Tyrosine chemical formula. Tyrosine - role in the body and beneficial properties of the amino acid. Tyrosine-rich foods

Amino acid Tyrosine participates in reactions leading to the formation of adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine, thyroxine. In the body, amino acids exist in several forms. Most common form L-tyrosine used as an antidepressant, a means to improve memory and mental activity, and burn fat. With a deficiency of the substance, the synthesis of thyroid hormones is disrupted, blood pressure and body temperature decrease, weight increases, drowsiness and lethargy are felt, and brain activity deteriorates.

Tyrosine is formed in the human body from another amino acid, Phenylalanine, which comes from food. If there is a metabolic disorder, the deficiency is compensated by drugs containing a synthetic amino acid. Its chemical formula and action do not differ from the substance produced in the body, it is quickly introduced into the central nervous system, increases attention in children and adults, improves cognitive functions, and protects against the effects of stress. Reviews from athletes indicate that L-Tyrosine increases physical potential, helps to concentrate on performing exercises, and quickly relieves fatigue after training. Experts recommend buying it to prevent catabolism. The drugs differ in the content of the active substance. On iHerb a large selection of dietary supplements at a relatively low price.

Tyrosine: beneficial properties

In a number of studies conducted at Leiden University, it has been shown to be effective in improving creative thinking. Volunteers who took additional amino acids perceived, analyzed and remembered information faster. Members of the experimental group had higher intelligence test results. They quickly and consistently completed tasks, found non-standard solutions, and thought outside the box.

Studies conducted among children with ADHD have shown that medications containing . help get rid of absent-mindedness and impulsiveness, and overcome difficulties in remembering and learning.

With increased content, the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine is stimulated, anxiety and symptoms of depression are reduced. The dietary supplement can be used as a prevention and treatment of depressive conditions and psychosis. After regular use, the emotional background stabilizes, lethargy disappears, mood improves, and mechanisms disturbed by mental disorder are restored in the body. The effect of the amino acid appears gradually. The first positive changes are noticeable after a two-week course of treatment. Thanks to the dietary supplement, the use of antidepressants can be reduced.

Used in complex therapy of alcohol and drug addiction. It stimulates the body's production of endorphin and adrenaline, which helps reduce cravings for alcohol, neurostimulants, caffeine and calm the nervous system. The amino acid protects brain cells and the central nervous system from the effects of smoking and alcohol poisoning.

L-Tyrosine stimulates the production of melatonin, which supports sleep-wake cycles, regulates immunity and blood pressure, and removes cholesterol. The amount of the hormone decreases with age. The dietary supplement helps older people restore melatonin levels to normalize sleep and increase the body's protective functions.

The amino acid ensures the production of thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which accelerate metabolic processes, provide energy to the heart and lungs, promote weight loss and lower cholesterol, and regulate movement coordination. Hormone deficiency causes dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

L-Tyrosine used as replacement therapy in the treatment of hypothyroidism. The substance is slowly eliminated, the required concentration to maintain hormone levels is maintained for a long time. The daily dose is selected individually. Your doctor will tell you how to take it depending on the severity of hypothyroidism after examining your TSH level.

In addition, drugs containing Tyrosine are used for:

  • relief of premenstrual syndrome;
  • prevention of Parkinson's disease (increases dopamine levels);
  • improving the functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • stimulation of melanin synthesis in case of skin pigmentation disorders.

Slows down oxidative processes in the body, prevents the development of diseases associated with aging and the destruction of collagen and elastin fibers. The amino acid produces melanin, which regulates the entry of UVA rays and protects the skin from photoaging.

Indications for use

Taking it for phenylketonuria helps maintain the amount of phenylalanine, an excess of which disrupts the functioning of the central nervous system, reduces mental activity, causes irritability, developmental delays, sleep disturbances, and behavioral instability. The doctor selects the dose necessary for normal metabolism and restoration of balance. The instructions for use indicate that therapy begins with 50 mcg per day and gradually increases the dosage.

  • psycho-emotional overload;
  • depressive states;
  • hypotension;
  • skin depigmentation (vitiligo);
  • hyperactivity in childhood;
  • deterioration of memory and concentration;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

Effect of application L-Tyrosine in the treatment of Parkinson's disease is to stimulate the production of dopamine, which promotes the conduction of nerve impulses and ensures a person's ability to move smoothly.

Tyrosine: instructions for use

For physiological fatigue and mental stress, take 1000-1200 mg per day 60 minutes before meals. Course duration is 4-12 weeks. For better digestibility, the dietary supplement is washed down with natural citrus juice. With heavy physical exertion and phenylketonuria, the dosage is increased. How to use L-Tyrosine children, the pediatrician will tell you.

In case of overdose, the following are observed: increased heart rate, dizziness, chest pain, diarrhea, drowsiness.

Note! People with gastrointestinal diseases need to take the amino acid 40 minutes after meals.

If you have thyroid disease, it is prohibited to take the drug without a doctor’s permission! reduces the effectiveness of Levodopa.

The drug is not used in the treatment of depression with MAO inhibitors (increase the concentration of dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin).

Tyrosine: contraindications

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • schizophrenia;
  • hypertension;
  • hereditary tyrosinemia.

The effectiveness of L-Tyrosine use by athletes

Thyroxine and triiodothyronine, formed from tyrosine, regulate metabolic rate, heart rate, water-salt balance.

Adding to the diet helps increase stamina and motivation to achieve success, growth and development. The dietary supplement is recommended for preserving muscle mass. The drug can be taken during the drying period to reduce appetite, enhance thermogenesis and the process of fat breakdown.

Release form of L-Tyrosine

Nutritional supplements are available in the form of capsules, tablets, and powder. The amount of amino acid ranges from 350 to 750 mg. The composition of the preparations may include vitamins, extracts of medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, Eleutherococcus, Ginkgo biloba).
The price depends on the manufacturer and additional elements

Now Foods, L-Tyrosine, 500 mg

The dietary supplement stimulates the production of thyroxine, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Hormones will reduce the manifestations of depressive disorders without taking chemical medications. The drug will improve the quality of sports training and reduce fatigue.
L-Tyrosine increases the production of melanin, which promotes a deep, even tan and restoration of pigmentation in areas affected by vitiligo.

  • decreased memory and concentration;
  • stressful and difficult life situations (loss of loved ones, work);
  • hyperactivity in children;
  • hypertension;
  • rapid fatigue.

The dietary supplement will help you cope with high stress during a session or an emergency at work.

The drug from an American manufacturer of vitamins, a partner of the US Olympic team, also contains microelements that improve the absorption of the amino acid and enhance its effect. Gelatin capsule is made from plant materials.

The dietary supplement can be used as an antidepressant. In cases of worsening mood, insomnia, anxiety, and apathy, a noticeable improvement occurs after a two-week course of treatment.

L-tyrosine improves memorization and creative thinking, can be used for memory impairment.

The drug enhances the processes of lipolysis and thermogenesis, resulting in an active fat burning process.

Jarrow Formulas, L-Tyrosine, 500 mg

The modified formula is characterized by a high rate of absorption and degree of accumulation in the body. Thanks to the drug, brain function and general physical condition improve. The dietary supplement helps increase the production of norepinephrine and dopamine. After short-term use, the level of depression decreases and interest in life increases. Reviews indicate that after four weeks of use, sleep normalizes, causeless anxiety disappears, and positive emotions appear.

Jarrow Formulas, L-Tyrosine is prescribed to stimulate the synthesis of proteins and hormones, reduce the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, and improve intellectual abilities. The use of the drug for ADHD allows you to achieve perseverance in the child, improves concentration and speed of information processing. Children’s academic performance improves and relationships within the team improve.

The dietary supplement is in demand among athletes to optimize body composition and prevent overtraining.

Source Naturals, L-Tyrosine, Free Form Powder

The food supplement does not contain gluten, soy, sugar or preservatives.
By stimulating the rate of dopamine production, the drug has a positive effect on mental health: it eliminates irritability, apathy, anxiety, and improves mood. L-Tyrosine Helps you lose weight by reducing appetite and improving metabolism. The amino acid increases cognitive abilities in people of all ages. It has been proven that during heavy mental stress, an additional dose helps preserve nerves and improve mental activity.

The drug is recommended to support the functions of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland.
The dietary supplement can be used in many areas of medicine. The recommended dose is 1/4 teaspoon per day, one hour after meals. The instructions for use describe in detail how to take L-tyrosine for treatment and prevention.

Tyrosine: reviews

Lena, 59 years old:
I took it for weight loss. No other methods helped at my age. My appetite has noticeably decreased and I lost 10 extra kilos. Pleasantly surprised by the low price iHerb for all dietary supplements.

Svetlana, 40 years old:
I bought it for my mother. With age, she developed forgetfulness, her character became unbearable: tears, irritability, apathy, causeless anxiety. There was no immediate effect, but after 6 weeks of taking it, she became calmer and the insomnia went away. Now mom smiles, goes to visit, is interested in her children and grandchildren.

Veronica, 25 years old:
– the best antidepressant. It was only thanks to him that I made it through the probationary period at my new job. It was difficult to withstand heavy loads, and the team was unfriendly. After 3 weeks of use, stress resistance significantly increased. I quickly cope with assigned tasks.

L-tyrosine is an amino acid , which is present in every cell of the human body. It plays an important role in the synthesis of protein and hormones, and is involved in the production of neurotransmitters.

Biological supplements with tyrosine help improve mood, improve memory, reduce anxiety and absent-mindedness, and stabilize the overall emotional background.

The human body independently produces L-tyrosine in the required quantity, so it is one of the essential amino acids. In addition, this substance is found in many protein foods.

Product description. Recommendations for use. Reviews.

Thanks to dietary supplements with L-tyrosine, it is possible to treat depression and psychosis. Regular use of such drugs relieves inhibition and restores processes disturbed by mental disorder.

Let's look at the beneficial properties of tyrosine, in what cases this drug is prescribed, how to take it, and whether there are any contraindications. Also in this article you will find reviews about the use of tyrosine supplements and where you can buy it.

Beneficial features

The word “tyrosine” comes from the Greek “thyri” and means “cheese”. It was discovered by the German scientist Liebig in the protein casein, which is found in cheese - hence the name.

There are three forms of tyrosine: L-tyrosine is an amino acid found in proteins in organisms; D-tyrosine neurotransmitter found in enzymes; DL tyrosine, which has no optical energy.

The chemical name is 4-hydroxyphenylalanine. Thanks to tyrosine, various biological processes in the body occur and the breakdown of protein components included in various cellular structures and enzymes is activated. In addition, it plays an important role in the synthesis of hormones such as dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine, thyroxine.

Effect on individual body systems:

  • Neurology. Prevention of the development of post-stress amnesia. Drowsiness decreases and concentration improves. Catecholamine hormones are produced in the blood as a protective reaction to strong stimulation of the nervous system by stress. Reduces aggression, tension and irritation during stress.
  • The cardiovascular system. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure is normalized against the background of hypertension. Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Weight loss. It helps in weight loss by increasing metabolism, and it also has a fat-burning effect.
  • Diseases. Treatment of Parkinson's disease in combination with other medications. Increase libido (sexual activity for men and women. Reduce hyperactivity in children. Treatment of vitiligo in combination with phenylalanine. Restoration of thyroid dysfunction. Reduction of allergic reactions.

L-tyrosine also promotes the production of endorphin and adrenaline - hormones that have a calming effect on the nervous system and help reduce cravings for caffeine, alcohol, and neurostimulants. It has protective functions of cells of the nervous system and brain from the effects of alcohol poisoning and tobacco smoking and is used in the treatment of dependence on alcohol and drugs.

Since the hormone decreases with age, L-Tyrosine dietary supplements stimulate its production. This helps strengthen the immune system, normalizes sleep/wake cycles, and removes bad cholesterol in older people.

With a lack of this amino acid, body temperature may even drop. As a result, there is a feeling of coldness in the arms and legs, and cramps in the calf muscles may also appear. L-tyrosine is recommended for people who follow a low protein diet.

L-tyrosine reviews

Before making a decision to take any drug, you should read the recommendations of those who have already taken it. Reviews about tyrosine are mostly positive and this dietary supplement has many fans.

Most often, drugs with this amino acid are taken to improve one’s emotional state. For example, one user notes that taking tyrosine twice a day helped him cope with apathy, fatigue and depression, his mood improved and he gained strength.

To overcome depression, depressed mood and laziness, as well as motivate yourself for some activity or sports training amino acid take courses .

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Reviews from athletes about this amino acid show that its effect is similar to. It is important for the proper distribution of energy during training, helps to preserve the gained muscle mass as much as possible and makes it easier to endure drying periods. Review from one athlete: “With tyrosine you can train every day and feel good. I usually take up to 120 capsules over 40 days.” Sports nutrition should include this drug, especially for men.

You can also read many reviews about this drug from people leading an active lifestyle. A lack of this amino acid leads to deterioration of brain activity, slower metabolism and loss of physical strength. Reviews show that in this case it is enough to take a course of dietary supplements for about two months, 2 tablets per day, and repeat it after three months. There is no point in taking L-tyrosine constantly.

In addition, in some reviews you can read positive feedback about it in comparison with others with a rich composition. Users say that there is a noticeable difference in the effect - it gives much more energy and endurance, and muscles recover faster after exercise. Appetite is normalized, especially after strength training.

According to reviews, the optimal intake is two capsules per day, containing 500 mg of pure tyrosine. One jar is enough for two months, without any additional additives or vitamins.

Reviews for those who want to lose weight. It is impossible not to mention reviews of dietary supplements for those who want to lose weight. For example, according to one user’s review, this drug noticeably reduced appetite after just a week of use, and in addition, there was no desire to eat sweets.

Sleep has normalized, it has become strong and calm, which also has a positive effect on metabolism. Reviews from older people also show the positive effect of the amino acid on the body. A year after taking tyrosine, three capsules a day in between meals, you feel much more cheerful. And judging by one review, the gray hair on the growing hair roots has even decreased.

Where can I buy

You can purchase the natural dietary supplement L-Tyrosine on the Internet on the specialized website IHerb.

One of the most popular drugs (120 capsules with an optimal dosage of 500 mg). The biological supplement from an American manufacturer contains microelements that increase the digestibility of the amino acid and enhance its activity.

L-tyrosine from Thorne Research helps improve well-being, mental activity and memory, increase stress resistance and relieve fatigue after heavy physical and mental stress.

The effect of the substance appears gradually and after two weeks of use, positive signs of improvement will become noticeable. Thanks to this amino acid, it is possible to reduce the use of antidepressants and the need for them.

L tyrosine Now Foods L-Tyrosine price, 500 mg, 120 capsules can be viewed on the IHerb website, where there is a system of discounts and promotions.

Instructions for use

You should be careful when taking the drug and not increase the indicated recommendations and dosages. Due to improper use, there is a risk of side effects.

L-tyrosine is taken no more than one capsule at a time. During the day, the frequency of administration is from 1 to 3, depending on the purpose and severity of clinical manifestations. It is necessary to drink the capsule only with clean non-carbonated water, 100-200 ml is enough.

Instructions for use for weight loss include taking one capsule per day in the morning before meals. This dosage is enough to reduce appetite, reduce fat mass and improve metabolism.

For better absorption of the active substance and bioavailability, you should take the dietary supplement half an hour before meals. The recommended course of use is a month. If necessary, the course can be repeated after three or six months.

In addition, there are foods rich in tyrosine. To replenish its reserves, you can eat foods rich in proteins: turkey; chicken; fish; beans; soy; dairy products; avocado; almonds and peanuts; sesame seed.

Despite all the positive properties, the drug with tyrosine should not be abused.

There are some contraindications to the use of bioadditives:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • combination of use with other antidepressants;
  • schizophrenia;
  • hypertension;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • age up to 18 years.

Benefits for the thyroid gland

This amino acid promotes the production of thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine in the body. It is the lack of these hormones that can disrupt the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

For hypothyroidism it is used for replacement therapy. The daily dosage is selected individually depending on the severity of hypothyroidism and the study of TSH levels. People with thyroid problems should not start using Tyrosine on their own without consulting a doctor.

Since the amino acid tends to be slowly excreted from the body, its required amount to maintain hormone levels is retained for a long time.

So, L-Tyrosine plays an important role in the functioning of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems. It is necessary to increase stress resistance, combat depression, fatigue and absent-mindedness.

Including the synthesis of muscle protein, dopamine and neurotransmitters. Formed from phenylalanine.

Mechanism of tyrosine synthesis

The empirical formula of tyrosine is C₉H₁₁NO₃, phenylalanine is C₉H₁₁NO₂. The formation of tyrosine occurs according to the following scheme:

C₉H₁₁NO₂ + phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase =>C₉H₁₁NO₃.

Biological effects of tyrosine

How does tyrosine affect the body and what functions does it perform:

  • serves as a plastic material for the formation of melanin, catecholamine hormones or catecholamines (adrenaline and norepinephrine, thyroxine, triiodothyronine, L-dioxyphenalalanine), neuromediators and neurotransmitters;
  • takes part in the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • develops endurance under loads, promotes speedy recovery;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and vestibular apparatus;
  • promotes detoxification;
  • exhibits antidepressant effects;
  • increases mental concentration;
  • takes part in heat exchange;
  • suppresses catabolism;
  • relieves symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

The use of tyrosine for weight loss

Due to its ability to enhance fat utilization, L-tyrosine is used during cutting (weight loss) under the supervision of a sports physician.

How much tyrosine do you need per day?

The daily dose of tyrosine ranges from 0.5-1.5 grams, depending on the psycho-emotional and physical state. Taking the amino acid for more than 3 months in a row is not recommended. It is better to consume during meals with a small amount of water.

In order to enhance the therapeutic effect, tyrosine is recommended to be used together with vitamins and C.

Deficiency and excess of tyrosine, signs and consequences

An excess (hypertyrosinosis or hypertyrosinosis) or deficiency (hypotyrosinia or hypotyrosinosis) of the amino acid tyrosine in the body can lead to.

Symptoms of excess and deficiency of tyrosine are nonspecific, which makes diagnosis difficult. When making a diagnosis, it is important to take into account anamnestic data (illnesses suffered the day before, medications taken, being on a diet).


Excess tyrosine can manifest itself as an imbalance in the work:

  • adrenal glands;
  • central and peripheral nervous system;
  • thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).


Amino acid deficiency is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • increased activity in children;
  • decreased blood pressure (blood pressure);
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • inhibition of physical and mental activity in adults;
  • muscle weakness;
  • depression;
  • mood swings;
  • weight gain with a normal diet;
  • restless legs syndrome;
  • hair loss;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • decreased appetite.

Tyrosine deficiency may result from a lack of dietary intake or insufficient formation from phenylalanine.

Hypertyrosinosis is characterized by symptoms that are partly due to increased stimulation of thyroxine production (Graves' disease):

  • noticeable decrease in body weight;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased excitability;
  • dizziness;
  • headaches;
  • tachycardia;
  • dyspeptic symptoms (lack of appetite, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, increased acidity of gastric juice, hyperacid gastritis or peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum).


  • intolerance or allergic reactions to components of the supplement or drug;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism);
  • mental illness (schizophrenia);
  • hereditary tyrosinemia;
  • treatment with MAO inhibitors (monoamine oxidase);
  • Parkinson's syndrome.

Side effects

Side effects are varied and are determined not only by the individual characteristics of a person, but also by the variety of biochemical reactions in which aminocarboxylic acid takes part. In this regard, in order to prevent them, it is recommended to start taking the amino acid with minimal dosages under the supervision of the attending physician.

The most common side effects include arthralgia, headache, heartburn, and nausea.


A change in the pharmacological effect of tyrosine cannot be ruled out when used in combination with alcohol, opiates, steroids or. In this regard, it is advisable to increase the number of drugs taken gradually in order, if necessary, to eliminate an undesirable combination.

Foods rich in tyrosine

Contained in the meat of mammals, birds and fish, soybeans, peanuts, dairy products, beans, wheat, seafood, and food additives.

Application and dosage

The daily requirement for tyrosine for an adult is on average 25 mg/kg (1.75 g/day). Doses may vary depending on the purpose of use of the substance (selected by the attending physician).









L-tyrosine is an amino acid that acts in the body as a building material for muscle protein. Tyrosine plays an important role in chemical reactions in the body, participating in the production of dopamine, neurotransmitters and other hormones. Tyrosine is a conditionally essential amino acid and is synthesized in the body from another amino acid called phenylalanine. It must be remembered that under increased loads, the body produces tyrosine in insufficient quantities. That's why it's important to get it from other sources, such as animal and fish meats, soy, peanuts, dairy products, beans, seeds, wheat, oatmeal, seafood, or amino acid supplements.

Speaking about the use of this substance in medicine and pharmaceuticals, it must be said that today many medicines and food supplements containing tyrosine are produced.

Tyrosine preparations are also prescribed for hypotension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, obesity, hypothyroidism, Parkinson's disease, Vitiligo, and hyperactivity in children. They also help speed up a slow metabolism and are useful in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction.

Scientists have noticed that thanks to this amino acid, concentration and focus improve. Therefore, this substance will help those who suffer from insomnia to be active during the day. Some researchers have suggested that tyrosine may be useful in Alzheimer's disease, impotence, heart disease and schizophrenia, but so far this effect of tyrosine preparations remains unproven.

In recent years, this substance has attracted increasing attention from scientists, due to the desire to reduce the number of patients with phenylketonuria (oligophrenia). Studies have also been conducted in which increased levels of tyrosine in the blood and urine were recorded in patients with rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, and tonsillitis. Doctors believe that this pattern will help identify the rheumatic process at an early stage. Another experiment helped discover that this substance helps to perform complex intellectual work in conditions that are uncomfortable for humans (+4 º C).

The body's daily requirement for tyrosine

The dose ranges from 500 to 1,500 mg. per day, it depends on the level of mental and physical activity, people suffering from insomnia take up to 1,500 mg. per day in the morning, but do not exceed the dose, otherwise side effects will not keep you waiting. You should not take the drug for more than 3 months without a break.

A lack of tyrosine in the human body can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the adrenal glands, hyperactivity in children, a drop in blood pressure and body temperature, decreased physical and mental activity, muscle weakness, depression, mood swings, weight gain with a normal diet, nervousness, restless syndrome legs, weakening hair, hypothyroidism, drowsiness, decreased appetite.

Signs of tyrosine deficiency in the body

Given the important function of tyrosine, its deficiency can cause serious physical and mental disorders. This can occur not only as a result of insufficient intake of this non-essential amino acid from food, but due to metabolic disorders and the body's inability to convert phenylalanine to the amino acid tyrosine.

Tyrosine deficiency is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. decreased blood pressure;
  2. obesity;
  3. lethargy;
  4. deterioration of adrenal function;
  5. chilliness;
  6. restless legs syndrome;
  7. childhood hyperactivity.

A lack of amino acids also affects the condition of the hair and can lead to weight gain, mood swings, muscle weakness, nervousness, drowsiness, hypothyroidism in adults and hyperactivity in children.

Excess tyrosine in the human body it is manifested by increased acidity of gastric juice, gastric ulcer, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, and a sharp decrease in body weight.

It is important that all these symptoms can indicate not only an imbalance of tyrosine in the body, but also be a harbinger of other diseases. But with an adequate attitude towards your health, all this can be avoided and only benefit from consuming amino acids, including L-tyrosine.

Signs of excess tyrosine in the body

An excess of tyrosine increases the acidity of gastric juice, nausea, and insomnia. In some cases, stomach ulcers may develop. Although overdose is rare, it is necessary to name its symptoms:

  1. Increased excitability;
  2. Dizziness;
  3. Loss of appetite;
  4. Headache;
  5. Heartburn;
  6. Drowsiness;
  7. Allergy (rash);
  8. Cardiopalmus.

In order to understand how important tyrosine is for our body, let's consider its basic properties. So:

Despite the fact that tyrosine supplements help increase concentration and sharpen perception, some people experience the opposite side effect and experience increased fatigue. Until you understand exactly how your body reacts to tyrosine, we recommend avoiding driving after taking the nutrient.

It is not safe for children to take tyrosine supplements. Until the relevant research results are conclusive, you should not give tyrosine to a child without a doctor's approval. As with most drugs, the effects of tyrosine on the body of pregnant or breastfeeding women have not been studied, so it is best to refrain from taking the nutrient during gestation and lactation.

A side effect of taking tyrosine is an increase in thyroxine synthesis. An increase in thyroxine production can aggravate the course of hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease. If you have been diagnosed with any thyroid disease, you should not take tyrosine supplements without your doctor's approval.

If you are taking thyroid medications or the drug levodopa, which is typically used to treat Parkinson's disease, you should not start taking tyrosine supplements. Tyrosine interactions with these medications may reduce the effectiveness or increase the side effects of drug therapy.

Tyrosine-rich foods

A person’s well-being directly depends on the food he eats. A lack of nutrients will definitely affect human health. Tyrosine is responsible not only for a person’s mood, but also for metabolic processes in the body. If it is deficient, you may experience poor health, fatigue, and a decrease in body temperature and blood pressure. You can cope with this condition by including seafood, sesame seeds, avocado and almonds in your diet. A high-quality and varied diet will allow you to be in a great mood all the time and forget about depression.

Complete list of foods containing tyrosine

The product's name Amount of tyrosine per 100 g of product
Turkey, roasted 1.18 g
Rabbit, stewed 1.18 g
Goose, fried 1.10 g
Rabbit 0.78 g
Calf tongue 0.77 g
Beef liver 0.73 g
Pork liver 0.71 g
Veal meat 0.69 g
horsemeat 0.69 g
Chicken liver 0.67 g
Beef meat 0.66 g
Chicken 0.64 g
Turkey 0.62 g
Goose 0.55 g
Pork meat 0.52 g
Pork tongue 0.51 g
Duck 0.51 g
Beef tongue 0.48 g
Stewed pork, canned 0.47 g
Chicken breast, in the oven 0.34 g
Soybeans 1.06 g
