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People have always polluted their surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a serious problem. People lived in uncrowded rural areas and did not have pollution — causing machines. With the development of crowded industrial cities which put huge amounts of pollutants into small areas, the problem has become more important.

Automobiles and other new inventions make pollution steadily worse. Since the late 1960"s people have become alarmed with the danger of pollution.

Air, water, and soil are necessary for existence of all living things. But polluted air can cause illness, and even death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. On polluted soil, food can not be grown. In addition environmental pollution spoils the natural beauty of our planet.

Pollution is as complicated as serious problem. Automobiles are polluting the air but they provide transportation for the people. Factories pollute the air and the water but they provide jobs for people and produce necessary goods. Fertilizers and pesticides are important for growing crops but they can ruin soil.

Thus, people would have to stop using many useful things if they wanted to end pollution immediately. Most people do not want that of course. But pollution can be reduced gradually.

Scientists and engineers can find the ways to reduce pollution from automobiles and factories. Government can pass the laws that would make enterprises take measures for reducing of pollution. Individuals and groups of people can work together to persuade enterprises to stop polluting activities.


Люди всегда загрязняли окружающую среду. Однако до последнего времени загрязнение не было такой серьезной проблемой. Люди жили в слабозаселенных сельскохозяйственных областях, у них не было машин, загрязняющих природу. С развитием перенаселенных промышленных городов, в которых огромные количества отходов сбрасывались на маленькой площади, эта проблема стала гораздо серьезнее.

Автомобили и другие новые изобретения делают загрязнение все интенсивнее. В конце 60-х годов люди начали ощущать тревогу в связи с опасностью загрязнения окружающей среды.

Воздух, вода и почва необходимы для существования всех живых существ. Однако загрязненный воздух может послужить причиной болезни и даже смерти. Загрязненная вода убивает рыб и других морских животных. На загрязненной почве не могут выращиваться пищевые культуры. Кроме того, загрязнение окружающей среды портит природную красоту нашей планеты.

Проблема загрязнения окружающей среды так же сложна, как и серьезна. Автомобили загрязняют воздух, но предоставляют людям возможность передвижения. Фабрики загрязняют воздух и воду, но они предоставляют работу людям и производят необходимые товары. Удобрения и пестициды важны для сельского хозяйства, но они могут разрушать почву.

Таким образом, людям пришлось бы прекратить пользоваться многими полезными вещами, если бы они захотели прекратить загрязнение окружающей среды сразу. Большинство людей, конечно, этого не хочет. Однако загрязнение может быть сокращено постепенно.

Ученые и инженеры могут найти пути сокращения вредных выбросов от автомобилей и фабрик. Правительство может издать законы, которые бы заставили предприятия принять меры для уменьшения загрязнения. Отдельные лица и группы людей могут сотрудничать, чтобы убедить предприятия прекратить виды деятельности, вызывающие загрязнение окружающей среды.

13 Сен

Тема по английскому языку: Загрязнение окружающей среды

Топик по английскому языку: Загрязнение окружающей среды (Environmental pollution). Данный текст может быть использован в качестве презентации, проекта, рассказа, эссе, сочинения или сообщения на тему.

Проблема сегодняшнего дня

Загрязнение окружающей среды – одна из крупнейших проблем в сегодняшнем мире. Ее можно определить как загрязнение атмосферного воздуха, водоемов и почв отходами человеческой деятельности. На настоящий момент не существует такого города и вряд ли существует сельская местность, которые можно было бы назвать чистыми и незагрязненными.

Разновидности загрязнений

Существует много разновидностей загрязнения, среди которых наиболее распространенными являются загрязнение воздуха, водоемов и почв и радиоактивное загрязнение, мусор, шум, световое загрязнение и нарушение температурного режима. К сожалению, большинство этих проблем являются следствием человеческой деятельности. На самом деле, противоречия между человеком и природой находятся на высоком уровне.

Вырубка лесов

Люди вырубают леса и таким образом уничтожают тысячи акров земли. Во-первых, почва выдувается ветрами и во-вторых, даже если на место срубленных сажают новые деревья, они не могут вернуть утраченные леса, которые были частью сложной экосистемы, которая очищала воздух и обеспечивала приют диким животным.


Крупные промышленные города ежедневно производят большое количество отходов. Их либо выбрасывают, либо зарывают в землю, что приводит к тому, что

в почву попадают опасные химикаты. Зачастую токсичные и отравляющие жидкие химикаты сбрасывают в водоемы, подвергая опасности здоровье людей. Однако, сами люди несут ответственность за происходящее.

Загрязнение водоемов и атмосферы

Загрязнение водоемов и атмосферы – серьезная угроза для окружающей среды. Основными факторами здесь являются выхлопные газы автомобилей, разливы нефти, мусор и т.д. загрязненный воздух и водоемы влияют на здоровье людей до такой степени, что миллионы человек не имеют доступа к чистой питьевой воде.


В заключение следует отметить, что если мы хотим жить в лучшем и более здоровом мире, мы должны защищать и заботиться об окружающей среде.

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Environmental pollution

Largest problems

Environmental pollution is one of the largest problems in our today’s world. It can be defined as a contamination of air, water and land from man-made waste. Nowadays there aren’t any cities and hardly any rural areas that remain clean and unpolluted.

Types of pollution

There are a lot of different types of pollution among which the most recognized are air and water pollution, soil and radioactive contamination, littering, noise, light and thermal pollution. Unfortunately, most of the problems are the result of human activities. Indeed, the contradictions between man and nature are on a high level.


People cut down forests and thus damage thousands of acres of land. First of all, the soil can be easily blown away and secondly, even if new trees are planted, they can’t bring back the old forests that were a part of a complex ecosystem that cleaned the air and made home for wildlife.


Big industrial cities produce a lot of waste every day. It’s either thrown away or dug up which leads to the releasing of dangerous chemicals into the soil. Very often toxic or poisonous liquid chemicals are poured into the water therefore people’s health is put at risk. However, they are themselves responsible for this.

Water and air pollution

Water and air pollution are also a serious threat to our environment. The main factors contributing to them are car fumes, oil spills, throwing litter and many others. Polluted air and water affect people’s health to such an extent that millions of them have got no access to safe drinking water.


In conclusion, it must be said that if we want to live in a better and healthier world we should take great care of our mother nature and learn to protect it.

Our planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, but nowadays it"s the only place where we can live. People have lived on our planet for many years. They lived and live on different continents, in different countries. People depend on their planet, the sun, animals and plants around them. Environment is everything in the world around us that surround and affects all life on earth, including the air, food, water, plants, animals and other.

Environment is the place where we live. Since ancient time nature has served man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But man"s interference in nature began to increase with the development of civilization. Our ecology becomes worse and worse with every new day. Many species of animals and birds are disappearing nowadays. People destruct wildlife, cut down trees to make furniture. They forget that people can"t live without trees and plants, because they fill air with oxygen.

There are a lot of ecological problems. The most serious ecological problems are: noise from cars and buses; destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty; shortage of natural resources; the growth of population; pollution in its many forms. Water is everywhere, but there is no ocean or sea which is not used as a dump. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned too. Fish and reptiles can"t live in them. People can"t drink this water. So we have to clean the water environment. Another problem is air pollution. Air pollution influents the health of people. For example: ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer. Normally the ozone layer in the atmosphere protects us from such radiation, but if there are holes in the ozone layer ultraviolet radiation can get to the earth. Many scientists think that these holes are the result of air pollution. Also we have problem with nuclear pollution. Nuclear pollution cannot be seen but its effect can be terrible. To make air clear clean again we need good filters at nuclear power stations, at factories, in cars and buses.

Another problem is growth of population. They don"t have enough places to live. They need more water, more food. So it is the reason of the shortage of the natural resources. It is very difficult to solve this problem. Also one of the most serious problems is greenhouse effect. It works like this: sunlight gives us heat. Some of the heat warms the atmosphere and some of the heat goes back into space. Nowadays the heat can"t go into space. That"s why winter and summer temperatures in many places have become higher. If the temperature continues growing up the snow on the mountains and ice will melt, so the most of the earth will be under water. So every person has to understand how important it is to solve these problems, which endanger people"s life.

Topic: How to save our planet

Тема: Как спасти нашу планету

Nowadays, the place we live great danger. There are a lot of things, which affect the Earth. , deforestation, poisoning of the air and water pollution, destruction of the and global warming – these are the problems which should face. The main question is what is needed to be done to make the things better? Is it possible to change the current situation somehow?

Сегодня место, где мы живем, перебывает в большой опасности. Существует много вещей, которые негативно влияют на Землю. Выбросы фабрик и выхлопные газы, вырубка леса, отравление воздуха и загрязнение воды, разрушение озонового шара и глобальное потепление - это проблемы с которыми современному человеку предстоит столкнуться. Основной вопрос в том, что нам нужно сделать, чтобы изменить все в лучшую сторону? Возможно ли как-то изменить данную ситуацию?

I think, there are some steps that could help people to improve the things. The first that we are able to do is to change the way of life. In my opinion, we should begin with something very simple. For example, start using public transport instead of our cars, we can use glass and wood instead of plastic, it will be effective organize planting of the trees and renovation of the parks.

Я думаю, есть несколько шагов, которые помогут людям улучшить ситуацию. Первое, что можно сделать это изменить свой образ жизни. Я считаю, нам нужно начать с чего-то очень простого. Например, начать пользоваться общественным транспортом вместо наших машин, использовать стекло и дерево вместо пластика, было бы эффективно, если бы люди организовали посадку деревьев и восстановление парков.

As you can understand, many serious problems exist and these solutions can be ineffective. The main task is to save the planet which is going to be destroyed. We understand, that there is no opportunity to renew the nature completely, but it is possible to make some improvements. If people realize the size of the problem and all the possible consequences, there will be an encouragement for them to take some measures.

Как вы понимаете, существует много серьезных проблем и эти решения могут быть неэффективными. Главная задача - спасти планету, которая пребывает на грани разрушения. Мы понимаем, что нет возможности полностью восстановить природу, но мы можем что-то улучшить. Если люди осознают масштабы проблемы и все возможные последствия, появиться желание принять какие-то меры.

Talking about the saving of the environment, it is important to remember three basic rules: reduce, reuse and recycle. It is very simple, but somehow we tend to forget about it. If we reduce the usage of natural resources, we will have an opportunity to consume energy and water more wisely. Reusing will help to prevent total exhaustion of natural goods, such as trees and water. Recycling will help to prevent high levels of pollution.

Если говорить об охране окружающей среды, важно помнить о трёх основных правилах: сокращать, использовать повторно и перерабатывать. Это очень просто, но почему-то ми имеем тенденцию забывать об этом. Если мы сократим использование природных ресурсов, появиться возможность более мудро использовать воду и энергию. Повторное использование поможет предотвратить полное истощение природных ресурсов, таких как деревья и вода. Прирабатывание поможет предотвратить высокие уровни загрязнения.

To my mind, we should also look for the alternative energy sources. These could be wind, water and solar energy. In the whole world, scientists are making efforts and looking for ways to use all the resources properly, so I hope that in future they will have a chance to succeed. That means that we will give up using coal and oil, which can give off very toxic wastes.

Я считаю, нам стоит также искать альтернативные источники энергии. Это может быть ветер, вода и солнечная энергия. Во всем мире, ученые стараются, ищут пути, как рационально использовать ресурсы, поэтому, я надеюсь, что в будущем появиться шанс на успех. Это значит, что мы перестанем использовать уголь и нефть, которые могут выделять токсические отходы.

The source of human life on the Earth is water and it needs our attention and protection. Many factories throw the wastes into the rivers and oceans as a result we receive and complication of the process of water purification. We should take measures before it is too late.

Источник человеческой жизни на Земле - это вода, которая нуждается во внимании и защите. Много фабрик выбрасывают отходы в реки и океаны, в следствии чего мы получаем вымирание редких видов животных и усложнение процесса очистки воды. Нам нужно принять меры, пока не поздно.

We should also remember about the air. The easiest ways to fight with the air pollution are planting the trees and destroying the reason of the pollution.It is easy to plant a tree and it does not need hard efforts. All that we need is to have the desire to improve the situation and to stop being lazy.

Нам стоит также помнить о воздухе. Самый простой способ бороться з загрязнением воздуха – посадка деревьев и ликвидация источника загрязнения. Посадить дерево очень просто, это не требует тяжелых усилий. Всё, что требуется- это иметь желание улучшить ситуацию и прекратить ленится.

The Earth is the place where we live,it is our home and the task is to protect it and . If the humanity change nothing in a thousand of years our planet will not exist. We should start doing something and give a chance to next generations to live in a peaceful and beautiful home.

Земля - место, где мы обитаем, это наш дом и наша задача беречь ее и ценить то, что она нам дарит. Если человечество нечего не изменит, через тысячу лет, наша планета прекратит своё существование. Нам надо начинать что-то делать и подарить будущим поколениям шанс жизнь в мирном и красивом доме.

Текст на английском языке с переводом на русский язык «Как спасти нашу планету (How to save our planet)» по теме «Environment / Окружающая среда» является авторским сочинением пользователя . Будем благодарны, если вы укажите на обнаруженные ошибки в тексте. Автор текста несогласный с исправлениями тоже может высказать свое мнение.

Correct the mistakes / Исправление ошибок:

the easiest ways

The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference - we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster.

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Long live mother Earth - Mom I live for you. An ardent conservationist Nazar Pervobytnyi, for conservation Earth. Peace and Friendship are the most important to us. Protect Nature from humanity. stop the production of oil, gas, salt and so on. Arctic unique, live there polar bears, walruses, narwhals and other amazing animals. Tears and pain nivchem innocent - all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother - Earth, our home, our common home - the planet where

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The eldest daughter of former U.S. President, Barack Obama Malia stood in the protection of Nature.
Humans are destroying Nature, knowing that every step could lead to a global catastrophe and blatantly destroy Nature. Please save Earth and Arctic. Long live mother Earth - Mom I live for you. An ardent conservationist Nazar Pervobytnyi, for conservation Earth. Peace and Friendship are the most important to us. Protect Nature from humanity. stop the production of oil, gas, salt and so on. Arctic unique, live there polar bears, walruses, narwhals and other amazing animals. Tears and pain nivchem innocent - all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother - Earth, our home, our common home - the planet where
the world we live in. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks,
springs, forests, meadows, flora and fauna adorn the Planet. World to save natur: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference - we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP3pbh_-pu8&sns= tw Exxon Valdez oil spill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtF-4JvSh8o&sns= tw. Nature can to get rid of all ills, misfortune and razrusheny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUwnn99YOC0&sns= tw. Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zGFvzMMO9w&sns= tw. Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuZcx2zEo4k&sns= tw. Environmental problems of the Earth! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pe-KV6J-uE&sns= fb Pepper Spray http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuZcx2zEo4k

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World to save nature Nazar Pervobytnyi: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference - we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP3pbh_-pu8&sns= tw Exxon Valdez oil spill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtF-4JvSh8o&sns= tw. Nature can to get rid of all ills, misfortune and razrusheny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUwnn99YOC0&sns= tw. Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zGFvzMMO9w&sns= tw. Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuZcx2zEo4k&sns= tw. Environmental problems of the Earth! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pe-KV6J-uE&sns= fb

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Factory waste and exhaust gases

Factories waste and exhaust gases

value all that it gives to us

appreciate all it gives to us

in is in

Правильно "in is in"
"Место, В котором мы живем В большой опасности"

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Peace and Friendship are the most important to us. Tears and pain nivchem innocent - all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother - Earth, our home, our common home - the planet where
the world we live in. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks,
springs, forests, meadows, flora and fauna adorn the Planet. World to save natur: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference - we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP3pbh_-pu8&sns= tw Exxon Valdez oil spill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtF-4JvSh8o&sns= tw. Nature can to get rid of all ills, misfortune and razrusheny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUwnn99YOC0&sns= tw. Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zGFvzMMO9w&sns= tw. Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuZcx2zEo4k&sns= tw. Environmental problems of the Earth! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pe-KV6J-uE&sns= fb

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Fires in Spain, Portugal, Russia, Canada, USA and so on. All the fires are the fault of humanity: People throw cigarette
butts everywhere, lighting fires in uncleared areas from
grass, garbage and combustible materials. Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference - we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP3pbh_-pu8&sns= tw Exxon Valdez oil spill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtF-4JvSh8o&sns= tw. Nature can to get rid of all ills, misfortune and razrusheny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUwnn99YOC0&sns= tw. Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zGFvzMMO9w&sns= tw. Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuZcx2zEo4k&sns= tw. Environmental problems of the Earth! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pe-KV6J-uE&sns= fb

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SOS:Macron meets Schwarzenegger and vows to stop oil and gas. People from international environmental organizations gathered for a rally in protest against mining coal, ore, oil, gas, soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt and more. It is not too late for all of us and for all the world to recover to stop production of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. Mining salt, coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death.
Tears and pain nivchem innocent - all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother - Earth, where
the world we live in. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks,
springs, forests, meadows, flora and fauna adorn the Planet. World to save natur: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all
sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference - we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP3pbh_-pu8&sns= tw Exxon Valdez oil spill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtF-4JvSh8o&sns= tw. Nature can to get rid of all ills, misfortune and razrusheny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUwnn99YOC0&sns= tw. Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zGFvzMMO9w&sns= tw. Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuZcx2zEo4k&sns= tw. Environmental problems of the Earth! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pe-KV6J-uE&sns= fb Pepper Spray http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuZcx2zEo4k
