Vanga about the religion of the future. Vanga's prediction. What ancient Teaching did the Bulgarian clairvoyant foresee? Vanga about his gift: “The world will not perish”

For many years, the gift of the Bulgarian clairvoyant, who was popularly called a soothsayer, was actively advertised all over the world. Vangoy. Who was she? From whom did you receive your gift? In our article we will try to understand these issues. The article is based on a book by Vanga’s niece Krasimira Stoyanova, who lived next to Vanga all her life (1). First of all, let's get acquainted with the biography of the heroine of our article.

Evangelia Dimitrova (1911-1996), better known as Vanga, was born in Strumnica (Yugoslavia) into a poor peasant family. Vanga's father, Pande Surchev, went to fight the Turks while still a young man, for which he was sentenced to life imprisonment. But in 1908, Surchev received a pardon and was released. Returning home, he joins the anti-Turkish guerrilla war. Vanga's mother dies during her second pregnancy, when her eldest daughter was three years old. A year after this, Vanga’s father is mobilized into the army and the girl remains in the care of her neighbor Asanitsa. Three years later, the father returns and marries Tanka Georgieva, who becomes Vanga’s stepmother. Pande managed to earn a good plot of land, so the family lives in abundance. But soon the local authorities, recalling Vanga’s father’s rebellious past, deprive him of his land, leaving the family in poverty. In 1923, Pande Surchev’s family moved to Novo-Selo to live with Pande’s brother Kostadin. And at this time, a misfortune happens to 12-year-old Vanga. The girl finds herself in the epicenter of the storm, she is picked up and carried two kilometers by a tornado. Sand that gets into Vanga's eyes threatens her with blindness. Need surgery. Two operations take place in the city of Skopje, but both are unsuccessful. A film appears before the girl's eyes. The third operation is taking place in Belgrade, but Vanga’s father was unable to pay the amount of money required for his daughter’s operation, which is why the treatment was not carried out as expected. Vanga returned home visually impaired. The doctor warns the family that Vanga needs rest and good nutrition. But Vanga’s family is very poor and cannot provide her with either one or the other.


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  • Vanga - an unhappy woman, a victim of dark forces
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  • Vanga: who pulled the string?- Vitaly Pitanov
  • Vanga- Fornit


Mental and physical stress, malnutrition affect the girl’s health, which is why she completely loses her sight. In 1925, Vanga was sent to the city of Zemun to the House of the Blind, where she spent three years of her life. In the House of the Blind, she learns the Broglie alphabet, music, and begins to play the piano well. The girl is taught to knit, cook, and sew. At the age of 18, she is proposed to by a blind man named Dimitar, who also lives in the House of the Blind. His parents are rich, and the girl can expect a prosperous future. Vanga agrees, but at this time she receives news from her father about the death of her stepmother, the father calls his daughter home, since her help is needed in caring for her young brothers and sister.

The wedding with Dimitar is upset, and Vanga returns to her father, actively getting involved in everyday chores. Knowing how to knit beautifully, Vanga takes home orders and does weaving. But the money earned is not enough for a decent life, and the family lives in poverty. In 1940, at the age of 54, Vanga’s father dies. In May 1942, Vanga married Dimitar Gushterov. Dimitra's mother does not approve of this marriage. Vanga's husband died in April 1962 at the age of 42, of which for the last twelve years he suffered from chronic alcoholism. Vanga dies in 1996. This is, in general terms, the life of the world famous soothsayer. Let's move on to the main topic of our work.

Vanga’s visions began with her communication with a certain “horseman”. Here is how Krasimira describes, in the words of Vanga, one of these visions from the beginning of 1941: “... He (the horseman - V.P.) was tall, Russian-haired and divinely handsome. Dressed like an ancient warrior, in armor that glittered in the moonlight ". His horse swung its white tail and dug the ground with its hooves. He stopped in front of the gate of Vanga's house, jumped off his horse and entered a dark room. Such a radiance emanated from him that it became light inside, as if during the day. He turned to Vanga and spoke in a low voice: “Soon the world will turn upside down and many people will die. In this place you will stand and predict for the dead and the living. Don't be afraid! I will be next to you, and I will say what you have to convey to them! "" (2). Lyubka, Vanga’s sister, saw that she was trembling, and both women could not sleep until the morning. Who was this horseman who appeared to Vanga? Local residents believed that in the area where Vanga lived, a full-length golden statue of a horseman was buried.

According to some, this is a statue of St. Constantine, according to others, a statue of the Thracian deity Heros (3). Lyubka described the places where they lived: “Our places, which I also haven’t left for many years, are very attractive to Vanga, although I can’t understand why. But she has some reason! Personally, Rupite has a depressing effect on me, like , however, and on many others. And Vanga says that she hears “voices” there, which tell her about many things. And exactly where her house stands, there is, as she believes, the center that connects the sanctuaries of the ancients" (4) . Vanga claimed that it was in this area, connected, in her opinion, with an ancient pagan sanctuary and having a depressing effect on her sister, that she heard those voices thanks to which the whole world recognized her as a soothsayer.

Did these contacts have consequences for Vanga herself? Yes, people who knew her talk about significant changes that happened to Vanga after she became a soothsayer. After the vision of the horseman and the start of the war, she did not sleep for almost a year and even changed in appearance (5). This is how Vanga herself described the mechanism of her visions: “When a person comes to me, I have the feeling that a window opens in my head through which I observe pictures, and the life of this person passes before my eyes, like a film, but it should I hear a “voice” that tells me what exactly needs to be conveyed to the visitor” (6).

From Krasimira’s words it becomes clear that Vanga did not control the process of communication with those forces that were prophesied through her, contact occurred only at their request, the connection was mainly one-sided (7). Vanga herself spoke about contacts: “...When they decide to speak through my lips, I feel bad, I walk around exhausted all day” (8). Moreover, the responses of these forces were always not specific, but vague in nature (9). At the moment of contact, Vanga turned pale, the strength and timbre of her voice changed, and words and expressions that she usually did not use began to sound (10).

Vanga often used sugar in her activities. A person who came to her for advice brought with him two or three pieces of sugar, which before that should have lain under his pillow for several days. Taking these pieces of sugar in her hands, Vanga told the person about his past and future (11). How often did Vanga's predictions come true? According to one study, every fifth prediction of Vanga was false (12), according to another, during which 823 messages were examined, 445 were true, 288 were alternative, 90 were erroneous (13).

We emphasize that these data are provided by people who were admirers of Vanga. Vanga did not like documentation of her predictions and, unfortunately, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to provide more accurate statistics. Could what Vanga predicted to her visitors be changed? As follows from her answer to this question, no. At the same time, those forces, the conductor of which she was, taught that a person’s life is completely predetermined, therefore a person can no longer change anything in it (14): “Do not think that you are free to do whatever you want, no one is free.” (15).

What did Vanga say about God? Let us immediately make a reservation that Vanga had neither serious experience of Christian life nor knowledge of church doctrine. But she did not deny the existence of God, for example, about Christ she wrote: “... he has no body. It is a huge ball of fire that cannot be looked at because of its brightness. Nothing is visible except light. And if someone says that he saw God, know that this is not true" (16). Vanga said about the forces that came into contact with her: “I’ve been observing them for about a year. Their clothes resemble armor that shines like fish scales. Perhaps there are women among them. Their hair looks like seaweed and is soft like duck down.” ; frame their heads in the form of a halo. Sometimes at the back there are something like wings. Very often, returning to my house in Petrich, I see them sitting in the rooms. “Talking" with them. Sometimes, even before I approach the gate, I hear drawn-out sounds, something like a melody, as if a choir is singing psalms... They don’t say for what purpose they come here... These creatures... I don’t know what to call them... They control us" (17).


1. Stoyanova K. Vanga. About the Bulgarian clairvoyant and soothsayer. Riga. 1991. P.72.

2. Ibid. P.34.

3. Ibid. P.8.

4. Ibid. P.7.

5. Ibid. P.34-35.

6. Ibid. P.12.

7. Ibid. S.3,5.

8. Ibid. S.3.

9. Ibid. S.5.

10. Ibid. C.2.

11. Belyavskaya V.F. Practical advice from the great Vanga. Minsk. Literature. 1997. P.16.

12. Stoyanova K. Vanga. About the Bulgarian clairvoyant and soothsayer. Riga. 1991. P.2.

13. Belyavskaya V.F. Practical advice from the great Vanga. Minsk. Literature. 1997. pp. 204-205.

14. Stoyanova K. Vanga. About the Bulgarian clairvoyant and soothsayer. Riga. 1991. P.4.

15. Ibid. P.9.

16. Ibid. S.6.

17. Ibid. P.73-74.

18. Ibid. S.3.

19. Ibid. P.13.

20. Belyavskaya V.F. Practical advice from the great Vanga. Minsk. Literature. 1997. P.52.

21. Ibid. P.49.

22. Stoyanova K. Vanga. About the Bulgarian clairvoyant and soothsayer. Riga. 1991. P.36.

23. Ibid. P.54.

24. See: Vitaly Pitanov Facets of the occult: from hermeticism to magic and extrasensory perception -

25. Belyavskaya V.F. Practical advice from the great Vanga. Minsk. Literature. 1997. P.51.

26. Ibid. P.216-217.

27. Stoyanova K. Vanga. About the Bulgarian clairvoyant and soothsayer. Riga. 1991. P.71.

28. See: Vitaly Pitanov Facets of the occult: from hermeticism to magic and extrasensory perception -

29. See: Vitaly Pitanov Court of conscience: Agni yoga against Christianity -

30. See: Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov). Glinskaya desert.

Photo - Vanga -

Vanga is a deeply religious person; she believes in God and his existence.

We have preserved tape recordings of conversations in which the clairvoyant talks about God, Jesus Christ and Faith, so we quote strictly from documents:

“Obey God and everything will be fine. If you go against him, you will suffer and suffer. Baptize your children to protect them from misfortune.”

“Strengthen your faith in God, love each other and be kinder, because without this you will not succeed in anything. Although with difficulty, the bad gives way to the good. Do not hurry. Heaven knows best in what order events should follow. There are different laws and reasons.”

“We live in difficult times. Brothers and sisters separated. Let us unite to preserve ourselves for a better life.” “One God, one ruler, one people - that’s what we need!”

“Not a day, not two, but fifty-three years already (since I began to prophesy - Ed.) there has been no peace in my soul. But I will tell you - only good can defeat evil. Kindness is God's grace. Be wise, don't believe crazy talk! Then you will be saved sooner.”

Vanga interprets many biblical legends in a unique way. For example, a rainbow, according to Vanga, is a reminder of the Flood. “In ancient times, punishment was sent down on people for their sins: it rained for forty days. Water flooded the earth, living creatures drowned, and, of course, people drowned too. Noah survived and with him in the ark “every creature in pairs.” Noah on his ark, although he did not completely lose faith in salvation, despaired of fighting the waves, and then a rainbow rose in the sky. The snowy peaks of the mountains sparkled under the rainbow, and a dove with an olive branch in its beak flew from there. That was the signal: you are saved because you believed.”

In general, Vanga spoke about the Flood and Noah’s Ark many times with various shades and variations:

“When the rain stopped, a rainbow first appeared in the sky, and before that it rained and rained for 40 whole days and destroyed the entire human race and all earthly creatures. Only Noah's Ark remained.

Late in the evening, just before midnight, I walk through my house past this Noah's Ark. It has been standing there for many years...”

And one day Vanga said: “Noah’s Ark is very close to my house. As soon as I walk ten steps, I will touch his warm, mossy side with my hand. Wood warmed by the sun is so pleasant to the touch!”

Mysterious words - Noah's Ark in Vanga's house in Petrich... Noah's Ark next to the house. Is this a vision of the legendary event described in the Old Testament when God destroyed his creation? Or does the revelation of the prophetess symbolize something completely different?

Vanga urged not to quarrel, but to love each other, emphasizing that the main thing for the well-being of the people is faith and love.

Very often, in fact, almost always, when answering questions about the situation in the country, the prophetess tirelessly repeated that the people must restore their lost faith in God and strengthen their morality. According to Vanga, to overcome the crisis it is necessary, first of all, to follow Christian virtues, strengthen moral principles and, on this basis, take specific actions. This is what Vanga says: “There is Good. There is Evil. And every person has the right to choose..."

The right to choose... A person comes into the world with this right, it is his most important asset from the first to the last day of life. Dualism underlies the structure of earthly life - there is only bad or good, they always coexist with each other. Whether a person will be virtuous or will not resist temptation, whether he will serve people and follow Christian morality or whether he will love himself - the choice is his, all his will, about which Vanga says that “no force will break it.”

“Pray that God will spare the man, for the man has gone mad in his hatred of his neighbor.”

“Be kinder so as not to suffer more; man is born for good deeds. The bad ones do not go unpunished. The most severe punishment awaits not the one who caused the evil, but his descendants. It hurts even more.”

Next, we will allow ourselves to quote Vanga’s statements about God, Jesus Christ, and faith with small comments. All of these comments were made directly during or immediately after conversations with the clairvoyant. So, quotes from the conversation with Vanga and comments.

“You explore me, experiment, study with the help of instruments and equipment... Do you want to explain what I do? How can you explain this when it is God’s work?”

“My gift from God. He deprived me of my sight, but gave me other eyes with which I see the world, both visible and invisible...”

“You don’t believe in God, but you want him to help. Don't come to me without faith. It’s not me, but He who helps you.”

Vanga's hope in God does not leave her until her last breath. She thanks him for her wonderful gift and destiny. He prays for the forgiveness of human sins, makes him believe in him, and reveres his authority.

God for Vanga is the answer to all the eternal questions of existence that ordinary people continue to ask. God for her is the beginning and end of human existence, goodness, justice and truth.

It is noteworthy that all famous soothsayers in modern human history place faith in God above all else. And, explaining that the past and the future are moments of a single process called time, they are trying to reveal the great truth that there is a force that created people, and that in their diversity they are only its particles.

Vanga often spoke about this truth, about the highest knowledge of the order of things:

“How many books have been written, but no one will give a final answer unless they understand and admit that there is a spiritual world (heaven) and a physical world (earth) and a supreme power, call it whatever you want, that created us.”

To understand the Bible, a person must rise spiritually, only then will he be able to perceive and understand higher knowledge. God will reward him and give him strength and help him so that he can understand how everything happened.”

"God exists. And if you remain silent, the stones will say that He exists. Just as the blind know that there is light, just as the lame know that there are healthy people, so the healthy should know that there is God!”

There are many surviving fragments where Vanga talks about the Bible. For her, the Bible is both a source of inspiration and spiritual support (for herself personally and for a huge number of people), and faith in salvation, and the opportunity to prevent big and small troubles.

Vanga directly states: “It will be bad, but we will cope with the disaster. And the Bible says this. Look at the Bible often, especially when things are difficult and difficult. Everything is written there.”

This is not just a call from an ordinary believer. It is known that most prophets and astrologers are deeply religious, no matter what God they worship. Their faith contains a metaphysical meaning that is little accessible to modern people, who for many years were brought up in the spirit of atheism and denial of the spiritual fundamental principles of existence.

According to the prophetess, the problems facing people and the country can only be solved by faith, love and compassion. Vanga calls on the people to turn their face to religion, otherwise...

“People will face severe trials, for we are atheists!”

“People do not believe in God and in unity, so they suffer in sin.”

If faith in God is one of the conditions for achieving a bright future, then another condition is the unity of the nation. The prophetess never tires of emphasizing that people should be united, love each other and help each other, while, unfortunately, the centuries-old history of the country indicates the opposite.

In the “Encyclopedia” one cannot ignore such complex questions: how does Vanga imagine the image of God? How does Vanga see Jesus Christ? What does it say about the apostles?

According to the biblical canons, the meaning of the word “apostle” is “sent,” that is, an envoy, a representative.

In the New Testament, the twelve disciples of Jesus are called apostles, as well as Paul and other Christians who preach the Gospel.

Jesus chose twelve disciples to follow Him, preach and heal. After His resurrection from the dead, Jesus commanded the disciples to go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel.

Later, when they were looking for a man who could become an apostle in place of the fallen Judas Iscariot, Peter said that they should choose one of those who had been with Jesus from the very beginning of His ministry and who had seen Him after His resurrection from the dead. Paul defended his right to be an apostle because he believed that what he experienced on the road to Damascus was an encounter with the living Jesus. He was chosen by Christ to bring the Gospel to the non-Jewish world (the Gentiles).

And Vanga says about the apostles and their mission:

“All the apostles are not sitting still now, they descended to Earth, because the time of the Holy Spirit has come. But the most important mission is entrusted to the Apostle Andrew. He makes the way for Christ just as He commanded.”

According to the Law of God and the Bible, God is the highest being. He has no one equal anywhere, neither on earth nor in heaven.

We humans cannot fully comprehend Him with our minds. And we ourselves could not know anything about Him if God Himself had not revealed Himself to us. What we know about God is all revealed to us by Him Himself.

The God of the Bible is a supreme spiritual personality who is beyond our understanding, but reveals Himself to the human race through the creation of the world and participation in world history. He created all living things and life itself, which continues only thanks to Him.

From the Old Testament we learn about how God created the world and how He helped His people Israel.

In the New Testament, God reveals himself to us primarily in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

The Bible does not contain abstract philosophical descriptions of the essence of God, but it does imply that God is all-seeing, all-knowing and omnipresent. He is holy and just, loving and forgiving. The existence of God is considered in the Bible as a fact that does not need proof. It begins with a simple statement: “In the beginning God created...”

People imagined God in different ways. They worshiped many gods. The Old Testament shows that Yahweh (the Old Testament name of God) is the only true God. He is the Creator and King of all things, only He is “light,” only He is absolutely holy and filled with love.

Finally, according to the Law of God, the Son of God Himself, Jesus Christ, appeared on earth and completed everything that people need to know about God. He revealed to people the great secret that God is one, but three in Persons. The first Person is God the Father, the second Person is God the Son, the third Person is God the Holy Spirit.

These are not three Gods, but one God in three Persons, the Trinity, consubstantial and indivisible.

All three Persons have the same Divine dignity, there is neither senior nor junior between them; Just as God the Father is true God, so God the Son is true God, so the Holy Spirit is true God.

They are separated only by the fact that God the Father is not born from anyone and does not come from anyone; The Son of God is born from God the Father, and the Holy Spirit comes from God the Father.

Now let’s learn more about Jesus Christ. “Jesus” is the name given to the Son of God who became man. It means "Savior". “Christ” is the Greek translation of the word “Messiah”, “Anointed One”. Jesus Christ, through revealing the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, taught us not only to truly worship God, but also to love God, since all three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - eternally abide with each other in continuous love and constitute one Being. God is the most perfect Love.

Now, after we have remembered how God appears according to the Bible and the Law of God, let us familiarize ourselves with what Vanga says about God and Jesus Christ.

Clairvoyant Vanga does not pretend to provide an abstract philosophical description of the essence of God. The soothsayer in this case does not predict, but rather gives a poetic image of God:

“God exists, but he has no flesh. It is a fireball that is painful to look at due to its blinding light. Only light - and nothing more.”

Here is another interesting example of how Vanga imagines God. According to her deep conviction. God reminds her of a certain watchful eye. “No one will hide in the house, no one will hide in the shadow of a tree, not a single good or bad deed will go unnoticed. And do not think that you are free to do what you want, no one is free in their actions, and everything is predetermined. One can only experience feelings: joy from a good deed, bitterness and repentance from a bad one.” Vanga thinks so.

And when asked by journalist K.K., who interviewed her back in 1983, whether she had seen Jesus Christ, Vanga answered: “Yes, I did. But he is not at all the same as depicted in the icons. Christ is a huge ball of fire that is impossible to look at, it is so bright. Only light, nothing else. If someone tells you that he saw God, and he looked like a man in appearance, know that there is a lie hidden here.”

Vanga said more than once that the truth should be sought in the Bible and that it will be revealed to everyone who has morally purified and risen to understand its language.

The Bible promises the second coming of Christ. Vanga also talks about this and even warns about the approach of this day.

Mother of all children

A small house on the outskirts of the Bulgarian town of Petrich. There are crowds of people everywhere, cars, motorcycles, carts, bicycles. The living sea fills the entire street, the courtyard between the house and the summer kitchen, and the neighbor’s fence. It’s as quiet as in a temple - people talk in whispers. Suddenly a sharp, unpleasant voice comes from the house.

— Vanga woke up. If only I could get to it today! We’ve been waiting for three days now,” sighs the gray-haired man. People come out of the house: some are flying as if on wings, others look worried, others are clearly confused.

She is short, rather plump, in a black dress and a black scarf, her face is pale, her eyes are lifeless - she is sitting at the kitchen table. A burning lamp in front of the icon. A bunch of crumpled up money, gifts. Nearby is sister Lyuba, a translator from the figurative language of Vanga, a wonderful Macedonian dialect. How people change in a kaleidoscope. Vanga hardly gestures - the magic is in the words and in the gaze of unseeing eyes. It seems that she considers everyone to be children who need to be treated, freed from worries and heavy mental burden, sometimes scolded, sometimes even driven away. She accepts with her heart the suffering of foolish children - like a mother... And like a mother she sees through all their thoughts and feelings...

"The Bringer of Good News"

Vangeliya ShurCheva was born on January 31, 1911 in the Macedonian town of Strumich into a simple peasant family. The girl was born premature, seven months old, with defects: two fingers and toes fused together, earlobes attached to her head. The baby was so weak that he was kept warm by the stove, and swaddled in a bull's stomach and unwashed sheep's wool. There was no hurry with the name - they were waiting for the “correct” birthday. They named it according to the existing Macedonian tradition, asking the name of the first person they met. "Vangelia!" - he said, which translated from Greek means “bringer of good news.”

When Vanga was three years old, her mother died, and her father was soon drafted into the First World War. The child was sheltered by some Turkish woman. By the age of 10, the girl knew how to perform all women's peasant work. Every morning, taking the donkey by the bridle, she went to the pasture for milk. There, in the field, a tragedy unfolded, because of which the girl lost her sight - she was blinded by a strong lightning strike (and according to another version, Vanga was caught in a hurricane, her eyes, clogged with sand, became inflamed and blinded).

Now they also say that the active and big-eyed 12-year-old girl loved to play “blind” - as if she had a presentiment of her fate. However, whether this really happened is unknown. One thing is certain: the gift of clairvoyance was not given to her from birth - it was revealed only after the catastrophe.

Already during the Second World War, surrounding residents flocked to a young blind fortune teller who knew everything in advance. In 1942, Vanga married a Bulgarian and moved to live in the Bulgarian town of Petrich - people also flocked there. (There, in Petrich, is her grave and the church she built.) In her youth, Vanga was very worried that she and her husband had no children, and after his death in the mid-60s, she took in two adopted children - a boy and a girl.

Vanga believed that the gift of clairvoyance was given to her from above, and perceived it as a mission. There was a time when the communist authorities forbade her to engage in fortune-telling: “It’s a disgrace - all over Bulgaria they praise some blind fortune-teller and forget to honor the party leaders!” Nevertheless, in the 70-80s, Vanga received up to 120 people a day. She did not conduct mass sessions, like, say, Messing - she communicated with everyone who came to her, one on one. She avoided predicting political events. Vanga read thoughts at a distance; for her there was no limit to range and no language barrier. But the most unique aspect of her gift was that she was a conduit between the living and the dead. Moreover, the contact was two-way, both sides could ask and answer.

“There are no bad children, only bad parents!”

The crowd waits silently. All day long, moving around the yard centimeters at a time. A middle-aged man wants to find out who set fire to his workshop. An elderly farmer from Australia traveled thousands of kilometers to find out why all four of his wives left him. A young childless couple who have lost their first child, a girl, timidly squeezes forward.

- I know what you have for me, Diana! - says Vanga. - Here it is, your baby - look at the doll!

She bends down and makes a motion as if she is stroking the head of an invisible child.

The woman turns pale:

“It’s already the second year since the tragedy, and I’m... so worried.”

- Why? Because you won't have children? Don't worry! If you want, you can have five of them!

The couple return home, speechless from what they heard. And six months later the young husband appears again: there is no pregnancy.

- What are you looking for? - Vanga grumbles at him.

- Six months have passed...

- Go home and tell your wife not to worry. She's giving birth in the fall! - Vanga interrupts. - And when the time for childbirth comes, come to me - I will tell you the name of the baby.

She attached great importance to the name. “When someone comes to me, I see their God-given name,” she said. — The name is written on the chest, sometimes in the snow in front of the person. I can’t always make out the handwriting, but I can clearly see the capital letter.” Vanga has said more than once that if a person is not given the “name prescribed by God,” this affects his entire subsequent life. She also asked: “Never refuse to become witnesses or godparents! This work pleases God.” She herself was godmother to 5 thousand children.

Thousands of childless women came to Vanga, asking for an explanation of the reasons for their misfortune. She advised many to adopt a child, and then wait for their own - there were many such wonderful births. Vanga, who herself raised two beloved “adopted children,” warmly approved of those who decided to take this step: “God equally rewards those who raised their own children and those who raised strangers!” Sometimes Vanga used an interesting ritual with a doll and diapers. She told a woman who had a miscarriage in the fourth month of pregnancy to come when she was pregnant again, taking with her a doll and diapers. Kneeling down, Vanga wrapped the doll in diapers, turned it around and whispered something over it - and the woman gave birth to a healthy child. There was no case when this action did not help.

However, much more often she advised childless couples to contact a specific specialist with the words: “He will help, but you need to believe in God!” How it all came together - witchcraft, magic, rituals, faith in medicine and in Christ - we are not given to know. Vanga herself categorically denied magic, explaining her miracles solely by the power of prayer. She also liked to repeat that “life is not an easy walk. She will ask for considerable sacrifices, enormous effort and humility. And each of us pays his own price: some are doomed to wait for years for the birth of a child, others are destined for losses, others will be endlessly haunted by failures at work, and others will be unlucky in their personal lives.”

Sometimes she reproached that a person was raising his child incorrectly. “You cannot look at someone else’s life from the position of an owner! Parents are nothing more than an opportunity for the soul to descend to earth. There are no bad children, only bad fathers and mothers!” She explained to a mother whose baby was constantly suffering from pneumonia: “The fact that you gave birth is not enough! You must be able to care for a child. The boy is sickly because he grows up in excessive purity, and this will happen until he is 6 years old.”

“Once you give birth to a child, you are no longer your own. Only for him. You gave the life for which you are responsible,” Vanga said.

Heavy Cross

Vanga often complained that she had the longest working day in Bulgaria: “I am next to the worms, only they work longer than me.” Her sightless eyes “read” not only the fate of the visitor, but also the fate of his relatives, colleagues and friends. For her, a person was a source of news about his surroundings, including about already deceased relatives. She deciphered secret information codes. She put some things into words, but she didn’t have time for others - thoughts and visions of the past and future ran by too quickly to record them. But there was also something that was “not allowed” to be said, or she herself, for moral reasons, did not want to reveal. In such cases, the clairvoyant explained herself in vague hints. There were visitors whom Vanga drove away: either she was unable to establish contact with them, or something remained unclear to her, or - what is most likely - she acted in such a way as not to tell the truth.

Vanga told fortunes to both Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin. We don’t know what she said to the greats of this world, but the case of actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov during a meeting with Vanga in 1979 received publicity. She asked him: “Why didn’t you fulfill the wishes of your friend Yuri Gagarin? Before his last flight, he came to visit you and said: “I don’t have time, but I really ask you: buy an alarm clock and keep it on your desk. Let the clock remind you of me!” After these words, Tikhonov felt ill; they pumped him out with valerian. Having come to his senses, he confirmed that it was so, but, shocked by the death of Gagarin, he simply forgot to buy this watch...

Not everyone left her happy. Her enemies even carefully calculated how many of her predictions came true and how many did not. Rumors spread through Soviet and Bulgarian newspapers that she was a fraud with spies throughout the country.

“You treat me with great prejudice,” she says to a journalist who came to her not with personal, but with “philosophical” questions. But he, pretending that he did not hear, continued the “interrogation with passion”: “What is a person’s relationship with himself and is he able to find out?”

The answer is unclear. “Does the meaning of life coincide with life itself?” - the guest presses.

Suddenly the soothsayer, dropping her head on the table, loudly complains: “God, why do they all want to get to you alive!” She straightens the handkerchief with her hands and says: “The meaning of life is kept by God. He's there in this special bird's nest." “Are there any thieves?” - asks the journalist.

- There, only the Lord is the thief. And if he steals, it is from himself. And he distributes the stolen goods to people.

She first tried to convince everyone - poor and rich, honest and liars, good and bad - of the existence of God.

“Bad people are torturing me!”

A woman comes, her two children have died. “They were not intended for you, and God took them,” Vanga explained. “Human life is a gift from God, and much of what happens to us cannot be explained, no matter how hard we try to understand.”

She was guessing on a grain of sugar, which should have been placed at the head of the bed at night. She asked me to bring her flowers and candles.

“You see, he’s standing next to me!” - she tells her mother about her dead son. “You come to me empty-handed, and I’m waiting for a flower or a candle... I don’t need money, food or drink.” If I am tired now, this fatigue will not go away until the morning. We need flowers and candles...

Perhaps a flower or a candle neutralized some of the energy that accumulated around Vanga while she was talking with the dead. It is only clear that these were difficult moments that required a lot of stress from her. Vanga once admitted that the dead bore her.

- If someone close to you has recently died, come to me with potted flowers. The information about the dead that you create with your presence will be taken away by the flower and will save me from faintness and attacks.

I find it very easy to watch sometimes! When a woman comes and says: “I am a good wife and mother, I didn’t do anything bad to my children, I taught them not to steal or lie,” everything goes like clockwork. And bad people torment me...

What do people do after death

Vanga did not create a new religion or teaching, but her unique experience of transmission from the “other world” dispelled both science and many religious dogmas - which is why the Bulgarian church decided to canonize her only after much debate. The main concern of the confessors was the fact that the other world as described by the clairvoyant was very different from Christian ideas. For many years, through the mouth of Vanga, thousands of those who had passed on to another world addressed their earthly relatives, and not one of them testified either to fiery hell or to heaven. The wonderful seer Vanga brought us good news, claiming that on the other side of earthly existence there is not oblivion, not a terrible abyss, but a world of another life, which we can know as clearly as the earthly one.

She explained to us the main thing: no sudden changes happen to a person after death. At first, just starting to get used to the new afterlife, the deceased does not notice much of a difference. “I didn’t die at all,” he thinks. “I’m as alive as before.” Understanding of the afterlife comes only because the previous contact with the people whom he continues to see is no longer possible: he calls them, but they do not hear, he touches them, but they do not notice anything. The contact channel “works” only through the human subconscious, which belongs to both worlds at the same time. For the majority of people living on Earth, information passes from consciousness to subconsciousness; and feedback functions only for a few. Uncontrollable - for people with mental disabilities, more or less controllable - for psychics. A unique person for whom the Almighty completely opened a channel of “feedback” with the afterlife was the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga.

“Cancer will be defeated!”

For the last three years of her life, Vanga struggled with cancer, a disease that she herself predicted would end. “Cancer will be shackled in iron handcuffs!” - her words. Perhaps she wanted to say with them that the cure for cancer would contain a lot of iron, which our body lacks. She also talked about universal medicines made from horse, dog and turtle hormones, because “the horse is strong, the dog is hardy, and the turtle lives a long time.” Sooner or later, cancer will be defeated. But so far the man has lost.

85-year-old Vanga predicted her hour of death a month before her death. On August 10, 1996, at midnight, doctors noted a sharp deterioration in her condition. The patient asked for bread and a glass of water; then - to be washed. When everything was done and Vanga was anointed with oils and incense, she smiled: “Well, I’m ready.” The next morning she said that the spirits of her dead relatives had come for her. The soothsayer talked to them, making movements with her hand, as if she was stroking someone on the head, and at 10 in the morning, perhaps the wisest woman on our planet went into eternity.

e-mail: [email protected]

Very informative. Whenever possible, I watched all the programs about the Great Vanga. Now I finally believe that there is a continuation of life after death in another dimension.

And again we are faced with a direct indication of one of the most authoritative seers of our time, Vanga, about the coming into the world of a certain The Anointed One and the most ancient Teaching. Circumstances are amazing, every day new facts appear as if out of thin air, which we add into a common treasury of evidence for those who need reasoned confirmation of our seemingly incredible hypothesis. We admit that the creation of the site was associated with a strong emotional impulse, whereas today it has been replaced by cold research calculations. We continue to search and analyze information, and we invite you, dear and caring reader, to join our exciting search.

So Vanga, one of the most famous clairvoyants of the 20th century, whose phenomenon has remained an unsolved mystery for official science. Trying to quickly cover the material, we came to the understanding that the latest mentions of her in the media and the Internet are most likely associated with various kinds of speculation on her name, pure falsification. Despite the many documentaries made after her death, we believe that it is more likely that you can only trust Krasimira Stoyanova’s book “The Truth about Vanga” and direct eyewitnesses of personal meetings with the seer, and judging by the mention in the book and these articles in the publications “Arguments and Facts” ", "Kosmomolskaya Pravda", it was far, far from small.

It should certainly be noted that much of what the current yellow newspaper headlines and banners are full of is pure lies; in this simple way, in the name of the clairvoyant, journalists increase their publishing circulation and attract visitors to their sites. After Vanga's death, many documentaries were shot and dozens of books were published. However, today it is not easy to say with certainty where the truth is and where the lie is, so let’s still rely on the memories of Vanga’s niece Krasimira Stoyanova and some more or less authoritative sources.

A little historical background from Wikipedia. Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, née Dimitrova; January 31, 1911, Strumitsa, Ottoman Empire - August 11, 1996 Petrich, Bulgaria) is a Bulgarian woman who is credited with the gift of foresight. She was born into the family of a poor Bulgarian peasant. She lived most of her life in the city of Petrich, at the junction of three borders (Bulgaria, Greece, Republic of Macedonia). For the last 20 years she has been receiving visitors in the village of Rupite. In 1923, Vanga, her father and stepmother, moved to the village of Novo Selo in Macedonia, where her father was from. There, at the age of 12, Vanga, when returning home with her cousins, lost her sight due to a hurricane, during which the whirlwind threw her hundreds of meters. She was found only in the evening, covered with branches and with her eyes filled with sand. Her family was unable to provide treatment, and as a result, Vanga went blind. In 1925, she was sent to the Home for the Blind in Zemun, Serbia, where she spent three years learning to cook, knit, and read Braille. After the death of her stepmother due to difficult life circumstances, she returned to her father’s house in Strumica.

In the photo Vanga and Krasimir Stoyanov

Vanga first attracted public attention during the Second World War, when a rumor spread in the neighborhoods closest to her village that she was able to determine the location of people missing in the war, whether they were alive, or the places of their death and burial. In 1941, Vanga was visited for the second time by a certain “ mysterious horseman", after which she began to exhibit supernatural abilities. One of Vanga’s first titled visitors was the Tsar of Bulgaria Boris III, who visited her on April 8, 1942. According to followers, Vanga had the ability to determine people’s diseases with great accuracy and predict their future fate. She often referred her to healers or doctors who could help these people, and often she did not know these healers and spoke about them like this: such and such a person lives in such and such a city. In 1967, Vanga was registered as a civil servant. From that moment on, she began to receive an official salary, and visits became paid. Until this moment, Vanga received people for free, accepting only various gifts. According to Vanga herself, she owes her abilities to certain invisible creatures, the origin of which she was not able to explain. Vanga's niece, Krasimira Stoyanova, said that Vanga spoke with the souls of the dead or, in cases where the dead could not give an answer, with a certain inhuman voice. After each such session, Vanga said that “I feel bad, and then I’m broken all day long” and “I lose a lot of energy, I feel bad, I’m depressed for a long time”...


After a thorough introductory speech, let's move on to the predictions of the events that Vanga foresaw in the near future. In particular, we could not help but be interested in the specific words she uttered about the coming of the time of the Holy Spirit and the ancient Teaching.

Humanity will experience many natural and social disasters and turbulent events. Human consciousness will gradually change. Hard times will come, people will be divided on the basis of faith. Will come into the world ancient teaching . People ask me: “Will this time come soon?” No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet!

This is the first prediction we have come across. What ancient teaching are we talking about? And what does “Syria did not fall” mean? If we try to briefly describe primordial AllatRa Knowledge, It must be noted that the depth of its comprehension, unfortunately, is not yet accessible and beyond our control - it includes such fundamental concepts as life and death, soul and subpersonality (posthumous fate of the individual), properties of parallel worlds and dimensions, explanations of sacred signs and symbols from the position of elementary physics, the mechanism of enlightenment (spiritual liberation), the dual nature of man - the Spiritual and Animal nature (their characteristics), a detailed description of the energy structure of man in different dimensions, meditation and spiritual practices, the structure of the universe and matter (Primordial Physics), and much, much more... Due to a banal lack of time, we have not yet been able to even cover the entire volume with attention. On the Internet, if you wish, you can probably find over a hundred (100) different sites dedicated to the transfer of this Knowledge and its dissemination. Even offhand, you can’t even compare more than one newly-minted teaching in the world today. And especially the fact that AllatRa positions itself as PRIMORDIAL knowledge, that is, the original one, standing at the origins, we do not doubt for a second that the “most ancient teaching” is precisely AllatRa. It would probably be appropriate, as a powerful argument, in addition to the link to the photo selection, to present a short video about the AllatRa sign, which, judging by the artifacts, has gone with humanity through its long, centuries-old history:

We appeal to readers with a big request to provide analogues of teachings of this kind that have appeared in the world, in order to be able to compare and see the broader picture. As for the ending of the prophecy, at the time of writing these lines (October, 2015), we are witnessing large-scale hostilities, in other words. In fact, there is a war going on in Syria. This means that we can say that the date of the prophecy fully corresponds to our time. After the release of three sensational interviews with I.M. Danilov in September of this year (“Frank dialogue about the most important thing”, “The meaning of life is immortality” and “Unity”), we personally have no doubt that the fall of Syria is 2015, and the most ancient Teaching is AllatRa (brought by those who are called differently in different religions: the Comforter, Imam Mahdi, Maitreya, Kalki Avatar, Geser Khan, Mashiach, Saoshyant...)

The anointed one in white robes will come to Earth again. The hour is near when those chosen by their hearts will feel that Christ has returned. First He will appear to Russia, and then to the whole world.

"Anointed One in White Robes " - The one whose name we listed above." The chosen ones will feel with their hearts " - meaning with the spiritual heart, with the help of deep feelings. Example, the second interview "The meaning of life is immortality" - excerpt 2:44:24 - 2:45:51, which caused a real storm of positive responses all over the world, watch the "video- reviews ". We were not lazy and made a video:

There is an ancient teaching - the teaching of the White Brotherhood. It will spread all over the world. New books will be published about him, and they will be read everywhere on Earth. It will be Fire Bible. The day will come when all religions will disappear! Only the teachings of the White Brotherhood will remain. It will cover the earth like white, and thanks to it people will be saved. A new teaching will come from Russia. She will be the first to cleanse herself. The White Brotherhood will spread throughout Russia and begin its march around the world. This will happen in 20 years, it won’t happen before. In 20 years you will reap your first harvest. 1978

It is not yet clear to us why Wang was called the teaching of the White Brotherhood. Why White, and why brotherhood? " Fire bible " - undoubtedly, this is the AllatRa book (you can easily download it on the Internet for free). " Spread all over the world " - judging by our observations, this is already happening." All religions will disappear “We think it’s completely logical! Their words are practically dead. What’s the point in them if their representatives have broken “The Whole into parts” and have been defending the privileges of authorship for millennia?” New teaching will come from Russia “- this point is not entirely clear to us yet, because all the signs indicate that territorially this is the state of Ukraine.” In 20 years you will reap the first harvest (1978) “- there is information (though not yet confirmed) that A. Novykh’s first book “Perekretye” was first published in 1998, and if this is so, Vanga hit the nail on the head here too, indicating the correct date.


When God comes, a difficult time will come for the unbelievers. Water suitable for drinking will remain only in the mountains. Christ will give people water from a full jug , but dry outside. The Antichrist will wet the outside of the jug, but inside it will be empty!

"Christ will water people from a full (inner) jug " - of course, we are talking about the internal source - the Human Soul. With the help of the ancient spiritual practice "Lotus Flower", introduced " The anointed one in white robes“You can perfectly feel what it is, what kind of spiritual invisible saturation is being spoken of. This prediction is a deep allegory, understandable for people who have new Knowledge.

...The pure in heart will see God...

Let us once again point out the interview “The meaning of life is immortality” and the excerpt 2:44:24 - 2:45:51, video above. Without opening the “inner source”, God cannot be known. This is the essence of the division of all humanity into LIVING and DEAD. Secondly, those who are trying unsuccessfully to know God with their own consciousness will naturally resist sensory perception in every possible way, which we already observe on the pages of the “Reviews” section, or rather among Orthodox priests, some of whom are ready to firmly defend the position that “ God cannot be inside a person" So what " sensory perception leads to delights, delusions".

A! - Thomas is unfaithful. Oh, what a great spirit this is! - I am He. We are He. We are this. All the apostles are now on the move, they have all descended to Earth, for The time of the Holy Spirit has already come . But the highest mission fell to the Apostle Andrew. He is the preparer of the ways of Christ in the commanded land.

"He who comes again into the world, as He promised " - Gospel of John 14:15. The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, about whom Jesus Christ spoke two thousand years ago." The time of the Holy Spirit has come " - a direct indication of the coming of the time of the Holy Spirit! Which, by the way, is confirmed by the priest Father Sergius in the “Unity” program.

The time of miracles will come, and science will make major discoveries in the field of intangibles. Scientists will reveal a lot of new things about the future of our planet and space. And data about this will be gleaned from the old sacred books. With their help, many ancient mysteries will finally be solved.

The time will come, and the wheat will be separated from the chaff, for the future belongs to good people, and they will live in such a wonderful world that we cannot even imagine now. will come a time of inspired work, love and brotherhood of all people on earth.

The year 1982 will shine in a new, good light. New souls will populate the earth, and some of them will manifest. A brighter light will shine in Jerusalem. People will come not of culture, but of knowledge. The word "Volga" will come, and it will dignify the planet.

"Word Volga" - We would dare to suggest that this may be somehow connected with the ancient name of the Volga River - RA! One of the designations of this word is the sun god (Ancient Egypt).

The time of miracles will come, many secrets will be solved! Before this, humanity will experience many natural and social disasters and turbulent events. Human consciousness will gradually change.

Humanity is on the path to madness, and this is what will finish it off. And this thirst for power, this violence - how can it be that yesterday’s criminals rule people today? Deception, perversity, godlessness, the fact that people cling to evil and resist good - all this will come back to haunt us.

The secret of the future of earthly civilization is kept by the Egyptian pyramids. It is there that the key to absolute knowledge is left...

The strange thing is that her first insights are connected specifically with the rider. They “met” at the well when Vanga came to the water. Rider warned her about impending trials, about when to expect war, it was he who informed Vanga that she would have to become a clairvoyant - “to predict the fate of the living, to hear and understand the voice of the dead.” Their first “meetings” took place a long time ago, 30 years ago, when Vanga settled in the valley. She has no intention of moving to another place. We Bulgarians are generally partial to legends whose main character is a horseman. After all, scientists still do not know who and when the “portrait” was carved on the rock, the historical name of which is “Madara Horseman”. Experts suggest that Khan Tervel or another warrior from the times of the first Bulgarian state is depicted on that rock. But I wonder if this is not the same horseman who once stood in the middle of the square of a beautiful city, and then, hundreds and hundreds of years later, began to appear to our Vanga, usually appearing only on the eve of some fateful events.

There is also an indication of a certain “horseman” at the end of A. Novykh’s book “Sensei. The Original of Shambhala,” however, we in no way allow a direct connection. In addition, one can recall the paintings of N.K. Roerich, where there are many images of galloping “horsemen”.

The future belongs to good people, and they will live in a wonderful world that is now difficult for us to imagine...

I'd like to imagine...

Summing up briefly our superficial research, we can say with a considerable degree of confidence that the above predictions of the clairvoyant Vanga are in many ways consonant with the realities of today, in the context of the phenomenon we are studying of the coming of the Teacher of mankind, or the one who is popularly called the Messiah. We will spare you another listing of His names. This means a new page is added to the collection of evidence.

And finally, photographs and several documentaries about the Vanga phenomenon.



Prepared by Dato Gomarteli (Ukraine-Georgia)

Vanga says so

You don’t believe in God, but you want him to help. Don't come to me without faith. It’s not me, but He who helps you.” Vanga's hope in God does not leave her until her last breath. She thanks him for her wonderful gift and destiny. He prays for the forgiveness of human sins, makes him believe in him, and reveres his authority.

God for Vanga is the answer to all the eternal questions of existence that ordinary people continue to ask. God for her is the beginning and end of human existence, goodness, justice and truth.

It is noteworthy that all famous soothsayers in modern human history place faith in God above all else. And, explaining that the past and the future are moments of a single process called time, they are trying to reveal the great truth that there is a force that created people, and that in their diversity they are only its particles.

Vanga often spoke about this truth, about the highest knowledge of the order of things:

“How many books have been written, but no one will give a final answer unless they understand and admit that there is a spiritual world (heaven) and a physical world (earth) and a supreme power, call it what you want, which created us...

To understand the Bible, a person must rise spiritually, only then will he be able to perceive and understand higher knowledge. God will reward him and give him strength and help him so that he can understand how everything happened.”

"God exists. And if you remain silent, the stones will say that He exists. Just as the blind know that there is light, just as the lame know that there are healthy people, so the healthy should know that there is God!”

He - light!

“God exists, but he has no flesh. It is a fireball that is painful to look at due to its blinding light. Only light - and nothing more."

Free will

“God gave man a powerful weapon - a will that no force can break, so man himself decides whom to serve.”

The right to choose... A person comes into the world with this right, it is his most important asset from the first to the last day of life. Dualism underlies the structure of earthly life - there is only bad or good, they always coexist with each other. Whether a person will be virtuous or will not resist temptation, whether he will serve people and follow Christian morality or whether he will love himself - the choice is his, all his will, about which Vanga says that “no force will break it.”

Noah's Ark

“When the rain stopped, a rainbow first appeared in the sky, and before that it rained and rained for 40 whole days and destroyed the entire human race and all earthly creatures. Only Noah's Ark remained.

Late in the evening, just before midnight, I walk through my house past this Noah's Ark. It has been standing there for many years..."

Mysterious words - Noah's Ark in Vanga's house in Petrich... What is this - a vision of the legendary event described in the Old Testament, when God destroyed his creation? Or does the revelation of the prophetess symbolize something completely different?

St. Andrew's Mission

“All the apostles are not sitting still now, they descended to Earth, because the time of the Holy Spirit has come. But the most important mission is entrusted to the Apostle Andrew. He makes the way for Christ as He commanded.”

The Coming of Christ

“Christ in white robes will come to Earth again. The hour is near when those chosen by their hearts will feel the return of Christ.”

Vanga said more than once that the truth should be sought in the Bible and that it will be revealed to everyone who has morally purified and risen to understand its language.

The Bible promises the second coming of Christ. Vanga also talks about this and even warns about the approach of this day.

In one of his prophecies, E. Cayce also foresaw that “the time will come again when people in many places will see and guess about the presence of divine forces in the material world. For just as you saw Him leaving, so you will see Him returning.”

And P. Denov repeatedly mentioned in the presence of his disciples that Christ would descend to earth and that they should be ready to meet him. When the Master was asked if this hour was near, he replied that Christ descends to the Earth every two thousand years to help its evolution.

A turning point for the Earth is just around the corner. The year 2000 is just around the corner. Will it be marked by all the miracles that the soothsayers predicted?

“Many people today claim that they have been in contact with aliens. And every one of them is convinced that God is theirs

methyl, but do not understand that in fact this is not so. A man lives in this world, sins, indulges in passions and vices, does not fulfill God’s commandments, does not even believe in God, and He suddenly presents him with a heavenly gift...

This “suddenly” only comes from Satan. His “gifts” are temporary, he showers them on a person until he manages to take possession of his soul and the person becomes proud that he is not like others. This person is dooming himself to eternal suffering. If such people looked into the lives of the saints, they would see what kind of faith, how many years of suffering and trials, repentance, fasting and prayers are necessary for a person to be cleansed and with his soul ready to accept God's mercy as a heavenly gift - be it the gift of healing, clairvoyance or prophecies...

Unfortunately, the Bulgarian is susceptible to satanic suggestions, because the creatures with whom he communicates are the devil’s spawn and do not come from afar, but live next to us on Earth or appear from the kingdoms of Satan and his servants...

Is this what God’s messengers look like and do they really need to knock, clap, move objects in order to influence people?

This is the work of Satan, he is trying to force people into submission. Messengers of God influence a person’s soul, introducing him to beauty and joy, instilling kindness and love in him.”

In the early 90s, reports of cases of the so-called “poltergeist” spread throughout Bulgaria. Little Daniela from Plovdiv and her friend, “the drummer” Kiki, have become extremely popular. A real boom in psychics, healers, and clairvoyants has broken out in the country. Having professed materialism for many years, as prescribed by Marxist teachings that denied everything supernatural, the country suddenly opened an outlet for the paranormal, intriguing world.

Vanga speaks about otherworldly forces that plunge people into confusion and panic. She considers them to be the product of evil spirits, which uses many people against their will, for only evil acts through fear, coercion and delusion.

When something unusual happens to a person, this does not mean that he is marked by God. People are free in their moral choice: some are open to good, others to the forces of evil. The manifestation of something supernatural in a person’s life can mean the impact of both.

Vanga advises: do not rush to announce and mislead others that you are “anointed by God”, marked with a gift from above among the few - God chooses only those who have truly accepted Him with their hearts and follow His commandments.

And the Bible says that many prophets and false prophets will appear before the Son of God returns to Earth and opens the eyes of sinners to truth and love.

Even the sages of Ancient Hellas devoted serious philosophical treatises to moral problems - Aristotle, Pythagoras, Plato, etc. And the Bible is a unique book about morality, reflecting the development of human ideas about it.

Along with specific pictures of future events and incidents, soothsayers receive information of a different nature, including changes in the spiritual sphere, the elevation of the mind, will, morals, etc.

Vanga has spoken about such changes more than once. Some of her insights are similar, and this is hardly coincidental, to the moral values ​​of the Bible. Anyone who has access to the language of Holy Scripture will himself interpret Vanga’s prophecy.

About feelings

“Fickle, dubious connections will arise between people and fall apart before they can be strengthened at the very beginning. Feelings will be completely devalued, and only pretense, vanity and selfishness will stimulate relationships.”

About adultery

“Sometimes I see a picture that is not suitable for Bulgaria: people will wallow in debauchery and copulate on the street. If they had known what price they would have to pay for this, they would never have dared to commit adultery. But remember: retribution will overtake everyone.”

About theft

“Whoever steals complains about his health.”

“Whoever steals, thinking that I do not see, will not see mercy from God.”

This warning from the blind seer has specific recipients. Over the course of many years of communication with the other world, Vanga was surrounded by people with different moral principles. Some, having lost their conscience, tried to use her prophetic gift for their own material enrichment. Others stole her things, others - money.

During the consecration of a new church in Rupite, where Vanga lived, she said to one priest: “I saw how you stole a small icon of the Virgin Mary, why did you do that?”

The soothsayer often accused people from her circle of theft and other unseemly acts, but more often she kept silent about it.

“The fact that they were constantly trying to rob and deceive Vanga weighed heavily on her,” says P. Kostadinov, one of the few people loyal to her.

Love for one's neighbor

“Pray that God will spare the man, for he has gone mad in his hatred of his neighbor.”

“Be kinder so as not to suffer more; man is born for good deeds. The bad ones do not go unpunished. The most severe punishment awaits not the one who caused the evil, but his descendants. It hurts even more."

Parapsychologists explain that black magic operates on the principle of a boomerang. When the spell “overtakes” the victim, it returns to the one who committed the evil with triple force and causes misfortune not only to him, but also to his loved ones.

Vanga also warns that bad deeds do not go unpunished. But people forget about this, they don’t believe in retribution. At the sight of many scoundrels who live and prosper, people say: “This one is a scoundrel, that one is a thief, but they live happily, their house is a full cup. Retribution? There is no retribution on earth!” But a little time will pass and... either the thief’s house burned down, or the child is terminally ill.

Evaluating your deeds and actions, you can notice that they are based on a cause-and-effect relationship and that there is nothing random or unfair in our lives.

About suffering

“Do not complain when experiencing suffering! Suffering is purifying. For a thing to become clean, it must be washed.”

While suffering, a person begins to think and create, taught P. Dynov. Suffering is like a filter - it purifies all our thoughts, feelings and actions. Suffering is the path to liberation. They drive out evil from the heart. You should not consider your life's adversity as a punishment.

Vanga and P. Deunov often express similar thoughts. they talk about suffering in its biblical sense. It is known that both predictors were zealous Christians and until the end of their lives they preached faith in God as man’s only path to salvation.

“Both difficulties and joys come from God,” Vanga often said to her loved ones, and E. Casey pointed out that often a person suffers without realizing the deep true meaning of his existence:

“Who is your Lord? Maybe you are only interested in what you will eat today or what you will wear? But you must strive with all your thoughts and hopes to accept the message from above. Haven't you realized that you belong to Him? For He created you! He didn’t want you to suffer, but He left it up to you to decide whether you will ever realize your connection to Him or not!”

About money

“Some people think that money can buy love, but this is not so. Money can't buy love. Another believes that, having become rich, he will be happy, but this is also wrong.

A person tries, struggles, saves money and things, and then suddenly dies, and all his goods go to others. He who saves all his life never uses what he has accumulated. The other gets the fruits of his labors. That's why I say: “Don't save money! They are your livelihood, spend them daily!”

…The time will come when people will have everything, but they will not be able to buy for themselves anything that really has value and represents true wealth - friendship, love, compassion and mercy.”

“Poverty is a flower, do not rejoice in wealth. In poverty, children, friends, and relatives bring joy. But wealth hurts the soul.”

Modern man has turned money from a means of livelihood into its essence and purpose; having become a slave to money, he has lost his most sublime qualities, focusing only on preserving and increasing his wealth. But true wealth is not money, not material values, but bright feelings and a state of mind: love, compassion, mercy, nobility.

In the next century, the modern value system will certainly be subject to a profound rethinking. It is no coincidence that Vanga speaks of a “new consciousness” and “new people” who will come (or perhaps they are already among us) to restore the lost balance in the Universe.

Give in this world, and you will be rewarded in the next...

“If you give in this world, you will have in heaven. If you have two apples, a big one and a small one, give one of them. You will get the same thing in the next world. If you haven’t given anything in this life, you won’t get anything there.”

About forgiveness

“People suffer, and many human beings are unhappy because they are not endowed with the ability to forget bad things and forgive.”

About motherhood

“Having given birth, you should know that from now on you belong not to yourself, but to your children. You are responsible for the life you gave them. Remember this."

“Whoever cannot give birth, let him adopt a child. Nature equally rewards those who gave birth and those who raised adopted children. The greatness of a mother who adopted and raised a child is no less than that of the one who gave birth herself.”

“The time will come when only girls will give birth, and women will not!”

Mysterious words! Does this prophecy mean that in the future life will be a gift from above and the conception will be immaculate, like the Virgin Mary?

Or maybe this is a sign that humanity will pay a high price for the sin of adultery? And only monogamous love will make it possible to continue the human race?

About baptism

“Listen to God and everything will be fine. If you go against him, you will suffer and suffer. Baptize your children to protect them from misfortune.”

About family ties

“We live in difficult times. People are divided. Mothers give birth to children, but they have no milk to feed them. They say that nerves are to blame for everything, but this is not true. It’s just that children have nothing in common with the mother who gave birth to them; she gave them life, and that’s all. Children receive nothing from their mothers - neither milk, nor warmth. When they are very tiny, they are sent to a nursery; at night they sleep in a separate crib and rarely see a smile on their mother’s face.

Mothers are unhappy that their husbands do not pay enough attention to them. And men get married only because it has long been the custom. The elderly complain that young people do not respect them.

People are distant from each other and are more interested in money. They think money will bring happiness. They don’t know that the day will come when they won’t need money.”

About fate

“If I told people about everything I see and know, they would immediately want to die…”

“Everyone comes into this world with their own destiny. Everyone has their share of good and bad.”

“What I see, no matter how terrible it is, cannot be changed. No one can escape fate."

“No one is born only for happiness!

One is an excellent worker, but there is no harmony in his family. The other has everything, but his health has let him down. The third is healthy, but his children are sick, etc. In every person, good coexists with evil. This is how man works, this is how the world works. Patience is required.

The earth expects gratitude from us for coming and living on it. We pay our debts to the Earth, like rent... Every person pays... I’ve lived for so many years and I see what’s going on in the world...”

Vanga teaches that fate must be accepted with humility, such as it has befallen you - with joys and sorrows, with good and bad sides. After all, we ourselves are not only good or evil, there is duality inherent in man.

Maximalism of desires and life claims leads to dissatisfaction. And happiness lies in moderation, in the ability to patiently endure the hardships and hardships that invariably accompany us in life.

“Human life is destined once and for all...”

“I take upon myself the suffering of all people, but I cannot and do not dare explain them, because someone’s stern voice constantly warns me not to try to explain everything, since people deserve the life that falls to them.

...What I predict, good or bad, cannot be changed. Human life is destined once and for all, and no one can change it.”

Obviously, here we are not talking about everyday human existence with its minor or serious problems, but about important changes and vicissitudes of fate in which the human spirit is tempered.

According to representatives of the occult sciences, we come to Earth to learn, and life is a school in which everyone tests himself and subsequently, in the other world, evaluates himself. If he sinned, he will return to Earth to correct himself. The more sins a person has, the more difficult his fate.

Mystics claim that God, before “returning” a thrasher to Earth, determines what tests he will have to go through in order to correct his previous sins. Maybe that’s why Vanga says that our life is strictly predetermined and no one can change it.

Vanga constantly assured that, in addition to the physical, a person also has a spiritual existence and that the soul remains in eternity, continuing the path of evolution.

“The souls living in the other world are thirty years old, they are at the age of Christ. They have sight, hearing, taste. Some of them help the living. And the best return to Earth again.”

P. Denov speaks about the age of souls in his book “The Natural Order of Things”: “Among the angels there are no young or old. Everyone in heaven is thirty-three years old. There is no one older or younger than 33.”

Does the soul have an age? Or is the constant value - 33 years - that the Initiates talk about just a symbol?

Over time, the physical body undergoes changes and eventually dies, but, as those who are given a glimpse into another world assure, the soul continues its path in eternity and returns to Earth to be reincarnated into new physical forms. This is how she is enriched by experience and grows to a “higher state,” as Vanga defines it:

“With death, only the human body dies, not the soul. That which does not decay develops and reaches a higher state. It happens something like this: first you die as an illiterate ignoramus, then as a student, then as a person with a higher education, as a scientist, etc. This is the path of the soul...”

These words of the soothsayer conceal the idea of ​​reincarnation, but we’ll talk about that later. Here's what else we learn from Vanga about the soul, about this complex, invisible human substance:

“Where does the soul come from? She descends from the sky, from space, along a ray of sunlight and penetrates the fetus in the womb of the mother. He is already living an independent life, although the umbilical cord has not yet been cut.

When does this happen, when does this spark flare up? 21 days before birth. How the light descends, how it enters the human body, we are not given to know, but if this does not happen, the child is born dead.”

And Plato pointed out that the soul comes into the physical body from a higher, divine, level of existence. How does this happen? Vanga says that she is descending from the sky along a ray of sunshine.

Many esotericists and people who have experienced clinical death talk about the so-called Silver Thread or Light Beam, which connects their physical body with a soul that has temporarily separated from it (as a result of severe physical shock, meditation or serious illness). Breaking this thread, they say, leads to physical death. Through such a thread, Vanga claims, the soul enters the human body and gives it life.

Her words about a stillborn child are very interesting - as about a body into which the spirit did not have time to “descend”.

Will medicine and other sciences ever come to a single truth about the relationship between body and spirit? Obviously, this will happen, since Vanga warns: “The time of miracles will come, and science will make great discoveries in the non-material sphere.”

All people are afraid of death. To one degree or another, everyone experiences an innate fear when thinking about their end... Is there really an end? Many cases have been recorded in which people who fell into a coma or experienced clinical death, after emerging from this state, claimed that they had seen death. Most often they describe it as Light, bringing a feeling of absolute peace and bliss.

Everyone tries to imagine their death. But does it have any external characteristics?

Here's what Vanga says:

“Why are you afraid of death? She's so beautiful. I see her as a smiling young woman with flowing blond hair.”

“Why do you say that death is evil? No, that's not true. I see her as a beautiful blond woman..."

Death is a young woman... One can hardly take literally what the soothsayer said. Very often she speaks in symbols about something that can create panic, anxiety or fear among people. The blond beauty is probably also a symbol behind which lies a secret. A secret that a person is not yet ready to learn.

About the reincarnation of souls

In searching for the answer to whether there is a soul and eternal life, one cannot avoid the question of the transmigration of souls. This is not just a philosophical problem. Recently, humanity has been trying to answer this intriguing question using a strictly scientific system of concepts.

The idea of ​​reincarnation of souls is as old as time. She constantly engages curious people, defining a new direction in thinking.

Is there reincarnation of souls? This question is often asked to people with the gift of foresight. Vanga answered him like this:

Only the best return!

“The soul does not die. Only the souls of bad people become embittered and are not called to heaven. They don't reincarnate." “Reincarnation exists, but it does not affect all souls. Only the kindest and best return to Earth.”

According to the most common belief now, transmigration of souls is a state where the inner Self, called the soul, survives death and moves into another body to lead a new life on Earth.

Thus, moving from one life to another, the soul gradually changes and prepares for a higher form of existence on Earth. With each subsequent birth, the memory of the previous life does not have much significance, since in the other world the soul each time generalizes and synthesizes the experience of its previous lives.

There are various assumptions about who is reincarnated and how many times. According to some adherents of occultism, a person, having first appeared on Earth, subsequently returns to it hundreds of times (from 7 to 777), until his soul goes through all the tests in order to prepare for higher levels of existence than earthly ones.

Others believe that life given by God is a great gift, an exceptional chance for improvement, and if it is missed, that is, living according to the principles of evil, then the human soul is doomed to eternal wandering into oblivion.

Vanga’s words above refer to the second assumption. After all, she says that the souls of bad people become embittered and are not taken to heaven. They don't reincarnate.

E. Cayce also holds the view that life is a gift that must be earned. An American clairvoyant believes that there are old and young souls. Some have risen spiritually, others, on the contrary, have fallen. Some have visited Earth many times, others have little experience of earthly life. “Everyone who has forgotten God is gradually eliminated from the path of evolution,” says E. Casey. Like Vanga, he claims that only spiritually elevated souls who have reached a certain level of development are allowed to return to Earth again.

Another statement by Vanga confirms that not every person is reincarnated:

“Many people ask: “Tell me, who was I in my previous life?” I answer: “Who said that you had a previous life?” Others ask, “Who will I be in my next life?” I tell them: “How do you know that you will have a different life? Think better about the real thing, about how to become better.”

Did we have a previous life? Will we return to Earth again in human form?

I wish it were so. It is difficult for a person to come to terms with his short stay on Earth, and he constantly tries to put down deep roots on it. But life is a complex process, an integral part of everything that happens in the Universe. And if someone violates the cosmic rhythm by his actions, he will be eliminated by virtue of universal laws. In a bipolar world, the strong defeat the weak, and the prophetess teaches us that evil can only be defeated by good. Therefore, Vanga advises thinking more often about your real life and striving for self-improvement. A.P. Dynov noted: “Many of you have not even been born yet, but are already thinking about reincarnation.”

Vanga was the daughter of the pharaoh

Professor D. Filipov often talked with Vanga about the other world and reincarnation. In the conversation, she argued that reincarnation is quite real and that only the most exalted in spirit return to Earth to complete the mission of their previous existence.

Vanga even once shared with D. Filipov that in her former life her mother was a pharaoh, and she was one of her two daughters: “I was the daughter of a pharaoh.”

The prophetess explained that her mother, in her new incarnation, lived for many years in Notre Dame Cathedral. About twenty years ago she invited Vanga to come to Paris to see her. The authorities then did not allow the prophetess into France. Later, Vanga could go there without hindrance, but she said that her mother already lives in another place, somewhere in the south.

Over the many years of her long-suffering life, Vanga never left Bulgaria. Almost always she herself did not want this - she simply did not have time to travel. After all, at the entrance to her house, different people were waiting for her help. But it is known for certain that the soothsayer had one and only dream - to visit Notre Dame in Paris. Why this was her deepest desire becomes clear from the memoirs of D. Filipov and from Vanga’s conversation with the writer L. Georgiev in the spring of 1978, when she told him about one of her dreams:

“I dreamed of the Mother of God, who said: “Go to Paris on May 2. Find the great Notre Dame Cathedral, and there, at the right icon, one pharaoh will speak to your soul.” The Mother of God did not say what she would talk about. But I know that I must go to Paris."

Vanga described in detail the French capital, which was completely unfamiliar to her, naming streets and squares and other amazing details.

It is known that her dream never came true. How many interesting things we could learn if Wang visited Paris!

About the dead

“The time of miracles will come, and science will make many discoveries in the non-material sphere...” For more than half a century, Vanga was a “door” between two realities - visible and invisible, material and spiritual, earthly and otherworldly. The prophetess is living evidence of the existence of the world of the dead. At the request of people who turned to her, she contacted the souls of deceased loved ones in their presence, called them by name, described unique details of their lifetime qualities, and conveyed messages to those remaining on Earth.

Vanga's communication with the souls of the departed may remain the most mysterious and exceptional feature of her phenomenal gift. It is quite interesting in itself, but it also relates to her prophecies. For in addition to the voice (heard by her for the first time in April 1941), which conveys messages to her to the living, Vanga often mentally talks with the dead about past and future events.

Here are some of her testimonies:

Perfume radiates light

“Perfume is transparent and colorless, like water in a glass. But they glow, they emit light. They behave like people - they sit, walk, laugh, cry... They don’t leave me alone. I’ll fall asleep, and they wake me up and shout: “Get up! It's time to get to work! " Lately everyone has been telling me: “Don’t be afraid! The world will not perish!”

Sometimes the dead scream loudly...

“Sometimes the dead scream so loudly that my head hurts. Especially if they shout about terrible things - about illness, death, about disasters. I know that I shouldn’t talk about it, but they are definitely pushing me: say it and say it!

Then I turn away slightly and quietly, so that the person does not hear, I tell him to let it come out of me. Otherwise I’ll die, I’ll go crazy.”

“Tell him his name is Peter...”

“The dead come, sit down, do whatever they want. As soon as someone enters, pictures begin to appear to me, moving from left to right. I see vivid pictures - areas, people, events, disasters. Sometimes there are so many of them and they move so quickly that I don’t have time to tell them, but I can’t stop their movement. They pass in front of me and disappear. Therefore, I ask the visitor why he came: to find out about an illness, a lost thing, about work, about children? Let him say what interests him, otherwise I might miss something important from what I saw. I say what I see and what I hear. First of all, the spirits tell me the name of the visitor: “Tell him that his name is Peter, Nikola, Ivanka...” Sometimes I see the name written, sometimes only its first letter.”

"They are among us..."

“The dead continue to live. They are among us, they love us and help us to see the eternal truths. Therefore, we must honor them in our hearts... For the deceased, the honor and feelings of the living for them are very important, and not the magnificent funeral celebrations that relatives sometimes arrange for show.”

Since time immemorial, belief in an afterlife may have given man hope during his brief earthly existence. The ancient Egyptians believed in life after death and buried their dead with all their belongings, animals and servants; Jews in the Old Testament, like Christ, talk about eternal life; Plato describes how a soul separated from the body is greeted by the souls of its deceased relatives, and the Tibetan Book of the Dead sets out in detail what awaits the human soul in the other world.

It is impossible to answer the question whether these beliefs are the product of a person’s fear of death or whether life really continues after the funeral, albeit in a different form and environment.

It is noteworthy that Vanga confirms the hypothesis of the continuation of life after death. The soothsayer speaks of the dead as if they really exist next to us, that although we do not see or hear them, they need our love and respect. “They help us to see the eternal truths of life,” explained the clairvoyant. And one of them is probably the following: life is eternal.

In anticipation of death

When she foresaw death, Vanga usually remained silent about it. Sometimes she asked the visitor to come a few days later, after the misfortune had happened, in order to reassure her. Often, without telling a person anything about the grief awaiting him, Vanga revealed the terrible truth to the people around her.

December 1993. While trying to detain drug dealers delivering them through Bulgaria to Western Europe, Interior Ministry captain Dafin Todorov was shot and wounded. While doctors tried to save his life, the captain’s wife went to Vanga. After she left, Vanga confessed to Professor D. Filipov, who was visiting her at that time: "I'm looking at sugar(Vanga usually asked visitors to bring with them pieces of sugar, which the night before visiting her lay under their pillow. - Transl.) and I see a handsome young guy. Next to him are also young guys, you can’t take your eyes off them. I see wonderful eyes, a beautiful face. And - the grave. What to do, how to tell your wife the truth? I'll tell you - the pullet will collapse like a knockdown. I asked her to come after January 10...”

A young married couple, who had no children for a long time, came to Vanga. The husband kept asking whether the Lord would give them a child in the future.

Vanga answered half angrily:

Why do you need children? Go with God!

The man left, clearly dissatisfied and upset.

And Vanga then said to the woman who was with her at that moment: “This man is going to die! He wants children, why does he need them?”

Indeed, a month later this man died in a car accident.

In the summer of 1970, Vanga told Natasha, the daughter of the nurse Vitka who took care of her, that she would marry a man named Dmitry.

Ten years passed, and Natasha married Dmitry. Vanga was their imprisoned mother and at the wedding in the church she said with undisguised excitement:

- Eh, daughter, now you are happy, but know that difficult times await you...

“I remembered Vanga’s words, but I understood their true meaning many years later, when my husband died of a heart attack and left me alone with two children,” Natasha said.

Very rarely did Vanga say directly to a person’s face that he would die. This happened to Professor N. Shipkovensky. Eyewitnesses say that the professor forced the prophetess to tell him the truth with his offensive and rude attitude towards her.

The professor watched the clairvoyant for many months and filmed a documentary about her, and finally stated:

You are not a phenomenon, Vanga, but a pure fraud! So I'm leaving. See you in six months!

- No, we won't see you! - the prophetess snapped. - Because you only have six months to live.

Professor Shipkovensky died exactly six months later from cancer, without having had time to finish the film about Wang.

In the summer of 1994, the mother of one of the 14 soldiers who tragically died in a car accident came to the prophetess and asked her to tell the truth about the death of her son.

Vanga: “I see, I see him! Here he is! Lord, a real angel next to God! Oh, how young he died! It won't come back. But know that death had been hanging over him for several days. She was waiting for him - here she is, I see her. Your grief is great, daughter, very great. But it was destined for him.”

The woman left without knowing the truth about the reasons for the unfortunate incident that led to the death of her son. Getting excited, Vanga said to the nurse caring for her after she left:

- These soldiers were sacrificed. Something terrible happened there, just horror... But no one admits it. Nobody! And if I tell the truth, a war will start.

“Every living creature, the entire Earth and the Universe obey strictly defined cosmic rhythms and order.

About cosmic harmony

Violations of this order, even the most minor ones, lead to large, sometimes fatal incidents, for which people later pay bitterly. Don’t disturb the harmony, be kinder!”

The understanding of life as a unity of interconnected phenomena is inherent in both prophets and philosophers, sages and scientists - they have long noticed that various natural phenomena obey general laws. In medicine, for example, this is expressed in the principle of correlation - if some organ gets sick, it affects the whole body.

Vanga argued that the life of every human individual should proceed in harmony with the lives of other people, nature and the Universe. To believe that the life given to us is our personal property and that we are free to do with it as we please, since it does not concern anyone, is a great sin.

The consciousness of an ordinary person is structured in such a way that it does not grasp the internal connection between all things. But soothsayers see the unity of hidden processes and try to explain it.

E. Casey said that thanks to the spiritual development of people, every person, nation, people creates a certain correlation of things in the fabric of events not only on Earth, but also in the Universe.

P. Denov pointed out that the Universe is a unity of diversity... Each person has his own mission, albeit a small one. Everything that happens in the world is common! Everyone's job is to know their place in the big picture.

And here’s what Vanga said: “Every person, no matter who he is, came to Earth with a specific mission: to protect life in all its manifestations, so that it develops in the name of the highest goal, which is still a mystery to us.”

The meaning of human existence is clearly deeper than limited egoistic thinking imagines. If people could realize that they are particles of a single complex system called the Universe, maybe their existence would become different?

Perhaps someday people will understand that every person is the cause and effect of both all positive and negative processes occurring on Earth. What kind of existence is destined for his descendants depends on the individual person, his will, mind, feelings and deeds.

About love

In 1981 Vanga said:

“We must love each other and be kinder in order to be saved. If we ourselves do not understand this, inexorable cosmic laws will still force us to do this, but it will be too late. and you will have to pay a heavy price..."

Soothsayers often talk about cosmic laws that govern life on Earth.

In 1938, E. Casey warned that the time would come when tension in society would reach its limit: “... brother will rise up against brother, and justice will be trampled upon by people. Peace will descend on Earth when people with a strong desire for peace appear on it. Peace must be in a person."

The main cosmic law is love. It is no coincidence that all religions call: “Love God in yourself and in everything that surrounds you.”

Rhythm of life

“There is a lot of suffering on Earth. In the evening silence, when everyone is sleeping, I listen to the sounds of the celestial spheres. I hear how the heavenly bells strike the time every hour, how all living things respond to their chime. Therefore, the flower knows when to open its petals, and the rooster knows when to crow.

If I told about everything I see, a miracle would happen. The secrets of the world revealed to me, which I cannot tell you about, overwhelm me, and it seems like they are like a reservoir full to the brim. A little more and the dam will not withstand the pressure... Then... Then may the Lord help us.”

The secrets of the universe are not open to many. Vanga warns that if she tells people about them, they may be terrified...

It turns out that every person is destined to know only what is predetermined from above. Knowledge is power, and in order to possess it, a person must have certain qualities - moral, intellectual, spiritual, and this is not given to everyone.

Being a clairvoyant is not easy, otherwise there would be many people with the gift of foresight.

"Every people - your own star"

“Every nation has its own star, from which it is charged with light energy. But there are exceptions... Some peoples have not a star, but a planet... Someday these peoples will disappear. They will simply suffocate in an atmosphere that is unusual for them. A people who has a planet instead of a star, that is, an extinct star, will fade away like a candle in a strong wind.”

Astrologers claim that every nation or several nations are influenced by one or another constellation. It is logical to assume that any star included in it “shines” more strongly for a particular community.

Bulgaria is under the energetic influence of the Capricorn constellation, which is also influenced by Japan, India and Afghanistan.

“Bulgaria has not one star, but a whole constellation,” astrologer Atanas Dimitrov heard from Vanga.

As for the planets - “extinct stars”, as Vanga called them - it is clear why the people under their influence will “extinct”: the planet only receives energy from the Cosmos, while the star gives off its energy.

According to esoteric astrology, there are about 70 planets in our solar system alone, but which peoples are under their influence is unknown.

About extraterrestrial civilizations

Aliens! The topic is sensational, and at the same time serious. Facts and scientific discoveries indicate that it needs deep and comprehensive coverage. From Vanga’s statements it follows that she was inclined to the hypothesis of the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

“On Earth there were civilizations much older than ours, and in Space, in parallel with ours, there is a more developed mind. Human civilization is at the level of the “childhood” of the mind.”

Yes, we have received information about twenty-one civilizations that existed before us. But researchers on this issue claim that there were many more. They admit that in the past there were powerful civilizations that developed and then collapsed as a result of disasters that they themselves caused.

An interesting myth is about such an ancient civilization that existed on Earth more than 12 thousand years before us, which ultimately destroyed itself. This is a well-known myth about Atlantis, a continent that sank under the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

The earliest information about Atlantis is found in Plato, who noted that dozens and hundreds of sages, scientists and astrologers tried to uncover the mystery of the disappearance of this continent.

But the American soothsayer Edgar Cayce left the most information. Having fallen into a trance, he described the unique details of the life and knowledge of the Atlanteans. According to Casey, their civilization was several light years ahead of ours in spiritual and logistical terms, but since the Atlanteans “changed their spiritual essence for the sake of the physical,” Atlantis underwent self-destruction.

Cayce predicted that our civilization would face a similar fate if humanity did not understand that the true meaning of earthly existence lies not in the accumulation of material wealth, but in the awareness and development of spiritual qualities.

But let’s return to Vanga’s words that in the Cosmos, along with ours, there is a more developed mind. We will notice the similarity of her statement with the words of Cayce, who argued that there are worlds, universes, even solar systems larger than ours. The Earth is an insignificant point even on the scale of our solar system.

These words of clairvoyants are confirmed by science. For a long time, humanity has given a negative answer to the question whether we are alone in the Universe and does not consider the Earth to be the only center of all things.

Let's see what Vanga says about this.

"Flying saucers" are circling above the Earth...

“The day will come when earthlings will meet representatives of other civilizations. Their “flying saucers” are still circling the Earth today and trying to make contact with us.

You are not allowed to see this, but now there are many alien aircraft moving in the sky. Each one usually contains three aliens and many strange devices. They tell me, “Get ready for the big event coming up.”

In 1979, Vanga’s prophecy sounds like nonsense and absurdity. Her words were surprisingly bold, if we remember the ideology of that time - in order to say this and be responsible for her foresight, she really had to believe.

Ten years later, at the dawn of the democratization of society, the first newspaper sensations on this topic appear, and the average person, who misses miracles, eagerly reads about stories with aliens and their life.

At present, the situation has already changed radically. Scientific discoveries and experiments were the reason for this. Let's remember some of them.

In 1996, astronomers made one of the most significant scientific discoveries: the assumption of the existence of primitive life on Mars was confirmed. Using a space telescope, scientists witness Martian storms, learn that strong hurricanes are raging on the planet Neptune, discover a new pulsar in the heart of the Cancer Nebula, and observe powerful collisions between galaxies.

A year later, there is already talk about the discovery of organic matter in the Cosmos, albeit at the molecular level, but it is molecules that underlie all living things.

Reputable scientists and specialists defend their views on the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. Mike Kaplan, director of NASA's origins of life program, said there is no doubt that there is life somewhere in space. “I don’t think we are alone. It takes time to establish contact. But one day we will meet our brothers in mind, and perhaps we will be amazed at the sight of aliens so different from us.”

Finally, scientists dare to openly admit that we are not the only inhabitants of the Universe. Although indisputable evidence of this has not yet been presented.

How long will it take until this epoch-making event takes place - the meeting of people with aliens?

Meeting after 200 years

“In 200 years, a person will come into contact with brothers in mind from other worlds. The very first signals from space will be recorded by Hungarian equipment..."

If Vanga’s words are understood correctly, you will have to wait quite a long time.

Interpreters of Nostradamus - W. J. Hewitt and P. Laurie discovered in one of his prophecies information about a meeting with a UFO in the very near future - already next year. According to their calculations, already in the summer of 1998, on a certain street, some cameraman will suddenly come face to face with intelligent-looking aliens, sick and limping, who have flown from the depths of the Universe, and will film them. Interpreters claim that Nostradamus even described how, frightened that they would be discovered, the aliens would try to escape and return to their planet. But the film will put an end to the protracted dispute about the existence of extraterrestrial life and will be a serious step towards making contacts with representatives of other worlds.

According to what “calendar” will this exciting meeting with aliens take place: according to the calculations of Nostradamus or Vanga?

In any case, the Bulgarian prophetess predicted an extremely important and curious event that happened on July 21, 1969.

Then man first set foot on the moon. It seems that it was at that moment that Vanga saw a meeting of representatives of our and another civilization, which remained a secret from the general public. That's what we're talking about.

Secret observations of the moon

“I watched the astronauts who walked on the moon for the first time. They didn’t tell you even a hundredth part of what they saw there..."

Taking into account her extraordinary abilities and gift of foresight, despite the distances, it is quite possible that Vanga also observed the flight to the Moon. Unfortunately, the prophetess did not leave a detailed story about what she saw. But her hint that the serious discoveries of the first space expedition to the Moon were “hidden” from humanity, although millions of television viewers around the world watched the live broadcast via satellite, serves as a reason for trying to understand them. Here's what we found out.

What does poetry say? Poetry is compared to mysticism and eroticism. The similarities are obvious; I’ll focus on the undeniable differences. The first and most important thing is the meaning, or better yet, the subject: what poetry communicates. The basis of mystical experience - not excluding atheistic schools like

VANGA - GOOD NEWS “You will predict life and death...” Vangelia (Vanga) Pandeva Gushcherova was born in 1911 in the town of Strumica in Macedonia. Her mother died when the girl was barely three years old. During a terrible hurricane that caught twelve-year-old Vanga in

From the book In the Footsteps of Ancient Treasures. Mysticism and reality author Yarovoy Evgeniy Vasilievich

Vanga about herself The great Bulgarian seer did not like to talk about herself, about the secrets of her phenomenon, about its possible research. Vanga claimed that her gift was from God and that failure would await anyone who dared to study it. Perhaps she saw that the secret of her incredible

From the book The Jewish Answer to a Not Always Jewish Question. Kabbalah, mysticism and Jewish worldview in questions and answers by Kuklin Reuven

Vanga from the Other World “Mop and famine will begin in Bulgaria...” Not everyone accepted Vanga’s death as a reality. Many believe in her immortality and cannot get used to the idea that the extraordinary, great Vanga passed away like ordinary people. Others agree that she physically left Earth,

From the book Political History of Trousers by Bar Christine

A mirror that says...Each individual is a debtor to society for his mental development. N. G. Chernyshevsky I inherited the ability to imitate my mother. I was stubborn, deceitful and stole apples from the old woman Chuikina’s garden. Besides, he had a terrible imagination. My mother's sighs infuriated me
