Map of Beirut in Russian. Map of Beirut in Russian What to see in Beirut

Here is a detailed map of Beirut with street names in Russian and house numbers. You can easily get directions by moving the map in all directions with the mouse or clicking on the arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale with the “+” and “-” icons located on the map on the right. The easiest way to adjust the image size is by rotating the mouse wheel.

In what country is Beirut located?

Beirut is located in Lebanon. This is a wonderful, beautiful city, with its own history and traditions. Beirut coordinates: north latitude and east longitude (show on large map).

Virtual walk

An interactive map of Beirut with landmarks and other tourist attractions is an indispensable assistant in independent travel. For example, in the “Map” mode, the icon of which is in the upper left corner, you can see a city plan, as well as a detailed map of roads with route numbers. You can also see the city's railway stations and airports marked on the map. Nearby you see the “Satellite” button. By turning on satellite mode, you will examine the terrain, and by enlarging the image, you will be able to study the city in great detail (thanks to satellite maps from Google Maps).

Move the “little man” from the lower right corner of the map to any street in the city, and you can take a virtual walk around Beirut. Adjust the direction of movement using the arrows that appear in the center of the screen. By turning the mouse wheel, you can zoom in or out of the image.

Cases of petty theft occur rarely and only in markets or noisy streets (thieves on motorcycles). In any case, you should not leave money, wallet and other personal items unattended. In general, it is better to store valuables in a hotel safe.

Business climate

Beirut is the financial center of Lebanon, providing ample opportunities for doing business, especially tourism. The capital has a developed business culture (at the level of Western countries). As a rule, dealing with Lebanese businessmen is very pleasant. They are democratic and active, speak many European languages ​​and are similar to Europeans in their style of doing business. But... influential connections play a significant role in the success of a business. However, as in the whole world!

In 1997, Russia and Lebanon signed an agreement to eliminate double taxation, which directly stimulates the opening of new business contacts.

The banking system of Beirut is of great interest to business circles. And all because of the ban on disclosing any information about the owners or managers of companies registered in Lebanon. In addition, they do not pay attention to the size of the amounts coming from Russia.

In Beirut, it is very profitable to open offshore companies, as well as companies with simplified taxation. Ordinary companies pay 10% tax on profits. According to Lebanese law, tax payments can be significantly reduced. Thus, branches of foreign companies pay corporate tax, as well as a 5% tax on net profit. But if they conduct business outside Lebanon, they are exempt from paying corporate taxes.

Real estate

In prestigious areas of Beirut, luxury apartments will cost you from $500,000 to $2,500,000. The price per square meter in the center of Beirut will be from $4,000, and outside the center - from $1,250.

Rent of an apartment for a month in the city center costs: with one bedroom - from 500 to 1400 $; with two bedrooms - from $800 to $2000; with three bedrooms - from $1,000 to $3,000. On the outskirts you can rent the same apartment for half the price.

The biggest expenses in the case of rental housing will be electricity fees ($100-200 per month), as well as maintenance fees for the electricity generator and elevator equipment ($50 and $30 per month). Water is very cheap here. Under no circumstances should you be afraid of relationships with your neighbors. Lebanese people are very sociable and friendly. Already in the first days of dating, you will receive an invitation to a cup of coffee. And joint neighborhood barbecues are a very common occurrence here.

Almost all prices in Beirut are fixed, including taxis and hotel bills. Therefore, in any case, you can bargain. Plus, at most hotels you can get a good discount if you stay more than three days.

It is customary to give a tip as a reward for almost every service in Beirut. Lebanese earn little, so for many of them, tips are a good addition to their salary. Restaurants and nightlife establishments accept a tip of 16% of your bill. Taxi drivers and maids also expect you to tip.

Most banks in Beirut change US dollars and British pounds, as well as traveler's checks. Local money changers can exchange you any foreign currency at a more favorable rate. Large shops, restaurants and hotels accept international credit cards for payment.

Today we will go to Beirut - the best city in the Middle East. It was this title that Beirut won in 2012.

The city is located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and is the capital and largest port of its country.

The first mentions of Beirut are found in the 15th century. BC e., as evidenced by the oldest cuneiform inscriptions discovered in Egypt.

In contact with

Beirut on the world map

Let's take a closer look at where the city of Beirut is located. Let's find the continent of Africa on the world map, then the Mediterranean Sea. Between the states of Egypt and Türkiye are located, Syria, Lebanon, in the sea itself.

We look at the coastline, look for Jerusalem, rise higher - then, even higher, there will be in turn - Haifa, Nahariya, Sur, Saida, and even higher we find Beirut. Now, when you are asked which country Beirut is a city in, you know the answer, and you can also show the location on the world map.

What to see in Beirut

The Lebanese capital is a true city of contrasts. Here, beautiful ancient architecture of the Middle Ages, shrouded in jasmine gardens, juxtaposes with modern buildings made of glass and concrete. Small winding streets flow into huge avenues.

The most important shopping street, the financial and commercial core of Beirut, is called the Hamra district and street.

Ancient city of Byblos

37 kilometers from Lebanon there is a rich archaeological area in which excavations are still ongoing. Archaeologists have established that already in the 3rd century BC. e. it was a major commercial, religious and political center. Here in the 8th century BC. e. Writing was born and the Phoenician alphabet was formed. Samples of the writing can currently be seen on the sarcophagus of King Ahimar, exhibited in the national museum.

On the territory of ancient Byblos, tourists can see:

  • temple to an unknown deity - date of creation about 9 thousand years ago;
  • temple of obelisks - various gods are depicted in it in the form of obelisks, the most important of which, located in the center - the Reshef obelisk, is dedicated to the god of war. Judging by the surviving parts of the temple, it was never destroyed;
  • necropolis of the kings of Byblos, where there are 9 royal sarcophagi. We have already written about the sarcophagus of King Ahimar - you can see it at the National Museum of Beirut. It is interesting that the royal tombs are dug into the rocks to a sufficient depth and have a significant mass of several tons. The sarcophagus of King Abi-Shemu is interesting as it is the largest in size;
  • Temple of Baalat Gebal - in the worst condition, built more than 3 thousand years ago. The ancient inhabitants dedicated the temple to the goddess Baalat Gebal, who was considered the patroness of the city and cedar forests;
  • Tsar's Well - served as a source of water until 1932;
  • ruins of the Achaemenid fortress - VI century BC. e., are impressive in their scale;
  • amphitheater - archaeologists have established the exact date of foundation - 218 BC. e. At the moment, 5 rows of seats have been preserved, and once there were 3 dozen of them.

Ancient city of Baalbek

Once upon a time, its temples were famous throughout the world and were considered one of the wonders of the world. Now Baalbek is almost completely destroyed due to military conflicts, in addition, not all archaeological sources can find information about it. Baalbek is famous for its huge multi-ton stone terraces.

Scientists have not yet found anything that would indicate the method of constructing these terraces of their hewn monoliths. In fact, if you can go to Baalbek, you will understand that nothing in the world, not even the Egyptian pyramids, can compare with these stone hulks. It is no coincidence that the ancient complex of Baalbek is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Let's give just a small example to capture your imagination: scientists have calculated that the terrace on which the Temple of Jupiter was erected consists of nine rows of stone blocks. Each of the blocks measures 11 x 4.6 x 3.3 m and weighs more than 300 tons. Three of the largest hewn monoliths in the world are built into its wall from the north-west. They are called the Miracle of the Three Stones, or Trilithon. The size of one of these monoliths is 29 x 4 x 3.6 m, weight - from 800 to 1000 tons.

Jeita Caves

Do you want to see a real underground cave, swim along an underground river with the purest transparent water, see stunning fantastic landscapes and galleries, walk through tunnels and passages?

Then the Jeita Caves are waiting for you - just 18 km from Beirut, and a unique excursion awaits you.

National Museum of Beirut

An important historical and archaeological museum of Lebanon, a unique attraction, opened in 1943. It contains the largest collection of antiquities in the entire Middle East - 100 thousand ancient finds, 1300 of which are on permanent display.

Tourists who want to touch ancient history should allocate enough time for their visit, because history, as we know, does not tolerate haste. The interesting thing is that anyone can take pictures against the backdrop of the exhibits.

The museum displays ancient sarcophagi and mummified bodies in amazing preservation. You can look at them in a special dark room, although you cannot photograph these two exhibits.

It receives visitors every day of the week except Monday; it is also closed on holidays. Opening hours: from 9:00 to 17:00. Ticket price: adult - 5,000 Lebanese pounds (about 200 rubles), per child - 1,000 Lebanese pounds (about 40 rubles).

Star Square

Created by French architects, it actually resembles a star in shape. Its rays are city streets. Once upon a time there was a Roman forum in its place.

At dusk and especially at night, the square and the clock tower are beautifully illuminated and attract tourists from all over the city.

Here travelers meet to drink coffee or beer, chat, have dinner, watch football and simply wander around the city at night.

Cathedral of St. Nicholas

Cream-colored walls, red tiles on the roof, two floors where services are held, a staircase with wrought-iron lanterns leading to the upper aisle - all this is about the Cathedral of St. Nicholas.

Beirut Cathedral, as Wikipedia shows, was founded in 1577.

Sursok Museum

The building, erected in the 19th century, belonged to a rich and noble family. In 1950, the last representative of the dynasty offered the building to the state on the condition that it be turned into a museum. This project was completed 11 years later.

An amazingly beautiful building, an external Byzantine style, an oriental baroque inside, an extensive collection of ancient artifacts, a large collection of paintings by contemporary artists - all this is the Sursok Museum.

Located on Star Square. An interesting feature is that to enter it, you need to go down the steps. This means nothing more than that the building was built a very long time ago, and over time it sank, as if rooted into the ground. Built in the Middle Ages, it was once the main Orthodox church in Beirut. It is a classic example of Byzantine temple architecture. It was heavily damaged during the civil war, from 2003 to 2008. The restoration of the building continued.

The interior is striking in its richness - heavy crystal chandeliers, a richly gilded altar, columns with icons, ceiling frescoes, in the restoration of which Moscow craftsmen took part.

The church, which has been prayed for a long time, is very revered by local Orthodox residents; all holiday services are held here.

Al Omari Mosque

It is rightly considered one of the oldest buildings in Beirut. Built on the site where the ancient Temple of Jupiter and a Byzantine temple once stood.

In 1187, under the leadership of Sultan Salah ed-Din, who did not like the fact that the Christian temple was located on Muslim territory, the reconstruction of the building began. After 10 years, the mosque passed into the hands of the crusaders, who turned the building into a cathedral. And almost 100 years later, in 1291, the territory along with the temple again, and this time forever, passed into the hands of Muslims, who again made a mosque instead of a Christian building. In this year 1291, the ruler was the 2nd Caliph Omar bin Khattab.

The mosque received its name in honor of the current ruler. It is in this form that the mosque has survived to this day, after reconstruction required after the civil war.

Corniche promenade

A particularly attractive place for tourists from all over the world, everyone comes here with their own purpose. Some people ride bicycles, rollerblades and various types of tourist transport, some make a date or meeting at one of the restaurants or cafes located on the embankment, others simply take a walk, enjoying the beautiful nature, the sea, and the surrounding landscapes.

During the day it is just as crowded - walking or cycling allows you to enjoy wonderful views of the city and the sea, as well as see the Pigeon Rocks. Walking along the embankment, you can go to the beach of the American University, located in front of the university itself, and the Rafik Hariri beach, where travelers and the Lebanese themselves love to sunbathe.

Two small islands made of limestone rock just a few meters from the rocky shore. They got their name because there are holes inside the rocks where pigeons settled.

Both the embankment and the Pigeon Rocks are a favorite place for travelers to walk and contemplate nature.

Opposite the landmark, almost on the very edge of the cliff, there is a cafe where you can sit in the evening with a glass of wine and watch the sunset.

Beirut - the most beautiful photos of the city

Travelers from all over the globe come to the ancient city of Beirut, rich in architectural treasures, receiving relaxation for the soul and body. This is an amazing place that allows you to combine two types of recreation.

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