Small tattoos on the body. Small arm tattoos for guys and girls. Sketches, photos, meaning. Sketches of beautiful and light miniatures for girls

If you dream of getting a tattoo but are afraid to get one, try making a temporary tattoo with a pen. Applying a tattoo to the body with a pen will not harm the skin and will wash off on its own over time. Such variants of body art are used so that a person understands how a symbol or design applied to the body affects him, and makes a final decision for himself whether it is worth getting a permanent tattoo or putting this procedure of decorating his body on hold.

How to draw a tattoo with a pen

Before you start creating a tattoo with a pen, carefully consider what exactly you would like to see on your body. Since the applied design will last for several days, you should like it first of all.

  1. Before you start drawing directly on the body, try sketching it on any rough draft. This will allow you to correct the drawing and, if you cannot complete it accurately, change the sketch in time or choose another simpler option
  2. To create a tattoo, in addition to a pen, you will also need a piece of paper on which you need to place a sketch of the future tattoo, a piece of fabric, and warm water. The sketch must also be carefully colored so that the ink does not run.
  3. You can get a tattoo anywhere, so decide in advance on the location for the tattoo. If you have chosen an area of ​​the body that you cannot reach on your own, ask someone to help you.
  4. Soak a piece of cloth in warm water. Place the paper with the pattern down and attach it to the selected location. Place a piece of wet cloth on top and hold for 35 seconds.
  5. Without removing the fabric, carefully peel off the edge of the paper and make sure that the design is completely transferred to the body. If this does not happen, hold the wet cloth for a few more seconds. Next, remove the paper and fabric.
  6. Wait for the tattoo to dry and spray some hairspray on it. This will keep the tattoo looking attractive for several days.

How to draw a tattoo on your hand, in detail

If you are going to get your first tattoo, and your artistic abilities are far from ideal, try to choose a simple and simple design, then draw it on a piece of paper several times and only then start applying it to your body. Once the design has been selected, degrease the area of ​​skin on which you plan to apply it.
Step by step, draw the contours of the future drawing. Do not draw everything at once, but element by element. Next, color the fragment.

Then draw the contours of the next fragment and sketch it in the same way. Wait for the ink to dry.

How to draw a tattoo step by step

If you want a multi-colored tattoo, then prepare several colored pens at once.

Gel pen tattoos

With blue and black gel pens you can draw a tattoo that at first glance is not easy to distinguish from a real one. There are 2 ways to apply a tattoo yourself with a gel pen: with shallow punctures with a needle and without them. The latter will last only a few days. If you make a temporary tattoo with punctures, it can last for several months. Drawings with gel pens are applied either through a stencil or drawn by hand, giving preference to clear fragments.

Method without puncture:

  • prepare the skin for a temporary tattoo by disinfecting it;
  • draw a sketch on tracing paper with a pencil;
  • shade the sketch with a gel pen without going beyond the boundaries;
  • attach the tracing paper to the skin with the pattern down, apply a wet sponge on top for 3 minutes;
  • remove the tracing paper;
  • draw the tattoo with a gel pen directly on the skin.

Puncture method.

This option is painful and involves maintaining sterility.

  1. Draw the outline of the design using eyeliner or tracing paper onto the body.
  2. When making shallow punctures with a needle on the skin, immediately apply a gel line, leading it directly behind the needle. Draw the drawing several times in this way.
  3. After 2 minutes, remove excess gel paste with alcohol.
  4. Disinfect the tattoo site additionally with alcohol.

How to draw a tattoo with a pen - simple drawings

Simple drawings are those where there is no need to detail the fragments, carefully drawing them. These can be geometric fragments, flowers, leaves, birds, insects, etc. Below we will show how to make simple drawings using the example of a cardiogram.

Wipe the area to be tattooed with hydrogen peroxide, then apply the outline of the future design.

Draw the outlines. The tattoo is ready.

  1. If you have chosen the method of applying a tattoo using paper or tracing paper, but you have dark skin, then you need to keep the wet cloth or moistened sponge longer, spying on the transfer process from time to time.
  2. You need to remove the tracing paper or paper slowly and carefully so as not to smear the drawing.
  3. If you decide to choose an inscription as a tattoo and translate it using paper, then write it first with a pencil, then turn the sheet over and point it with a pen. This way your inscription will be read correctly.
  4. If you drew a sketch incorrectly, missed words, or something went wrong, moisten a cotton pad with alcohol and wipe off the excess.

Pen tattoo sketches, photo

Small tattoos are a common choice for girls, especially as a first tattoo. If you want to stand out and emphasize your individuality, but at the same time remain cute and feminine, then small tattoos are the ideal choice. In other cases, the first tattoo is made small in order to understand what it is, how the process itself will occur and how painful it is. As a sample option for a large complex tattoo. Choosing a small design reduces responsibility, because if during your life you change your mind about having such a design on your body, it will not be difficult for the artist to cover up the tattoo with a larger design. The choice of place on the body for applying a small tattoo is varied, as is the choice of sketch. Let's consider popular options.

Small tattoos on the neck.

A tattoo on the neck will emphasize sophistication and draw attention to the face. If desired, it can be easily closed by simply letting down your hair. Small flowers behind the ear will serve as a feminine decoration. A scattering of stars on the back of the neck will strengthen unity with nature. You can place your zodiac sign on the side of your neck. The style of small tattoos on the neck is minimalism or watercolor. It is worth considering that applying a tattoo to the neck is painful and the thin skin is often renewed in this place. The tattoo should be simple and light. So as not to deform over time.

Small tattoos on the collarbone.

Elegance and fragility are emphasized. Application is painful. Execution style – minimalism or graphics. A convenient place for writing quotes, inscriptions or important dates. Such a tattoo will add sexuality and will draw attention to the décolleté area.

Small tattoos on arms.

The wrist is an ideal place to apply a small tattoo of any shape. The skin is thin and application will be painful. Paired tattoos on wrists are popular. Most often these are paired drawings that complement each other.

  • Sun and moon;
  • Yin and yang;
  • Rocket and star;
  • Key and lock;
  • Halves of hearts;
  • Puzzle pieces;
  • Card king and queen;
  • Cross and zero;
  • The inscription "Mrs" and "Mr".

Small tattoos on the leg.

A tattoo on the ankle, foot or small one near the fingers will emphasize grace and lightness. An elegant bracelet around the ankle, a light feather along the fingers or a scattering of flowers - there are many options for tattoo designs on the leg. The drawing can be in any style and can be easily hidden from prying eyes if desired.

Intimate small tattoos.

A small, elegant tattoo under the breasts, around the nipples or on the lower abdomen is hidden from prying eyes and will only be visible to your chosen one. It’s like a little secret, known only to the two of you, that brings you closer and unites. The sketch of an intimate tattoo is often individual, made by a master for you. Used as decoration, most often it does not carry any serious meaning. It could be a cute bow, sakura flowers or a scattering of precious stones.

The meaning of small tattoos.

  • Crown – leadership and superiority over others;
  • Anchor – stability and confidence;
  • Wildflowers – simplicity and femininity;
  • A rose is happiness in love, if with thorns it is unhappy love;
  • Sakura – sexuality and liberation;
  • Lotus – Buddhism, connection with the universe;
  • A dandelion with a flying dome is a symbol of life’s fleeting moments;
  • Clover - for good luck, belief in miracles;
  • Ladybug - for good luck, a symbol of attracting money;
  • Wings - a talisman, attracting a guardian angel;
  • Mandala is a talisman for good luck, protection, happiness. The meaning depends on the execution of the drawing;
  • Zodiac sign – enhances the personal qualities inherent in your sign;
  • Hummingbird – strength and perseverance in achieving your goals;
  • Stars - unity with nature;
  • The sun and moon depicted side by side are harmony;
  • Clock – intelligence and erudition, power over time;
  • Compass – determination;
  • The key is curiosity, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation;
  • Feather – freedom from stereotypes imposed by society;
  • Giraffe - the desire to reach heights that others cannot achieve;
  • Arrow – determination and stability;
  • Snowflake – individuality;
  • Elephant - luck and luck. Two elephants - eternal love;
  • Dragonfly – frivolity and fragility;
  • Seahorse - cheerfulness;
  • Owl – mysticism and intelligence;
  • Cherry – one for purity, two for affection;
  • Precious stone – perseverance and prosperity.

The hieroglyph tattoo has lost popularity and is perceived by society as bad taste. Today, tattoo inscriptions are performed in English, Latin or their native language. Decorate yourself with meaning and choose a tattoo design that suits you.

Tattoos, regardless of where they are applied, can be either boring or informative, original and individual. This especially applies to hand tattoos for girls, as well as any open tattoos. You will learn from this article what to do to make your body art decorate you and not depersonalize you.

At the height of fashion

Women's beautiful tattoos have a special meaning. Trees, flowers and other symbols of romance remain popular.

Beautiful designs on the hand can also be done with henna, then they can be changed depending on the mood or stage of life. A drawing is not always a talisman; it can simply reflect fashion trends.

  • Orchid

Women's tattoos in the shape of an orchid on the arm are the standard of tenderness and purely feminine beauty. The most popular are yellow, pink and red. Single flowers and small inflorescences are possible.

  • Rose

A beautiful tattoo symbolizing beauty and great love. It is large in size. Made in red, blue and black and white.

  • Lotus

The discreet symbol comes from Buddhism. Serves as the embodiment of harmony and peace. The dimensions of the drawing are small, and it is executed in black and white, although color variations are not excluded.

  • Star

A popular tattoo that has symbolized vitality and inspiration since ancient times. A sign of good luck and change of fate. Performed anywhere on the surface of the hand.

  • Tree

A symbol of growth, spiritual development and advancement. May be growing or mature.

  • Lily

A truly feminine symbol, vulnerable and rebellious, revered by men. Symbolizing power and unity, it is popular in France.

  • Butterfly

A symbol of lightness, simplicity and tenderness, true and rapid life. The most beautiful images combine different shades of colors and motifs. Black and white sketches are no less popular.

  • Ornament

It is possible to apply the ornament on the hand anywhere. A large pattern on the shoulder or forearm is relevant.

  • Crown

The crown has symbolized power and the royal family since the distant times of the Middle Ages. Tattoos in the shape of a crown are a rare option that suits powerful and purposeful individuals endowed with authority.

As a tattoo on the hand for girls, the crown can be made with irony or pathos. The choice of style depends on the character and age of the girl, as well as her outlook on life.

  • Animals

Recently, tattoos depicting animals have become common:

  • A panther is incomparable to a cat, since it has great strength and majesty. The panther lacks fear and pity, but it shows care and tenderness towards its relatives. Often the image shows a grin.
  • The lizard is popular in Indonesia and Oceania. She is a keeper of secrets and is not dangerous, but you need to be careful with her.
  • Deer is a complex symbol responsible for wanderings and travel. A joyful symbol associated with love and tranquility.
  • The fox is a sign of temptation. Applied by the strongest and most confident people. Can be depicted sleeping, in the process of a graceful jump, or during the hunt. This tattoo is used only by women.
  • The snake symbolizes fear, deceit, trouble and danger, but is invariably respected by everyone. He bites and kills extremely quickly, because he has a cold mind and cold blood.

However, many girls prefer simpler tattoos:

  • heart - as an unchanging symbol of love, harmony, feelings, emotions and romance;
  • clover - as a symbol of goodness and tranquility, executed in the form of individual petals or a small flower with an addition in the form of leaves;
  • geometric symbols - do not carry meaning and are small in size, intertwined with each other.

Playing with color

Colored arm tattoos for girls are popular and filled with positivity and originate from Japan, where natural dyes have been used since the 18th century. The basis for the sketches were pictures of nature, holidays and everyday life.

In the 19th–20th centuries. colored tattoos have gained popularity in Europe. The initial motives were associated with the East. Subsequently, on the hands of young fashionistas one could increasingly see images of fish, tigers, flowers, fish, etc. Permanent chemical dyes did not fade for a long time.

Modern tattoos for girls on the arm are akin to paintings filled with colors that are able to convey all the richness of natural shades.

Each shade has a meaning:

  • white is a symbol of purity, goodness and innocence (in the East it symbolizes death);
  • black - lust, evil, desire to increase the degree of vitality;
  • red - vitality, wisdom and energy;
  • yellow - warmth, light, separation, betrayal, betrayal, wealth and power. According to Eastern mythology - an abundant harvest and a rebellious spirit;
  • green and blue - success in everything, blessings, luck, energy from within;
  • gold - wealth and leadership;
  • purple - commitment to the intended goal, perseverance and desire for power.

Captions: select a phrase

There can be no restrictions from a design point of view. Execution can occur in any style, decorating different parts of the hand. The main thing is the artistic taste and capabilities of the girl herself.

Small inscriptions on the hand can be black or resemble colorless scars, which is unusually stylish lately.

Tattoos on the wrist for girls in the form of inscriptions symbolize their position in life and relationships with others. Instead of inscriptions with translations, hieroglyphs are popular among fashionistas.

Often the inscription is a tattoo on the inside of the arm, because girls choose phrases with personal content. The following have gained particular popularity among young connoisseurs of original fashion:

  • Latin expressions without translation;
  • Arabic sayings about love;
  • initials: own or close people’s;
  • phrases associated with a specific religion;
  • memorable phrases based on dates.

Exquisite inscriptions are printed on the shoulders, forearm area and wrists in the form of letters and other symbols.

Bracelet tattoo

A tattoo in the shape of a bracelet looks quite discreet due to its small size. Ideal for girls who are required to strictly adhere to a strict dress code at work, since they are not visible from under their blouse. They are imitation of beautiful jewelry with meaning. Particularly popular:

  • unusual patterns with graphics and a chain of figures;
  • imitation of jewelry: baubles, chains, beads, necklaces;
  • imitation steel metal bracelets and barbed wire;
  • neat patterns of lace and ribbons;
  • inscriptions with phrases about life and love;
  • imitation of cuts, scars and other damage.

A tattoo bracelet on the arm expresses the inner world and emphasizes the degree of individuality of its owner. Jewelry lovers are delighted with it.


A sleeve tattoo is an extremely bold and informal option because the design is quite large. The girls’ hands decorate entire landscapes and paintings filled with deep meaning. In painted tattoo sleeves, the range can be either dark or multi-colored. There are three sleeve options in total:

  • full - from the wrist to the shoulder area;
  • half - from elbows to forearms and vice versa;
  • quarter - to the middle part of the forearm;

Flowers, fruits, hieroglyphs, cartoon characters, etc. can be intertwined in women's tattoo sleeves. Applying a tattoo with henna on the arm for girls and other materials requires at least 6 visits to the salon. The long-awaited result can be obtained after 6 months.

Mini options

For graceful girls, small tattoos on the arm are suitable. They are discreet, compact, and hide well under clothing.

Tattoos on the hand serve as an expression of individuality, tell about character traits and express a life position. They are made in the form of amulets and reliably protect against troubles.

The following styles of small-sized tattoos are distinguished:

  • realistic – with clear details;
  • new school – mischievous, fairy-tale, cartoon characters and heroes of different colors;
  • old school – amulets against troubles based on the sea theme, very bright;
  • various inscriptions and symbols;
  • ethnic drawings with meaning.

For a mini-tattoo on their arm, girls choose:

  • anchor - associated not only with the sea, but also with tranquility, good luck, family life;
  • birds - symbolizes the freedom of creative natures;
  • the bow is a symbol of beauty, but does not carry much meaning;
  • butterfly is an image of lightness, prosperity and well-being;
  • the cat is a symbol of sexuality, sharp mind, grace, independence, grace and mystery.

Small tattoos are best done by professionals. An inexperienced artist can turn a small drawing into a blurry spot.

On the fingers

Tattoos applied to fingers should be modest and discreet. They are like stylish jewelry. The first to introduce such an original decoration into fashion was the mischievous Rihanna. Gradually fashionistas picked up this idea. Using phrases, they began to apply the following tattoos to their thin fingers:

  • cross (most often a Latin cross is depicted on the fingers);
  • a ring that can be applied to any finger, be massive or neat, with elements in the shape of a bow, heart, and even a crown;
  • brass knuckles (suitable for brave girls with a special lifestyle, since this image cannot be hidden);
  • various phrases and inscriptions;
  • abstractions that may carry hidden meaning.

Since a girl’s fingers are always visible, a smart step would be temporary tattoos that can be made permanent.

On the wrist

The girl's wrists are very delicate and her skin is thin. Therefore, tattoo artists must be very careful. You should choose to apply inscriptions that will not be completely covered:

  • plexuses or phrases near the wrist;
  • numerous small elements lacking clear detail;
  • floral patterns;
  • tattoos paired with the other hand;
  • randomly applied designs from wrist to elbow.

Often on girls’ wrists you can see tattoos in the form of butterflies, doves, stars, dolphins, cats and, of course, vine-like flowers.

Fashionable tattoos for girls, which are applied to the arm, are experiencing the peak of their popularity. Many of them have a hidden meaning. This is a great way to express your character traits and communicate your position in life to the world.

Video about tattoo on hand

Modern methods of self-expression cover not only the style of clothing, ideological priorities created with the help of hairstyles, makeup and manicure, etc. images, but also such elements of female and male beauty as tattoos.

Today, well-made and neat tattoo designs that adorn the bodies of charismatic and extraordinary people are considered fashionable.

Small tattoos are the most popular and in demand, because it is much easier for a girl or woman to decide on them than to make a huge drawing.

In addition, small tattoos are not only beautiful, they will harmoniously combine with your appearance, will not spoil your images, and, as a rule, cause only positive perception among others.

On the contrary, large tattoos cannot always be perceived and appreciated correctly. What can you do, not everyone understands this art...

The NewLadyDay team decided to present to your attention a super selection of fashionable ideas on the theme “Small Tattoos 2020-2021”, which presents beautiful small tattoos in different styles and techniques.

After looking at our small tattoos, you will undoubtedly want to do something similar for yourself, because such an element not only decorates your body, but can also become a symbol, a sign, a talisman.

Well, if getting even small tattoos is a very desperate step for you, our tattoos will inspire you, because we chose only the most beautiful small tattoos among many options.

The coolest small tattoos 2020-2021 – trends and ideas

Both small-sized tattoos for men and options for gentle ladies, although small in size, are a painful procedure, remain with you for life, oblige you to carefully choose an idea in advance, and do not accept unprofessional execution.

When deciding to get small tattoos, you must be confident in the artist and in what should appear on your body, even in tiny sizes.

And today there are plenty of ideas for very tiny and small tattoos for girls and the stronger sex.

Many small tattoos came to us from ancient civilizations. It is these small tattoos that often personify the wisdom of ancestors and the mysteries of history.

Small tattoos can be made in the form of symbols, signs, letters of different alphabets and phrases, for example, hieroglyphs, Latin sayings, inscriptions in Hebrew, Yiddish, etc.

Inscriptions and signs that are mysterious to many Slavs are not just beautiful little tattoos.

They can carry a deep symbolic meaning and even be part of a prayer, spell, conspiracy, etc.

Usually such small tattoos are applied by people who wholeheartedly believe in their symbolic and sometimes magical meaning.

Thanks to the skill of specialists, small tattoos of inscriptions and symbols look very neat, sophisticated, and unobtrusive. Can decorate any part of the body.

Small tattoos for girls and women 2020-2021 - displaying the inner world

Undoubtedly, small tattoos, first of all, are a godsend for girls and women, because the small size of the design will allow you to get closer to what you want without going to the extremes that a large body design could become.

Small tattoos have long been performed in color and monotonous versions, creating stunning small tattoos that resemble miniature paintings.

Lovely tattoos for women are most often found in the form of inscriptions, stars, birds, tiny animals, floral designs, treble clef, zigzag, abstract patterns, objects, etc.

It is considered mega stylish to get a tattoo on the fingers, on the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blade, near the ear, on the ankle, and lately girls have decided to get tattoos tattooed near the chest. Someone will say desperately, but very beautifully...

In our selection you will see magnificent small tattoos on different parts of the body, among which there are very tiny tattoos and small-sized tattoos with a 3D effect.

Small tattoos 2020-2021 - symbols of courage, boldness, bravery of men

It would seem that men are more inclined to create voluminous tattoos on their bodies, because it was huge tattoos that ancient warriors once made on their bodies, demonstrating the will to win, strength, courage and other masculine qualities.

Today, not all men are ready to make such designs on their bodies, but many prefer small tattoo symbols. They are also very symbolic and important to their owners.

Often men choose small tattoos in the form of wolves, tigers, lions, snakes, and phoenixes.

Meaningful mysterious abstractions and unusual designs that came to us from Eastern cultures also become themes for small tattoos.

Undoubtedly, the minimalist style influenced small tattoos for men and women, highlighting restrained and laconic forms, figures, lines, and designs. See below the best small tattoos for men in the form of inscriptions, symbols, signs.

Cute small tattoos for lovers and friends 2020-2021 – a symbol of unity forever

Many loving couples or friends, in order to confirm their sincere and warm feelings to each other, decide to get small tattoos for the couple, which are combined with one another, either complement each other, or are completely similar to each other.

Couple tattoos are made on the fingers, wrist, ankles and other parts of the body, as the couple wishes.

Paired tattoos for lovers look tender and sophisticated and carry a deep thought of unity and eternity of the most intimate feelings, such as love, friendship, fidelity, mutual understanding and support.

And now our photo of the TOP tattoos for men and women of small size in different styles.

Photo ideas and options 2020-2021: the best small tattoos

The range of micro tattoos for beautiful ladies has no limits. Today, small tattoos for girls are extremely popular for many reasons. They are neat, look aesthetically pleasing, perfectly mask minor defects on the skin and are easy to hide under clothing.

In addition, mini tattoos are ideal for self-expression when you dream of a design on your body, but do not want to apply a large image. Small tattoos emphasize feminine charm, sexuality and attractiveness.

They are unobtrusive, do not distract attention from the girl herself, but, at the same time, attract attention.

But it is worth remembering that any design on the body must carry a certain meaning, and when choosing a small tattoo (after all, it is done for life), this rule must be taken into account. Another important nuance: uniqueness.

Of course, in salons they offer to look at an album with photographs, where pictures and drawings are presented in such a variety that the eyes run wild.

But why choose an image that can be found on another girl? The tattoo should be exclusive in order to emphasize individuality, and you can make tattoo sketches yourself or ask a master to help.

Body parts for artistic tattooing

Small women's tattoos are suitable for any part of the body due to their small size. Let's consider the best options that are popular with girls, and also focus attention not only on the drawings themselves, but also on their meaning.

Small tattoos on hand

The fashion for small hand tattoos for girls is attracting more and more young ladies.

The most common options are symbolic inscriptions with a specific meaning.(can be any language, Arabic is especially popular), miniature birds(positive energy and freedom), anchors and horseshoes(symbols of confidence and good luck).

Small tattoos on wrist

Today, beautiful small tattoos on the wrist for girls are very common, some with a transition to the hands.

Ladies give particular preference notes and infinity signs(creative personalities), stars, sun and crescent(emphasizes originality), flying birds and open wings(symbol of freedom and romance).

Small finger tattoos

Unlike tattoos on the wrist for girls, a very miniature tattoo is chosen for the fingers, which at the same time can be examined in great detail.

Mainly animal tracks(symbol of loyalty and cunning), rings(for lovers), butterflies, flowers, ladybugs, hearts and letters(just for beauty).

Small shoulder tattoos

Small tattoos on the shoulder are chosen by those girls who want to show their brightness and unpredictability.

Most often they prefer ornate patterns(the personification of everything unusual), dolphins and snakes(meaning ambition and pride), arrows and lightning(symbolizing perseverance, strength and self-confidence).

Small tattoos on the collarbone

Sketches of small tattoos on the collarbone are also presented in a large assortment.

If we talk about the most popular of them, then this is cluster of black stars(for dreamy natures), patterns and ornaments(each carries a certain meaning), beautiful tattoo lettering(mostly in italics), as well as flowers, runes and arrows.

Small neck tattoos

A small tattoo for a girl looks very elegant on any part of the neck. It could be light feather behind the ear, black silhouette of a cat, a flying bird, hearts, fluttering butterflies, flowers and stars(everything for romantic natures).

More daring girls choose to tattoos of barcodes, insects, hieroglyphs and open mouths of animals.

Small back tattoos

As a rule, preference for this area is given to girls who do not want to once again “shine” their tattoo and which can be hidden under clothing.

The simplest and most popular are considered mythical animals(dragons and pegasi as symbols of achieving goals), beautiful 3D tattoos, owls and panthers(personification of wisdom and intelligence).

Small tattoos on the stomach

A tattoo design on this area of ​​the body gives its owner piquancy and grace. Especially on the stomach, small tattoos for girls on the sides are popular.

Such images are most often made by confident girls. They choose tattoos from photos birds of paradise, colorful butterflies, lush flowers, playful cats and even your name.

Small chest tattoos

Most often, drawing on such a delicate place is purely aesthetic in nature, when the need arises.

The list of the most popular small tattoos for girls includes flower buds, peacock feathers, symbolic patterns, ethnic designs and images of miniature animals.
