Daily carbohydrate intake for men in grams. How many carbohydrates do you need per day when losing weight?

Labor intensity group


Energy, kcal

Proteins, g

Fats, g

Carbohydrates, g


incl. animals

Table 4

Additional to normal nutrient and energy requirements for pregnant and lactating women




Pregnant women 5-9 months.

Nursing 1-6 months.

Nursing 7-12 months.

Table 5

Daily requirement of people of retirement age for energy, proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Table 6

Daily requirement of children and adolescents for energy, proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Age, years

incl. animals

Depending on the intensity and severity of work and in accordance with the total CFA, the entire adult working population by occupation is divided into five groups for men and four groups for women (Table 2). Physiological nutritional standards for the adult working population, children of all ages age groups, elderly people, pregnant and lactating women are presented in tables 3-6. In each of the professional groups adult working population differentiation by age is highlighted: 18-29 years, 30-39 years, 40-59 years. For pregnant and lactating women with children 1-6 months and 7-12 months recommended additional needs for nutrients and energy to the norm corresponding to physical activity and age. Children's population by age divided into 3 groups of infants and 6 groups of preschool and school age children. In groups 11-13 years old and 14-17 years old, in addition to age, sexual characteristic. Persons retirement age based on age divided into 2 groups: elderly - 60-74 years old and senile people - over 75 years old with differentiation by gender.

Your health status is influenced by your diet (nutritional status). Nutritional status This is a set of indicators characterizing the state of health that has developed under the influence of actual nutrition. There are four types of nutritional status. At ordinary nutritional status, the structure and functions of the body are not impaired, the body’s adaptive reserves are quite large. Optimal nutritional status allows the body to function under unusual, unfavorable, or stressful conditions without noticeable shifts in homeostasis.

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July 03, 2016 One review

Anyone who is trying to lose weight wonders how many carbohydrates they need per day when losing weight. After all, the body’s ability to accumulate carbohydrates largely depends on what carbohydrates we consume and in what quantities. overweight.

So let's figure out what carbohydrates are and how to use them correctly.

Fast and slow carbohydrates - what is important to know about them when losing weight

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body, so their presence in the diet should be mandatory, but since they are divided into fast (simple) and slow (complex), you need to know what their difference is, the benefits and harms, which ones should be consumed reduce or exclude, and which ones, on the contrary, increase.

After all, these two groups not only have different formulas, but also have different properties and the rate of absorption, and have different effects on the body, and products containing them have completely different tastes.

As can be seen from the names, fast and slow carbohydrates primarily differ from each other in the speed of breakdown and absorption by the body.

Fast carbohydrates - list of products, table for weight loss

Fast carbohydrates are fructose, glucose, maltose and lactose. They have the following properties, which are absolutely not typical for slow carbohydrates:

  • when entering the body, they are absorbed very quickly, and with significant consumption they contribute to the intensive accumulation of fat deposits;
  • increase blood sugar levels;
  • promote increased insulin production;
  • stimulate an increase in the level of serotonin, the so-called joy hormone, which makes them useful, but only in very moderate quantities.

As you can see, fast carbohydrates, when they enter the body, are broken down very quickly, immediately enter the bloodstream and instantly saturate it with energy. But this effect is fleeting, and after a short period of time the person again feels hungry and tries to satisfy it faster, and the increase in blood sugar levels contributes to the emergence of even greater appetite. In fact, there is no benefit to the body from eating fast carbohydrates, but weight is gained very quickly with such a diet.

However, you cannot completely abandon them, because glucose nourishes the brain, and serotonin, which they help increase, is responsible for good mood. You just need to reduce their consumption to a minimum, and in relation to complex carbohydrates, consume them in proportions of 20% and 80%.

And you need to reduce the consumption of the following foods that contain simple carbohydrates in excess:

Slow carbohydrates - list of products, table for weight loss

Slow carbohydrates are starch and fiber. The main function of these carbohydrates is to maintain a steady and constant level of energy in the body. Their difference from fast ones lies not only in the fact that they are slowly processed and absorbed by the body, but also in certain features:

  • starch is able to maintain blood glucose concentration at an optimal level;
  • fiber, despite the fact that it is not absorbed by the body, cleanses the intestines, promotes the removal of waste and toxins, and also enhances metabolism.

Moreover, the fact that complex carbohydrates are digested slowly does not cause a surge in insulin, which is responsible for processing excess carbohydrates into fat. In addition, this feature makes it possible not to feel hungry for a long time, which leads to a decrease in calorie consumption and, accordingly, does not lead to overeating.

It is not surprising that foods containing complex carbohydrates are very widely used in various diet programs aimed at weight loss. Unlike products containing fast carbohydrates, they do not have a sweet, but a neutral taste.

The list of them is quite large, so from them you can always choose the optimal diet to suit your taste, which will make it possible to lose weight:

Based on the above, we can answer the most frequently asked questions:

  • what carbohydrates can you eat when losing weight? Of course, slow! Moreover, even from the allowed list, you should choose the most healthy and less calorie ones, for example, from cereals, choose buckwheat, oatmeal, barley and brown rice, from vegetables, give preference to spinach, bell pepper, various types of cabbage and greens, fruits - apples and citrus fruits;
  • What carbohydrates should you not eat when losing weight? Of course, fast! But again, do not completely exclude them from the diet, but treat yourself 2-3 times a week with a piece of dark chocolate, a couple of spoons of honey, a banana, and even eat a small cake once a week.

Daily carbohydrate intake for weight loss

It is impossible to determine a clear rate of carbohydrate consumption for weight loss, since depending on many factors, the same indicator for some people may be low, and for others, on the contrary, high. This, first of all, depends on gender and age, lifestyle, nutritional culture and health status.

For example, those who want to lose weight, but at the same time focus on physical exercise, should consume much more carbohydrates than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, and, in addition, have an abnormal metabolism. Such people should consume even slow carbohydrates in minimal quantities. But, nevertheless, even in such a rather difficult situation, you can be guided by principles that will help you get on the right path:

  • during the period of weight loss, completely remove foods containing fast carbohydrates from the diet;
  • For active people of normal (thin) build who want to maintain their shape, the daily norm of carbohydrates (and complex ones) is 100-150 g. This can be any vegetables, several fruits a day and starchy foods - potatoes, oatmeal, rice;
  • those who want to lose weight a little, without particularly restricting themselves in nutrition, should consume no more than 50-100 g of carbohydrates per day, gaining them from foods such as all vegetables, 1-2 fruits, and a minimum of starch-containing foods, or their complete exclusion ;
  • for those who want to lose weight very quickly, or are obese, the daily carbohydrate intake should be minimal - from 20 to 50 g. This can be all vegetables, unsweetened berries, avocados, seeds and nuts.

If you don’t want to bother too much with calculations, then choose carbohydrate sources that have low calorie content and are rich in fiber, which is, in fact, any vegetables from the allowed list of slow carbohydrates.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss

In order for the human body to function normally, it is necessary not only to adhere to the correct consumption of carbohydrates, but also to maintain a certain balance of fatty acids, namely proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as this abbreviation stands for.

Due to the fact that a deficiency or excess of each of these components can lead to deterioration of health and excess weight, then it is necessary to constantly monitor their ratio, especially if we're talking about about losing weight. But an optimally selected norm makes it possible to effectively lose weight without compromising your health, and not gain weight in the future.

  • proteins – 30%. Compliance with this norm during weight loss makes it possible to get both a boost of energy and a long-lasting feeling of satiety, and maintain muscle mass and enhance fat burning. The optimal daily dose of protein is 1.5 g per 1 kg of weight, and you can get it from lean meat, fish, seafood, eggs, cottage cheese, legumes and nuts;
  • fats – 10%. Although fats by themselves do not contribute to weight loss, they do small quantity they must still enter the body, since they take part in many processes that take place in it, and also indirectly participate in those that contribute to weight loss. The daily norm, depending on age and gender, ranges from 70 to 160 g, and the products for its production are fatty fish, fish fat, olives, avocados, various vegetable oils, seeds and nuts;
  • carbohydrates – 60%. These are the main energy suppliers. But do not forget that when consuming carbohydrates, it is necessary that 80% be complex, and only 20% simple, and the daily norm for people leading a sedentary lifestyle does not exceed 300 g, and for active ones it is no more than 500 g. What products to use for this, we said above.

When to eat proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss

In order for the weight loss process to be effective, in addition to the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, you need to know what time of day to consume them so that they are absorbed normally and are not stored in fat reserves.
Since carbohydrates and fats provide energy, which, as you know, must all be used up, they should be consumed in the first half of the day, or, in extreme cases, no later than 16-00.

A sample menu for the day should look like this:

  • breakfast – carbohydrates, some protein and fats, namely: any porridge, or an egg with vegetables, or a slice rye bread with butter and coffee, or fruit and a piece of cheese;
  • second breakfast – carbohydrates. It is best if it is some kind of fruit or berries;
  • lunch – carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Best suited for this vegetable soup, boiled meat or fish (100 g) and a side dish, which can be durum wheat pasta or any porridge. As for fat, it could be a spoon vegetable oil, added to the side dish;
  • afternoon snack - carbohydrates. It can be any fruit or fresh vegetable salad;
  • dinner - proteins, namely: a piece of boiled chicken breast(fish) or cottage cheese, or kefir, or natural yogurt.

As you can see, lose weight and have perfect figure not so difficult if you understand all the intricacies of nutrition that we talked about in this article and lead active image life.

What are carbohydrates, how much of them should you consume and what foods contain them - we will talk about this in this article.

Today, thinking about your diet is fashionable not only because it is a trend, but because a healthy lifestyle has finally come into fashion. Healthy image Life can only be called when a person is actively engaged in physical activity and plans his diet correctly.

Modern Internet sources are full of headlines about protein diets that are completely devoid of carbohydrates. From the point of view of human anatomy, such actions are detrimental to the body, because in daily norm The food consumed must contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates at the same time. None of the above components can replace the other, so adjusting your diet on your own is dangerous to your health.

Carbohydrates are organic compounds consisting of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. There are two more types organic compounds, without which a person cannot fully function, are proteins and fats. The task of these three components is to provide the human body with energy, that is, the ability to exist.

Carbohydrates are the most useful and necessary substances for the human body, because they are capable of providing the greatest amount of energy during oxidation (1g of carbohydrates is equal to 17 kJ). Only carbohydrates are converted into glucose, which is an energy generator in the human body.

From anatomy, everyone knows that the body draws its strength from the processing of glucose in the blood and from glycogen (energy reserve). Glycogen accumulates in the liver and muscle tissue, it is designed to ensure normal life in a critical situation (in the absence of glucose or carbohydrates).

If you do not eat carbohydrate-containing foods for a long period of time, your health will noticeably worsen:

  • headache;
  • malaise and weakness;
  • inability to think quickly and make decisions;
  • inability to perform physical activity;
  • loss of accumulated fluid and dehydration.

This list can be continued, given functions of carbohydrates in the human body:

  1. Energy – the ability to provide the body with 60% of the daily energy requirement.
  2. Construction – promoting construction cell membranes(including cells of the immune system), complex molecules, participation in the construction of the DNA code repository.
  3. Specific – providing an antitumor effect, helping hormones recognize where and in what quantities the body needs them.
  4. Regulatory - ensured by the fact that coarse food fibers are not digested in the intestines, thereby stimulating intestinal motility.

Daily requirement for men and women

Carbohydrates can be synthesized by the human body independently, but their quantity is too small to satisfy a person’s daily requirement, so carbohydrates must be supplied with food.

The daily need for carbohydrates is strictly individual and depends on many factors, but on average the following ratio can be distinguished: 2 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight. Moreover, it is worth distinguishing carbohydrates by category, because simple and easily digestible carbohydrates should not exceed 15% in the diet.

Factors influencing the daily carbohydrate requirement include:

  • severity of physical activity (athletes and people associated with increased physical activity are recommended to increase the amount of carbohydrate-containing foods);
  • age (the older a person is, the less his need for organic matter Oh);
  • mental stress (people engaged in mental work are recommended to increase the daily intake of carbohydrates);
  • Availability various diseases (diabetes, diseases of the liver, heart and other organs).

To more accurately describe men’s daily need for carbohydrates, they should be divided into categories:

Category of men
Men leading a passive lifestyle, office workers engaged in mental work The youth 100-103g
Average age 96-98g
Old age 91-93g
Men doing light physical activity The youth 108-110g
Average age 104-106g
Old age 99-101g
Men engaged in moderate work (possibly office workers who play sports) The youth 115-117g
Average age 112-114g
Old age 106-108g
Men who lead an active lifestyle, go to the gym regularly or exercise hard work At work The youth 134-136g
Average age 130-132g
Old age 124-126g
Men whose occupation involves increased or extreme stress (Olympic athletes, bodybuilders) The youth 156-158g
Average age 148-150g
Old age 141-143g

As for women, their need for carbohydrates is also calculated based on lifestyle.

Women category Daily requirement for carbohydrates
Women engaged in intellectual work The youth 86-88g
Average age 82-84g
Old age 79-81g
Women who do not lead an active lifestyle, but occasionally receive light exercise The youth 91-93g
Average age 88-90g
Old age 84-86g
Women whose work or lifestyle involves moderate physical activity The youth 97-99g
Average age 93-95g
Old age 90-92g
Women whose lifestyle involves regular and heavy physical activity The youth 114-116g
Average age 110-112g
Old age 104-106g

When calculating your daily carbohydrate intake, it is worth understanding the categories of carbohydrates and their quality.

Fast (simple) and complex (slow) carbohydrates

Doctors and nutritionists tend to divide carbohydrates into two broad categories:

  1. Simple or easily digestible.
  2. Complex or difficult to digest.
  • sugar and honey;
  • bakery products, pasta;
  • sweet fruits and vegetables;
  • raisins and dried fruits;
  • fruit juices.

Some dishonest manufacturers mislead people and claim that if you replace glucose with fructose, you can easily lose weight. In fact, this is not the case, since both of these substances are easily digestible carbohydrates. This means that they are absorbed in the human body after 5-10 minutes, sugar quickly enters the blood and causes a chain reaction in the body.

When glucose enters the blood, the body begins to produce the hormone insulin to fight sugar, or rather to construction processes in organism. If physical activity does not follow after taking large quantity light carbohydrates, the body will convert them into fats. If glycogen reserves are depleted, the body will first begin to restore energy reserves, and only then will produce fat and store it in the subcutaneous tissues.

When the glucose runs out, insulin will stop being produced, and the person will again feel hungry. Thus, the body requires more insulin, which is a kind of drug. This chain is difficult to break, but if this is not done, then the extra pounds will begin to add in the near future.

Complex or difficult-to-digest carbohydrates have opposite effects on the human body. That is, their intake is accompanied by a long process of digestion, during which energy is slowly released. They contain a minimal amount of glucose and fructose, so the body will not ask for more every half hour, but on the contrary, the feeling of hunger will go away for several hours.

Complex carbohydrates are not completely digested, so they stimulate intestinal function, that is, its motility. As a result, a person can observe an improvement in the digestion process, improved well-being, no constant feeling of hunger, and weight loss.

Which products are classified as complex (table)

The list of complex (slow) carbohydrates is not so long, but you need to love all these products, because they are priceless for the body and only bring benefits. It is worth noting that carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex, based on the glycemic index (GI) of foods; the higher it is, the more “harmful” or higher calorie product. Products with the lowest glycemic index will not increase blood sugar levels, which means insulin will not be produced.

Group Products
Vegetables and greens Pumpkin, carrots, celery, potatoes, squash, tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage, lettuce and spinach.
Fruits Peaches, apples, pears, pomegranates, almost the entire range of unsweetened citrus fruits.
Cereals and legumes Peas, beans, lentils, wheat, oats, rye, brown rice. Moreover, it is very useful to eat sprouted grains.
Porridge Almost all types of well-known porridges: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, millet, barley, pearl barley, except semolina. You can cook them with either water or milk. Durum wheat pasta.
Dairy Milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cream, yogurt, but provided that the products are not fatty and do not contain flavorings or sweeteners.
Beverages Dry wine, tomato juice, Birch juice.

From the list it is clear that you won’t have to infringe on yourself too much, because the products we are used to are very useful. Plus, you don’t have to give up sweets completely. This category also includes representatives with a low glycemic index: dark chocolate, marmalade, and fructose-filled ice cream.

How to use them so as not to harm the body?

In order for carbohydrates to bring only the benefits intended by nature to the body, their consumption must be balanced. You should not completely exclude simple carbohydrates from your diet, just their amount should not exceed 15-20% of the daily intake of all carbohydrates.

There are no special requirements for the regime of carbohydrate intake, but the following recommendations can be distinguished:

  • Most of the daily requirement should be eaten for breakfast, then the feeling of hunger will not appear until lunch, and the energy that is released as a result of oxidation will not be wasted and will be spent in the right direction;
  • the rate of carbohydrate consumption should be strictly calculated based on the weight and lifestyle of each person individually;
  • carbohydrates must be balanced with proteins and fats, since the body spends a lot of energy on their processing;
  • worth considering required amount vitamins and amino acids that participate in the process of transformation of organic substances. There are products that themselves are capable of ensuring the processing process, but most often this process requires additional amounts of vitamins, so drinking vitamin complexes for prevention is very correct;
  • after heavy physical activity, it is allowed to eat fast carbohydrates to restore strength;
  • You should not limit yourself in carbohydrates, otherwise the body will not have enough energy to carry out its usual life activities;
  • you should avoid consuming carbohydrates 2 hours before bedtime, since no one will exercise at night, therefore, energy will be converted into fat;
  • It is best to eat protein foods for dinner;
  • carbohydrate-containing foods are best eaten cold, so they are absorbed by the body much longer;
  • You need to carefully read the labels on products; if there is no sugar in the composition, this does not mean that it is not there, perhaps there is glucose, sucrose, dextrose and other substitutes that are no less harmful.

By following these recommendations, you can balance your diet so that it is complete and as healthy as possible. At the same time, do not forget about regular physical activity, which helps the body to perk up, spend excess energy and not accumulate fat, which is later difficult to get rid of.
