I dreamed about peanuts: what does the dream promise? Dream interpretation of peanuts Why do you dream of peeled peanuts in a pack?

Dreams with peanuts prophesy to the dreamer the constant favor of fortune and the absence of health problems.

You can learn more about future prospects if you remember what the nuts were like in your dream, what you did with them, and other details.

  • Did you dream of peanuts scattered on the floor of your home? In reality, your family has simply ideal relationships between members of the household: there are no mutual claims, love and harmony reign.
  • For a man, a peanut dream means an increase in his social status due to a prestigious and expensive acquisition. If a young woman saw nuts in the night, then in reality she will have the opportunity to enter the chosen circle.
  • Anyone who grew peanuts in the land of Morpheus will have to overcome many obstacles in solving the assigned tasks in real life. The patronage of an influential person whom you can easily enlist will make life much easier.
  • A dream in which you collected nuts promises excellent prospects. It promises unprecedented dividends from a project that initially gave the impression of being unprofitable. However, fabulous profits can be obtained only if you recognize the “gold mine” in time and devote all your efforts to “developing” it.
  • Did you see yourself eating peanuts at night? Please note that in reality you will have a chance to fully realize your hidden talents and obvious capabilities. Be prepared for the fact that your unexpectedly discovered abilities will become a real discovery and a reason for admiration for others.
  • Of particular importance is the dream in which you saw or tried glazed nuts. If they were covered with a caramel crust - to pleasant news from distant relatives, in chocolate - to a fun time in a pleasant company, in colored glaze - to productive cooperation with an extraordinary personality.
  • If in the kingdom of dreams you happen to enjoy peanuts in honey, then you don’t have to worry about your health even during a flu epidemic. While all your friends and family go to bed with a fever, you will never even sneeze.
  • A dream in which peanuts appeared in the unusual role of the butter of the same name symbolizes a tendency to wastefulness. Excessive spending will lead to the fact that at a crucial moment you will not have the necessary amount on hand. It pays to be more prudent.
  • Have you seen or eaten salted peanuts in a dream as a snack for alcoholic drinks? In reality, you can easily cope with any emergency situation, making the only right decision in time.
  • A “sleepy” plot in which you had to try a bitter or spoiled product means the machinations of ill-wishers. They have taken possession of some of your secrets and are trying to use this information against you.
  • To interpret night dreams in which peanuts play the “main role,” you can turn to one of the author’s dream books.

    • Ivanov’s newest dream book warns that buying nuts in a dream foreshadows toothache, and tasting them promises a quarrel.
    • Italian dream book hints at some infantilism of a person who sees peanuts in a dream.
    • Miller's Dream Book promises a streak of unprecedented luck to those who saw groundnuts in a dream.
    • Dream Interpretation of Epigea assures that eating peanuts in a dream promises the dreamer a rapid career without any effort.
    • Gypsy dream book prophesies a period of prosperity and great achievements to the dreamer, who in his night dreams ate incredibly tasty peanuts and could not stop. If in a dream the nuts had a musty taste, then in reality you should be wary of the enemy’s machinations.
The content of the article

Peanuts according to the latest dream book by G. Ivanov

Eating peanuts means discord; buy - to a disease of the teeth or oral cavity.

Peanuts according to the Spring Dream Book

Seeing peanut butter in a dream is sycophancy.

Peanuts according to the Summer Dream Book

To see peanut butter in a dream or to cook food with it means that some person with not very good intentions is approaching you.

Peanuts according to the Autumn Dream Book

Seeing peanut butter in a dream and using it means they are preparing some dirty tricks for you that you will not soon get rid of.

Peanuts according to the Psychotherapeutic Dream Book

Peanuts – Just like nuts in general, it is associated with children’s desires and punishment for them (give for nuts). Being a groundnut, it is associated rather with punishment in the anal phase.

Peanuts according to Italian dream book Meneghetti

Peanut - Denotes childishness, childishness or superficiality (in terms of sexual activity), but not in a negative way.

Peanut butter – Seeing it in a dream means sycophancy.

Peanuts according to the Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Peanut - denotes childishness, childishness or superficiality (in terms of sexual activity), but not in a negative sense.

Peanuts according to the Psychoanalytic Dream Book of V. Samokhvalov

Peanut - associated with children's desires and punishment for them (“give for nuts”).

Peanuts according to the dream book for a bitch

Peanut - communication with educated, smart people will increase your horizons.

Contrary to popular belief, peanuts are not considered a nut. But the fruits of this legume plant are truly a storehouse of nutrients needed by the body. Anyone who saw them in a dream can hope in reality that their health will not fail, and their financial situation will noticeably improve. However, in order to more accurately find out why you dream about groundnuts, you need to take into account the size of the dreamed kernels, their freshness, and quality. These nuances can significantly affect the interpretation of the vision. Therefore, in dream books you can find not very optimistic forecasts.

Miller's interpretation

According to the American psychologist Gustav Miller, peanuts in a dream are a harbinger of a favorable period in the life of the sleeper. It is especially good if the peanut was seen by a lady who is not yet married.

In your night dream, did you notice peanuts scattered on the floor in your house? Great. This is a sign that love, harmony, and mutual understanding will reign in the family. For a man, such a plot predicts large purchases, and they will be useful and made on favorable terms.

Farmer's concerns

The dream book of the sorceress Medea explains why one dreams of growing peanuts. Unfortunately, this vision promises additional worries, problems and serious obstacles in the implementation of the plans.

But when in a dream you are busy harvesting peanuts, the dream book pleases you: profit is likely. True, the money will be earned through hard work.

For those who, in their nightly fantasy, not only dug up peanuts, but also patiently peeled them from the shell, the dream book warns: you will be able to significantly increase your capital, but for this you will have to spend a lot of effort, nerves, energy, and time.

Beer nuts

Did you dream that you were drinking beer and snacking on salted peanuts? There is a reason to relax, because Tsvetkov’s dream book predicts you a carefree pastime in the company of friends.

The Gypsy Dream Interpreter describes a nocturnal phantasmagoria in which you drink beer with friends and gnaw peanut kernels with gusto. Such a plot, it turns out, appears on the eve of the dreamer making an important, fateful, urgent decision.

However, eating peanuts in a dream alone and without beer is also not bad. According to the Muslim dream book, this is a sign of excellent health.

Confectionery product

People with a sweet tooth also love peanuts. Why do you dream about such a product? Here you need to remember, for example, what was it glazed with?

If it’s just sugar, then this portends a successful resolution of an important problem. Peanuts in chocolate dream of a celebration on a joyful occasion, for which friends and family will gather.

Did you notice the colored glazed peanuts in the midnight dream? Then you have a lot of interesting meetings and acquaintances ahead, many of which will also be useful.

There is no reason to complain about the health of someone who saw peanut kernels in honey in a dream. And if this dream happened to a sick person, then he will soon recover, the dream book pleases.

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Nucleoli with foulbrood

It won’t be difficult to guess why rotten, rotten, burnt peanut kernels can be seen in dreams.

According to Pastor Loff, eating such a product even in a dream is dangerous, because in reality you will discover that some of your comrades are also “foulbrood”: they are jealous, on occasion they will behave treacherously, deceive or betray.

The clairvoyant Vanga also hurries to warn the one who ate rotten peanuts in a dream. She claims that the sleeper should not entrust important matters to unverified, unfamiliar people. They simply may not be able to cope with the assignment and fail at the most inopportune moment.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 03/15/2020

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

According to the dream book, a dream about peanuts promises the onset of a favorable period in life. You will feel stability and harmony. You will begin to experience good luck in business and personal relationships.

Also, a dream about peanuts means good health and longevity.

Relax and enjoy life. Don’t look for a catch and don’t create unnecessary problems for yourself where there are none.

For women Seeing peanuts means family well-being and love. A happy marriage awaits you, in which you will experience respect and trust. Comfort and prosperity will always reign in your home.

Why do you dream of eating peanuts?

Eating peanuts in a dream means good health and good mood. You will be able to intelligently combine business and relaxation. You will be able to have a pleasant and fun time in good, warm company.

Don't forget to set aside time for fun and leisure from time to time. This will allow you to maintain your vitality at a high level, gain new emotions and inspiration.

Why do you dream about peanuts in shells?

Peanuts in the shell hint that the path to success will not be easy. You will have to work hard to achieve success in your professional field, to ensure comfort and prosperity. If you are not used to working, set less ambitious goals for yourself.

Dreams come true

Day of the week

Sunday– the dream comes true within 12 hours after waking up.

Day of the month

15 - an empty, meaningless dream.

Lunar day

21 - rarely performed.

Moon phase

Waning moon- a cleansing dream. Indicates that it will soon become unnecessary in real life.

Moon in zodiac sign

2. Why do you dream about peanuts? (description by day of the week)
3. Why do you dream about peanuts?

5. Why do you dream of peanuts in the skin?

7. joke in the dark

Why do you dream about peanuts?

Hello, friends. My name is Anatoly. Today we have all gathered here for the sake of dream interpretation, but before we explain exactly the vision about peanuts, we need to clarify what it is.

Many people mistakenly believe that peanuts are a member of the so-called nut family. In dream books, nuts are interpreted very differently, but almost all of them symbolize the growth and development of an individual. Perhaps I will “discover America” for someone, but you need to know that peanuts belong to the legume family. In dream books, the interpretation is in no way tied to nuts.

dream interpretation

So, the peanuts themselves are interpreted as the approach of a bright streak in your life and an uplifting mood. This is due to their taste and the fact that peanuts act as a snack for intoxicating drinks. We also know that children love peanut butter, so no matter where you look, peanuts are associated with positive things.

Be sure to check out the article, it will help you.

However, this all depends on the events that happened in the dream and the day of the week. It is also important that there are no rotten peanut kernels or empty peanut pods in the dream. But first things first.

TO what do you dream about peanuts?

(description by day of the week)

interpretation of sleep from Thursday to Friday

interpretation of sleep from Saturday to Monday

  • From Saturday to Sunday. Peanut this night is like a good forecaster. It shows you all the possible positive emotions and events that can happen to you, however, the execution of one event may contradict each other, and you will have to choose what suits you best. Rotten or empty peanuts mean that your plans will not give the result that you expected, perhaps you should postpone them.
  • From Sunday to Monday . Even mountains of peanuts, even peanut butter, even rotten kernels, anything related to peanuts on this night, unfortunately, rarely mean anything. Therefore, a dream that night will not necessarily bring happiness or positive emotions. In any case, you should not take your dream that night too seriously.

TO why do you dream about peanuts?

And so, a little systematizing everything that was above, peanut “nuts” are good, both in life and in a dream. The dream of peanuts focuses specifically on emotions. Let’s be honest, these dreams do not affect material or financial aspects, so don’t delude yourself too much.

TO Why do you dream about eating peanuts?

If you dreamed that you were eating peanuts, then be careful about what they look like. In a good situation, this means that you literally eat good and healthy things. But if you dreamed that you were eating rotten peanuts, then stop exchanging energy with the world for a while, try not to communicate with people, at least 12 hours. After this, the “rot” effect will disappear.

TO Why do you dream about peanuts in the skin?

In the peel, or better yet in the pod, peanuts mean hidden emotions. That is, they seem to tell you that positive emotions are here, nearby, but to get to them, you need to overcome obstacles. And what exactly is an individual matter.

TO why do you dream about chocolate and peanuts?

And lastly, chocolate with peanuts is like “cheese in butter.” If you dreamed of a chocolate bar with peanuts, then be prepared that almost your entire life dream will come true. The main thing is not to miss your luck.

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Anecdote in the dark

You want me to sleep with you for chocolate, do you think I’m a whore?

It's with peanuts.
