Dream Interpretation: bullet, weapon, shoot. Interpretation of dreams. Ammo clip Find live ammunition in the snow in a dream

Many different objects that can appear in dreams are considered signs that hint at the need to change something in your life. The dream book refers to cartridges as such symbols. If you dreamed about them, be sure to find out what such a vision could mean.

According to dream interpreters, cartridges in the world of night dreams are associated with a warning. Such ammunition may well be dreamed of by someone who has recently acted thoughtlessly or carelessly. And so that this does not become a reason for condemnation from others, it is better for the waking dreamer to seriously think about his behavior. Famous interpreters will tell you what else a person who dreams of military shells in the form of cartridges needs to know.

Weapons - for battle

According to Miller's dream book, the cartridge serves as a harbinger of a situation in which the sleeper will have to confront circumstances in order to ward off danger. But, if you dreamed of a cartridge case, then this is rather a warning about the uselessness of the thing that you want to purchase in the coming days.

Another interpreter offers more expanded versions of interpretations for sleeping with ammunition. Thus, the Dream Book from A to Z builds its interpretations on the features of dreamed objects:

  • Blank cartridges, for example, indicate that in the real world the sleeper spends too much time and effort on implementing a business that is unlikely to meet his hopes.
  • Combat ones hint that now is not the right time to implement the dreamer’s plans.
  • Small-caliber ones symbolize the small profit that the sleeper can receive from the business he has started.

According to the same dream book, cartridges in a clip are the personification of the envy of others. Moreover, the object of their envy will be the real successes achieved by the sleeper. Thus, a dream with a full clip may well be evidence that very soon the dreamer will be lucky and his success will cause indignation among his ill-wishers.

If you are interested in what a patron dreams about, it wouldn’t hurt to look into another dream book. For example, in the Modern combined dream book. This source connects the projectile with a secret that the dreamer will learn in the near future. Moreover, if according to the plot you come across ammunition in a completely atypical place, then the revealed secret will be a surprise for you.

For those who dreamed of loading a pistol with cartridges or, the Modern Combined Dream Interpreter recommends taking active steps to achieve their goal. But if you simply had to hold a loaded magazine in your hand without trying to use it for its intended purpose, then you will soon be lucky enough to watch how a tense situation is resolved.

If you look into the Esoteric Dream Book, then the cartridges in it will be a hint of career growth. Thus, an empty gun casing may indicate a promotion, which will not in any way affect the dreamer’s financial situation. Well, holding bullets in your hands in a dream means in reality you will receive valuable data or practical advice from a more competent person.

As you can see, different dream books interpret ammunition seen in dreams differently. Thus, the interpreter of the Wanderer offers a completely different explanation for the dreamed shells. According to it, if a person dreams of a cartridge, then it will symbolize the abilities and potential of the dreamer. It is quite possible that at the moment the person has not yet opened up, but he has everything ahead of him.

Be carefull

Among the few symbols in the world of night dreams, dreams with cartridges and bullets are considered warnings. In some cases, they indicate the unprofitability of the business started, and in some they promise dangerous connections, from which the dreamer should refrain.

So, for example, Tsvetkov’s dream book believes that those who dream about scenes with shells risk getting involved in some kind of scam or will be offered participation in a dubious enterprise. Therefore, it is better for a person not to ignore a dream about ammunition.

In turn, dream interpreter Meneghetti believes that a pistol cartridge is a clear signal to action. People dream about it when it’s time to start moving towards their goal, because, as you know, water does not flow under a lying stone.

What ammunition (cartridges or bullets) are meant for in dreams is also explained by Vanga’s dream book. According to his version, holding such shells in your hands means a difficult situation from which the dreamer will be able to get out of it with his head held high. But counting bullet casings in a dream means hiding a secret. It is quite possible that in reality a person is trying to hide from his family and friends something shameful he has done in the past.

The general dream book associates bullets with disagreements that can arise between the dreamer and the people around him for no apparent reason. Therefore, the interpreter advises the person who sees such a plot to be careful in his statements and actions so as not to provoke a conflict.

But seeing a bullet explode in a dream means an unexpected turn of fate and new circumstances that will take the dreamer by surprise. Although such a symbol does not foreshadow a conflict, in reality it will not hurt a person to be on alert in the coming days. Author: Elena Suvorova

Cartridges in a dream serve as a warning about deteriorating mutual understanding with others. The dream book, when interpreting what ammunition is used for in a dream, heralds the negligent behavior of a sleeping person, which will cause disapproval from loved ones, management and the public.

Details: what?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z connects the interpretation of dreams about cartridges with their characteristics. To see this in a dream:

  • single - speaks of a useless waste of energy for a cause that will not come true;
  • combat - speaks of the unattainability of the planned enterprise;
  • small-caliber - warn of the collapse of hopes for large profits and dividends;
  • full clip - warns of the envy of people that the dreamer’s success will cause.

What is Miller announcing?

A dreamed cartridge means the need arises to confront circumstances that pose a threat to the sleeping person. Seeing a used cartridge case in a dream warns Miller about spontaneously purchasing a completely useless item.

Be ready!

A modern combined dream book advises taking decisive action when explaining why you dream of loading cartridges into a gun or pistol. Dreaming of a magazine with cartridges means that in real time you will witness the resolution of a controversial situation.

People who were lucky enough to find cartridges in a dream will in reality be able to uncover the insidious plans of their ill-wishers. Finding them in your personal belongings means that the secret you will reveal will be very unexpected for you.

Changes are ahead!

Esotericists herald a rapid rise up the career ladder, interpreting what an empty gun casing means in a dream. However, unfortunately, no material reward is expected in this case.

Holding these objects in your hand indicates the opportunity to receive good advice or acquire valuable information.

No need for aggression!

Buying ammunition in a store, according to the Universal Dream Book, suggests a desire to purposefully harm someone. You should look for a solution to the problem in a different way, advises Denise Lynn. Negativity and aggression can lead to the destruction of plans and established relationships with the right people.

Erotic subtext of the dream

Dr. Freud compares the dreamed supplies with the dreamer’s excellent masculine strength. A girl who had to load a weapon in her sleep, according to the erotic dream book, does not need much time for foreplay.

About qualities...

Seeing a lot of ammunition, according to the interpretation of the Wanderer’s dream book, indicates high combat readiness, the presence of strength and ability to finish an undertaking or start a new one. One or a small handful of cartridges symbolizes moral emptiness and lack of support.

Keep your word!

Aesop's dream book, interpreting why one dreams of collecting cartridges, warns about empty quarrels and insults. Usually, a dreamed episode indicates the inability of the sleeping person to keep a promise given to someone. A complete dream interpreter, when interpreting an episode, advises not to throw around empty words, otherwise you can seriously damage your reputation.

Collecting live ammunition in night vision predetermines a conflict that will result from the dreamer’s negligence and frivolity.

Be on the lookout!

For people who dream of loading one cartridge into a revolver in order to play Russian roulette, the Dream Book from A to Z warns of provocation. Someone is trying by any means to impose on you a seemingly profitable business, the failure of which will be tantamount to death for you.

Seeing live ammunition in a dream means that the goal you have set for yourself is unattainable. Blank cartridges portend a waste of energy and health for a cause that will not pay off. Small-caliber cartridges portend that your hopes for making significant profits will turn into failure and losses.

A clip full of cartridges means your successes can arouse the envy of people who will try to harm you. Play Russian roulette with one cartridge in the drum of a revolver - they will try to provoke you into making a decision that could cost you collapse, tantamount to death.

Screwing a light bulb into an electric socket means failure in a love relationship awaits you in reality. If the base of the light bulb is stuck to the socket and you cannot unscrew it, this is a harbinger of ingratitude for the good deed done. Clamping a drill bit into a drill chuck is a sign of impending luck and prosperity. Seeing your patron at work means receiving another reprimand or reprimand from him for negligence.

Interpretation of dreams from

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see is a reason for gossip; inserting into a weapon is a dubious matter; pour bullets -. good news.

I dreamed of war

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing war in a dream is a sign of a difficult state of affairs, as well as disorder and strife in the house. If a young woman dreams that her lover is going to war, this means that she will hear something unpleasant about his character. To dream that your country was defeated in a war is a sign that there will be suffering for the people from the revolution, from major changes in business and political life. If you dream of victory, then in reality there will be a revival of business activity, and harmony will come in family relationships.

Why do you dream about war?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

argument; breaking ties in the family; love experiences; great damage to reputation (your own or a loved one).

Why do you have a dream about war?

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing war in a dream is a very bad omen, which promises pestilence and famine, difficult times for adults and children, and especially for young people - they will have to fight and die. If you are participating in a war, then such a dream means that troubles will affect you or your loved ones, and if you do not have time to hide, you are destined to experience your own and common grief.

I dreamed about a ramrod

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a ramrod, expect misadventures. You will have something to be sad about. If a girl dreams of a bent or broken ramrod, it means that her dear friend or lover will leave her.

I dreamed about ammunition

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing ammunition and shells in a dream foretells the successful completion of the work begun. Running out of ammunition during a battle indicates some fruitless efforts that will lead nowhere.

Why do you dream of shooting?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

success; if you shoot at someone, you will go far; they shoot at you - someone will come from afar.

Why do you dream about a shot?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

sound - unusual news, the news will amaze everyone; fall in love

I dreamed of a shot

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you were shot and you experience the sensations of a dying person, it means that you will have to endure a sudden insult from friends who have become bitter against you; but if you avoid death by waking up abruptly, you will later be completely reconciled with your friends.

The meaning of a dream about a gun

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a gun in a dream means that in real life you often persuade your partner to have sexual intercourse by force. You cannot, of course, say that you are acting against the rules, it’s just that at the moment when you want love, you force a person to obey your desire, even if he is completely not inclined towards sex at the moment. Shooting from a pistol - a dream means that very soon you will have to take decisive action to maintain an alliance with a dear person. And even if decisive action is completely out of character for you, you will have to do everything possible so that your loved one does not become disappointed in you.

I dreamed about a gun

according to Miller's dream book

A gun in a dream is an unlucky sign. If we are talking about your own pistol, it means that in life your base and vain nature will prevail over you. If in a dream you heard a conversation about some kind of pistol, it means that you will be able to thwart someone’s plans directed against you. If you dream that you are shooting from your pistol, it means that you will envy some simple-minded soul and will achieve much to avenge a perceived evil.

Bullets and shooting have an ambiguous interpretation. Much depends on the specific situation and the outcome of the dream events. Emotions about sleep after waking up also matter. Let's look at the most common options.

Bullet of gold

A golden bullet in a dream is generally a good sign. The dreamer will soon expect great profits and enrichment. But this is also a warning. Be careful and don’t lose yourself in the pursuit of money. You should not put wealth at the forefront, otherwise you will lose your moral qualities, for which others value and respect you. The golden bullet is a sign of good luck, and at the same time a warning.


If you were wounded by a bullet in a dream, the dream book interprets this depending on the location of the hit:

  • A bullet in the leg means a quarrel with a friend. Serious disagreements will arise, but if there is no blood, you will be able to restore each other’s trust.
  • A bullet in the hand means problems at work. You do not underestimate the seriousness of the current situation; you will have to put in more effort than expected.
  • A bullet in the forehead, even in a dream, does not bode well; expect a serious illness. If you were shot at point-blank range, the news will scare you, but everything will not be so terrible.
  • A bullet in the head means a career boost. Don't let him turn your head and try not to turn your nose up.
  • The dream book interprets a bullet in the back of the head as an obsession with the past. You think too often about how old problems could have been resolved and forget about the present. Life can pass by in ethereal pictures of the past.
  • A bullet in the back speaks of excessive tension and self-defense. No one will touch you, you can relax and enjoy life. But if you received two bullets, the dream book warns of possible betrayal.
  • A bullet in the chest means failure in love. The closer the wound is to the heart, the stronger the experience of breaking up the relationship.

The bullet didn't hit

In a dream, did you turn out to be such a trickster that you caught a bullet with your teeth? Don't rejoice, this is a warning, stop being too frivolous. Only a sincere desire to understand the interlocutor will help to correct it.

If you managed to escape from a bullet in a dream or dodge like a movie hero, you are a terribly lucky person. The risk will pay off, you will be able to achieve everything you want. It's time to go on an adventure.

Hiding from bullets means feeling unsure of your own abilities. Think through the plan carefully and move forward to new achievements.

Flying bullet

It’s worth thinking about the people around you if you watched a bullet fly in a dream. Finding yourself on the battlefield promises a difficult situation in reality, the development of which you will not be able to influence in any way.

A flying bullet in itself is a symbol of confidence, strong will and determination. If in a dream you simply watch the flight without experiencing negative emotions, your efforts will soon bear fruit. The efforts were not in vain.

The bullet flew through your body without leaving a trace, moreover, there was not even pain - Life energy is now at its maximum, it’s time for wild fun, just don’t overdo it.

Love interpretation

If a bullet hits the head, Freud’s dream book interprets this as difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex.

A wound in the back is a disappointment in sexual relations with your soulmate.

Shot in the neck of another person - the one you saw in a dream has strong feelings for you. If they are mutual, you can, without doubt, proceed to action yourself.

Several hits that bring almost real physical pain mean severe mental trauma. Your loved one will soon break up with you, or your hopes for a relationship will be completely dashed. You will not be able to recover for a long time; you will have to learn to live again.

Shoot in a dream

It is not interpreted unambiguously. According to the first version, the shooter will soon commit some unusual act. His name will be discussed, some will even condemn him for what he did. The dream is a warning; think about the consequences several times before taking action.

The second option is that the dreamer will soon learn important news, which will be like a shot for him. The interpretation is silent whether this is good news or bad.

Participation in a shootout indicates an internal fear of being defeated by competitors. In personal relationships, this may mean the appearance of someone third. The dream indicates that the sleeper himself is to blame for what happened. To win, you need to make every effort and work hard on yourself.

The worst sign is to drop your weapon. This means that there was a chance to emerge victorious, but the dreamer did not take advantage of it.


Witnessing one's own murder is like witnessing dashed hopes. The man made plans, tried, and even had potential, but apparently somewhere he didn’t make it. This is regret about all the missed opportunities, and, at the same time, a chance to start a new life.

If you dreamed that you were forcing someone to kill with a shot, it means that now everything in life is stable and prosperous. The murdered person is a kind of symbol of the past, past losses and failures. Now everything is fine, you can relax and forget about your problems.

Seeing weapons in a dream

For a man, this is a sign to stop. He was too carried away by delving into the souls of loved ones. Suspecting your family and friends of betrayal is not only ugly, but also wrong, because all fears are ultimately in vain.

For a woman, a weapon means excessive temper and emotionality. It's time to remember your femininity and become a soft, gentle cat, otherwise you may lose your loved one.

Even the type of weapon that the dreamer is holding in his hands matters:

  • Walter - promises a new romantic interest;
  • Mauser portends financial well-being;
  • But Colt is obviously a failed business, which it is better not to meddle with.

Hidden Numerology Meaning

9 mm is the most common bullet caliber, if you didn’t know this, then your subconscious can control everything. This is a kind of signal to stop and look at what is happening around you.

If you dream of a bullet, then in real life you need to go on the offensive. You may have found yourself involved in something you didn't want to be involved in. To figure everything out, actively use the help of numerology.

It is better to hold important meetings and negotiations now on the 9th and 27th, and it is better not to trust the intermediate link - on the 18th. On the 18th you can be easily misled; you should not trust the information received on this day.

Feelings after waking up

If you wake up a second before a fatal hit, good luck awaits you in business, and in life you will also be able to dodge the blow. Waking up with relief that you weren't hit is also good. Predestined problems will not bring great disappointment and pain.

Aching pain at the site of a bullet impact is a serious signal. There may be something wrong with this organ. Better go see a doctor right away before it's too late.

Dreaming of guns and bullets is always a warning. But the warnings are there to protect you from real danger. Be careful and listen to your subconscious.
