How to gain muscle mass at home: training program. The best way to quickly pump up and build muscle mass.

How to dial muscle mass- a question that is relevant for many trainees. A person regularly exercises at home or in the gym, “pumping iron,” but muscle volume remains the same or increases slightly - a situation quite common in strength sports.

Indeed, gaining muscle weight is not an easy task, especially for a person with an asthenic (ectomorphic) physique.

Of course, you can use strong anabolic drugs to increase muscle mass, which allow you to achieve significant muscle growth in a sufficiently long time. short term, but the catch is that most of these drugs have very numerous side effects. To gain muscle mass safely and correctly, it is preferable to use only natural remedies and methods.

Body type and training features

Before you start training in the gym, you need to decide on your body type. Methods to increase muscle mass for full and thin man have fundamental differences from each other.

There are three body types:

  • Ectomorphic;
  • Mesomorphic;
  • Endomorphic.

In an ectomorph long legs and a short body, narrow feet and hands. The shoulders are not wide, and the muscles are thin and long. A mesomorph has a strong, wide body and broad shoulders, top part the body is long, the bones are thick. An endomorph is characterized by a short neck, round face, wide hips and a significant amount of body fat.

It is the most difficult for ectomorphs to gain muscle mass: their training and nutrition must be structured according to a special regime. During class thin people you should devote most of your time to basic exercises to work the largest muscles. Priority attention should be paid to the back, chest and hips.

Cunning training exercises ectomorphs do not need it; exercises with dumbbells will be more useful for them in terms of gaining mass, with the help of which you can increase muscle mass even at home. Basic repetition range for one exercise: 6-8 times.

Nutrition Basics for Mass Gain

How to quickly gain muscle mass with special diet? Effective “mass gain” requires a rational approach to product selection. Eating everything, as amateurs advise, is a very impractical solution.

For example, if you eat simple (fast) carbohydrates, this will contribute to the accumulation subcutaneous fat in endomorphs and quickly converted into energy without participation in the processes of new protein synthesis in ectomorphs. In other words, thin people will remain thin, perhaps stronger and more resilient, while fat people will gain weight, and their muscles will not be visible behind a layer of fat.

You need to eat a lot, but correctly. A rational approach to nutrition will allow you to gain muscle mass, whether you are thin or overweight. Bodybuilding experts advise adhering to certain rules:

  • You should not chase weight, gaining it at any cost. At the initial stage, indicators may change slowly or not change at all, but if you do everything correctly, the result will definitely come. If you start eating uncontrollably, you can overload your body.
  • Drink more water. You will not inject it into the body required quantity liquid - the weight will not go. There is a simple explanation for this - two-thirds of the body consists of water, and no growth is simply possible without the intake of fluid.
  • Take snacks, and in general, eat as often as possible. Fractional nutrition was invented by doctors to treat stomach ailments, but bodybuilders also use its beneficial effects. If you eat frequently, your muscles will be provided with a constant supply of amino acids (building material) and glucose (energy). With fractional nutrition, catabolic processes leading to protein breakdown simply do not have time to begin.
  • Before training, eat slow carbohydrates, and immediately after training - fast ones. Slow carbohydrates include cereals, beans, and vegetables. For quick ones - baked goods, chocolate, special gainers for athletes. Slow (also complex) carbohydrates are consumed over a long period, giving away their energy in small portions. The fast ones enter the blood almost instantly.


Proteins, consisting of amino acids, are the basis of the basics: in fact, muscle cells are made from them. When experienced bodybuilders are asked how to increase muscle mass, their main recommendation is to eat meat. It is meat that contains the main amount of protein for building the body.

You should eat mainly lean meats - poultry, rabbit, veal. The percentage of protein in the daily diet should be about 30%. It is recommended to consume approximately 200 g of pure meat product per day. In addition to meat, protein is also found in:

  • Cottage cheese and other dairy products;
  • Fish;
  • Eggs;
  • Legumes (beans, peas).


If protein amino acids are the “bricks” from which muscles are built, then carbohydrates are the builders who lay these bricks. Carbohydrates provide energy for all metabolic processes in the body. They should be consumed in daily quantities at the rate of 3 g per 1 kg of weight.

If there is a lack of carbohydrates, the body begins to use muscle tissue as “fuel”, and all training will become meaningless. Carbohydrates should account for about 60% of your daily food intake. Eating carbohydrate foods, as already mentioned, should be done immediately before and after training. The basis of the carbohydrate part of the diet should be slow carbohydrates, of which there are many in:

  • Uncooked rice;
  • Wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat porridge;
  • Whole grain bread;
  • Vegetables;
  • Fruits.


It is believed that fats are the enemies of humanity, but this is not entirely true. Harmful animal fats are neither for athletes nor ordinary people, of course, do not bring benefits, but beneficial lipid compounds are the basis for the production of testosterone, the male hormone responsible for protein synthesis. Fats should make up about 10-15 percent of your total daily diet. Healthy fats are found in:

  • Eggs;
  • Fatty fish varieties;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Nuts and seeds.


During training, the body produces a large number of potentially dangerous free radicals, which are the task of antioxidant vitamins to cope with. Vitamins and microelements (in particular zinc) are also needed for the production of the hormone testosterone.

Special Additives

Taking various protein supplements can help you increase muscle mass at home.(gainers, creatine, amino acids). These are not anabolic steroids, but natural substances similar to those that make up regular products, only concentrated and absorbed much faster.

A few words about how to gain muscle mass for a girl. The principles of nutrition for girls are absolutely the same. The differences are that The female body is more prone to the deposition of fatty tissue, so the percentage of fat in daily diet should be less than in the menu of male athletes.

The statement that a man must be big and strong should not raise any doubts, since it has been verified by nature itself. However, now there are many people who want to make money by speculating on this topic, which is offered to athletes sports nutrition under the guise of a miracle pill, or they invite everyone to fitness centers, a subscription to which costs incredible money.

In this article we will tell you what You can gain muscle mass at home, eating exclusively healthy food and not emptying family budget. We review the training rules, present a set of exercises and nutritional recommendations.

Conditions for successful weight gain

Exists 3 Key Factors , compliance with which predetermines a successful result in bodybuilding. To these "three pillars" relate:

  • workout;
  • nutrition;
  • recovery.

The share of training in the final picture is not as significant as people who are far from bodybuilding might think. Even if you give 150% in exercises with iron, but do not provide yourself with sufficient caloric nutrition and normal rest, all the efforts made will simply go down the drain.

This is explained by the usual physiological rules, according to which the body can increase its weight only if it receives excess energy - when the number of people falling into it nutrients higher than the number of calories burned per day.

Training only gives an impetus to muscle growth- during exercise with weights, you load the muscle fibers, as a result of which they receive many microtraumas. And since the human body is able to adapt to any living conditions, it heals damage and starts the process of increasing volume and strength muscle fibers so that when exposed to similar loads in the future, the muscles can cope with them without micro-damage.

This leads to one of the most important rules for gaining weight - during training you must constantly increase the training load (increase the weight of the equipment, the number of repetitions or intensity), since the body adapts to the same load and no muscle growth occurs with its repetition.

What and how much to eat?

For successful muscle gain your daily caloric intake should be 500-700 kcal more than the number of calories the body burns per day. The body's energy consumption directly depends on the level physical activity person, so there are no general recommendations here.

The specific number of calories can be found by multiplying your weight by 35 and multiplying the resulting number by 1.2 for moderate activity or 1.4 for severe activity. Eg:

  • 70*35 = 2450 kcal- daily energy consumption of the body of a man weighing 70 kg, engaged in sedentary work;
  • 2450*1.2 = 2940 kcal- daily caloric intake required for weight gain.

The nutritional value of any food consists of 3 components - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the amount of which also needs to be dosed. When gaining weight, it is recommended to adhere to the following BJU:

  • squirrels - 35%,
  • fats - 25%,
  • carbohydrates - 40%.

The key micronutrient for muscle building is protein. , which can be called building material for muscle fibers. Carbohydrates provide the body with energy; their absence affects increased fatigue and less performance during training. Fats are needed to ensure the correct functioning of biological processes and metabolism.

  1. When gaining, you need to consume foods containing complex carbohydrates - porridge(buckwheat, rice, pearl barley), potatoes, black bread. If you overindulge in starchy and sweet foods (fast carbohydrates), you can only gain fat instead of muscle mass.
  2. Main sources of protein must be meat, fish, eggs and cottage cheese . The best option is chicken breast, which contains a minimal amount of fat and is not expensive.
  3. Basically you need to take vegetable fats - nuts, flaxseed oil , since they contain more useful substances and are better absorbed; among animal fats, only fish oil is useful.

Since the calorie content of your diet, and therefore the volume of food consumed, will increase, eating everything as before - in 3 meals a day - will become problematic. We recommend sticking to 4-5 meals a day, and be sure to eat a lot of carbohydrates within an hour and a half after training, and eat 200 grams of cottage cheese before going to bed.

How to train?

The question of the training program depends on the factor of whether you have the required equipment. If you want to get the most out of home training, you will need to make sure you have power rack and barbell with pancakes with a total weight of up to 150 kg. For the first year of classes, this number of pancakes will be more than enough.

A power frame can be bought in specialized stores; there is also an option to save a lot of money by ordering it from a familiar welder (there are many drawings of such structures on the Internet). Olympic bar you will need to buy it, you can get it for 3-4 thousand.

Regarding training. In the first half of the year, it makes sense to train according to the system "fulbadi", working all muscle groups in one workout. Here is an example of such a program:

  • Power rack squats: 4x8.
  • Bench press in a power rack: 4x8.
  • Pull-up on the horizontal bar: 5x6.
  • Barbell curl: 3x8
  • Standing barbell press: 3x8.
  • Pulling the barbell to the chin: 3x8.

The most difficult exercises - squats, bench presses and pull-ups - come first, since they are best performed when not tired. At first, do not try to work with heavy weights - this is fraught with injuries; first you need to sharpen the technique of performing the exercises, and only then increase the weight on the bar.

But what if it is not possible to use a power frame and barbell in a house or apartment? In this case, you will at a minimum need a horizontal bar, parallel bars and a pair of stacked dumbbells weighing from 5 to 25 kg. The program is as follows:

  • Pull-up bar: 5x6.
  • Bent-over dumbbell row: 3x8.
  • Dumbbell curls for biceps: 3x8.
  • Dips: 5x8.
  • Dumbbell press up: 3x8.
  • Standing dumbbell fly: 3x8.

Exercises on the horizontal bar and parallel bars , after they begin to be relatively easy for you, you need to perform them with additional weight, observing the principle of increasing loads. You can use a regular backpack, putting a bag of sand in it, if finances allow, buy a weightlifting belt and use a chain to hang a barbell or weight from it.

Is it necessary to use sports nutrition when exercising at home?

The answer to this question will be unequivocal - no, not necessarily. All novice athletes need to understand that sports nutrition (protein, gainers, etc.) is not a magic pill that can significantly accelerate the achievement of a goal, but only ordinary proteins and carbohydrates, chemically synthesized into powder form. Thus, you can consume everything that sports nutrition can give you by eating a regular portion of natural food.

“But professional bodybuilders use it!”- you say.

Indeed, protein and gainer are constant companions of experienced bodybuilders, but there is a rational explanation for this. People with a long history of exercise and a weight of 100 kg or more should use great amount calories, up to 4-5 thousand, obtaining which from natural food is an extremely tedious process.

Thus, the jocks receive the standard 3 thousand kcal from regular meals, and the missing calories and microelements are supplemented with a gainer and protein shakes. As a result, taking sports nutrition is just a matter of convenience, and not a panacea.

Why gain weight, the inexperienced reader will ask, when everyone around seems to be trying to lose weight and get pumped up for the summer? Not entirely true statement.

In addition to men involved in bodybuilding, the question: how to quickly gain muscle mass?, for example, is also asked by overly graceful girls (those who are literally “blown away by the wind”). There are also special cases of a pathological nature in which it may be vital for someone to gain weight for their health.

To have a beautiful relief consisting of toned muscles, initially you need to gain this same muscle mass, and then work on its beauty and hone its shape.

If the same volume of fat takes the place of filled muscles, no amount of “drying” will reveal abs and gluteal “nuts,” so first you should competently build a solid base of healthy mass. How to do this is described in detail below.

Some may not be aware, but among us there are ectomorphs, endomorphs and mesomorphs walking the streets... No, this is not the name of fantastic or alien creatures, but a division of people according to their body type, invented by physiology, the science of the functioning of living organisms.

According to this science, what a person looks like depends approximately 50% on his genetic characteristics, the predispositions of his body, and 50% on the efforts he makes to get closer to his ideal.

All efforts should become a harmonious system, which includes training on simulators, no matter at home or in the gym, a proper diet and healthy way life. This system must become a familiar norm, only then will it be possible to achieve results.

Somatic body types are determined by external signs and using the formula: Pignier index (after the name of a French doctor, late 19th century): from height (H, cm), subtract weight (P, kg) and chest circumference (l, cm). The resulting value of more than 30 indicates an asthenic type, 10-30 a normosthenic type, and less than 10 a hypersthenic type of build.
I = H-P-l

Pure types are quite rare; more often we see their mixture in one person.

1. Ectomorph, or asthenic, “narrow bone” (other names: leptosomatic, cerebrotonic type)

From Greek ektus - outside, outside, morphe - form. Ectedermis is a component of the skin and nervous tissue.

This thin type of build is characterized by thin wrists (in men over 25 years old - 15-17.5 cm), tall stature with long limbs, small joints, and a very thin layer of subcutaneous fat.

This type of build indicates a fast metabolism, often high excitability nervous system(choleric introverts).

For building muscle mass this is the most difficult option, but good news The fact is that it is possible to pump up, although you will have to put in more effort. But the effect proper training and nutrition will remain for a very long time, and obesity does not threaten this type at all.

Due to lean muscle mass, an ectomorph has problems with strength and endurance, so it will take him much longer to achieve noticeable changes in his figure. A suitable way to pump up for an ectomorph is in the next section.

Other characteristic external signs:

  • flat or sunken chest
  • sinewy body
  • narrow shoulders
  • long thin neck

2. Endomorph or hypersthenic, a person “in the body” (other names: picnic type, viscerotonic)

From Greek endos - inside. Endoderm is a component of internal organs.

A person from overweight to obese, prone to rapid weight gain, obesity. Wrist circumference 17.5 -20 cm, there is a noticeable amount of fat in the body. Facial features, body parts are rounded, soft, feminine forms are inherent, massive hips, short stature.

Gaining weight is easy and effortless; you just have to carefully monitor the composition of your food. For beautiful muscles– more proteins, and excess carbohydrates and fats will immediately be deposited on problem areas (most often on the stomach), since the metabolism of endomorphs is slow.

Before working on muscle mass, you usually need to lose excess weight, get rid of fat, for example, using daily.

  • short, obtuse chest
  • short neck and limbs
  • soft skin, hair
  • laziness, gentle disposition, need for love

3. Mesomorph - athletic type, normosthenic, somatotonic type, “wide bone”.

Mésos – from Greek, middle. Mesoderm forms muscle tissue.

People of this type have developed muscles from birth, and the fat layer is thin. The man is large, strong, with wide limbs, narrow hips, and above average height. Weight is gained quickly, but, like an endomorph, it is necessary to monitor the quality of nutrition.

Mixed training is needed: strength + cardio, the training system is standard, it is important not to skip training days. It is necessary to avoid getting the muscles accustomed to the load: change the types of exercises, gradually increase the weight of the weights.

How to quickly build muscle mass for an ectomorph man

You can speed up the process of gaining muscle mass for a thin person with the help of a well-designed training plan and menu, as well as with the help of supplements in the form of various sports nutrition.

However, you should be prepared for the fact that a pure ectomorph will still need 2 times more time than any other somatotype, with other equal conditions, to gain the same number of kilograms.

It is not possible for an ectomorph to gain more than 95 kilograms without the use of special drugs, such as anabolic steroids, and their enhanced course (oral drugs + injections).

Encouraging advantages of an ectomorph: you can consume calories in almost unlimited quantities without worrying about obesity; quite quickly, even a small result of training will be clearly visible on such a slender body.

Features of the training plan for ectomorph:

  1. Duration of training is not less than 60, not more than 90 minutes. This way, endurance will develop most quickly and the recovery time will be minimal.
  2. The frequency of classes, of course, will depend on the lifestyle of the novice athlete, but you should aim for 4-5 classes per week.
  3. The main feature of ectomorph training will be the split system. That is, 1 day of legs, day of arms, back, abs, buttocks, etc. per week to allow weak muscles to recover properly. In one session you need to work no more than 2 muscle groups.
  4. To avoid muscle fiber breakdown (catabolism), you should not perform more than 4 sets of one exercise. The break between approaches is 1 - 3 minutes.
  5. The basis should be short training sessions, a small amount of repetitions with rest between sets.
  6. Outside of training, you should save and save energy: do not run additionally, do not play active games.
  7. Sleep at least 8 hours.
  8. Meals: 5-6 times a day, in small portions, avoid feeling hungry. The heaviest meal is breakfast; you should never skip it. It is better to give preference to slowly digestible foods.

Between main meals, to speed up the process of gaining weight, it is recommended to drink a nutritional supplement - a gainer (consists of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements) or pure sports protein (vegetable or animal protein concentrate). The dose of the gainer is 2 times less than recommended in the instructions for it.

How to properly gain muscle mass for a girl at home

A fragile girl who wants to stay in feminine shape does not need to take gainers and protein at home, just build the right diet and workout to gain muscle mass.

Workouts should not be exhausting, they should spur a surge of the hormone responsible for growth.

For girls on weight, it is enough to perform three types of exercises: push-ups, squats, deadlifts. During training, do 3-4 types of exercises for each muscle group. You don't need to do more than 15 repetitions of one exercise. Ideal for beginners – workout 3 times a week. Gradually increase the weight of dumbbells and barbells.

The diet should be well balanced; an excess of carbohydrates and fats should not be allowed; it is better to focus on proteins. Prefer carbohydrates such as cereals (porridge), vegetables, wholemeal pasta (rye, 2 varieties, etc.). Each of the elements of BJU is important and mandatory in a balanced diet; nothing can be excluded - just choose the optimal type of food containing them and their quantity.

Protein in an amount of more than 2-3 g per kg of body weight per day should be consumed on rest days, for recovery, muscle tissue formation, and on training days, eat more carbohydrates for more energy. Fats are best consumed in the form of nuts, cottage cheese, and young cheese.

Proteins should be predominantly plant-based: legumes, nuts and grains, tofu.
Drink at least 1.5 liters daily to allow the muscles to fill with blood, eat at least 4 times a day to your fullest.

Once a week, you can arrange a fasting day on the contrary - a cheat mill, or a high-calorie day. On such a day, it is best to eat sweets prepared at home: raw candies or chocolate, baked goods made from bran flour, curd cheesecake, sweet fruits, etc.

Diet for gaining muscle mass

There is no need to mindlessly stuff yourself with cholesterol (by abundantly consuming animal fats, such as sausages and shish kebab), carcinogens (formed when frying, say, grandma’s pies), sugar and chemical additives (of which there are many in store-bought sweets and fast food: cakes, pastries, soda, burgers, etc.).

Nutrition on mass should remain (or become) healthy and balanced, it is very important to understand this so as not to harm yourself.

The general principles of nutrition outlined above are suitable not only for girls and ectomorphs, but also for people with other body types: a lot of water, small portions, no feeling of hunger, consuming enough - that is, the number of calories and nutritional supplements calculated for your weight, age and gender.

Calories can be calculated approximately by multiplying your weight (in kg) by 30, plus 500:

P*30+500 = N kcal.

For example, a 57-kilogram girl with weight needs to consume at least 2210 kcal per day.
If this is an ectomorph man, then you need to add not 500, but 1000:

A 60-kilogram guy needs to get at least 2800 kcal per day from food to gain muscle mass. An endomorph should not add more than 500 to the formula. A mesomorph can add from 500 to 1000, depending on his choice and how he feels.

Percentage of BZHU in healthy eating An athlete's weight should be as follows (per 100 g of food): U - 50-60%, B - 20-30%, F - 10-20%.
That is, you can, for example, eat a 100-gram portion of buckwheat, including a 20-gram piece of chicken, and a teaspoon of flaxseed oil. More than this protein value to an ordinary person or a novice athlete does not need to eat, otherwise the kidneys and liver will suffer.

When gaining weight, fruits and vegetables should not exceed 30%, since the fiber they contain is absorbed extremely slowly and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, so they should be left for those losing weight.

Sugar should be limited or eliminated, just like when losing weight, because it can only be converted into fat, and we are interested in muscles.
Eat before training no earlier than 2 hours and no later than 1.5 hours.


When gaining muscle mass, protein is a key player. This is what our own is made of. muscle, it is the main building material for muscle growth during recovery after training. This means that it is necessary to ensure that there is enough of it in the diet and that it is of good quality.

Recent research by scientists suggests that for normal life, a healthy, clean human body needs about 10 g of protein per day.

Professional athletes, people involved in daily physical activity hard work, requires up to 30-50 g of protein per day.

Girls and thin guys who are gaining mass can consume more protein, up to 50 g. Larger guys, experienced bodybuilders may need from 100 to 200 g of protein per day (professionals can reach up to 500). This amount of protein can only be consumed daily using protein supplements.

High-protein products are usually the most expensive, and consuming concentrate ends up being cheaper, despite the apparent high cost of a large can of protein.

In order for the protein supplied with food to be absorbed as completely as possible, several points should be taken into account:

Get enough of some vitamins and macronutrients daily: calcium, vitamin B12, iodine, vitamin C, and carbohydrates.

Do not mix two types of protein. In one meal only vegetable or only animal protein. That is, for example, an omelette with tofu is not very good idea. And combining several types of vegetable protein is possible and necessary, since only soy protein contains a complete set of amino acids.

Plants such as buckwheat, chia, hemp porridge, beans and other legumes with rice (not white) also provide an almost complete amino acid composition. Other legumes and grains need to be mixed together to get a source of complete protein. For example, eat lentil soup with wholemeal bread. Nuts are best eaten as snacks, separately from everything else, in small portions.

The most quickly digestible complete proteins contain egg, casein protein, and soy protein.

If meat is used as a source of protein, all fat must be trimmed off and steamed, oven-baked, or boiled. It is important to realize that if you consume meat, dairy products, even low-fat, and eggs every day, you are at risk for cardiovascular disease, since your diet is high in cholesterol.


Carbohydrates are essential for weight gain; you shouldn’t be afraid of them, and here’s why. Carbohydrates eaten on the day of training turn into glucose, and then into glycogen, which becomes pure energy in the muscles. This is necessary to develop endurance and strength so that you can increase weights and increase mass. In this case, none of the carbohydrates will be deposited anywhere; the main thing is not to eat them before bed.

The amount of carbohydrates needed per day is usually calculated as follows: 7-9 g are needed per 1 kg of weight.

Simple examples of “good” carbohydrates for a weight athlete in order of decreasing slowness of absorption: brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, boiled potatoes, pasta, dried fruits, honey.


Despite the fact that fiber slows down digestion and reduces appetite, its consumption daily is mandatory. This is the prevention of constipation, the absorption of vitamins and minerals, and the prevention of cancer.

Fiber is found in vegetables - cabbage, carrots, beets, cereals - especially wheat bran, oatmeal, and also in fruits.


In addition to the vitamins necessary for high-quality protein absorption, when gaining weight, elements such as:

  • B vitamins (B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B6 ​​(pyridoxine))
    They prevent fatigue, help convert carbohydrates and fats into glycogen, and grow tissue. Sources: eggs, bananas, green vegetables, peas, sprouted grains and legumes, etc.
    zinc is an active participant in the renewal mechanism, prevents aging quickly, it is an element of beauty. Sources: offal (liver, tongue, offal), cheese, eggs, fish, oysters. Also mushrooms
  • legumes, bran, Wheat flour coarse, brewer's yeast.
    potassium is important for cellular respiration and metabolic processes. Sources: bananas, citruses, carrots, dried apricots, baked potatoes, buckwheat, bran.
  • magic will protect against stress and also protect the body from overexertion and fatigue. Drink cocoa, eat dark chocolate (preferably homemade), spinach, avocado and pumpkin seeds.

How to gain muscle mass with protein

Protein is a sports nutrition, food supplement, sold in specialized sports stores. A protein supplement is designed to fill the lack of protein in an athlete’s daily diet, but not to replace it.

Drink the supplement with every meal (6-7 times a day), and first make a calculation: how much protein you will get today with food, how much you need to get. Excessive consumption of protein will lead to indigestion, so calculation is required.

Before buying, ask the seller to let you test the taste of the powder - most often, customers are not turned away. The taste of canned protein is not everyone's taste; very often it comes across quite nasty.

If your own smell and taste are drowned out by flavorings, this can provoke an allergic reaction. Soy protein usually has a neutral taste, you can add banana or cocoa to it using a blender, it will be quite tasty.

Proteins are divided into 3 types:

  1. Isolate - the highest concentration of pure protein, contains a minimum of additives. It is absorbed best and fastest. This is the most expensive option. Whey protein is best consumed immediately after a workout or in the morning.
  2. Concentrate is a little less purified, containing up to 20-60% carbohydrates and fats.
  3. Hydrolyzate is a purified fermented protein. It is absorbed very quickly, but with long-term use, your body will “forget how” to produce the necessary enzymes on its own.

The protein itself is harmless; the athlete may only be concerned about individual intolerance to the components or the consequences of regular overdoses. It is also worth understanding that if a healthy person drinks protein or gainer without exercising, he will simply get fat.

Chemistry for pumping up muscles

Chemical assistance for pumping up muscles - . Despite all their danger and absolute harmfulness, they very quickly and effectively cope with their only task - providing rapid weight gain.

Many athletes, due to laziness and unwillingness to spend the allotted time in the gym, allow themselves to use steroids. Those who do not use them, especially beginners, think that they themselves are doing poorly, since they cannot achieve results so quickly, many give up. There is no need to rush anywhere, just work hard and competently and the masses will come.

In addition to steroids, there are several more chemical helpers, harmless, acting like vitamins:

  • Creatine is a substance found in human muscles; chemists have learned to synthesize it and suggest taking it additionally to increase endurance, speed up the process of muscle recovery, stimulate their growth, and speed up the conversion of carbohydrates into glycogen.
  • Beta-alanine is the name of an amino acid, that is, it is an integral part of regular protein. With this supplement you can work even longer, training endurance and strength, with less fatigue.
  • Other amino acids include leucine, isoleucine and valine. By taking them additionally, you can practically forget about muscle pain and increase productivity significantly.
  • Glutamine - repairs muscle tissue tears faster, you can start using everything sooner heavy weights. Glutamine promotes additional production of growth hormone.

How to build muscle mass in a month

You can build muscle mass in a month by training 5-6 times a week, using a training plan that suits your body type, using a competent menu, as well as various expensive nutritional supplements and medications listed above.

In this way, you can gain up to 5 kg of lean muscle mass in a month, and only in the first months of training. The longer you train, the fewer kilograms you can realistically gain in a month.

Some measure themselves by the coolness of their smartphones, others by the speed of Internet traffic, and for others, the volume of muscle mass is important. If you consider yourself to be in the latter group, then you will definitely be interested in ten ways to painlessly increase the desired kilos in the shortest possible time.

Since the body quickly gets used to the loads, they need to be increased periodically. Training with weights is best for this. It should be remembered that the loads must be increased a little bit. Either do more and more repetitions each time, or gradually increase the weight. You can’t do without the second one: for those who want to acquire impressive biceps, increasing the working weight with each workout is mandatory.

8-12 reps

To build muscle, you need to repeat the exercises eight to twelve times. If you do only 3-6 repetitions, only muscle strength will increase, but the volume will remain the same. But if you repeat it 15-20 times, of course there will be some benefit, because this way you activate muscle work. But overexertion can seriously harm you. Therefore, we advise you to initially determine for yourself average weight which you can do regularly from 8 to 12 times.

For one muscle group - 7-9 approaches

To prevent hormones from starting to be released, but at the same time muscle mass begins to grow, exercises should be done for about 45 minutes. This time is enough to perform 7-9 approaches to one of the muscle groups and to listen to the album “Flowers” ​​by the inimitable The Rolling Stones during the workout.

To grow muscles you need to eat a lot

While you are training, muscle fibers are being destroyed, followed by their replacement and new growth. And a fool understands that rich, balanced nutrition contributes to muscle building. At the same time, it is advisable to eat with pleasure!

Proteins, proteins and more proteins

If you want to build muscle mass, memorize one simple equation: “Muscles = proteins.” Many beginners, unaware of the existence of this formula, use too little of the microelement so precious for muscle tissue, while complaining about the lack of any results.

To determine how much protein your exhausted muscles need, you need to convert your weight into pounds and multiply the resulting number by 1 gram of protein (there are 454 grams in one pound). This is how you get to know your daily norm protein.

If you couldn’t find or purchase pure protein powder, don’t give up. In fact, there are plenty of natural foods that are high in protein. Here are the most basic of them:

• Chicken meat

• Pork

• All cheeses without exception

• Seafood and fish (salmon, tuna, shrimp)

• Nuts

• Seeds

Don't forget about fats

After consuming fat, the number of anabolic hormones in the body begins to increase, promoting the development and growth of muscle mass. These include insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), testosterone and somatotropic hormone (growth hormone). Some bodybuilders use anabolic steroids to enhance muscle growth. In fact, this is not a very good solution.

Drink plenty of water

The level of our strength and energy reserves in the body depends on how much water we drink. You should definitely drink at least 12 full glasses of liquid per day. In winter, the amount of water decreases slightly, but in summer it should be increased even more. Also, lean on protein shakes.

Keep your cardio to a minimum!

Do you train often? cardiovascular system? Then don’t be surprised that muscle mass begins to grow more slowly. Only those who want to burn fat can perform cardio exercises, and then only after the main activities and for a maximum of 20 minutes. If you overdo it, catabolic hormones will begin to be produced, causing the destruction of muscle tissue.

Get a good night's sleep

In order for muscle mass to recover and grow, it is very important not only to rest, but also to get enough sleep. And that's why:

• Only in deep sleep does the maximum release of growth hormones occur.

• Metabolism slows down, causing muscle tissue to grow more actively.

• Blood flow to the muscles becomes stronger.

Relax more often

During times of stress, a catabolic environment is created in the body. At the same time, the hormone cortisol is produced, which prevents the body from wasting energy reserves. Take a closer look at people: relaxed quiet people can boast more impressive muscle mass than talkative and nimble people. A great example is Schwarzenegger. Calm, silent, and what muscles he has!

Working out at home requires organization and determination. Of course sport complexes have everything they need in their arsenal. But not everyone has enough money and time. In order to rationally approach the question at home about how to gain muscle mass, it is advisable to carefully study the theory below.

Motivation and preparation

First of all, you need to set a goal for yourself. Then it would be good to decide on the time frame for achieving the desired results. The hardest thing is to force yourself to tune in. To get off the ground, you just need to start. Motivating yourself with the fact that it is difficult only at the beginning, then everything will go like clockwork.

So, we've decided on the motivation. Now we are introducing into reality a proper nutrition scheme for gaining muscle mass in combination with physical activity. To do this, you need to become more familiar with what you can eat and what elements home physical training requires.

For physical exercise you need to have access to a horizontal bar, purchase a barbell with “pancakes”, borrow dumbbells or buy them, prepare a bench for bench presses. As you can see, sports equipment takes up very little space.

Let's move on to nutrition. You will have to eat well and a lot. Proper nutrition assumes a three-hour frequency of food intake. Frequent eating is due to:

  • anabolism - the process of building muscle tissue;
  • catabolism - a process that breaks down tissues into amino acids.

In other words, it is necessary to create an anabolic environment in the body, which, in turn, requires fuel and building material. Carbohydrates and fats play a role as fuel, and proteins act as building materials.

Important! If you want to gain muscle mass, you should never allow yourself to feel hungry. This is explained as follows: if the body does not receive food during a feeling of hunger, it starts internal process self-preservation. The body first begins to break down our muscles!

How to balance your diet to gain muscle mass at home

To build muscle faster, your body must consume fat. First of all, they should be consumed by people with a thin physique. The main thing is not to overuse unhealthy fats – seasoned crackers, chips. The emphasis should be on healthy fats - sour cream, butter, cheeses, fatty meats. Those with a sweet tooth are allowed to treat themselves to cakes, ice cream, and pastries.

However, carbohydrates and fats alone are not enough to build muscle mass. The main diet should consist of proteins with added protein. Daily norm protein for weight gain - 2-3 g/1 kg of weight, carbohydrates - 4-5 g. With a weight of 70 kg, 140-210 g of protein are allowed daily, carbohydrates - 280-350 g. Carbohydrates are allowed to be consumed up to 18 hours, protein products can be consumed eat all day.

Attention! It is extremely undesirable to exceed the daily protein intake, otherwise you can harm the liver.

How to properly balance your diet for weight gain


Carbohydrates are the building blocks of muscles. The direct purpose of carbohydrates is to provide the body with the necessary energy to normalize metabolic processes. If carbohydrates enter the body slightly less than normal, muscles begin to be consumed. You can get carbohydrates from unprocessed rice, whole grain bread, wheat cereal, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, fruits, and vegetables. The daily carbohydrate intake is 60%.


Fats are the foundation for testosterone production. This male hormone is responsible for protein synthesis. To obtain healthy fats, you should focus on fatty fish, eggs, nuts, vegetable oil. The daily fat intake is 10–15%.


Proteins are the basis of dairy and meat products. Plant proteins include: eggs, dairy products, nuts, cereals. Nevertheless, the priority is animal proteins, which are much better absorbed by the body. For comparison, the protein content is shown below.


Vitamins promote testosterone production, especially zinc. In addition, vitamins act as antioxidants. Since training produces dangerous free radicals in the body, vitamins will come in handy. A natural source of vitamins is any vegetables and fruits. If necessary, you can buy pharmacy vitamin preparations.

Special Additives

Special additives are developed based on natural ingredients(creatine, gainer, amino acids). These supplements are perfectly absorbed by the body. The pharmaceutical drug Carnitine is in good demand.

Advice! The principle of nutrition for the female half is absolutely identical general rules. Only the female body tends to store more fatty tissue. Considering the features female body, it is strongly recommended to slightly reduce your fat intake.

Some tips on how to build muscle mass at home

  1. Strive to achieve results gradually. Don't try to get results right away at any cost. At first, the indicators may remain the same or change very slowly. Uncontrolled eating often leads to overload of the body.
  2. Maintain drinking regime. Considering that the body itself consists of large quantity water (about two-thirds), it must not be dehydrated. Otherwise get positive results pretty hard.
  3. Go to fractional meals. This way you can provide your muscles with amino acids (building materials) and glucose (energy) on an ongoing basis.
  4. Before training, you should give preference to slow carbohydrates, after exercise - fast ones (chocolate, confectionery, gainers).

Variations of mass exercises at home

Any time is suitable for training, but no later than 4–6 hours before bedtime. The optimal duration of intense exercise is 1 hour. As basic training Free weight exercises are suitable. As you level up physical training the load is gradually increased.
For development pectoral muscles and triceps we need:

  • bench press;
  • barbell with pancakes.
  • Performing a bench press. Thereby basic exercise, muscle mass is rapidly gaining.
  • promotes development latissimus muscles backs.
  • Lifting dumbbells ensures that all muscle groups are worked out. The variability of the exercises consists of leg lunges with dumbbells, dumbbell raises to the sides from a standing position, dumbbell overhead presses (for the shoulder muscles), dumbbell curls (emphasis on the biceps).
  • If dumbbells are not available, a barbell will do, and vice versa.

How to approach the issue correctly at home to gain muscle mass

  1. If installing a horizontal bar at home is problematic, you should find one nearby at any sports ground. Using a horizontal bar, the upper body is worked out.
  2. We do push-ups from the floor. These manipulations do not require any sports equipment, even .
  3. To develop leg muscles, it is enough to focus on regular squats and lunges. As soon as your fitness level increases, you need to use weights. When it becomes very easy to work with weights, it’s time to move on to training in the gym.
  4. To provide muscles normal height, necessary good rest and dream. Since muscles must recover, you cannot train every day.
  5. Consuming milk protein is recommended before bedtime. This will avoid the destruction of muscle tissue.
  6. Optimal sleep time is 9 hours. It’s great if you set aside another 1 hour for sleep during the day.

When you decide to take up fitness or bodybuilding, be prepared to strictly adhere to the regime. The result is worth it!
