty-Nine Articles of faith. There were a lot of Catholics, Puritans and non-conformists who refused to back down , so Whitgift authorized torture carried out routinely in the dreaded Star Chamber. His religious statutes were so intolerant and draconian that even people from Queen Elizabeth’s closest circle wanted the Archbishop to water them down . Perhaps unsurprisingly, Elizabeth, who was not tied down with family responsibilities, called him ‘my little black husband’ and saw eye to eye with him on all religious matters. In fact, Archbishop Whitgift lived in lavish style and travelled escorted by 800 mounted horsemen. It caused criticism and in 1588 a series of brilliant satires was published under the pseudonym Martin Marprelate, in which Whitgift was ridiculed and referred to as the ‘Beelzebub of Canterbury’, ‘a monstrous Antichrist’ and ‘a most bloody tyrant’. Whitgift wanted to have Marprelate tracked down and executed. After the suspects had been narrowed down to an acceptable number, several priests and printers and sympathizers were arrested, tortured and executed. Despite all this, the Queen and the Archbishop remained true to each other. When the Queen was dying, she ordered that Whitgift should kneel down at her deathbed. Though ill, old and obese, Whitgift stayed like this for several hours until Elizabeth’s death. He survived her by one year.

Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658)

Oliver Cromwell is both a famous and notorious English politician. He stands out as the first person who overthrew (or dethroned) the king in England. Born in 1599 into a landowner’s family, he dropped out of University following the death of his father. It should be pointed out that King Charles I imposed enormous taxes on landowners, who immediately felt the squeeze. To make matters worse, the king did not call Parliament and his power turned into a tyranny soon. When an anti-English rebellion broke out in Ireland, the king did call out Parliament, whose members demanded more powers. The furious king stormed out of London and set out to Scotland to recruit an army. The House of Commons imposed martial law and it was then that the Civil War broke out . It lasted from 1642 to 1645 and Cromwell took an active part in it as one of the commanders. According to contemporaries, he was a merciless and ruthless man, who, once he took a decision, never backed out , no matter how cruel it was. For example, Parliament influenced by Cromwell not only fell out with the king and threw him out , in 1649 the execution of the king was carried out . In 1653 Cromwell began ruling England as Lord Protector, which was in effect a sort of dictatorship. He died in 1658 and was buried with great ceremony, his funeral was pompous and elaborate like that of a king. However, Cromwell’s sins eventually overtook him. In 1661 his body was taken out of the grave for posthumous execution for high treason. His disinterred body was driven to the scaffold where it hung in chains; his head was then put on a 6-metre pole for public display.

William Blake (1757 - 1827)

William Blake was born into a family of a hosier and had a rather peaceful childhood. According to his parents, he began to have religious visions when he was 4, for example, trees filled with angels. It was probably his mother who talked his father into allowing William not to go to ordinary school, which turned his early years into really enjoyable ones. At the age of 10 he started going to a drawing school but had to give it up because his parents did not want to get into debt over his schooling. Instead, he was apprenticed to a master engraver. It was to be a highly successful professional relationship and Blake seriously intended to go into art. In 1782 Blake married an illiterate woman, named Catherine Boucher, and it was not rushing into a decision - his courtship had taken him a year. He put a lot of effort and time into teaching her to read, write and draw and she eventually became an invaluable companion and partner for him. Although William Blake came into some money after his father’s death, his family lived in relative poverty because he was largely unrecognized and his poems and pictures did not sell well if at all. Moreover, a lot of people thought him to be insane and he was misunderstood by his contemporaries. Shortly before his death, Blake was commissioned to design illustrations for Dante’s Divine Comedy. He flung himself into work and carried on even on his deathbed. 12 August 1827, on the day of his death, he was drawing feverishly in bed, when his wife, who was sitting next to him, burst into tears. It is reported that Blake noticed her tears and drew her portrait hastily and then died. Nowadays, Blake is a towering figure in English Romanticism and he is even a saint in one of the more obscure churches.

George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759)

George Handel was born into a family of a barber but George did not take after his father and dreamed of composing and playing a musical instrument. His father was strongly opposed to the idea because he was convinced that music would hardly bring income even to get by . Nevertheless, his mother stood by him and allowed him to play the harpsichord hidden in the attic. In 1694, while he was performing on the organ at the duke’s court, he came across a composer Frideric Wilhelm Zachow. It was under Zachow’s tutelage that Handel learned to compose for the organ, the violin and the oboe. His father insisted on George’s going to university and becoming a lawyer. Although George became a student, his father’s plan fell through and George dropped out of the university. In 1703 Handel moved to Hamburg and set about not only performing on the organ, the violin and the harpsichord but also composing operas for the Hamburg Opera’s Goose Market Theatre. His very first opera was instantly successful and was followed by still more operas. Soon the news about this brilliant composer got around and he set out to tour Italy. It was in Italy that he made up his mind to try his luck in London, where he made a spectacular career. He was a prolific composer of operas and later, when Italian opera fell out of style in London, oratorios, which brought about significant changes on the London stage and immediately caught on with audiences. In 1726 he became a British citizen and began living in his adopted motherland permanently. In his later years he suffered from failing health, he survived two strokes and was gradually losing his eyesight. In some of his oratorios he managed to get across the feelings of a blind man. Until his dying day he kept on composing and performing and died on the eve on Easter. He always came across as a generous man and, being childless, he gave away all the money he had put by when he was alive. He was buried in Westminster Abbey in Poets’ Corner.

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

Rudyard Kipling is an English writer and poet. He was born in Bombay, India, however, he received his education in England, in a boarding school in Devon. It was there that he came up against the problems of bullying and harsh discipline but he remained a cheerful boy who managed to get on well with the headmaster. The headmaster encouraged Kipling’s literary activity and fixed him up with a job of editing the school paper. In his later years Kipling always looked back upon those years with warmth. In 1882 Rudyard returned to India to carry on with writing, but this time it was serious journalism in a number of respected newspapers. Later he moved to London, and it was there that he met a young American publisher, who, unfortunately, went down with typhoid fever and passed away . Kipling married the deceased publisher’s sister but during their honeymoon the bank where Kipling kept his money, ran out of money and went bankrupt. However, he enjoyed a married bliss in his wife’s estate in the USA. By this time, he had earned a great reputation of an imperialist writer of great talent. With every successive work, he lived up to his established reputation of an imperialist writer. However, with the outbreak of wars for independence in the colonies, he came in for a lot of criticism because he was believed to look down upon ‘lesser breeds’, i.e. the natives in the colonies. At the same time, Kipling wrote about ‘White Man’s Burden’ and was convinced that the highly developed nations should spread literacy, law and morality.

Read the story. Replace the verbs and phrases in bold with multi-part verbs


Massive investments in the city of Rosslare (1) caused building a luxurious mineral water resort for retired government workers. The resort was expected to (2) earn considerable amounts of money to the current government workers. However, only a few people (3) became involved in the festivities dedicated to its opening. To make matters worse, after the ceremony even fewer stayed on as guests. There were six of them. Sir Oliver Crunchester, a former Royal Coroner from Norwich, who was notorious for (4) introducing an entirely new system of investigation based on physiognomy. He had to (5) implement it gradually over a long period since no one shared his belief in spirits and mediums. Countess Blackcock, a former secretary to a former mayor of Norwich, the real scale of whose machinations was yet (6)to be understood as far as general public went. Doctor Dea, a renowned autopsist, who also had a private practice, where his medical powers mostly rested on skillful use of placeboes, or simply put, (7) cheating his gullible patients. Mr Black, a former sheriff of Norfolk, who could always (8) find time for his business interests despite the tight schedule of the county council. He boasted so many business connections that when he had a problem, they always (9) proved useful. Lady Hawthorn, the ex-wife of someone in the government, who was, in the opinion of the public, divorced because she never hesitated to (10) join an argument, and once there, never 11 (surrendered) . Her other fault was that she had (12) produced a tasteless poetry book about unrequited love, which immediately made both her and her husband the laughing stock of the county. There was one other man, Sir George Burnell, who occupied his insignificant position exclusively due to the protection of a relative in authority. Obviously, our characters met at the evening meal and started a conversation.

Answers: 1. resulted in, 2. bring in, 3. joined in, 4. bringing in, 5. phase it in, 6. sink in, 7. taking in, 8. fit in, 9. came in, 10. step in, 11. gave in, 12. turned in.

All the guests (1)wore very smart clothes but the problems (2)appeared almost immediately - they could hardly find a topic for general conversation. They all used to be white-collar workers except one man - the Coroner, Mr Crunchester. In their heart of hearts they all (3)admitted that his life had been far more exciting and adventurous than theirs. That’s why Mr Black’s question seemed very natural, ‘What was the most complicated crime you have ever investigated? I mean, you may have (4)discovered some skeletons in the cupboard or some such thing.’

‘There was indeed one case I found exceedingly difficult. You know, once upon a time there was a mayor. He married an extremely beautiful girl who was well (5)reared and educated . The press could hardly (6)suppress the emotions of the public since the pair was the best illustration for the fairy-tale ‘Beauty and the Beast’. Besides, the girl was said to be (7) supported by a man, much older than herself, but younger than her husband. Rumour had it that the other man had wanted to marry her. Approximately 3 months after the marriage, the spouses visited a lonely café one evening. No one knew whether it (8)occupied much of their time, because the whole staff (the owner, one waiter and the cook) left the café 10 minutes after the pair came. It was the last place they had been seen. At that time I had just started (9) learning the new method I’m famous for now but one thing was obvious to me: the mayor had been murdered. You see, he had a gold and very expensive watch that he had received upon the occasion of his 30 th anniversary. It was impossible to (10) confuseit with any other watch because of the engraving on it: ‘To T.P.P. from his friend of the Political Department’ The police had almost (11) stopped the search when a corpse of a tramp was found in another part of the city. He was mauled but guess what we found on him! The mayor’s gold watch!’

‘And where is the watch now?!’ exclaimed the whole party in unison.

Answers: 1. were dressed up, 2. cropped up, 3. owned up, 4. dug up, 5. brought up, 6. bottle up, 7. backed up, 8. took up, 9. picking up, 10. mix it up, 11. given up.

His answer (1)was notreceived well, ‘The watch was stolen by someone from the investigation team. The thief could have sold it and then (2) began a quiet life in some provincial district.’ ‘The police must have (3) found him after all ! They can always (4)take harsh measures against gangs when they want!’ Lady Blackcock exclaimed. The ex-Coroner replied, ‘Unfortunately, after we had (5) reduced the number of suspects, no one remained.’ Lady Blackcock was obliged to (6) retreat . Next morning, Lady Blackcock and Lady Hawthorn (though separately) left the hotel. Their first surprise was their accidental meeting on a ferry bound for England. Lady Blackcock began the conversation, ‘Your financial obligations do not (7) constrainyou , do they?’ Lady Hawthorn replied, ‘You know, I’ve received a letter from my poor dear aunt, where she (8) stated all her current problems and I suspect that she is in a dreadful condition because she has a habit of (9)making things seem weaker .’ ‘What a marvellous coincidence!’ Lady Blackcock ejaculated. ‘My poor uncle Henry is also at death’s door! I’m going to England to (10) go down on my knees at his deathbed!’

It was a cold day and there were no people in the street where the police headquarters were located. No people, except two elderly women who were swiftly walking towards each other without realizing this fact. At the HQ entrance Lady Blackcock and Lady Hawthorn nearly bumped into each other.

Answers : 1. did not go down well, 2. settled down, 3. tracked him down, 4. crack down on, 5. narrowed down, 6. back down, 7. tie you down, 8. laid down, 9. watering down, 10. kneel.

‘It appears to me, your aunt, sure of her own inevitable death went straight to the police headquarters to meet an autopsist!’Lady Blackcock said sardonically. Lady Hawthorn replied, ‘And your uncle, when he learnt that you had (1) started from the hotel, must have (2) lefthis house in fury and straight to the police!’ Lady Blackcock was not ready to (3) withdraw from her initial plan but she decided to tell the truth. ‘I am the wife of that mayor (Crunchester told us about) but I had always loved my real patron (remember, the coroner mentioned the man older than myself?). But then an argument (4) suddenly happened and so I (5) quarrelled with him and rashly married this mayor. I never loved him, he was ugly and stupid, that’s why I soon pleaded my patron for help. He was intending also to become a mayor and wanted (6) to get rid of my husband. He invented a cunning plan and I (7) performedit: I suggested going to this lonely café and poisoned the mayor’s tea. Then we (my patron and I) splashed the acid on my husband’s face, so no one could recognize him. Then we clothed him in a beggar’s clothes and threw his body in the gutter, and I began to work as the secretary of my patron (who became the new mayor) under another name. But it was dark at the time of that … m-m-m, well, incident, and we forgot about the gold watch!’

‘I am also here because of the watch,’ eagerly confessed lady Hawthorn. ‘It was when I had a relationship with the murdered.., sorry, the mayor you did away with, that the watch was given to him although he didn’t (8) excel as a politician at that time.’

Luck wasn’t against them when they visited the HQ. They met an old detective, who appeared to know something of the case and told them as much. The end of their conversation was very surprising.

‘So didn’t anyone (9) exhume the beggar’s body?’ The two oldies wondered.

‘No, but I want to (10) draw your attention to one fact: the autopsist who observed the beggar with the expensive watch, immediately resigned, and no one has heard of him since.’ ‘And what was his name?’‘His surname is more important. It was Dea.’

Answers : 1. set out, 2. stormed out of the house, 3. back out of, 4. broke out, 5. fell out, 6. to throw … out, 7. carried it out, 8. stand out, 9. take … out of the grave, 10. point out.

(1) Without thinking both women decided to return to Rosslare and have an interview with Dr Dea (the Coroner would have never thought his purely social chat might have caused such consequences). They went straight to his suite. ‘We know all about you! Where is the watch?!’ demanded Lady Hawthorn. Doctor Dea looked pitiable. ‘Before I tell you the answer I want to tell a true piece of autobiography. I’m not glad I (2) made a profession of medicine: I don’t have the ability for this science, though I (3) appearedin a doctors’ family. However, for years I have been deceiving my patients successfully but now I have (4) found myself in trouble since everyone knows I am a charlatan.’ ’And what has become of the watch?’ asked Lady Blackcock impatiently. ‘I have it. I’ve always wanted to sell it when I (5) no longer have money. And this moment has come’. Lady Blackcock thought it would not be difficult to (6) persuade the doctor to sell this watch. And she was right. ‘If we divide the gained money between us three, we will (7) all become rich, ’ said she and the doctor agreed. So they went to the jewelry shop.

‘I guess it’s an incredibly expensive watch. It’s made of pure gold, I wouldn’t take less than a million pounds for it,’ said the doctor, evidently concerned. The jeweler (8) exploded with laughter, ‘Stop this vacuous and irrelevant talk. It’s made of pure plastic!’ ‘I don’t think, doctor, your medical capabilities are on such a grade that you can (9) change gold to plastic. Or have you (10) starteddoing enthusiastically alchemy instead of medicine?’ Lady Blackcock said as sardonically as ever. ‘I don’t have the slightest idea, how this transformation happened,’ replied the doctor, who was indeed completely puzzled and confused. And then, suddenly, he exclaimed. ‘Why, yes, I know the cause of this! The mayor had a double, a doppelganger!’

Answers : 1. rushed into a decision, 2. went into, 3. was born into, 4. got into, 5. run out of, 6. to talk … into selling, 7. come into money, 8. burst into, 9. turn … into, 10. flung yourself into.

‘Humbug!’ Both ladies barked. ‘You must have (1) intended to go mad but we are not buying your nonsense!’ “Oh no, I know this for sure and I can prove it! Although the mayor (2) gave the impression of a most active politician, his mental health didn’t allow him to be a frequent public speaker but he had a twin brother and they looked as like as two peas and both (3) resembled their father. So, this twin had (4) not completed the university and all his investment schemes had (5) failed sohecould hardly (6) make both ends meet . However, he was sane and was capable of reading his brother’s speeches in public. Evidently, this substitution game (7) became popular with the mayor. His twin brother spoke in Parliament and the mayor (8) supported him. The gold watch was an integral part of the mayor so the double had an elaborate but plastic copy of it. I was the mayor’s personal doctor so I was in the know, besides, I (9) met the double by chance more than once.’ ‘Then the man I murdered must have been the double and my real husband may be alive! We won’t stand it! Let’s go to his old flat!’ Lady Blackcock was raving. So they (10) decided to go immediately.

The flat was luxurious and full of furniture which had (11) become unfashionable decades before. There were a lot of photos, letters and other tale-telling objects. Suddenly, Lady Hawthorn screamed, ‘What an interesting letter!’ The letter ran: ‘Dear Mr Black, I am well aware of the fact that you and my wife have tried to murder me. You may think you have succeeded but it is wishful thinking. On the contrary, I am alive and kicking and, more than that, I have the gold watch. It is difficult to (12) convey my sad feelings when I think of parting with it one day but despite the fact that I (13) continue working hard, the money I have (14) saved does not go far in satisfying all my needs. So if you want to buy an antique object, do not hesitate to contact me. Yours Sincerely, George Burnel (it is my new name).’

Answers : 1. set out, 2. came across as, 3. took after, 4. dropped out of, 5. fallen through, 6. get by, 7. caught on with, 8. stood by, 9. came across, 10. made up their minds, 11. fallen out of style, 12. get across, 13. keep on, 14. put by.

Lady Blackcock gasped, "Could it mean that my husband and my patron kept in touch after his twin brother (1)died ? That they (2)continued with their communication?! Now, when I (3)remember those dreadful events, I clearly see that the brother came to the café right after his speech in Parliament where he pretended to be my husband!’ Doctor Dea interposed, ‘As usual, your spouse (4)upheld his reputation of being a cunning devil.’ ‘Then’, said Lady Hawthorn, ‘Mr Black (Lady Blackcock’s patron, I mean) must have (5) providedthe double with a position in government!’ Lady Blackcock presumed, ‘If so, they must have (6)been friendly all this time!’ Suddenly, these presumptions (7) were criticizedby the doctor who suggested going to the hotel at once.

‘What have you been up to, all of you? I thought you might have (8) fallen ill with some viral infection, they can be deadly at our time of life!’ Sir George Burnel welcomed them in the lobby of the hotel with his characteristic joviality.

But Doctor Dea shared none of his merriment. ‘Where is the watch?’ he roared without any preliminaries. ‘Have you sold it to Mr Black, you villain?’ Burnel was as pale as a sheet. ‘No, I (9)faced some problems from the man who tracked me down and I gave him the watch free of charge.’ ‘And wasn’t that man’s name Mr Crunchester?!’ Lady Blackcock snarled. ‘How do you know?’ ‘You, scoundrel!’ screamed the whole party and rushed to the coroner who was at that moment exiting the lift.

‘I have always (10)considered the police inferior because they are the most corrupt and unscrupulous people I’ve ever come across!’ hissed Lady Hawthorn trying in vain to scratch the coroner’s eyes out.

The coroner raised his voice. ‘I’m (11) losing patience, stop these disgraceful exhibitions and listen to me! Mr Black and Mrs Blackcock, you are arrested on charges of attempted murder. Mr Dea, you are arrested on charges of charlatanism and obstruction of justice by stealing vital evidence. Mrs Hawthorn, you are arrested on charges of aiding and abetting a felony. Last but not least, Mr Burnel, you are also arrested. On what charge? We’ll come up with a charge for you later,’ said the coroner reassuringly. ‘By the way, the gold watch,’ he said mysteriously dangling the said object in front of their very eyes, ‘is fatally slow.’ With these words Coroner Crunchester phoned the police station.

Answers : 1. passed away, 2. carried on, 3. look back (up)on, 4. lived up to, 5. fixed the double up with, 6. got on (well), 7. came in for criticism from, 8. gone down with, 9. came up against, 10. looked down on the police, 11. running out of.


Таким образом, мне удалось решить все поставленные задачи. Создан сборник, которым можно пользоваться при подготовке к олимпиадам, когда требуется дополнительная практика в использовании фразовых глаголов.

Во время выполнения этой работы я, к своему удивлению, узнал о существовании огромного количества фразовых глаголов, многие, надеюсь, прочно вошли в мой лексикон. Очень полезным оказалось составление биографий, я открыл для себя ранее неизвестные мне страницы истории Великобритании. Но самым большим открытием для меня стал тот факт, что фразовыми глаголами изобилуют аутентичные английские источники.

Я надеюсь, этот сборник поможет расширить кругозор учащихся и всех тех, кто будет его читать.


    Flower J. Phrasal Verb Organiser with Mini-Dictionary/ Флауэр Д. Английские фразовые глаголы: Сборник упражнений. - Обнинск: Титул, 2001. - 144с.: ил.

    Biography [Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа:


    Википедия [Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа:


Phrasal Verbs

1. To be (was/were)

    To be about – быть поблизости, неподалёку

    To be against– быть против

    To be back – вернуться

    To be behind – иметь задолженность

    To be for – быть за, поддерживать

    To be in – быть в помещении (дома, на работе)

    To be off – быть свободным от работы, отмененным

    To be on – идти, демонстрироваться (о фильме)

    To be out / away – уйти, отсутствовать на месте

    To be over – закончиться

    To be through – завершить ч - л

    To be up – встать, проснуться / истечь (о времени)

    To be up to… - зависеть от к - л

    The lesson is …”, the teacher said.

    An interesting film is …at our club.

    Are you…or …this idea?

    She is… in the rent for her flat.

    The flight was…and the passengers were sitting in the terminal.

    Can you tell me when he’ll be…?

    Sorry, Ann is … at the moment.

    We’ll be…with this work in 2 days.

    Your time is…, start your answer.

    I’ve just seen him, he must be somewhere …

    I can’t help, it’s …you to solve this problem.

2. To break (broke / broken)

1. To break down – сломаться , выйти из строя

2. To break off – обрывать, внезапно прекращать

3. To break out – неожиданно начаться, вспыхнуть (о пожаре, войне, ссоре)

4. To break up – прекращать занятия, закрываться / разгонять, расходиться

5. To break with – отказаться от ч-л, порвать с к-л

1) It’s difficult for him to break…his old bad habits.

2) The machine has broken…

3) The lyceum will break… in June.

4) A fire broke …during the night.

5) They broke …the conversation.

3. To bring (brought / brought)

1. To bring about – вызвать, стать причиной (ссоры)

2. To bring back – напомнить ч - л

3. To bring down – снижать (цену / отметку)

4. To bring in – внести ч-л, / приносить доход / упоминать, приводить

5. To bring out – публиковать, выпускать в свет / выявлять

6. To bring over – переубедить

7. To bring round – приходить в себя

8. To bring up – воспитывать

1) She brought…four children.

2) It’s not an easy thing to bring him…

3) Nobody could guess what brought…the quarrel.

4) The story brought …the days of their friendship.

5) A glass of cold water soon brought her…

6) When are they going to bring… your new book?

7) These mistakes have brought…your mark.

8) Don’t forget to bring… the suitcase.

9) You should bring…all the details.

10) I don’t know how much the new factory will bring…

4. To call

1. To call at – заезжать , заходить

2. To call for – требовать, взывать к ч-л

3. To call in – вызывать, приглашать для консультации

4. To call off – отменять

5. To call on – заходить к к - л

6. To call out – объявлять, выкрикивать

7. To call to – кричать к-л

8. To call up – звонить / призывать в армию

9. To call upon / on - обращаться к к-л., призывать

1) The committee called… the workers to stop the strike.

2) He called… gardener to open the gates.

3) He will call…the office later.

4) When did he call …you last?

5) When the son got ill, they called…the doctor.

6) I’ll call…him and we’ll go to the party.

7) The flight was called…

8) He called…each name twice.

9) Young people are called…at the age of 18.

5. To clear

1. To clear away – убрать со стола

2. To clear out – очищать, убирать

3. To clear up – приводить в порядок / выяснить / проясняться (о погоде)

1) Let’s wait till the weather clears …

2) Who will clear the table…?

3) I think he has already cleared everything…

4) The room needs clearing…after the party.

6 . To come (came / come)

    To come across – случайно встретиться, натолкнуться на ч-л

    To come along – идти с к-л, сопровождать

    To come back – вернуться

    To come from – быть родом

    To come down – снижаться

    To come in – войти

    To come off – оторваться, отлететь

    To come on – пойдём , Come on! – Живей ! / Вперёд ! ( на стадионе )

    To come out – появляться в печати

    To come over – охватить, овладеть / прийти в голову

    To come to … - прийти в голову (об идее)

    To come up with - придумать идею , план

    To come up – приближаться, подходить

    Suddenly a fear came …me.

    Come… or we’ll be late!

    He came …a brilliant idea.

    When does her new book come…?

    May I come…?

    Where did you come…?

    A very interesting idea came … my mind.

    I came …this book in a little shop.

    Come …here. I want to talk to you.

    Come… with us, or you’ll miss the bus.

    The button has come… my coat.

    The plane came…and the passengers got off.

    When did she come…from her trip?

7. To cut (cut / cut)

1.To cut down – сокращать , урезать

2. To cut in – вмешиваться , вставлять замечания

3. To cut off – разъединять , отрезать , выключать

4. To cut out – вырезать, кроить / выбрасывать

5. To cut out for - быть созданным для ч-л

1) Не is cut…for an actor.

2) We have to cut…our expenses.

3) The electricity was cut…for several hours.

4) Stop cutting…with your remarks.

5) She has already cut…her skirt.

6) The editor cut…the last paragraph.

8. To do (did/done)

    To do away with – покончить с ч - л

    To do out – убрать , вычистить

    To do up – застёгивать , прихорашиваться

    To do with – хотеть , нуждаться

    To do without – обойтись без ч - л

    I think we can do… a dictionary.

    I am hungry, I could do…a sandwich.

    Jane did herself…for the party.

    Dan never did… his coat, even in winter.

    She is doing …her house for the birthday party.

    It won’t be easy to do …with this bad habit.

9. To fall (fell / fallen)

1. To fall back - отступать

2. To fall behind – отставать , запаздывать

3. To fall off – уменьшаться

4. To fall on - нападать на к-л

5. To fall out with – ссориться

6. To fall through – потерпеть неудачу

1) He fell …with his family and went away.

2) The output has been falling …for 2 months.

3) The troops had to fall …

4) All their plans fell …because she had fallen ill.

5) He fell…the others to write a dictation.

6) When I told that I wouldn’t do it, they all fell…me.

10. To find(found / found)

    To find fault with – придираться к к - л

    To find oneself – найти себя(свой талант)

    To find out – выяснять , обнаруживать

    You can’t trust him until you find everything…

    He found… after graduating from the university.

    She’s unpleasant. She always finds… people.

11. To get (got / got)

    To get about – ездить , путешествовать

    To get along / on with – жить / поживать / ладить с к - л

    To get at – добраться до

    To get away – уходить, убегать, спастись

    To get smth back – получить ч-л назад, вернуться

    To get down – приняться за ч-л

    To get off = out of – сойти , слезть ( о транспорте )

    To get on / in / into – сесть на (о транспорте) / в машину

    To get over – выздороветь, оправиться после болезни

    To get through – преодолеть ч-л, закончить дело, сдать экзамен

    To get together – собираться, встречаться

    To get up – вставать, подниматься

    We got… the seaside early in the morning.

    If he gets … early, he’ll come on time.

    Get… this bus and get … in 5 stops.

    The woman has got… her bag after the flight.

    The students have got … all the exams and went home.

    It was too hard for her to get… after the illness.

    The more we get .., the happier we’ll be.

    My aunt got…the world on board the ship.

    How do they get…? Pretty well.

    A thief couldn’t get… from the police.

    They got …to work and did everything quickly.

12. To give (gave / given)

    To give away – отдавать / раздавать, дарить

    To give back – возвращать

    To give in – уступать

    To give out – раздавать ( учебники )

    To give up – отказаться от ч-л

1) He had to give… smoking as he got sick.

2) Give …the textbooks.

3) They gave… their food for free at the funfair.

4) “I give…”, said the boy.

5) Give me…the book in 2 days, please.

13. To go (went / gone)

    To go about – распространяться

    To go by – проходить (о времени)

    To go by – ездить на к-л виде транспорта

    To go in for – заниматься / увлекаться

    To go off – погаснуть / испортиться

    To go on – продолжать

    To go out – уйти из дома

    To go through – испытать, пережить

    To go with – гармонировать, подходить к ч-л

    To go without – обойтись без ч - л

    Your handbag should go…your gloves and shoes.

    Mike doesn’t go…sports.

    She went …, time was going …but nobody saw her anymore.

    The news went … very quickly.

    My grandparents have gone … lots of hardships during the war.

5) The meeting went…. for 2 hours.

6) The lights went… and the film began.

7) I think that to go there …train will be more comfortable.

8) You may take this book. I can easily go …it for a month.

14. To hold (held / held)

1. To hold back – прятать , сдерживать

2. To hold on – подождать у телефона(не вешать трубку)

3. To hold out – держаться, упорствовать

4. To hold up – останавливать, задерживать

1) The partisans hold …for 6 days.

2) The policeman hold…the traffic.

3) She could hardly hold …the tears.

4) Hold…! Mr.Smith will speak to you!

15. To keep (kept / kept)

1. To keep at – настойчиво делать ч - л

2. To keep away – держаться в стороне от ч-л

3. To keep back – задерживать, скрывать ч-л

4. To keep from – воздерживаться от ч-л

5. To keep in – не выходить, оставаться в помещении

6. To keep off – не затрагивать, воздерживаться от ч-л

7. To keep on – продолжать делать ч-л

8.To keep out of – не вмешиваться

9. To keep to – придерживаться ч-л

10. To keep up with – не отставать от, держаться наравне

1) After his illness the boy couldn’t keep …with the class.

2) Keep …it, my boy!

3) You should keep…playing football.

4) The doctor advised him to keep…meat for some time.

5) They were kept …by a heavy rain.

6) You should keep your car…

7) I’ll keep …nothing from you.

8) Keep…with this work.

9) Keep …the topic of the conversation.

10) You’d better keep …the quarrel.

16. To let (let/let)

1. To let down – подвести к - л , оставить в беде

2. To let in – впускать

3. To let into – посвящать в тайну

4. To let off – отпустить, освободить от ч-л

5. To let on – выдать секрет

6. To let out – выпустить ч - л ( воду )

1) Don’t let… about his arrival.

2) If you don’t tell the truth, you will let me … badly.

3) Let the water …of the bath-tub.

4) Let the cat…, please.

5) They let him…with a fine.

6) I am not going to let her…the secret.

17. To look

    To look after - заботиться, ухаживать за к-л, ч-л

    To look around – осмотреться

    To look at - смотреть на

    To look back – вспоминать ч - л

    To look down on smb . – смотреть свысока на к-л

    To look for – искать

    To look forward to – ждать с нетерпением ч-л

    To look in – навещать, заходить

    Look out! – Осторожно ! Берегись!

    To look through – просматривать ч-л с целью поиска информации

    To look up – искать, смотреть (в словаре)

    Look…! There is a car coming.

    Could you look … my dog while I am on vacation.

    I’ll look…and see you next week.

    If you don’t know the word, look it … in the dictionary.

    Have you seen my mobile phone? I’m looking … it everywhere.

    Look … this picture, please.

    I looked …and saw many beautiful pictures.

    He is so arrogant: he always looks …all the people.

    I‘ve looked… lots of books so as to write a report.

    At the end of the letter we usually write: “I’m looking…to seeing you soon”.

    My granny likes to look…the old photos in the album and looks …the past.

18. To make (made / made)

1. To make for – содействовать , способствовать ч - л

2. To make out – разобрать (на слух или зрительно), понять, уяснить

3. To make up – составить, приготовить

4. To make up to - заискивать перед к-л

1) It’s difficult to make …the meaning of the sentence.

2) This work will make …good relations between our countries.

3) Nobody respects those who make …to influential people.

4) Make… a dialogue, please.

19. To put (put / put)

    To put aside – отложить (в сторону)

    To put away – убирать , прятать

    To put back – ставить на место

    To put down – записывать

    To put forward – предложить (идею)

    To put off – отложить / задержать

    To put on – надевать одежду / обувь

    To put on weight – толстеть , набирать вес

    To put out – потушить ( огонь )

    To put up – вывешивать (объявление)

    To put up with – примириться с к-л

    Close your books and put them…

    The teachers will put a notice…about the new courses.

    I don’t want to put…any more weight!

    Can you put the book …when you have finished with it?

    He is very active: he always puts… a lot of new ideas.

    Take your notebooks and put…all the words that are on the board.

    Mr. White put …his trip to Washington until next month.

    Mary is not ready yet. She hasn’t put her dress …

    Never put … till tomorrow what you can do today.

    The boys put …quickly after the quarrel.

    My mother puts all warm clothes…in summer.

    It took three fire fighters to put the fire…

2 0. To run (ran / run)

    To run after – преследовать к-л

    To run away – сбежать, уклоняться, избегать ч-л

    To run down – остановиться (о часах)

    To run into – случайно встретиться с к-л

    To run off – убежать (о жидкости)

    To run out of – закончиться, истощить запас ч-л

    To run over – задавить (транспортом)

    To run the business / the financial side – вести бизнес / финансовые дела

    Mr. Brown is the owner of the restaurant, and his wife runs...

    The police officers were running…the criminal, and he couldn’t run …from them.

3) Yesterday I ran…my friend whom I haven’t seen since we left school.

4) Why are you so upset? – My kitten was run… by a car.

5) I’ll have to go to the baker’s as we’ve run…of bread.

6) The milk has run…, I have to clean the stove.

7) My watch ran… and I was late for my classes.

21. To see (saw/seen)

1. To see about – позаботиться о ч - л , навести справки

2. To see off – провожать отъезжающих

3. To see out - проводить из помещения

4. To see to – присмотреть за ч-л

1) Will you see me…?

2) He promised to see … the matter.

3) I’ll see…your luggage.

4) We’ll see you… at the airport.

22. To set (set/set)

1. To set about – начинать , приступать

2. To set aside – откладывать

3. To set in – наступить , начаться

4. To set off / out – отправляться

5. To set up – воздвигать

1) They set…on a trip.

2) He set…building his summer house.

3) The monument was set …in the centre of the town.

4) Winter sets…very early in this place.

5) I’ve set... some books for you.

23. To take (took / taken)

    To take after – быть похожим на

    To take away – уносить , забирать

    To take back – возвращать

    To take a bus – сесть на

    To take down – снять (со стены, полки) / записывать под диктовку

    To take off – снять (одежду, обувь) / оторваться от земли, взлететь

    To take pictures – фотографировать

    To take over – брать под управление

    To take up – браться за ч-л

    The shop has been taken… by a foreign company,

    The son took …his father .

    You should take the book… to the library in a week.

    I’ve taken … stamp collecting and it’s really interesting.

    He took the picture … and gave it to me.

    Don’t take …your sweater, it’s cold.

    We took… and got off in 10 minutes.

    Let’s watch the planes taking …while we wait.

    Have they taken the things …?

    He is a talented photographer, he has been taking…from his childhood.

24. To talk

1. To talk back – возражать , дерзить

2. To talk into – уговорить

3. To talk out of – отговорить

4. To talk over – обсудить

1) Let’s talk this…

2) Don’t talk…!

3) He talked his son … it.

4) He talked his parents …buying a new bicycle.

25.To turn

    To turn around - оглянуться

    To turn back –

Носители языка активно употребляют фразовые глаголы в повседневной жизни, в фильмах и статьях. Ученикам нелегко дается процесс освоения этой лексики по нескольким причинам. В чем сложность фразовых глаголов? Их многозначность, невозможность догадаться о значении без контекста, грамматика (separable/inseparable, нужно ли дополнение), уровень формальности, в какой ситуации лучше употреблять и так далее.

Обратите внимание на несколько пособий для работы:

  1. Work on your phrasal verbs Collins
  2. Phrasal verbs Advanced
  3. Graham Workman Phrasal verbs and Idioms Advanced
  4. English Phrasal verbs in Use

В них лексика размещена по категориям или темам, есть упражнения для проработки. А если фразовые глаголы даны в основном учебнике без категории, и недостаточно заданий для их проработки? Предлагаем 5 интересных заданий на закрепление фразовых глаголов.

1. Бинго

Задание подходит для групповой и парной работы. Оно имеет игровой элемент и повышает мотивацию студентов. Также картинки - хороший способ запомнить слово быстрее и сформировать ассоциации.
Выберите 9-10 ключевых единиц и подберите иллюстрации к ним. В зависимости от количества студентов подготовьте карточки. Картинки могут повторяться, важно чтобы хотя бы 2 отличались от карточки соседа.
Преподаватель зачитывает предложение с глаголом-синонимом или дефиницией.
Например, He ran away with money.

Тот студент, у которого есть на карточке фразовый глагол make off with , закрывает его бумажной фишкой. Победитель должен закрыть фишками всё поле и прокричать: Bingo!

2. Who wants to be a milionaire?

В книге Graham Workman Phrasal verbs and Idioms Advanced в качестве проверки предлагаются такие тесты:
Which of the words can be used with the multi-word verbs? Up to three items may be correct.

  1. The manager tried to cover up
    a. the fortune. b. the scandal. c. the mistake. d. the crime.
  2. The police are cracking down on
    a. criticism. b. promotion. c. traffic offences. d. drug smuggling.
  3. One should never go back on
    a. one’s word b. a plan. c. an agreement. d. a promise.
  4. Some people can’t face up to
    a. their children. b. their responsibilities. c. their problems. d. the truth.

Можно перевести тесты в игровую форму. Например, поиграть в “Who wants to be a milionaire?” в классе. Готовую игру по фразовым глаголам и template можно скачать .

3. Dictogloss

Преподаватель диктует текст с фразовыми глаголами. Если готового текста нет, то можно взять любую историю и внести изменения. Задача студентов - записать все фразовые глаголы, которые они слышат. После этого ученики в парах реконструируют текст, используя записанные слова. В зависимости от уровня студентов и количества времени объем текста может меняться.

Пример задания (из книги 700 Classroom activities)
Listen to this monologue and write down all the phrasal verbs you hear.
When I set off for work this morning my car broke down, so I had to take the bus. At the bus stop I ran into an old friend called Jason. He’d come into some money recently and was setting up a business. He offered to take me on and I said I’d think it over . When I got into work the boss, Mrs Pitchfork, blew up at me. I was quite taken aback by her attitude, but when I got over the initial shock I offered to make up for being late, saying I would stay on after work. Then it turned out she was actually angry because a client I had taken on had decided to pull out of a valuable contract. Mrs Pitchfork said that because the deal had fallen through I had let the whole company down . She went on at me until I finally ran out of patience with her. I said I wouldn’t stand for it any more, and if she wanted to take out the company’s problems on me she could lay me off there and then. I never thought she’d go through with it, but she told me to look for another job. I got on the phone to Jason and said I wanted to take him up on his offer. He told me to come over immediately. I met my new colleagues and I think I’ll get on with them. My line manager came across as a great guy and he took to me as well. So everything ended up OK today. I’m looking forward to starting my new job.

4. Phrasal verbs wheel

Согласитесь, скучно составлять предложения без коммуникативной задачи. Если вы работаете индивидуально, то не все игры можно воплотить. Чтобы внести разнообразие можно использовать вот такое колесо .

Преподаватель «крутит» колесо и задача учащегося - составить предложение с тем словом, на котором оно остановилось. Учитель должен догадаться, правдивое предложение или нет. Также составлять утверждения можно по очереди, студенту будет также интересно узнать больше фактов о преподавателе.

5. Реальные ситуации

После презентации и первоначального закрепления перейдите к свободному говорению. Постарайтесь найти аутентичные задания, в которых есть возможность использовать фразовые глаголы.

ситуация 1 - дайте статью для обсуждения и попросите ученика выразить свое отношение к прочитанному, используя выражения:
be won over
stand by smth
insist on smth
bring smth into it

ситуация 2 -опишите свои отношения с друзьями, используя слова:
meet up
get on well with
keep up
fall out

Как показывает практика, для более эффективного закрепления лучше предлагать список слов, обязательных для употребления.

При выводе в речь ученики не всегда используют ту лексику, которую ожидает учитель. В скобках можно указывать какой фразовый глагол необходимо использовать в ответе.

  1. What are your plans for summer holidays? (look forward to).
  2. What homework do you have to do this weekend? (catch up on).
    (примеры из English Phrasal verbs in Use .)

Надеемся, что задания понравятся студентам и позволят закрепить фразовые глаголы!

Издание представляет собой пособие по применению в английском языке фразовых глаголов - одной из наиболее сложных для усвоения категорий лексики. Содержит справочный материал, примеры и упражнения по развитию навыков использования фразовых глаголов в устной и письменной речи, необходимые при подготовке к занятиям, тестированию и экзамену. В конце пособия имеются ключи к упражнениям.
Предназначено для абитуриентов, будет полезно студентам гуманитарных ВУЗов и колледжей, учащимся старших классов, а также всем желающим углубить свои знания английского языка.

Английские фразовые глаголы - это специфическое сочетание глагола с предлогом (иногда - с несколькими предлогами) или с наречием, имеющее единый смысл. Особенность данной структуры состоит в том, что в большинстве случаев ее семантическое значение нельзя вывести ни из значения глагола, ни при помощи прилагаемой к нему единицы (предлога или наречия, называемых послелогами), хотя в отдельных случаях дословный перевод глагола и послелога может дать ключ к пониманию всей единицы. В этом отношении фразовые глаголы сходны с идиомами и представляют значительную трудность для усвоения, так как подлежат простому запоминанию без опоры на логические связи или на перенос значений из составных частей структуры. Несмотря на то, что у фразовых глаголов почти всегда есть синонимы среди обычных глаголов, их усвоение имеет особое значение при овладении английским языком, поскольку делает это владение полноценным. И с другой стороны, невладение определенными фразовыми глаголами мешает достигнуть полного понимания речи носителя английского языка.

Всего в английском языке насчитывается около 12 000 фразовых глаголов. Их использование характерно как для официальной речи, так и для разговорной, и преимуществ стилистического плана в употреблении не отмечается.

Фразовые глаголы не являются ограниченной, застывшей группировкой. Это гибкая, постоянно изменяющаяся категория. В речи как устной, так и письменной, постоянно появляются новые единицы, равно как добавляются новые значения к уже существующим.

Предисловие 3
1. to ask 5
2. to back 7
3. to be (am/is/are, was/were, been) 10
4. to blow (blew, blown) 15
5. to break (broke, broken) 18
6. to bring (brought, brought) 22
7. to call .....26
8. to carry 28
9. to come (came, come) 30
10. to cut (cut, cut) 36
11. to do (did, done) 40
12. to drop 44
13. to fall (fell, fallen) 46
14. to get (got, got) 51
15. to give (gave, given) 61
16. to go (went, gone) 65
17. to hold (held, held) 75
18. to keep (kept, kept) 79
19. to let (flet, let) 84
20. to look 88
21. to make (made, made) 94
22. to pay (paid, paid) 99
23. to pull 101
24. to push 106
25. to put (put, put) 108
26. to run (ran, run) 118Я
27. to see (saw, seen) 123
28. to send (sent, sent) 127
29. to set (set, set) 129
30. to sit (sat, sat) 135
31. to stand (stood, stood) 138
32. to stay 144
33. to stop 146
34. to take (took, taken) 148
35. to talk 160
36. to throw (threw, thrown) 164
37. to turn 167
38. to walk 176
39. to work 178
40. to write (wrote, written) 183
Дополнительные тесты 187
Ключи к упражнениям 192
Литература 204.

Бесплатно скачать электронную книгу в удобном формате, смотреть и читать:
Скачать книгу Английские фразовые глаголы в примерах и упражнениях, Точилина А.К., Шинкарева О.А., 2011 - fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.

  • Английские фразовые глаголы в примерах и упражнениях, English phrasal verbs (usage and exercises), Точилина А.К., Шинкарева О.А., 2011
  • Английский язык, Способы словообразования в таблицах и упражнениях, Точилина А.К., 2018 - Данное пособие представляет собой результат тщательного отбора и сведения воедино существующих правил английскою словообразования, обычно разбросанных по различным разделам грамматики. … Книги по английскому языку
  • Английский язык, Тренажер 2, Точилина А.К., Кажемская Л.Л., 2010 - Пособие предназначено для углубленной подготовки к централизованному тестированию по английскому языку. Включает расширенный грамматический материал, тренировочные и контрольные упражнения, а … Книги по английскому языку
  • Тематическая лексика английского языка в тестах и упражнениях, Готовимся к централизованному тестированию, Точилина А.К., Кажемская Л.Л., 2009

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  • Английский язык, 6 класс, Spotlight, Ваулина Ю.Е., Эванс В., Дули Дж., Подоляко О.Е., 2008 - Английский в фокусе написан специально для общеобразовательной российской школы отечественными учителями-практиками совместно с известными британскими авторами. Все материалы апробированы в … Книги по английскому языку
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Тип 3: дополнение следует за предлогом: look for smb / smth , (a) search for; try to find: Are you still ~ing for a job? Дополнение не может менять своего места.

Тип 4: дополнение с двумя предлогами: look down on smb / smth, regard as inferior: Why do the English look down on everything foreign?

I. Сопоставьте phrasal verb из колонки А с его определением в колонке В. Ответьте на вопрос, к какому типу (2 или 3) они относяться.

  1. A B

a. to talk over a problem 1. to recover from

b. to try out an idea 2. to experiment with

c. to go off a person / food 3. to cancel

d. to call off a meeting 4. to stop

e. to give up smoking 5. to discuss

f. to look into a problem 6. to care for

g. to get over an illness 7. to not accept

h. to turn down an offer 8. to not like any more

i. to look after a child 9. to investigate

j. to work out a sum 10. to solve

II. Поставьте местоимение it на нужное место.

a. Jan had a problem with her finances, so we talked ___ over ____, and now it’s fine.

b. I had an idea for reorganizing the system. We tried ____ out ____, and it worked well.

c. I used to love ice cream, but since I found out how it’s made, I’ve really gone ___ off ___ .

d. We were due to have a meeting on Thursday, but we’ve had to call ___ off ____ because the chairperson’s ill.

e. I wish you wouldn’t smoke. Why don’t you give ____ up ____ .

f. I’m sorry to hear about your problem with the Tax Office. I promise I’ll look ___ into ___ as soon as possible.

g. The best thing for backaches is rest. Don’t worry. You’ll soon get ___ over ____ .

h. The job looks very attractive. You’d be a fool to turn ____ down ____ .

i. That ring is extremely valuable. Make sure you look ___ after ____ .

j. I need a calculator to see how much money I’ve got in my account. I can’t work ____ out ____ in my head.

III. Познакомьтесь со значениями словосочетания “bring smb / smth up” .

Bring smb / smth up , (a) educate; rear: She has brought up five children. If children are badly brought up they behave badly . (b) vomit: ~ up one’s dinner. (c) call attention to: These are facts that can always be brought up against you , used as evidence against you. These are matters that you can ~ up in committee . (d) (mil) summon to the front line: We need to ~ up more tanks. (e) ~ for trial: He was brought up on a charge of drunken driving . (f) cause to stop suddenly: His remarks brought me up short /sharp / with a jerk .

Какие из значений (a),(b),(c),(d),(e) или (f) использованы в следующих предложениях?

  1. I thought you brought up a very interesting point at the end of the lecture
  2. Her mother died in childbirth and she was brought up by her father.
  3. The war is going badly. We need to bring up more soldiers.
  4. The journey was so bumpy that the baby couldn’t help bringing up her breakfast.

IV. Закончите предложения одним из приведенных ниже словосочетаний. К какому типу относятся полученные phrasal verbs?

away with on with down on up to back on up against

in with out of away from

a. We’ve run _________ sugar. Could you buy some more?

b. Please don’t let me disturb you. Carry ___________ your work.

c. We must try to cut ________ the amount of money we spend. We just can’t make ends meet.

d. Keep _____ me! I’ve got a terrible cold, and I don’t want to give it to you.

e. When I look _______ my childhood, I realize what a happy time it was.

f. She’s such a snob. She looks ____ people who have to work for their living.

g. The only people she looks _____ are her grandparents.

h. Children grow __________ their clothes so quickly. It costs a fortune to clothe them properly.

i. The government have come _______ a big problem in their economic policy. The unions won’t co-operate, and management doesn’t approve of what they’re trying to do.

j. Face _______ the facts, Joey, and stop living with your head in the clouds. You’ll never get anywhere if you don’t work at it.

k. The antique table is very beautiful, but it doesn’t fit _____ the rest of the furniture, which is modern.

l. He tries to get ______ doing nothing around the house by charming everyone, but they’ve all learnt his tricks.

V. В данном упражнении обе части phrasal verbs используются буквально. Заполните пропуски предложенными наречиями или предлогами

away out on down off up in

a. I’d better write your telephone number _______ . I’ve got a terrible memory.

b. Don’t run _______ . Come here! I want to talk to you!

c. The bird’s cage wasn’t closed properly. It managed to get _____ , and unfortunately it flew ____ . We haven’t seen it since.

d. When Mrs Johnson died, she didn’t have a penny. She’d given all her money ______ to charity.

e. I don’t feel like cooking tonight. Shall we eat ______ ?

f. The soup doesn’t taste very nice. If I were you, I’d put some more salt _____ .

g. A button has come _____ my shirt. Could you sew it back ____ for me?

h. It has just started to rain, and the washing is hanging outside. Could you help me to bring it ____ ?

i. Hello. It’s Peter, isn’t it? I hardly recognized you! You’ve shaved ____ your beard.

j. Kate’s having a birthday party this afternoon. Could you help us to blow _____ some balloons?

k. I fell _____ my horse and dislocated my shoulder.

l. And my wife fell ____ stairs! One disaster after another!

m. The wind was very strong last night. It blew ____ a tree in our garden.

VI. Многие phrasal verbs имеют синонимы латинского происхождения. Phrasal verbs являются менее формальными, тогда как слова латинского происхождения более формальны и буквальны. Догадайтесь о значении phrasal verbs в следующих предложениях и найдите для них соответствующий синоним латинского происхождения из предложенного списка.

a. I was badly beaten up when I tried to break up a fight outside a pub last night.

b. You should tell the police that it wasn’t your fault. I’ll stick up for you, don’t worry.

c. Soon there will be no import duties within the Common Market. They’re going to do away with them.

d. Government forces in Walliland have put down a revolt by a group of soldiers.

e. The business went through a lean period at the beginning of the year, but things are picking up now.

f. Looking after six kids all day has completely worn me out !

g. Many old people are taken in by bogus officials, who call their houses, find a pretence for looking round and then steal their property.

h. I was told off for being late again this morning. If it happens again, my pay gets docked.

i. We’ve bought an old house which isn’t in very good condition, but we’ll do it up bit by bit.

j. Don’t believe her when she says she’s got stomach ache. She’s putting it on. She just wants to get out of going to school.

k. I had a very unhappy childhood, but the delights of being an adult and a parent have made up for that.

l. I can’t solve the riddle at all. I give in . What’s the answer?

m. The government is going to set up an inquiry into the condition of Britain’s prisons.

n. Police have ruled out murder, but are still holding several people for questioning.

o. He’s a great mate of mine. He’s the kind of friend who’ll stand by you through thick and thin.

Список синонимов латинского происхождения.

1. compensate for ___________ 9. establish_______________

2. exhaust _________________ 10. exclude _______________

5. pretend _________________ 13. surrender ______________

6. abolish _________________ 14. support ________________

7. reprimand _______________ 15. assault ________________

8. suppress ________________

VII. Затруднения, которые приносят многочисленные и многозначные phrasal verbs иностранцам и самим носителям языка тонко подмечены английскими журналистами. Далее в качестве примера приводится статья Майлса Кингтона, опубликованная в газете The Independent и написанная в форме урока английского языка по теме Phrasal verbs. Перед чтением сделайте ряд упражнений.

a) Догадайтесь о значении следующих phrasal verbs, фигурирующих в статье.

a. My sister has written, asking if we can put her up for a few days whilst she’s in London.

b. Paul was left ten thousand pounds in his grandfather’s will, so he set himself up as a photographer.

c. This bad weather’s really getting me down.

d. The flat isn’t very nice, but I can put up with it until I find somewhere better.

e. The family dog was old and crippled, so they decided reluctantly that they had to have her put down.

f. Let’s meet on the 20th . Put the date down in your diary so you don’t forget it.

g. James Gregory was sent down for ten years for his part in the robbery.

h. Peter thinks I’m trying to get off with his girlfriend, but I don’t find her very attractive. Anyway, I wouldn’t do a thing like that to a mate of mine.

i. Have you seen how Jane always putting him down? Either she criticizes him for the way he dresses, or the way he eats or the way he speaks, and she makes him feel such a fool!

j. “I’ve been set up ,” thought Alice. “Joe told the director that I was incompetent, than altered the accounts making it look like my handwriting, and now I’ve been accused of stealing money!”

k. Jeremy, who is a very good mimic, was sending up the Director and the way he screws up his face when he talks, when the Director himself came into the room. You could have heard a pin drop!

b) Сопоставьте phrasal verbs с предложенными определениями.

1. to depress, make miserable ____________

2. to send to prison _____________

3. to establish a business __________________

4. to prove a bed for someone for a short while _________________

5. to imitate someone in such a way as to make them appear foolish ________

6. to write down ______________

7. to kill (an animal) out of humanitarian reasons ______________

8. to tolerate _________________

9. to begin a romantic or sexual relationship with someone ____________

10. to make someone appear guilty in order to get them into trouble ________

11. to make someone seem foolish by criticizing and ridiculing them _______
