Drug addiction and substance abuse. Prevention and treatment measures. Stereotactic brain surgery. Methods for treating substance abuse in adolescents

Substance abuse is one of the most dangerous types of drug addiction. It has a detrimental effect on the body, but is formally legal. Most often, teenagers suffer from this form of addiction, so the issue of treatment in this case is especially acute.

Treatment of substance abuse

Doctors are sounding the alarm: in the 21st century, substance abuse has reached epidemic proportions. Every year, the deaths of hundreds of teenagers from various types are recorded, whose bodies are found with bags placed over their heads. This is a characteristic sign of a substance abuser: in order to snort the substance, he fills a bag with it, from which he then breathes.

This type of drug addiction is not legally regulated. Substance abusers use psychoactive substances, the free distribution of which is not prohibited. These are gasoline, glue, solvents, acetone, and less often - antihistamines, sleeping pills and some other drugs.

The age of the average drug addict is 8-15 years. If only recently boarding schools and street children fell under the influence of this destructive habit, now children from prosperous families are increasingly becoming addicted.

They are driven by various reasons:

  • youthful protest;
  • desire to act contrary to adults;
  • interest in something forbidden;
  • peer influence.

After a few breaths, intoxication sets in, which is accompanied by a “high” and hallucinations. In addition to the destructive effects on the body, all types of substance abuse cause strong psychological dependence. Neither nausea, nor difficulty breathing, nor heaviness in the head that accompany inhalation of the substance serve as stoppers.


The main method for diagnosing substance abuse is a thorough medical history of the patient. Urine and blood tests are also performed.

The medical history reveals signs of persistent dependence on toxic inhalants:

  • The transition from inhaling vapors in a company to abusing alone.
  • Increasing the dose.
  • Long-term daily inhalations.
  • Strong aggression when others try to stop inhalation.
  • Stop hiding addiction.

The onset of substance abuse is characterized by inhaling substances in company, but later the patient switches to using alone. Less often, inhalations are carried out alone from the very beginning - in such cases this is not a manifestation of persistent addiction.

An increase in tolerance is evidenced by a significant increase in the dose of the substance consumed, as well as an increase in the duration of inhalation of vapors. Inhalations can last for many hours in a row. The drug addict either sniffs the toxin, then stops, falling into semi-oblivion, then comes to his senses and continues the abuse.

When addiction has formed, a person reacts painfully to other people’s attempts to stop his inhalations. If at first in such situations he feels embarrassed and tries to run away, then later he reacts with anger and aggression.

A patient with severe addiction is no longer ashamed of his addiction and does not try to hide it. A teenager may appear to his parents with a characteristic smell, wearing clothes with drops of glue. He even begins to inhale the substance at home in front of his relatives.

During laboratory tests, toxic substances can be detected in the urine and blood of a drug addict:

  • benzene;
  • toluene;
  • ethylbenzene;
  • chloroform;
  • xylene;
  • dichloromethane.

The research is quantitative. The content of these substances in biological fluids is also possible in workers in hazardous industries, so a thorough history is taken to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment methods

Substance abuse treatment is carried out anonymously in a hospital setting. One of the main requirements, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is its voluntary nature. If the patient lacks personal motivation and desire to get rid of addiction, no doctor will undertake his treatment - this is contrary to the law. Accordingly, compulsory treatment of substance abuse is not possible.

The exception is cases when a substance abuser commits illegal actions. If it is proven that the crime was committed under the influence of psychoactive substances, the court will require compulsory treatment. If the patient refuses to be admitted to the clinic, he will be sent to a colony to serve his actual sentence.

Addiction treatment should be carried out in a clinic with experienced doctors and the necessary equipment. These are mandatory conditions for the patient’s complete recovery and to eliminate the possibility of relapse.

The clinical pictures of substance abuse are identical, therefore the treatment in both cases is similar. th main methods are:

  • Avoiding exposure to psychoactive substances.
  • Taking medications to restore brain function.
  • Symptomatic therapy.
  • Psychotherapy.

After withdrawal symptoms are relieved and a lasting result is achieved, the patient is discharged from the medical facility. However, subsequently he requires long-term psychotherapy.

Adolescent substance abusers are especially difficult to treat because they develop persistent mental disorders. For them, after eliminating the consequences of intoxication, the subtle work of a psychotherapist is necessary.

The specialist should help the child understand what negative consequences and complications may arise from continued inhalation. Also, rehabilitation should be aimed at increasing the overall level of his development, forming goals in life and revealing abilities to achieve them.

An important element of the rehabilitation of adolescents is the work of a psychologist with their relatives. They must morally support the patient and protect him from communicating with companies in which they use psychoactive substances. Sometimes this requires moving.

Inpatient treatment for substance abuse in most cases results in complete recovery. An unfavorable prognosis is given only for patients who do not want to be treated, or with late diagnosis. Delay in contacting a specialist can result in an extremely severe degree of intoxication of the body and death as a result of an overdose. Do not be afraid to contact the clinic, since it is possible to carry out treatment completely anonymously.


Effective treatment of substance abuse requires a comprehensive approach using various methods.

There are 3 main stages of treatment:

  • Detoxification.
  • Correction of psychosomatic and physical condition.
  • Psychotherapy.


First of all, the patient needs to undergo detoxification. The procedure includes:

  • removal of undigested poisons from the body;
  • normalization of fluid and electrolyte balance;
  • maintaining vital functions;
  • removal of absorbed toxins.

For detoxification, vitamins, blood substitutes, glucose solution, and nootropics are used. If a patient abuses sleeping pills or sedatives, their substitutes are used for medicinal purposes. Otherwise, sudden withdrawal of the drug will cause aggravation of withdrawal symptoms.

The dose of the substance is reduced smoothly, by 10% per day. When psychosis is detected, antipsychotics are used. They are also effective in eliminating cravings for toxic substances and correcting behavioral disorders.

To relieve withdrawal symptoms, medications, physical therapy and acupuncture sessions are prescribed. However, the most important condition for detoxification is to stop taking substances that cause addiction.

Physical dependence usually resolves within a few days. Psychological symptoms can persist for years, so in the future the patient will require long-term rehabilitation.

Elimination of the consequences of poisoning

Toxic substances consumed by drug addicts have a devastating effect on all organs. Therefore, after detoxification, it is time for symptomatic treatment.

At this stage, medications are used, which are selected depending on the identified disorders.

Physiotherapy methods are widely used:

  • electrophoresis;
  • electrosleep;
  • baths with hydrogen sulfide.

These procedures restore the exhausted body. For the same purpose, biophysical methods are used: reflexology, electrical stimulation and others.


The most difficult stage of treatment is eliminating psychological dependence. The patient is prescribed psychotherapy sessions, during which a specialist helps him understand the severity of the consequences of taking drugs and form a negative attitude towards them. The patient also practices behavioral reactions in dangerous situations, which are modeled by the psychotherapist.

The specialist pays special attention to establishing relationships within the patient’s family, because identifying substance abuse is stressful for relatives. With the help of a psychotherapist, they learn to behave correctly with the patient, creating a comfortable environment at home that will contribute to his healing.

During individual psychotherapy sessions, the specialist helps the patient create motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle. The patient also practices self-control skills.

Treatment at home

Self-medication of substance abuse is ineffective. Firstly, most of the medications that a patient needs are available only by prescription. Secondly, substance abuse is a severe form of addiction that requires the work of a psychotherapist.

However, after achieving positive dynamics, the patient is discharged from the hospital, and from this moment rehabilitation at home is possible.

Many doctors advise brewing sedative herbs:

  • mint;
  • lemon balm;
  • valerian

When combining home rehabilitation with a visit to a psychotherapist, in most cases, complete recovery occurs. However, this is a very long process, so the patient and his relatives should be patient.

Substance abuse refers to addictions that can develop in absolutely every person, despite his age, social status and concomitant diseases.

Older people can easily become addicted to medications for insomnia. A strong, healthy man, if safety precautions are not followed during repairs, can sniff solvent and get severe poisoning of the body. A small child will accidentally discover the world of hallucinations and narcotic dope if a careless mother leaves him next to an open package of household chemicals or nail polishes.

Teenagers who often do stupid things in the company of friends also become substance abusers. These cases are especially dangerous, since they are the most common. There are several ways to cure a substance abuser; every parent must know them.

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Methods for treating substance abuse in adolescents

The answer to the question: “What to do if a child is a substance abuser?” It is obvious that the teenager must be saved by starting treatment immediately. But this is only if there is a diagnosis that can only be made by a specialist.

Reasons to take your child to the doctor and suspect he has substance abuse are the following symptoms:
1. The child has become lethargic and lethargic.
2. Complains of weakness, malaise and insomnia.
3. Clothing gives off a chemical smell.
4. A teenager’s belongings contain stain remover, glue or other household chemicals.
5. Problems with learning and behavior appeared at school.

Parents should understand that the external symptoms of substance abuse are similar to those of other diseases and addictions. Only a psychologist, therapist or narcologist can make a correct diagnosis.

Comprehensive treatment for substance abuse includes inpatient and home therapy. Conventionally, a drug addict can be cured in three stages - by abolishing the toxin, overcoming withdrawal symptoms and curing mental dependence.

The first stages are usually carried out in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. With the help of droppers, they detoxify the body, restoring its functions and normal functioning of organs. Vitamins, biostimulants and nootropic drugs are also one of the stages in how substance abuse is treated.

Mental disorders caused by toxic poisons are treated with tranquilizers, antipsychotics or antidepressants. After discharge from the hospital, the patient requires therapy within the walls of his home.

Treatment of the consequences of substance abuse at home should still be carried out under the supervision of a psychotherapist or narcologist.

During this time, group and individual therapy sessions are conducted with the child. Parents should surround their teenager with care and attention to prevent relapse.

You should not look for traditional methods of treating substance abuse from the healer Stepanova; self-medication can leave the child disabled.

First aid for poisoning by toxins includes 3 stages:
1. Call an ambulance.
2. Stop administering the toxic substance.
3. Open access to fresh air.

Relief of intoxication syndrome, removal of withdrawal symptoms and correction of somatic disorders are carried out by doctors. Under no circumstances should you try to treat a child yourself, using tinctures and decoctions. Drugs for the treatment of substance abusers are potent and are sold only with a doctor’s prescription; you cannot simply buy them.

Moreover, only an experienced doctor, after conducting tests, will be able to determine which tablets and IVs the patient needs.

Compulsory treatment of substance abuse

The law prohibits any violent actions against citizens. The state punishes strictly for possession, distribution of drugs, and corruption of minors. But it is impossible to force a complete drug addict or substance abuser to undergo treatment; it is only necessary that the person go to treatment voluntarily.

Compulsory treatment of substance abuse is possible only by court decision if a person has committed a crime under the influence of a toxic substance.

Treatment of addiction in adolescents under the age of majority occurs with the consent of parents or guardians.
To convince a person to get treatment, it is enough to tell him about the consequences of substance abuse, which cause dementia and other problems, which you can read more about here.

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Medical care for patients with drug addiction and substance abuse is provided by outpatient and inpatient units of the drug treatment service. The drug treatment service is a network of specialized institutions that provide treatment and preventive, medical, social and medical and legal assistance to patients with alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse. It has an inpatient, semi-inpatient and out-of-hospital department.

The main institution-center of the service is the dispensary, whose tasks include: early identification of patients, diagnostic and treatment, advisory and psychoprophylactic work; dynamic clinical observation of patients; study of the incidence of alcoholism, drug and substance abuse, analysis of the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive care; social assistance to the sick; psychological and preventive work, etc. and so on. The dispensary operates on a local basis. Persons suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse are registered at the dispensary. A successful outcome of self-medication is extremely rare.

Specialized care is based on the principle of the earliest and most complete identification and treatment of patients, an individualized approach taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s personality and the course of his disease; maintaining continuity of inpatient and outpatient treatment, its staging depending on the patient’s condition; unity of medication, psychotherapeutic and rehabilitation treatment.

Outpatient drug treatment is the main type of care for patients with alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse; it includes primary and secondary prevention of this pathology. This type of medical care is provided in a drug treatment clinic or in drug treatment rooms in Central regional hospitals.

The drug treatment clinic has a full-time psychiatrist-narcologist who provides assistance to children and adolescents who abuse alcohol, narcotic and toxic substances. Adolescents are registered at the dispensary and preventive care until the age of 18, and then they are transferred under the supervision of narcologists serving the adult population. The main task of the teenage drug treatment room is preventive work in schools, secondary specialized educational institutions and vocational schools.

A teenage narcologist works closely with the juvenile affairs inspectorate and relevant commissions, parents of teenagers observed in the office, and school teachers. This specialist is trained not only in addiction medicine, but also in child and adolescent psychiatry. The teenage office has a psychologist on staff who, in addition to special psychological examinations of adolescents to clarify the diagnosis, conducts psychocorrectional work with children and adolescents.

Patients are hospitalized in specialized departments. Hospitalization ensures isolation of patients and excludes the receipt of narcotic substances. General principles of therapy include:

  • - preliminary stage (carried out in a hospital) - detoxification, restorative, stimulating therapy in combination with cessation of drug use;
  • - basic active anti-drug treatment;
  • - maintenance therapy (carried out on an outpatient basis and necessarily includes psychotherapy).

All initially identified patients with drug addiction and substance abuse, as well as patients re-starting treatment for drug addiction, are subject to hospitalization.

Addiction. Narcotic substances, their effect on humans, classification

Abuse of drugs and illegal trade in them have recently reached catastrophic proportions in many, especially developed countries of the world. The official press of the USA, Germany, France, England, Sweden almost daily reports on the death of their citizens as a result of drug abuse and psychosis. brine substances.Addiction has captured even teenagers in many countries.

The widespread prevalence of drug addiction in developed countries is largely a consequence of the social conditions that exist there, namely: unemployment, uncertainty about the future, daily stress, severe neuropsychic condition, the desire to get doping, which creates the impression of a surge of strength, at least for a short time a period of time to escape from the surrounding reality.

Along with already world-famous narcotic drugs, over the past 10 years in many countries the number of drug addicts using so-called psychotropic drugs has increased. In this regard, the most dangerous were amphetamines and glucinogens, LSD and other derivatives of lysergic acid, which, unlike other psychotropic drugs epats , medical and presenting an exceptional danger to humans.

The International Anti-Drug Center in New York named the approximate number of drug addicts on the globe; The figure turned out to be terrible: a billion drug addicts! At the same time, it is impossible not to mention that in our days the drug trade has become one of the most terrible forms of exploitation of man by man, one of the most terrible crimes against humanity.

What is a “drug”? Based on the definition given by the World Health Organization, a drug should be considered any substance (with or without legitimate medicinal use) that is subject to abuse for purposes other than medical.

Scientists trying to penetrate the mystery of dope are shocked by the extraordinary virulence of drugs that can creep into the very depths of the feelings and thoughts of their consumers. Long-term and in-depth research conducted by entire generations of scientists was not fruitless. The poison hidden in most “paradise” remedies has been identified. Back in the 60s, experts found that excessive consumption of glucinogenic substances causes mental disorders and severe pathological conditions. The physiological properties of drugs, involved in a complex chemical process occurring in the human body, have an attractive force and force the victim to turn to them repeatedly or continuously after the habit or dependence has firmly taken hold. Depending on their effect on the human body, drugs can be conditionally divided into two large groups: 1) stimulants; 2) causing depression. It should be borne in mind that each of the drugs has a wide variety of hidden properties that affect the nervous system in different ways.

There are drugs that calm and relieve pain (they are called depressants), and there are others that have a stimulating effect, stimulating the body. Hallucinogenic drugs cause ecstasy and exuberance, nightmares or a feeling of excruciating anxiety. Moreover, each of these substances, even the most dangerous from the point of view of abuse, can have a healing, beneficial effect, but only if it is used absolutely correctly.

Indian hemp, coca leaves, poppy seeds are considered one of the most ancient natural narcotic substances. Opium and its derivatives: morphine, heroin - have an analgesic effect and eliminate anxiety and fear, reduce, often to the point of complete disappearance, the feeling of hunger and thirst, weaken libido, reduce urination, put a person into a drowsy state or, in the case of heroin, into a riot. In the same respect, hashish, marijuana and other derivatives of the Cannabis savita plant in the Indian or American version stand out. Cocaine usually causes the most violent reactions, usually accompanied by hallucinations or strange euphoria mixed with paranoid impulses. Sometimes the criminal nature of this drug generates violence and stimulates a person’s mental activity. In the 60s, LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide, a semi-synthetic substance derived from lysergic acid, extracted from the ergot mushroom, appeared on the horizon. LSD, far from being the latest descendant of the family of drugs, opened the way for even more potent substances. To understand the danger that such an explosion of drugs brings with it, let us recall that it is enough to take a millionth of a gram of LSD for every kilogram of weight for it to begin to hallucinate.

The state of drug addiction is characterized by three properties: 1) an irresistible desire or need to continue taking drugs and getting them by any means; 2) the desire to increase doses; 3) mental and sometimes physical dependence on the effects of the drug.

The so-called drug addiction syndrome occurs only as a result of taking a drug, regardless of whether this happens accidentally or after systematic use. The stages of this process, which occur more slowly or more quickly, are mainly the following:

  • 1) Initial euphoria, often very short-term. It is typical for certain drugs (especially morphine and opium), and not for all drugs. In such a state of increased irritability, bizarre and often erotic visions, a person loses control over himself...
  • 2) Tolerance is temporary. This phenomenon is explained by the body’s reaction to the action of the same dose of a substance taken repeatedly. Gradually the body reacts weaker.
  • 3) Addiction. Most researchers have come to the conclusion that addiction is both a physical and mental phenomenon. It is expressed by classic symptoms of abstinence, or “withdrawal,” which the addict endures very hard and with the risk of severe organic or functional attacks.
  • 4) Abstinence (withdrawal syndrome) usually occurs 12-48 hours after stopping taking the drug. A drug addict cannot tolerate this condition, which causes nervous disorders, tachycardia, spasms, vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, and increased secretion of glands. At the same time, an obsessive desire appears to find a toxic substance - a drug - at any cost! A sharp “withdrawal” from a drug addict leads to violent and extremely dangerous manifestations, which can in some cases cause real collapses, as happens with morphine addicts. This is a type of terrible delirium tremens - delirium tremens, into which an incurable alcoholic plunges... The attack itself expresses a state of acute need for poison, which has become a necessary factor in internal processes.

Now we will move on to the classification of drug addictions. Let us present the classic division developed by specialists from the World Health Society. So, all drugs and their actions are divided into the following groups.

  • 1) Sedative poisons that calm mental activity. They reduce the function of excitability and perception to the point of complete elimination, misleading a person, giving him a bouquet of pleasant states. These substances (opium and its alkaloids, morphine, codeine, coca and cocaine) change brain functions and are classified as Euforica.
  • 2) Hallucinogenic drugs, represented by a large number of substances of plant origin, are very different in their chemical composition. This includes mescaline from cactus, Indian hemp, hashish and other tropical plants. All of them cause cerebral stimulation, expressed in deformation of sensations, hallucinations, distortion of perceptions, visions, and therefore they are classified as Fantastica.
  • 3) This includes substances that are easily obtained by chemical synthesis, causing first cerebral excitation and then deep depression. Such drugs include: alcohol, ether, chloroform, gasoline. This category is Inebrantia.
  • 4) Category Hypnotica, which includes sleep poisons: chloral, barbiturates, sulforol, kava-kava, etc.)
  • 5) Excitantia. Here, plant substances predominate, stimulating brain activity without immediately affecting the psyche; The power of influence on the recognition of persons varies. This includes plants containing caffeine, tobacco, betel nut, etc.

In most countries involved in the fight against drugs, only a small part of products is controlled, that is, drugs included in the list of prohibited drugs, which are so diverse in their properties that cause addiction. The steps of the permutation leads lower, who is fingting the exacerbation of the disaster, which is how they are subject to the explications of all the overdoorization of the health-air, a large UZD for the health-out-scale scale. This hazard is increased by the mesh of how the fabris and labeling are used to make all the new new types of new types , more and more strong and harmful.

Drug addiction is a global disaster. Drug addiction is a disease that is formed on the basis of the use of substances that cause persistent dependence. A person who wants to get a dose of euphoria, pleasant relaxation, ultimately acquires an uncontrollable craving for drugs.

Taking the next dose, the addict brings himself a number of psychotropic effects as a gift. If the required drug is not obtained, a person experiences painful symptoms on the physical and mental level. To return the personality to a normal state, comprehensive treatment of drug addicts is necessary.

Home treatment for drug addiction is possible only for mild addiction

Treatment of drug addiction at home, according to narcologists, is quite realistic and feasible. But for this the following conditions must be met:

  1. The addict's awareness of his problem.
  2. Treatment must be carried out with the involvement of a psychotherapist. Moreover, the doctor can come to the patient’s home.

Drugs are very insidious substances. To overcome them and cope with addiction, desire alone is not enough. Qualified assistance from specialists is also required.

The first and main step on the path to a healthy “clean” life is having your own desire to be cured and understanding the existing problem.

Drug addiction is a chronic disease. Like any similar pathology, in this case there are periods of remission and exacerbation. Even if a person has completely stopped using drugs, their brain chemistry has undergone a major change. Therefore, a relapse can come at any time.

Drug addiction is a chronic disease

But with a competent approach and knowledge of how drug addicts are treated, remission can last for the rest of a person’s life. It should be taken into account that not only specialists, but also all family members take part in the therapy of a drug addict.

Benefits of home treatment

Drug addiction is the most complex problem of the entire modern world. According to statistics, there are about 1.6 million people in Russia who constantly take drugs (this figure does not include individuals who use soft drugs). How to cure drug addiction if there is no desire to send a person to a drug treatment center?

Experts say that home treatment is quite acceptable for mild forms of drug addiction. Moreover, this approach to therapy has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. People are more willing to undergo treatment at home. After all, this is a familiar atmosphere, familiar and loving people nearby who will always come to the rescue and provide support. In such a difficult situation, it is extremely important for the patient to feel that he is not alone.
  2. After complete detoxification and cleansing of the body from all metabolites of the drug, the person will need rest. And it can only be achieved in the conditions of a familiar home. By providing a calm and peaceful atmosphere, it is much easier for the patient to endure withdrawal symptoms.

But still, it is impossible to do without the presence of a narcologist. In modern drug treatment practices, a doctor can be called to your home. This is necessary for detoxification therapy. A visit to a doctor is a prerequisite for competent home treatment for drug addiction.

Drug addiction goes back a long way

Calling a narcologist to your home is also convenient because transporting a drug addict to a hospital requires a lot of effort associated with nerves and anxiety. And home treatment does not require such costs. Relatives and the drug addict himself will still need strength during rehabilitation.

Treating drug addicts at home: where to start

With persistent drug addiction, after refusing to take a dose, the patient begins the most difficult time. Withdrawal syndrome sets in (“withdrawal,” as drug addicts call it). The occurrence of painful symptoms is formed on the basis of the body’s failure to receive the next dose of the drug.

After all, the drug has already become an active participant in metabolic processes. In its absence, a global disruption of all metabolic processes occurs and the person experiences a number of painful symptoms:

  • tachycardia;
  • hallucinations;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • delusional states;
  • painful migraines;
  • convulsive syndromes;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • severe joint pain;
  • problems with heat exchange (fever, chills, fever).

The sad result of this condition (if care is not provided to the patient) can be death. Such cases are far from rare, given the weakening of the body by prolonged drug use.

External signs of drug addiction

In order to prevent an extremely undesirable outcome and remove unbearable suffering, the patient needs to cleanse the body. This is where treatment for a drug addict begins. When figuring out how to cure a drug addict, we can say that the first thing to do is to save the person from death, that is, to carry out detoxification, which consists of:

  1. Relieving withdrawal symptoms.
  2. Removing drug metabolites from the body.
  3. Relieving severe psychological and physical shock.

Do traditional methods help?

Can folk recipes help in treating drug addiction? If a person’s drug addiction is at a severe stage, then folk recipes are unlikely to cope with the addiction. It is worth trying to use them if a person is not yet heavily addicted to drugs.

In medical terminology, there is no such expression as “recovering from drug addiction.” This disease is chronic, and it is almost impossible to recover from it. If a person has completely stopped taking drugs, doctors talk about “long-term remission.”

When treating long-term drug addiction, there is a very high risk of returning to the previous state and resuming the addiction. Therefore, you should still choose a good drug treatment clinic, especially if drug addiction continues for a long time.

Home treatment for drug addiction is feasible only in the first stages of addiction

As for mild forms of drug addiction, you can try to cope with the problem at home. For example, use the recipes of healers. Of the most effective methods, we can recommend one healing tincture. To make it, mix the following herbs in equal quantities:

  • mint;
  • horsetail;
  • tansy;
  • series;
  • sage;
  • Oak bark;
  • calendula;
  • motherwort;
  • yarrow.

The herbal mixture must be steamed with boiling water (at the rate of 200 ml of water per 3 g of raw material). Then leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. The drug should be taken three times a day, 100 ml on an empty stomach.

But you shouldn’t limit yourself to traditional ways of helping someone suffering from drug addiction. They are not enough to overcome addiction. A number of other actions need to be taken. The advice of a professional psychologist will provide significant assistance. Moreover, both the patient himself and those close to him should use them.

What is a drug addict?

Be sure to find a replacement for your previous hobby. This is necessary to distract yourself from thoughts that periodically involve the desire to take a dose again. It doesn’t matter what kind of activity it will be - sports, floriculture, knitting, modeling, drawing. The chosen hobby needs to be developed and improved in it.

Remove all former surroundings from your field of vision and communication. This is necessary, especially if friends and acquaintances also used drugs. In this case, the risk of plunging back into the drug world is too great. It is very easy to be tempted by the offered dose, but leaving the dope is much more difficult.

For a family, having a drug addict is a heavy burden that brings with it shame, financial loss, disappointment, pain, and anger. This daily experience literally drives me crazy. But, if hope for recovery looms on the horizon, every effort should be made to save the person and bring him back to a normal life. What should be done for this?

  1. Study all the information regarding the drug addict's condition. Remember that this is a serious illness and the person should be treated as a seriously ill person who needs care and concern. But to do this, you need to know everything about the type of drug addiction that you will have to fight: causes, symptoms, consequences, dynamics of development. This knowledge will help with treatment.
  2. Taboo on any financial assistance. A drug addict always needs money. And she will try to get them by any means: volunteer to go to the store, pay for utilities, whatever. At the stage of fighting drug addiction, never entrust financial matters to the patient. The risk is too great that the money will be spent on buying another dose.

But do not isolate the sick person in your own experiences. Communicate with him more often, explain and talk about his condition. The only thing you should not do is talk to the patient in a raised voice, in an accusing tone. Hysterics and relationship disputes will play a bad role, reducing attempts to return a person to a healthy life to zero.

What are the types of drug addiction?

But remember that the addict may not want to go to the conversation. Then you should leave communication for next time. If contact fails at all, compulsory treatment of drug addicts should be discussed. Do not forget that it is almost impossible to overcome drug addiction at home.

Forced treatment

In some cases, forced placement of a drug addict in a dispensary cannot be avoided. Measures taken at home, by family members and even visiting doctors are sometimes not enough.

The only effective and efficient way to help a person cope with drug addiction is professional treatment provided by specialists from drug clinics.

But what's the best way to do this? The intervention of the drug treatment team should be organized in places where the drug addict feels most comfortable and safe. You should not try to block his paths or block exits. It is better to ensure the presence of an experienced psychotherapist who can calm the person and persuade him to “give up.”

But no matter what kind of fight you set yourself up for and what treatment tactics you undertake - home treatment or forced treatment, get ready for the fact that the battle for a person will be long and difficult. Results can only be achieved with persistence and patience.

Treatment drug addiction implies a set of measures aimed at stopping the patient’s use of narcotic drugs ( or other addictive substances). However, in practice, helping drug addicts includes many more areas.

Comprehensive assistance and treatment for drug addicts includes the following areas:

  • the actual elimination of addiction;
  • treatment of complications and health problems associated with drug use;
  • patient socialization ( returning him to normal life to consolidate the results of treatment).
Treatment of drug addiction is associated with many different problems that arise during the course of both the patient and the doctors. In general, drug addiction can be viewed as a chronic disease that lasts for years and gradually worsens a person's health. The main difference is that the patient in this case often does not realize that he needs medical help. If, with other chronic diseases, patients actively cooperate with doctors and follow the specialist’s instructions, then in the case of drug addiction such cooperation usually does not occur. Most patients experience strong psychological dependence, which creates serious difficulties in the treatment process.

Another feature of the treatment is the conditionality of the result. The infection or inflammation can be completely eliminated and the patient can be concluded to have recovered. In the case of drug addiction, it is almost impossible to state recovery. The patient is helped to get rid of physical and psychological dependence, the health problems that have arisen are treated, but after a conditional “discharge” and the end of treatment, he may ( often consciously) return to drug use.

That is why in modern medicine there are many different approaches to treating drug addiction. Regardless of the technique used, the success of treatment will largely depend on the efforts that the patient himself will make to recover.

Basic rules for comprehensive treatment of drug addiction

To effectively treat drug addiction, doctors try to select a separate course of treatment for each patient. It depends on the type of drug, experience, general condition of the body and many other factors. However, there are a number of general rules that people try to adhere to when treating drug addiction. They are relevant to one degree or another for all patients suffering from drug addiction.

In the treatment of drug addiction, specialists are based on the following principles:

  • Awareness of the problem and desire to be treated. The most important condition for effective treatment is the patient’s sincere desire to get better. All drug addicts initially work with psychologists and specially trained volunteers who try to “push” them to begin full-fledged treatment.
  • Anonymity. Most patients suffering from drug addiction experience severe psychological discomfort. They try to hide their problem from family and friends, they are afraid of possible consequences at the place of work, etc. Therefore, most clinics adhere to the principle of anonymity, when the patient’s personal data is known only to the attending physicians. Disclosure to certain people occurs with the consent of the patient ( if their help is needed in treatment).
  • Detoxification. Detoxification is the process of clearing the body of drugs. It can be carried out using special solutions ( droppers with rheopolyglucin or hemodez bind toxins in the blood). Diuretics are also prescribed, which accelerate the elimination of toxins naturally. Faster methods are plasmapheresis ( removal of plasma with toxins by centrifugation of blood), hemodialysis ( blood purification using an “artificial kidney”) and hemosorption ( blood filtration through a special device that specifically binds certain toxins). The choice of detoxification method is up to the doctor, since each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. To one degree or another, detoxification at the beginning of treatment is necessary for almost all patients.
  • Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is the longest and most difficult stage in the treatment of any addiction. Here specialists select an individual approach to each patient. This treatment method is mandatory, since only with its help can one cope with psychological dependence.
  • Socialization of patients. This principle is necessary for patients who have used potent drugs ( heroin, morphine, cocaine, etc.). In these cases, treatment does not end with getting rid of addiction. Social workers collaborate with the patient for a long time to consolidate the result.
An important point in drug addiction treatment is assessing its effectiveness. The problem is that the patient’s subjective opinion in this case cannot be trusted. Some patients report rapid and complete recovery, only to quickly leave the care of doctors and return to drug use. In this regard, experts recommend assessing the effectiveness of treatment solely by objective indicators.

The following indicators can serve as criteria for assessing the effectiveness of treatment:

  • the emergence of a hobby;
  • ability to concentrate on extraneous activities;
  • nature of movements;
  • degree of sociability ( with hospital staff, relatives or other patients);
  • general emotional state;
  • objective medical criteria ( stable blood pressure, heart rate, etc.).

Outpatient and inpatient ( in hospital) treatment of drug addicted patients

Any treatment can be divided into inpatient and outpatient. In the case of inpatient treatment, the patient is admitted to a hospital, where he is under constant medical supervision for a certain period of time. This makes it possible to treat it more thoroughly and intensively. There are also options when the patient spends only daytime in the hospital and spends the night at home.

Outpatient treatment involves visiting hospitals and clinics only for periodic consultations with doctors and certain procedures. The patient spends most of his time at home or at work, that is, he lives an almost normal life.

In the treatment of patients with drug addiction, inpatient treatment is, of course, preferable. Constant monitoring by medical personnel keeps the patient from using drugs again. If necessary, he will be provided with qualified medical assistance. Patients who have undergone detoxification and eliminated physical dependence are transferred to outpatient treatment.

In general, the question of whether to treat a patient on an outpatient basis or in a hospital is decided by the patient himself at the first consultation with a specialist. The effectiveness of both methods is influenced by what drugs the patient uses, his lifestyle, home environment, and psychological state. For example, if you use opiates at a certain stage, you will need to go to the hospital in any case, since withdrawal symptoms can be very severe ( with disruption of vital body functions). In case of smoking or alcoholism, hospitalization is possible, but not required. This largely depends on the patient himself.

Is compulsory treatment possible for drug addicts?

Compulsory treatment of drug addiction is a very pressing issue that often worries not only the patients themselves, but also those around them. Many states have adopted relevant laws that allow, in certain cases, to send a patient for compulsory treatment. This has both its advantages and certain disadvantages.

In countries with appropriate legislation, compulsory treatment is possible in the following cases:

  • for persons who have committed criminal offenses;
  • for persons in case of administrative violations ( may not be available in all countries);
  • minors by decision of parents or guardians ( with the involvement of specialists and competent authorities).
The main disadvantage of compulsory treatment is opposition to the treatment of the patient himself. Patients often follow doctors' orders and get rid of physical dependence, but after discharge from the hospital they almost immediately return to drug use. Moreover, after such a break and during treatment, the body may react too strongly to the usual “dose”, and the patient will simply die from an overdose.

Another disadvantage of compulsory treatment is that it sets an example for other drug addicts. Realizing that they may be required to undergo treatment at any time, they feel rejected by society, which poses serious obstacles to recovery.

At the moment, in most countries of the world there are legal norms and relevant laws that make it possible to send a patient for compulsory treatment. As a rule, this is done by court decision with the involvement of competent specialists. However, leading international organizations to combat drug addiction do not recommend resorting to such measures in all cases. Isolating the patient can protect society from a potential threat, but achieving a full recovery in these cases is almost impossible. Even qualified psychological assistance does not always help to achieve patient cooperation in treatment. If a drug addict categorically does not want to be treated, there is no chance of recovery. Preventive work and activities that encourage people to seek medical help on their own are preferable.

What kind of doctor treats drug addiction?

In most cases of drug addiction, the main ( treating) is a doctor narcologist ( sign up) . This specialty, in fact, is one of the branches of psychiatry, but has its own characteristics. Narcologists work primarily in specialized clinics and dispensaries. However, their offices are also located in large multidisciplinary hospitals.

Since most drugs not only cause addiction, but also disrupt the functioning of various organs and systems, comprehensive treatment may require the help of other specialists. The narcologist usually prescribes basic tests to assess the functioning of the body. After this, in case of certain violations, he refers the patient for consultation to other doctors or calls them to a dispensary for consultation. If necessary, the patient may be temporarily transferred to other departments or hospitals. For example, with severe renal failure due to drug use, the patient is admitted to the nephrology department in order to eliminate the most serious threat to life.

The following doctors may be involved in consultative treatment:

  • neurologist ( sign up) ;
  • therapist ( sign up) ;
  • surgeon ( sign up) ;
  • dermatologist ( sign up) ;
  • gastroenterologist ( sign up) ;
  • nephrologist ( sign up) ;
  • cardiologist ( sign up) and etc.
The range of specialists who may be needed is very wide, since each drug primarily affects the functioning of a particular system or organ. The method of introducing the drug into the body is also of certain importance. With the inhalation method, for example, the lungs may be damaged, and consultation with a pulmonologist will be required. With intravenous administration, blood vessels may be damaged, and the patient will be referred to a surgeon.

Stages of drug addiction treatment ( detoxification, habit cessation, rehabilitation)

Any drug addiction treatment program must include several stages. This is explained by the characteristic disorders in the body that occur in drug addicts. In one form or another, these stages are present in the complex treatment offered by any clinic or treatment center.

The following stages are distinguished in the treatment of drug addiction:

  • Detoxification. The drugs that the patient used before starting treatment are eliminated from the body quite slowly. In almost all patients they are present in the blood for some time. The detoxification stage involves the complete removal of these substances from the body. Since drug use stops here, during this stage doctors fight withdrawal symptoms ( physical dependence). As a rule, the first stage lasts from several days to a week.
  • Elimination of consequences and complications. Drug use is associated with damage to many internal organs and systems, which also need to be eliminated during the treatment process. This is paid attention to in the second stage. The patient undergoes a thorough examination and, as a rule, spends some time in the hospital. The duration of this stage depends on the disorders in the body of a particular patient.
  • Fighting psychological addiction. This stage involves getting rid of psychological dependence. The patient works with a psychologist ( inpatient or outpatient), gets rid of habits associated with drug use, etc. This stage can last a very long time ( weeks, months). In fact, complete recovery from psychological addiction can be considered recovery.
  • Rehabilitation. This stage is auxiliary. Its main task is to prevent relapse ( return to drug use). During the rehabilitation process, it is not doctors who can work with the patient, but psychologists or specially trained volunteers. They try to return the patient to normal life and introduce him into normal society. The priority is to return the patient to normal life, renew acquaintances, find a job, etc.
Many experts offer a more detailed division of treatment into stages, but in general the scheme still resembles that described above. Of course, each specific case has its own characteristics. The preliminary treatment plan and its stages can be discussed in more detail with your doctor.

Drugs for drug treatment ( painkillers, essential oils, antidepressants, etc.)

A variety of pharmaceutical drugs can be used in the treatment of drug addiction. The leading role in this case is given to those substances that help in the first stages to relieve the main manifestations of withdrawal syndrome. Most often, appropriate antipsychotics are used, which help suppress psychoses that occur after drug withdrawal.

Substances that are similar in action to the drug the patient was taking also play an important role. Many clinics use and recommend the method of gradual dose reduction. Thus, in the first days or weeks of treatment, the patient may be prescribed opiates or other substances in reduced doses. This allows you to reduce the manifestations of withdrawal symptoms and quickly establish contact with the patient ( patients feel more psychologically comfortable knowing that the drug is being withdrawn gradually). In some clinics, certain patients are switched from minimal doses to placebo. However, such tactics are not universally approved and are not used in every case.

Quite often, the following pharmacological drugs are used in the treatment of drug addiction:

  • Antidepressants. These drugs are sooner or later prescribed in almost all cases of drug addiction treatment. In many patients, due to disorders in the central nervous system, sensitivity to antidepressants may be increased. Doctors carefully and individually select the dose, which, as a rule, provides good sedation ( calming) and hypnotic effect. Amitriptyline is most often used in the treatment of drug addiction.
  • Lithium salts. These drugs well support the normal functioning of the central nervous system ( central nervous system), but are more often used for long courses of treatment.
  • Tranquilizers. This group of drugs effectively relieves many symptoms that occur in the first days of treatment. However, they try to use tranquilizers less frequently due to the possible effect of euphoria and the development of addiction with long-term use.
  • Painkillers. This group is not used very often. The pain that patients experience during drug withdrawal is partly mental in nature. Conventional painkillers ( non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) they are not removed. They may be prescribed if appropriate symptoms are present.
In general, the range of drugs used directly to eliminate drug addiction belongs to the field of psychiatry. Specialists in this profile can objectively assess the patient’s condition and prescribe the necessary medications. The correct choice of dose is very important. Drugs that affect receptors and neural connections in the central nervous system are perceived differently by drug addicts. Due to long-term drug use, sensitivity to such drugs can vary greatly. It often takes quite a long time to select the correct dose at the beginning of treatment.

Particular attention in the treatment of drug addiction requires the use of the following drugs:

  • pyrroxane;
  • clonidine;
  • pyrazidol;
  • GABA drugs ( gamma-aminobutyric acid);
  • levodopa, etc.
These substances, if the dose is chosen incorrectly, can cause a variety of effects. A normal dose of levodopa, for example, can cause a mood lift similar to the euphoria of taking the drug. Beta blockers in high doses can cause severe insomnia. That is why, before starting treatment, a patient suffering from drug addiction is carefully interviewed and examined.

It is also recommended not to disclose to patients the full list of substances used in the course of treatment. On the one hand, this contradicts the legislation regarding patient rights ( in some countries). On the other hand, in the case of drug addiction treatment, this prevents subsequent self-medication with dangerous drugs and reduces the risk of relapse ( re-exacerbation).

Drugs for symptomatic treatment are of secondary importance in the treatment of drug addiction. These can be drugs from a variety of pharmacological groups. Their choice depends on the results of an objective study. For example, if a patient has heart problems due to drug use, he will be prescribed appropriate medications that affect cardiac activity. This treatment is prescribed by a specialized specialist ( cardiologist, nephrologist, neurologist, etc.).

Is it possible to treat drug addiction at home?

Treatment of drug addiction at home is, in principle, possible, but its effectiveness is usually much lower than if you go to a specialized institution. Most narcologists agree that at the beginning of treatment, it is better for a patient suffering from drug addiction to change the environment. This helps to tune in to change and overcome psychological dependence on drugs. In addition, treatment at home can be downright dangerous.

The main disadvantages of treating drug addiction at home are:

  • Lack of constant control. Even patients who themselves turned to a doctor to get rid of drug addiction may at some point not be able to cope on their own. The main condition for successful treatment is stopping drug use, and this is associated with depression, pain and other serious consequences. Under the supervision of specialists, this period is easier to endure.
  • Danger to the patient. Withdrawal syndrome in the case of taking narcotic substances is often associated with serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. At home, the patient may die in case of serious complications. In the hospital, under the supervision of doctors, he will receive the necessary assistance in a timely manner.
  • Danger to the patient's environment. In some cases, stopping drug use is associated with serious mental problems ( hallucinations, severe depression, aggressiveness, etc.). At such moments, the patient poses a danger even to those closest to him. That is why leaving it to be treated at home is very risky.
In general, however, the treatment tactics for each patient are selected individually and must be agreed upon with the patient himself. Treatment at home is quite possible, but regular consultations and, if possible, monitoring of the patient are necessary in any case.

What is the first step a drug addict should take to recover?

For any drug addiction, the most important condition in treatment is the desire of the patient himself. Many patients sooner or later begin to realize their physical dependence, as they notice that without regular use of the drug they become ill. However, to begin treatment, you need to be aware of the psychological dependence. If the patient does not voluntarily help doctors and try to follow the prescribed treatment, none of the methods will help him, and sooner or later he will start using drugs again.

If a patient wants to get rid of addiction, he can take the following steps at the first stage:

  • consult a general practitioner ( therapist, family doctor, etc.), who will refer him to a specialized specialist;
  • go to a drug treatment clinic and register;
  • contact any public organization that provides such assistance ( by phone, mail, etc.).
Currently, the network of organizations providing assistance to drug addicts is well developed in most countries of the world. When visiting a medical institution or one of such centers, the patient can sign up for a free consultation with a specialist. After this, he will be provided with assistance to the extent that he deems necessary. In many cases, doctors do not have the ability to force the patient to undergo treatment. He must follow the advice of doctors on a voluntary basis. Some patients register with drug treatment clinics, but still continue to use drugs. In any case, the first step in treatment will be a voluntary contact with a specialized specialist and qualified consultation.

Is it possible to get rid of drug addiction on your own?

In most cases, it is very difficult to get rid of developed drug addiction on your own. The success of this approach depends on the “experience” of drug use, the developed disorders in the body’s functioning, and the type of drug. It has been proven that it is quite possible to get rid of the use of certain types of drugs on your own, without the help of a specialist. First of all, this applies to smoking, some types of substance abuse and a number of other pharmacological drugs. In these cases, physical dependence is less pronounced and there is no such strong intoxication of the body. The patient suffers to a greater extent from psychological dependence, but it is also very difficult to cope with it on his own.

If we are talking about the use of opiates, cocaine or other substances that cause severe physical dependence, you should not try to solve the problem yourself, as this can be dangerous. In such cases, patients already have severe intoxication of the body and disturbances in the functioning of various organs and systems. Stopping taking the drug will cause withdrawal symptoms ( withdrawal syndrome), and the symptoms that develop can be life-threatening. That is why the withdrawal of psychoactive substances in such patients should be carried out in stages, with a gradual reduction in the dose and the use of drugs that weaken the manifestations of withdrawal syndrome. As a rule, this happens in the inpatient departments of drug treatment clinics. Here the patient is constantly under the supervision of specialists who are ready to provide qualified assistance at any time ( for example, if you have problems with breathing or heart function).

Is free anonymous drug addiction treatment possible?

Drug addiction is a very significant problem that affects society as a whole. That is why there are many public, state and international organizations that provide assistance to various kinds of drug addicts. Thanks to these funding sources, many clinics and rehabilitation centers may not charge patients for consultations or even treatment.

Anonymity in drug addiction treatment is a very important component for two reasons. Firstly, it creates psychological protection for the patient himself. He knows that his friends, acquaintances or work colleagues will not know about his diagnosis. Thanks to this, the fight against psychological addiction is easier. Secondly, in many states protection from disclosure of such diagnoses is provided at the legislative level. About the treatment of a particular patient ( with his personal data) is known by the attending physician, the hospital administration and sometimes other doctors invited for consultations. Otherwise, qualified medical institutions guarantee the preservation of medical confidentiality from outsiders. It should be noted that the patient is still registered ( to maintain reliable statistics, increase the effectiveness of programs, etc.). However, this record is kept without the patient’s personal data ( Full name, address, place of work, etc.).

Thus, in almost any state, a patient can find clinics or rehabilitation centers that can provide him with free medical care ( within reasonable limits), maintaining anonymity.

Is there a crash course in drug addiction treatment? in one day or less)?

For some types of addiction, it is possible to quickly detoxify the body, which sometimes lasts 1–2 days ( in rare cases and less). However, this treatment tactic is associated with serious risks for the patient, and it is used quite rarely. The essence of treatment is critical drug withdrawal ( immediately and completely) and the introduction into the body of specific substances that block certain receptors in the nervous system ( in fairly large doses). Thus, the patient is almost immediately relieved of physical dependence, and after 1–2 days his body will be conditionally “clean.” The remaining drug will be removed from it and the receptors will be blocked, eliminating residual effects.

In the case of ultra-fast detoxification, the following problems may occur:

  • severe withdrawal syndrome ( however, its duration is shorter than with other treatment tactics);
  • pronounced disturbances in the functioning of many organs and systems;
  • the need for treatment in intensive care under the continuous supervision of specialists;
  • risk of death.
Also, keep in mind that detoxification is only part of the overall treatment. Even if it is carried out in 1 day, having relieved the patient of physical dependence, psychological dependence remains. The fact that the patient’s body no longer “demands” the drug does not mean that the patient will not want to enter the usual state of euphoria. That is why there is no need to talk about quick treatment of drug addiction. Even if detoxification is quick and successful, it takes weeks and months of work with specialists to get rid of psychological addiction. In other words, detoxification in this case cannot be equated with complete recovery.

Is it necessary for patients to have desire and motivation to start treatment?

The patient's desire for recovery plays a huge role in drug addiction treatment. If the patient goes to the clinic on his own and tries ( at least at some stages) adhere to the prescribed treatment, the effectiveness will be much higher. It is easier for both doctors and psychologists to work with such patients. If the patient is not interested in returning to normal life, it will be almost impossible to get rid of psychological addiction. After completing inpatient treatment, he will return to drug use. It is not without reason that one of the goals of psychotherapy throughout the course of treatment is the motivation of the patient.

What services do drug dispensaries, rehabilitation centers and other specialized medical institutions provide?

Institutions that provide assistance to patients in the fight against drug addiction are united in a network called the drug treatment service. Within this structure, specialists of various profiles work who specialize in the management of patients with drug addiction. The most effective institution is a drug treatment clinic, which may have various departments. Here patients can receive not only medical, but also social or legal assistance.

The drug treatment clinic operates in the following areas:

  • diagnosis and recording of patients who come to the dispensary for various types of help;
  • anonymous consultations;
  • psychoprophylactic assistance;
  • collection and processing of statistical data ( number of cases, trends, morbidity structure, etc.);
  • advisory assistance to other medical institutions ( if patients with drug addiction come there);
  • briefing and orientation courses for doctors and other medical professionals;
  • participation in preventive measures to combat drug addiction ( usually in collaboration with other organizations);
  • provision of medical care to drug-dependent patients of various groups ( by type of addiction, severity, age, etc.).
Such medical institutions have several departments and a rather complex internal structure. In principle, they are the most qualified centers in which they undertake the treatment of any patients with drug addiction.

In addition, people who have used various drugs for non-medical purposes, as well as some people with so-called domestic alcoholism, are usually registered with a drug treatment clinic. The dispensary may receive data from other hospitals or government services.

Thus, the narcological service, represented by drug dispensaries and a number of other medical and preventive institutions, can provide comprehensive assistance in combating this problem to almost any patient.

What may be the consequences and results of drug addiction treatment?

It is not entirely correct to talk about the consequences of drug addiction treatment, since the direct consequence of treatment can only be recovery or long-term remission ( period without drug use). Various complications and serious conditions that may arise during the treatment period are, of course, rather a consequence of long-term drug use and the disorders caused by them.

In general terms, drug addiction treatment can end up as follows:

  • Full recovery. Complete recovery implies complete and final cessation of drug use and the gradual elimination of associated complications. This is quite possible even when taking highly addictive drugs. The likelihood of full recovery decreases if the patient has a long history of drug use. The hardest thing ( according to statistics) achieve full recovery in patients who have used opiates.
  • Recovery from chronic diseases. In this case, we are also talking about giving up taking drugs, but the patient still has various chronic diseases and problems. Most often these are various types of kidney or liver failure, problems with the heart and immunity. Such patients have to be observed by doctors for a long time, undergo periodic examinations and courses of treatment.
  • Long-term remission. With long-term remission, the course of treatment is generally successful, and the patient does not take drugs for several years. However, for one reason or another, the patient returns to his habit. Unfortunately, the percentage of patients for whom treatment gives long-term remission, rather than complete recovery, is very high.
  • No positive result. In some cases, treatment does not give the expected effect, and the patient returns to taking drugs almost immediately after completing the course. As a rule, this happens if the patient himself was not interested in a positive result during the course of treatment ( for example, in the case of compulsory treatment). In some cases, there are individual characteristics of the body that prevent effective treatment. In such cases, experts recommend repeat courses using other techniques.
A common question before starting treatment is whether there will be deaths during treatment. This option is not excluded, although it is extremely rare. In the case of heroin addiction, serious organ dysfunction during critical withdrawal can actually lead to the death of the patient. That is why patients go to a clinic during detoxification, where specialists will carefully monitor their condition.

Tests and examinations for drug addiction treatment

To successfully treat drug addiction, doctors usually prescribe a series of tests and examinations that the patient must undergo. This will help not so much to rid him of addiction, but to provide the body with the necessary comprehensive support. In addition, tests allow us to identify which organs and systems are most affected by drug use. Thus, parallel treatment of complications will be carried out.

Before starting treatment, the following tests and examinations are usually prescribed:
  • General blood analysis. A general blood test determines the concentration of various blood cells and a number of other indicators. Deviations from the norm in the analysis results indirectly indicate various disorders and diseases. For example, low white blood cell counts are common in patients with immunodeficiency ( for example, due to human immunodeficiency virus).
  • Blood chemistry. A biochemical blood test provides more complete information about the functioning of various organs and systems. The analysis determines the concentration of certain substances in the blood. Deviations allow us to draw certain conclusions about the condition of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, etc. As a rule, people who have taken drugs for a long time have damage to these organs.
  • Analysis of urine. A urine test can indicate a number of diseases of the kidneys and, to a lesser extent, other internal organs. The total amount of urine excreted per day by the patient is also important.
  • Toxin analysis. Sometimes the doctor has doubts about which medications the patient took. However, this information is extremely important to begin proper treatment. Therefore, many patients are prescribed a toxin test before starting treatment. This analysis shows exactly what toxic substances entered the patient's body. Sometimes it is possible to determine whether a patient has used drugs in the past six months.
  • Electrocardiography. ( sign up) Withdrawal syndrome, which occurs during drug addiction treatment, can disrupt vital body functions. One of the main dangers is changes in blood pressure and various disruptions in the functioning of the heart. In this regard, before starting treatment, the patient is prescribed electrocardiography, which provides general information about the functional state of the heart.
The attending physician may prescribe other tests. This depends on the results of the preliminary examination. For example, in the case of inhalation ( inhalation) drugs may impair lung function. In some cases, it is necessary to thoroughly examine them using special tests. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs is also often prescribed.

In the case of intravenous drug administration, it is necessary to undergo a series of tests for infectious diseases that are transmitted through the blood. The most dangerous of them are HIV ( AIDS virus) and viral hepatitis B. If any specific symptoms are present, other examinations may be prescribed. The analysis is a blood test in special laboratories. Blood can be collected directly in the hospital. This data is necessary to prevent complications that may develop during treatment.

Drug addiction treatment methods

Currently, many different methods and techniques have been proposed in the world for treating people with drug addiction. Unfortunately, none of these methods yet provides a 100% guarantee of recovery. This is largely due to the fact that there are many types of drugs, each of them has its own characteristics of impact on the body, and the body’s reaction is even more difficult to predict.

Various drug addiction treatment methods often do not give the desired result for the following reasons:
  • Lack of patient interest. No matter how effective the treatment is, it is impossible to cure a person of drug addiction without his desire. It’s just that after completing the course of treatment he will start taking drugs again ( even knowing that it can cause serious harm to health). That is why the patient’s interest in recovery is the main condition for successful treatment.
  • Presence of complications. Long-term drug use can cause irreparable harm to health, making full recovery impossible in principle. Neuronal damage ( cells) of the brain can cause a decrease in intelligence, disorders at the level of other organs - loss of reproductive function, chronic diseases, etc. In the treatment of such patients, doctors have to take into account the existing complications, which creates additional difficulties.
  • Individual characteristics of the body. Every organism is unique in some way. This concerns the structure and functioning of various organs and systems. That is why the effect of drugs on all people has its own characteristics. The degree of physical and psychological dependence also differs.
  • Impurities in narcotic substances. Many narcotic substances contain various impurities that got there accidentally or intentionally. In some cases, these impurities are toxic and can harm the body even more than the drug itself. The appearance of unusual symptoms and syndromes in such patients greatly complicates the treatment process.
  • Lack of psychological support. Many drug addicts become, in some way, “outcasts” in society over the years of drug use. They begin to be treated with prejudice, and this attitude does not disappear immediately, even if the person no longer uses drugs. This can provoke depression, which, in turn, is fraught with relapse ( repetition). That is why during the treatment process and after its completion, patients need psychological support from family and friends.
Thus, the choice of drug addiction treatment method is selected individually in each case. The patient turns to a specialist, after which they jointly develop treatment tactics. The range of possible methods currently leaves a wide scope for choice.

Hypnosis treatment

Treatment with hypnosis is currently considered a very controversial method and is used quite rarely. The effectiveness of treating drug addiction using hypnosis is questioned by most leading experts. This is due to several reasons.
The low effectiveness of hypnosis as the main means of treating drug addiction is explained as follows:
  • Presence of physical dependence. Hypnotic suggestion affects ( and then only to a certain extent) on the mental dependence of the patient. However, even in its absence, physical dependence remains, which is manifested by disturbances in the functioning of various organs accustomed to regular drug use.
  • Possibility of complications. Even if a person stops taking drugs as a result of hypnosis, there is a risk of various serious complications. They may not appear immediately, but only after some time. However, to eliminate them, of course, you will need not only hypnosis, but a full examination and treatment from a specialized specialist.
  • Low susceptibility to hypnosis. Many people with drug addiction have a fairly weak susceptibility to hypnosis. This may be explained precisely by the fact that many psychoactive substances ( actually, drugs) often put a person into a state similar to hypnosis. Because of this, the patient, on the one hand, is highly suggestible during the session. On the other hand, the effect of such suggestion will be less stable.
  • High probability of relapse. Statistics show that isolated treatment with hypnosis ( without using other methods) in the vast majority of cases leads to relapse. Patients sooner or later start using drugs again. In addition, the risk of concurrent development of nervous disorders and a number of mental illnesses increases.
Of course, hypnotic suggestion can also be used as one of the means within complex therapy. With its help, you can, for example, set a person up for treatment and awaken in him a desire to cooperate with the doctor. Also, some clinics use hypnosis after detoxification to reduce psychological dependence and prevent relapse. In general, it can be said that the effectiveness of such methods varies greatly from one case to another. A lot depends on the qualifications of the doctor conducting hypnotic suggestion and the individual susceptibility of the patient. As a mandatory component of complex treatment, this method is not approved by international organizations.

Implant treatment

Treatment of drug addiction with an implant is one of the methods used, as a rule, as part of a comprehensive course of treatment. In fact, any implant is only a unique way of delivering certain pharmacological drugs to the body. A substance or material impregnated with this substance is injected under the skin or muscle tissue of the patient, which gradually enters the bloodstream over a long period of time. For opioid addiction, for example, naltrexone and other opioid receptor antagonists are often used. This group of substances blocks specific receptors in the nervous system that respond to opiates. A person with such an implant will not feel the expected effect after taking the drug, which will weaken physical and psychological dependence.

Implantation of an implant in the treatment of drug addiction has the following advantages:

  • The procedure is done once, and the effect lasts for a long time ( several months or more, depending on the type of implant);
  • when implanted into muscle tissue with a good blood supply, the amount of drug necessary to reliably block the receptors will regularly enter the bloodstream;
  • implantation allows you to reduce or eliminate the regular use of any pharmacological drugs;
  • the patient receives treatment without visiting the hospital and without interrupting his daily life;
  • at least temporarily relieves addiction, since even after taking a dose of the drug, the patient will not achieve the expected euphoria.
However, this treatment method also has its drawbacks. For example, any implant has a certain “expiration date”. It is determined by the amount of administered pharmacological drug. When the medicine runs out, the effect of blocking the receptors also wears off. If the patient managed to completely get rid of his addiction during this time, he gets better. Otherwise, relapses are possible or the implant will need to be re-implanted.

It should also be noted that the implant is not universal protection. Injecting a large dose of a drug can overwhelm the effect of the drug. In these cases, an overdose with serious consequences is possible.

The drugs used in implants themselves are not toxic. They do not have a significant effect on the body and are eliminated naturally. Possible side effects and allergic reactions ( Before implantation, an allergy test must be done). In addition, the patient should always remember about the implant and warn doctors about its presence. A certain amount of the drug always circulates in the blood, and the prescription of a number of other drugs in these cases is contraindicated.

The implantation itself is performed in a specialized clinic by a certified doctor ( usually a narcologist). This is done after complete relief of withdrawal symptoms and no earlier than a week after the last drug intake. The patient with the implant should periodically visit the attending physician.

Overall, the implant is a very effective and common treatment for drug addiction. It is only important to explain to the patient in detail all the possible risks and limitations that this treatment method implies. You also need to remember that the implant itself does not replace complex therapy. In any case, patients need to undergo a serious course of treatment to completely get rid of drug addiction.

Treatment of drug addiction with folk remedies

Unfortunately, traditional medicine in practice is almost impossible to provide tangible assistance in the fight against drug addiction. The addiction itself occurs due to the interaction of narcotic substances with certain receptors in the body ( depends on the type of drug) and due to subsequent changes in the functioning of various organs and systems. The sensitivity of receptors and the functioning of the body can theoretically be influenced with the help of certain medicinal plants ( in the form of decoctions or infusions). However, the effect of their use will in any case be weaker than that of pharmacological drugs with targeted action. The only advantage is less toxicity and fewer side effects.

However, the main problem in treating drug addiction with folk remedies is psychological dependence. Traditional medicine has practically no effect on it, so the patient still returns to taking the drug.

The use of folk remedies in the treatment of drug addiction is justified only in combination with other targeted treatment methods, as part of complex therapy. In this case, medicinal plants are used to partially detoxify the body ( removal of toxic compounds), calming the nervous system, improving the functioning of certain organs. Also, folk remedies can be successfully used to treat the consequences of drug addiction ( in essence, these are complications from various organs and systems that appear over time Before use, you should consult a specialist.
