Geographical structure and relief. Abstract: Relief and geological structure of Russia. Combustibles include

Sections: Geography

Class: 8

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

Determine the level of students’ knowledge of basic concepts, patterns of location of large plains and mountains;

Test your ability to show the main relief forms of Russia on a map;

Establish an understanding of the relationships between tectonic structures and landforms.


Atlases, textbooks, physical map of Russia, computers, projector, educational electronic publication (disk): Geography of Russia. Nature and population. 8th grade.

During the classes:

I. Organizing time.

Against the background of music, the student reads an excerpt from a poem by Iraida Mordovina.
(Everything is accompanied by slides with views of various landforms of Russia)
(Annex 1).

Russia, you are a great power,
Your spaces are infinitely large.
You have crowned yourself with glory for all ages,
And you have no other way.
The lake captivity crowns your forests,
A cascade of ridges in the mountains hides dreams.
The plains run away to infinity
And the native steppe will give birth to bread.
In your land of wealth there is an inexhaustible stream,
Our path lies to your treasures.
How little we still know about you,
We have so much to explore!

II. Announcement of the lesson topic and goals, introduction to the “Test Sheet”
(Appendix 2).

Task 1. Drawing up a general diagram "Relief" (As students answer, a diagram is created on the interactive board)

Remember what relief is?
- What are the largest landforms?
- How do mountains differ in height?
- How do plains differ in height?
- Why does the appearance of the earth's surface constantly change? (endogenous and exogenous factors)
- What are endogenous factors? (rises and falls, earthquakes, volcanism)
- What are exogenous factors (glacier activity, water activity, wind activity, human activity)

Task 2.
Under the influence of what factors did the formation of these landforms occur?
(Appendix 3)

(Different relief shapes appear on the slides)

  1. Wind activity
  2. Karst processes – water
  3. Human activity
  4. Moraine relief - glacier
  5. Aeolian processes - wind
  6. Earthquakes
  7. Volcanism
  8. Ravine - activity of flowing waters

Task 3. Dictation to test knowledge of terms and concepts.

1. Exit to the surface of the crystalline foundation of the platform...(shield)
2. Stormy mud-stone streams...(mudflows)
3. Ancient relatively stable areas of the earth’s crust... (platforms)
4. Large accumulations of minerals...(deposits)
5. Loose clay-boulder glacial deposits...(moraine)
6. Groups of nearby deposits of the same mineral... (basin)
7. The longest periods of time in the geological history of the Earth... (eras)
Students exchange works, check, checking the answers on the board, and put the number of points on the “Test Sheet” (correct answer - 1 point)

Task 4. Working on options.

Option 1 performs an interactive test on a PC. Option 2, by comparing physical and tectonic maps, establishes a correspondence between the landform and the tectonic structure.
Option 1. Test.
1. The highest point of Russia is located within...
a) Altai
b) Caucasus
c) Sayan

2. The highest and most dissected plain in Russia...
a) East European Plain
b) West Siberian Plain
c) Central Siberian Plateau

3. In the form of what kind of shield does the foundation of the East European Platform emerge to the surface...
a) Aldansky
b) Baltic
c) Anabarsky

4. Which outskirts of Russia are located on the boundaries of modern lithospheric plates...
a) Eastern
b) Western
c) Northern

5. What folding occurred in the second half of the Paleozoic...
a) Baikal
b) Hercynian
c) Caledonian

6. The plains are located on...
a) boundaries of lithospheric plates
b) platforms
c) in folded areas

7. The largest coal basins are...
a) Kuzbass, Kansko-Achinsky
b) Tunguska, Lensky
c) Urengoy, Yamburg

8. The surface of Russia decreases to...
a) south
b) north
c) west
d) east

9. If the rate of uplift of the earth’s crust is equal to the rate of destruction, then...
a) depressions
b) mountains
c) plains

10. Geological era, which continues today...
a) Mesozoic
b) Cenozoic
c) Paleozoic

Option 2. Table of correspondence.

(7 minutes are allotted to complete the task)


Tectonic structure

Sikhote – Alin

Central Siberian Plateau

Western Sayan

West Siberian Plain

Stanovoy Ridge

Byrranga Mountains

1. Caledonian fold region
4. Aldan shield
5. Baltic shield
6. Siberian ancient platform
7. Area of ​​Mesozoic folding
8. Region of Hercynian folding
9. Area of ​​Cenozoic folding
10. West Siberian Plate

The result of the check is the following table:

Sikhote – Alin

Region of Mesozoic folding

Central Siberian Plateau

Siberian ancient platform

Region of Cenozoic folding

Hercynian fold region

Baltic shield

Western Sayan

Caledonian fold region

West Siberian Plain

West Siberian Plate

Stanovoy Ridge

Aldan shield

Hercynian fold region

Byrranga Mountains

Region of Mesozoic folding

Checking 2 options on the interactive whiteboard.
Evaluating the results and recording the number of points in the “Record Sheet”
- What conclusion can be drawn? (Folded areas and shields in the relief correspond to mountains, and platforms correspond to plains)

Task 5.Game moment"SOS".

Working with a physical atlas map.
Determine by coordinates the geographic objects from which the distress signal was received and suggest a possible cause.

- 560 N, 1620 E Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano (volcanic eruption)
-470 N, 1510 E – Kuril Islands (earthquake)
-500 N, 860 E – Mount Belukha (snow avalanche, landslide)

Task 6. Performed according to options.

Option 1 - working with a “dumb card”, option 2 - interactive test.

1. Moraine relief was formed as a result of the activity...
a) wind
b) glacier
c) flowing waters

2. In Russia, areas where strong earthquakes occur are...
a) Kamchatka, Kuril Islands, Caucasus
b) Kola Peninsula, West Siberian Lowland
c) Ural, Central Siberian Plateau

3. Mountains in Russia occupy about...
a) half the territory
b) a third part of the territory
c) a quarter of the territory

4. In the form of what shields does the foundation of the Siberian platform emerge to the surface...
a) Aldan and Anabar
b) Aldan and Baltic
c) Baltic and Anabar

5. What folding occurred in the first half of the Paleozoic era...
a) Alpine
b) Hercynian
c) Caledonian

6. Deposits are confined to ancient folded areas...
a) coal, oil, gas
b) iron ores, gold
c) both

7. The largest active volcano in Russia is...
a) Kronotskaya Sopka
b) Klyuchevskaya Sopka
c) Avachinskaya Sopka

8. The structure of the earth's crust is shown on the map...
a) physical
b) geological
c) tectonic

9. Landforms of glacial origin include...
a) moraines, trogs, sheep's foreheads
b) ravines, beams
c) barchans, dunes

10. The largest oil and gas fields are located on...
a) East European Plain
b) West Siberian Plain
c) Central Siberian Plateau

Checking option 1 on the interactive whiteboard.

Task 7.Working with a geochronological table. " Who is faster?»

When did primitive birds appear? (Mesozoic era, Jurassic period)

When did the first deserts appear? (Paleozoic era, Devonian period)

Name the era and period in which we live? (Cenozoic era, Quaternary period)

When did the first mammals appear? (Mesozoic era, Triassic period)

When did the first land plants appear? (Paleozoic era, Silurian period)

Oldest era? (Archaean era)

For each correct answer - extra. point.

III. Summarizing. Self-assessment of knowledge, lesson evaluation.

If there is time left.

The relief of Russia is characterized by heterogeneity and contrast: high mountain ranges are adjacent to vast plains and lowlands. Almost 2/3 of the country's territory is occupied by endless plains of various shapes and heights. The diversity of Russian landscapes is explained by the large occupied area and the peculiarities of geological development.

Features of the relief of Russia

Relief is a complex of all the irregularities of the earth's surface, which can be either convex or concave. Based on these features, the relief is conventionally divided into two large groups: mountains and plains.

Rice. 1. Relief map of Russia

The relief of the Russian Federation is very diverse. The country's territory is dominated by flat land areas rich in minerals: oil, natural gas, coal, shale, iron ores, gold and many other mineral resources.

Plains alternate with the heights of mountain ranges. The highest point not only in the country, but throughout Europe is the famous Mount Elbrus (5642 m), located in the Caucasus. There are also other five-thousand-meter mountains here: Kazbek, Dykhtau, Shkhara, Pushkin Peak.

The Caucasus Mountains, located between the Caspian and Black Seas, are divided into two mountain systems: the Lesser Caucasus and the Greater Caucasus. All the highest peaks are located in the latter, where glaciers and eternal snow reign at high altitudes.

Fig.2. Caucasus Mountains

The Caspian lowland is located 28 m below sea level. Such fluctuations in heights - about 5700 m - on the territory of one state are very impressive.

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Russia's position relative to major landforms

The variety of relief forms and their location is closely related to the geological features of the territory. On the surface of the young and ancient platforms of Russia, large plains lie at different heights, occupying the bulk of the country’s area:

  • Eastern European (another name is Russian);
  • West Siberian;
  • Central Siberian Plateau.

The central part of Russia is located on the East European Plain, which is considered one of the largest on the globe.

The Russian and West Siberian plains are separated by the ridges of the Ural Mountains, the total length of which is more than 2.5 thousand km. In the southeast, the Russian Plain is limited by the Altai mountain system.

The average heights of the Central Siberian Plateau range from 500-700 m above the level of the World Ocean.

In the northeast of the Russian Federation there is the Pacific fold belt, which includes Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin Island.

All of the above islands are the peaks of ancient sea mountains, the growth of which continues to this day. It is for this reason that this region is characterized by frequent and intense earthquakes.

In the northwest, the country's territory is located on the Baltic crystalline shield. This region is characterized by lacustrine and sea plains, low mountains and swampy lowlands.

Mountain systems of the Russian Federation

Mountains in Russia occupy almost 1/3 of the entire territory.

  • On the border of the Asian and European parts of the state are the Ural Mountains - the oldest and longest. They are not very tall and are currently heavily destroyed. On average, the height of the Ural Mountains does not exceed 400 m, and the highest point is Mount Narodnaya (1895 m).
  • In the south of the Russian Federation there is a young mountain system, the Greater Caucasus, which serves as a natural border between Georgia and Azerbaijan. Mount Elbrus (5642 m.) is the highest point.
  • The Altai Mountains are located in the south of Siberia. They are relatively low, but their growth is still ongoing. The highest point is Mount Belukha (4506 m).
  • Kamchatka has high mountain ranges with volcanic peaks. It is there that the world's largest active volcano is located - Klyuchevskaya Sopka (4850 m.).

Rice. 3. Klyuchevskaya Sopka

What have we learned?

Considering the topic of the relief of the Russian Federation according to the program for the 8th grade, we learned what forms of relief prevail on the territory of the country, what are its features. The combination of plains and high mountains is one of the examples of contrasting and heterogeneous relief, which became possible due to the peculiarities of the geological structure and the impressive area of ​​the state's territory.

Test on the topic

Evaluation of the report

Average rating: 4.7. Total ratings received: 597.

The entire “smooth” territory of Russia is represented by plains - Russian and West Siberian, separated from each other by the Ural ridges. The physical map shows the difference in shape, but what lies behind the differences? This is what I want to talk about.

Characteristics of the Russian Plain

The structure is located in the European part of Russia. From the north and south it is limited by the Barents, Black and Caspian seas, and from the east by the Baltic. From the west it is supported by the Ural Mountains. It is based on the ancient platform of the same name, composed of layers of sedimentary rocks of various ages. The oldest is Precambrian - 4 billion years old. Paleozoic rocks predominate - 541.0–251.902 million years.
The average height of the forms is 171 m. The highest point is 479 m, and the lowest is located below sea level - –27 m. The plain known to us received its appearance thanks to glaciation and tectonic processes. Thus, in the north, basins of many lakes and lowlands were formed. The hills are the results of faults.
The only natural phenomena that can be observed are floods and tornadoes. I think many people remember how in 1984 a tornado raged in the Ivanovo and Kostroma regions.

Characteristics of the West Siberian Plain

It is located on the other side of the Urals. The framework is created by: in the north - the Kara Sea, in the east - the Central Siberian Plateau, and in the south - the Turgai Plateau and the Kazakh small hills. In this case, the foundation is a platform, but a young one - West Siberian. It consists of Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks (252.2–23 million years).

There are no significant differences in altitude on the plain. The average value is 142 m, the maximum is 254 m, and the minimum is 50 m. The smoothness of the relief ensured periodic flooding of the territory by seas, which were influenced by glaciations (result - Siberian Ridges) and tectonic processes (hills).

I would include swampiness among the natural phenomena of the plain, which became possible due to a number of reasons:

The development of frozen thermokarst led to failure phenomena in the soil.

Final lesson on the topic

“Relief, geological structure and minerals of Russia”

Goals and objectives of the lessons:

Determine the level of students’ knowledge of basic concepts, patterns of location of large plains and mountains. Test your ability to show the main relief forms of Russia on a map. Define an understanding of the relationship between tectonic structures and landforms.


Physical, tectonic maps of Russia, atlases.

During the classes

I .Organizing time

ll .Verification work

Before work, it is advisable to conduct a training display of geographical objects on the map (work in pairs):

loption shows plains;

ll- mountains.

Task 1. Checking the level of knowledge of the item

Geographic dictation in pairs. Shows firstloption, butllthe option checks and marks the correct display with a “plus”. Then showslloption. At the same time, the teacher checks the display of objects.

Assignment forloption:


    The East European Plain;

    Ural Mountains;

    Sayan Mountains;

    Dzhugdzhur Ridge;

    Chukotka Highlands;


    Verkhoyansk ridge;

    Key hill;

    Bograng Mountains.

Assignment forlloption:

1. West Siberian Plain;

2. Altai;

3. Aldan Highlands;

4. Mount Elbrus;

5. Chersky ridge;

6. Koryak Highlands;

7. Stanovoy Ridge;

8. Central Siberian Plateau;

9. Stanovoye Highlands;

10. Valdai Upland.

For checking the nomenclature, students receive the first grade. If 10 objects are shown correctly, the score is “5”; 8-9 objects – “4”; 7-"3".

Task 2. Testing knowledge of terms and concepts


    Ancient stable areas of the earth's crust. (Platforms.)

    The science of extinct organisms. (Paleontology.)

    A map containing information about rocks. (Geological.)

    Accumulation of minerals. (Field.)

    Loose clay-boulder glacial deposits. (Moraine.)

    Internal processes associated with the movement of the earth's crust. (Endogenous.)

    The displacement of rocks down a slope under the influence of gravity. (Landslide.)


    Exit of the crystalline foundation of the platform to the surface. (Shield.)

    The doctrine of the structure of the earth's crust. (Geotectonics.)

    Maps containing information about the location and age of tectonic structures. (Tectonic.)

    Soil restoration work. (Reclamation.)

    External relief-forming processes. (Exogenous.)

    Landforms formed by wind activity. (Eolian.)

    Stormy mud-stone flows. (sat down.)

For 7 correct answers - score “5”; for 6 correct answers – “4”; For 5 correct answers – “3”

Task 3

Make a description of the relief.

Ioption: Russian Plain;

IIoption Central Siberian Highlands;

Characteristics plan

1) Geographical location.

2) What tectonic structure does it correspond to?

3) Age of breeds.

4) Average heights.

5) Highest height.

6) External processes that shape the relief.

7) Natural phenomena.

8) Minerals.

The third task can be replaced by work to identify the correspondence of landforms and tectonic structures by comparing physical and tectonic maps.

1. Sikhate-Alin a. Baltic shield

2. Central Siberian Plateau b. Hercynian fold region

3. Ural in. Caledonian fold region

4. Caucasus, region of Mesozoic folding

5. Aldan Highlands village. Region of Cenozoic folding

6. Eastern Sayan Mountains e. Siberian Platform

7. Chersky ridge. West Siberian Plate

8. Khibiny village Aldan shield

9.Zapodno – Siberian Lowland

10. Western Sayan Mountains

III . Lesson Summary

The teacher collects notebooks for checking.

The final grade is given as the average of 3.

Testing on the topic "Geological structure, relief and mineral resources of Russia" for use in work in a generalization lesson in grade 8 on the topic "Geological structure, relief, mineral resources of Russia" for the textbook edited by V.P. Dronova.



Option 1.

No. 1. The highest mountains in Russia are:

1) Altai;

2) Caucasus;

3) Sayans;

4) Ural.

No. 2. The geological era that continues and is now called:

1) Mesozoic;

2) Cenozoic;

3) Paleozoic.

No. 3. The lowest point on the surface of Russia (- 28 m) is located:

1) on the shore of Lake Elton

2) in the Minusinsk Basin

3) on the shores of the Caspian Sea

4) in the Vasyugan swamps

1) Shkhara

2) Victory

3) Belukha

4) Munku-Sardyk

No. 5. Match the names of the relief with the following concepts:

1.___ , 2. ___ , 3. ___ , 4. ____ , 5. ___ , 6. _____.

1. Eastern European. A. ridge;

2. Central Siberian B. mountains;

3. Caucasus. V. plateau;

4. Altai. G. plain;

5. Chersky. D. lowland;

6. Privolzhskaya. E. elevation.

No. 6. In which mountains are the named mountain peaks located?

1. _____ , 2. ______ , 3. ________ .

1. Ural. A. Belukha;

2. Caucasus. B. Kazbek;

3. Altai. V. Narodnaya;

G. Konzhakovsky Stone.

No. 7. Identify landforms created by internal processes in the earth's crust.

  1. Mountains.
  2. Ravines.
  3. River valleys.
  4. Sandy ridge.

No. 8. Match the names and geological terms:

1. ____ , 2. _____ , 3. ______ , 4. ______ , 5. _______ .

1. Russian. A. shield;

2. Siberian. B. platform;

3. Baltic. B. stove.

4. West Siberian.

5. Aldansky.

No. 9. In which mountains does seismicity not occur?

1. In the Urals.

2. In the Caucasus

3. On the Sayan Mountains.

4. In Altai

5. In the Pamirs.

No. 10. Determine what causes active seismic activity in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands.

  1. There is a collision of two lithospheric plates: the Eurasian and the Pacific.
  2. Two lithospheric plates are moving apart.
  3. The continental and oceanic plates slide past each other.

No. 11. Try to “look” into the Earth’s past – the geological history of the earth’s surface. In what periods did the following events take place?

1. ____, 2. ___, 3. ____ .

  1. Active volcanic activity. Formation of iron ores. The origin of life in water.
  2. Extinction of giant reptiles. The appearance of birds and mammals. Formation of oil, oil shale, chalk, coal, phosphorites.
  3. Several glaciations. The appearance of man. Formation of natural areas. Formation of peat, deposits of gold, diamonds, and precious stones.

A. Quaternary period;

B. archaean;

V. cretaceous.

No. 12. What surface slope do the plains have?

1. ______ , 2. _______ , 3._______ .

1. Eastern European. A. to the north;

2. West Siberian. B. to the south;

3. Central Siberian Plateau. V. to the north and south.

No. 13. Which tectonic structure is characterized by only horizontal occurrence of rocks?

1. Shield.

2. Stove.

3. Platform.

4. Folding.

No. 14. Why are the Ural Mountains so rich in minerals?

  1. Mineral deposits are found beneath the thickness of sedimentary rocks.
  2. This is an ancient folded area.
  3. External processes destroy mountains, exposing mineral deposits
  4. They cross several natural zones.

No. 15. What internal processes form the relief?

1. The action of gravity.

2. Actions of the earth's crust.

3. Volcanism.


No. 16. What form of relief is formed at the junction of lithospheric plates?

1. Small hills.

2. Plain.

3. Mountains.

4. Plateau.

No. 17. What tectonic structures are associated with deposits of mainly ore minerals??

1. To the slabs.

2. Towards folded areas.

3. To the shields.

4. To the platforms.

No. 18. How were sedimentary rocks formed?

  1. As a result of the action of high temperatures in the layers of the Earth.
  2. From magma that rose to the earth's surface.
  3. From the remains of plants and animals accumulated in ancient seas and lakes.

No. 19. Which area is characterized by the most erosive relief? Determine what it is related to.

  1. Mountain landscape.
  2. Plain.

A. the activity of flowing water is manifested in the accumulation of loose rocks;

B. flowing water gradually destroys hard rocks and carries away loose material.

No. 20. What processes caused by gravity are observed?

1. _____ , 2. _____ , 3. _______ .

1. On the banks of rivers. A. landslides, screes;

2. In the mountains. B. sat down.

3. On the slopes of ravines.

Answers Option 1

Question no.


1 g, 2c, 3b, 4b, 5a, 6e

1vg, 2b,3a

1b, 2b, 3a, 4c, 5a

1b, 2c, 3a

1b, 2a, 3a

2, 3

2, 3


Geological structure, relief and minerals of Russia.

Option 2.

No. 1. Which of the following Russian territories are most likely to experience earthquakes?

1) Sakhalin Island

2) Novaya Zemlya islands

3) Taimyr Peninsula

4) Kola Peninsula

1) – 10 m

2) - 18 m

3) - 28 m

4) - 38 m

No. 3. The longest mountains:

1) Ural

2) Sikhote-Alin

3) Caucasus

No. 4. The areas where strong earthquakes occur in Russia are:

1) Ural, Central Siberian Plateau

2) Kola Peninsula, West Siberian Lowland

3) Kamchatka, Kuril Islands, Caucasus

No. 5. Match the names of landforms with appropriate definitions:

  1. ____ , 2. ____ , 3. _____ , 4. _____ , 5. ____ , 6. _____ .

1. West Siberian a. ridge;

2. Prikaspiiskaya b. mountains;

3. Ural v. plateau;

4. Central Russian city plain;

5. Verkhoyansk village lowland;

6. Sayans. e. elevation.

No. 6. Which mountains contain the mountain peaks?

1. ____ , 2. _____ , 3. ____ .

1. Ural a. Belukha

2. Caucasus b. Yamantau

3. Altai v. Elbrus

No. 7. Select landforms created external processes.

  1. mountains;
  2. river valleys;
  3. lowlands;
  4. hills.

No. 8. Identify tectonic structures that correspond to the named landforms:

1. ______ , 2. ______ , 3. _____ , 4. _____.

  1. Ural mountains.
  2. Caucasus Mountains.
  3. The East European Plain.
  4. Mountain ranges of North-Eastern Siberia.

A. Cenozoic (modern) folding;

B. Mesozoic folding;

B. Hercynian folding

G. sedimentary cover of ancient platforms.

No. 9. In what areas of the country often Are there earthquakes and volcanic eruptions?

  1. On the Kuril Islands.
  2. In Altai.
  3. In the Pamirs.
  4. In Kamchatka.
  5. 5. In the Caucasus.

No. 10. Where seismicity does not occur?

  1. In the Chukchi Sea.
  2. In Kamchatka.
  3. On the Kola Peninsula. .
  4. On the Kuril Islands.
  5. On Sakhalin.
  6. In the Urals.
  7. In the Caucasus.
  8. In Transbaikalia.

No. 11. Choose definitions that fit the concept of “platform”.

  1. This is a relatively stable tectonic structure.
  2. It has a two-tier structure: a folded foundation and a sedimentary cover.
  3. The rocks lie almost horizontally.
  4. rocks lie both horizontally and in folds (in places where the crystalline basement is raised).
  5. All named.

No. 12. Match the names of the platforms and the age of their foundations.

1. Russian __________________. A. young;

2. West Siberian ________. b. ancient.

3. Siberian ________________.

No. 13. What external Do processes shape the relief?

1. Water erosion.

2. Wind work.

3. Volcanism.

4. Earthquakes.

No. 14. In which mountains do some peaks reach more than 5000 m?

1. In the Caucasus.

2. In Tien Shan.

3. In Altai.

No. 15. Determine which mountains arise during secondary uplift.

1. Blocky.

2. Folded blocky.

3. Folded.

No. 16. What tectonic structures are associated with deposits of mainly sedimentary rocks?

  1. Plates.
  2. Folded areas
  3. Shields.

No. 17. How were ore minerals formed?

  1. As a result of enormous pressure in the rock mass.
  2. From the accumulated remains of plants and animals in the thickness of rocks.
  3. The magma rising from the depths of the Earth froze in the thickness of the rocks.

No. 18. Identify landforms created by human activity.

1. ravines;

2. beams;

3. dunes;

4. basins.

No. 19. What measures are taken to prevent the effects of gravity in rocks?

1. Strengthen the slopes with stone.

2. Plant trees on slopes.

3. They make gutters.

4. Dams are being built.

5. They build reservoirs.

6. Level the surface of the slope.

No. 20. IN AND. Vernadsky said that humanity is becoming a powerful geological force. Which of the following confirms the words of the great scientist?

  1. During construction, a person levels out hilly terrain, blows up mountains,

creates elevations. Artificial seas, lakes, expand the land, washing out the coastal zone.

  1. When extracting minerals, people create deep pits and artificial bulk mountains - waste heaps.
  2. A person goes deeper into the thickness of the Earth: he digs deep mines, lays communications, and conducts underground construction.
  3. Anthropogenic loads on the earth's surface lead to the acceleration of the formation of landslides, landslides, flooding or drying out of territories.
  4. All of the above.

Answers option 2

Question no.


1d, 2d, 3b, 4e

1bg, 2v, 3a

1c, 2a, 3b

1, 4

1b, 2a, 3b

1, 2

