What is prohibited for pregnant women. What should a pregnant woman not do? What can pregnant women do?

Signs for pregnant women are varied and differ among different nations. As for the Slavs, despite the achievements of modern medicine and science, such beliefs are still alive and strictly observed by the majority of expectant mothers. Of course, you shouldn’t hope that they will definitely come true. This does not always happen, but even the methods of modern medicine may turn out to be inaccurate, so only a woman can decide whether to believe the signs or not.

Folk signs during pregnancy

Speaking about signs for pregnant women, it is worth mentioning prohibitions, since they are the most widespread among the people. There are also superstitions related to the sex of the child, a successful birth, and restrictions prescribed by the church.

What not to do during this period

According to folk wisdom, pregnant women should not do many things, for example, cutting or dyeing their hair, visiting a cemetery, etc. Categorical prohibitions for expectant mothers:

Superstitions related to the gender of the baby

It’s worth saying right away that the signs of pregnant women related to the gender of the child do not always come true. But for centuries people have determined the gender of a baby based on them, so it makes sense to mention these superstitions. The most popular of them:

  1. A round and shapeless belly means you should expect a daughter. A neat belly, pointed downwards - there will be a boy.
  2. If the hair on your legs begins to grow intensively, it means that a son will be born.
  3. If a young couple has sex every day, a girl will be born, and if this happens irregularly, a boy will be born.
  4. Cold feet in a pregnant woman means you should expect a boy.
  5. If a woman in this position becomes more beautiful and blossoms, a son will be born, and when she becomes ugly and plump, a daughter will be born.
  6. A large number of pigment spots on the skin means the appearance of a daughter.
  7. Severe toxicosis in the first trimester predicts the arrival of a girl.
  8. If the temperature persists for a long time and there is a rapid heartbeat, then a boy will be born.
  9. A pregnant woman is active and mobile - towards a boy.
  10. If the expectant mother eats a lot of sweets, she should wait for her daughter; if she prefers salty foods, she should wait for her son.
  11. They also guessed about the sex of the future baby based on family relationships. When the leadership belongs to a man, the first-born will be a son, matriarchy reigns - a daughter.
  12. A woman who is expecting a son often stumbles and becomes clumsy. If a girl is expected, then the expectant mother becomes smooth and graceful.

A pregnant woman is a special woman. She has a completely different way of life, completely different habits and even a completely different perception of what is happening around her. And she lives by different rules. Understanding this, every conscious woman, already at the very beginning of pregnancy, begins to look for the answer to the question: “what should pregnant women not do?” After all, it is now important for her to find out everything in order to avoid mistakes in relation to the future baby at this wonderful time.

A short list of pregnant women is not allowed:

  • Do not perform work that requires you to lift heavy objects. The maximum weight allowed for lifting by a pregnant woman is 5 kg. And then only in very exceptional cases. It is better for the expectant mother to limit herself to 2-3 kilograms. If the expectant mother has to carry bags of groceries, she needs to distribute them so that the load is the same in both her left and right hands. Rearranging furniture and carrying suitcases should be entrusted to the husband and other relatives. Otherwise, you can provoke, and this is of no use to a woman.
  • Do not paint ceilings and walls, wash windows, or wipe off dust. In general, we are talking about any work that requires high and prolonged raising of arms, as well as climbing on a stool or ladder. Pregnant women are prohibited from making repairs.
  • A pregnant woman is strictly prohibited from performing work that requires very sudden and impetuous movements. Therefore, during the period of bearing a child, a woman should forget about beating carpets and other similar work.
  • You cannot carry out general cleaning, especially with household chemicals. In particular, any detergents with strong odors are prohibited. If it so happens that there is no assistant nearby and is not expected, but the work needs to be done, then the necessary measures should be taken. First of all, when using chemical detergents, the expectant mother should wear rubber gloves. It is also necessary to do through ventilation after the work so that the “chemistry” disappears faster.
  • Pregnant women should also not sit in a motionless position for a long time. Those women who love to sew and knit should either postpone this activity during pregnancy, or organize it so that it does not harm the baby. On the one hand, everything is clear: you really want to sew or knit something cute for your little one! But on the other hand, doctors and other health specialists can also understand. After all, these demands are not unfounded. Incorrect posture, deterioration of blood circulation, reduced amount of oxygen consumed - these and many other reasons can have a very negative impact on both the course of pregnancy and the health of the baby. Therefore, when planning to sit down to sewing or knitting, you need to remember a few rules. First, you need to sit upright, leaning on the back of the chair. The legs should not be placed one on top of the other or crossed. It is better to put a small stand and place your feet on it. Moreover, although this is extremely inconvenient, every 30-40 minutes a pregnant woman will have to get up and do a warm-up and move for 5-10 minutes. Breathing exercises will be especially helpful. The same tips are relevant for those expectant mothers who spend a lot of time sitting at the computer.
  • The cross-leg position is prohibited for pregnant women, since in this case blood circulation is disrupted and the amount of blood flowing to the baby decreases. Prevention of circulatory disorders has always been and will remain active movements and walking. During movement, the quality of breathing improves, blood saturation with oxygen improves, the leg muscles are toned, and the likelihood of occurrence decreases. But you shouldn’t overdo it either: if you feel tired, you need to rest right away.
  • You can't walk in high heels. A pregnant woman should walk straight, with relaxed shoulders and, preferably, without heels. The optimal heel height for a pregnant woman should be no more than 3-4 cm. This requirement is explained by the changes that occur in the body of a woman expecting a child, which provoke looseness of the joints. If you wear high heels during pregnancy, you may develop flat feet later in life. Moreover, the load on the vessels and muscles of the legs greatly increases, which leads to the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities.
  • Pregnant women should not eat a number of foods and dishes. Among them are raw or poorly cooked eggs, raw milk, raw or poorly fried (cooked) meat (minced meat), and blue cheeses. The same applies to so-called instant food products and those that contain a variety of dyes, substitutes and flavor enhancers.
  • Pregnant women should not smoke or consume. Alcohol, even in very small quantities, can cause a decrease in a child’s mental abilities, disorders in his behavior or development. Cigarette nicotine has a vasoconstrictor effect, which leads to poor blood supply to the placenta. The baby may be born prematurely or with very little weight. Oddly enough, many expectant mothers, knowing about the harm of these substances on the body, still continue to use at least a little. Yes, it is very difficult to get rid of bad habits that you have not parted with for many years. But can anything really be more valuable than a natural child, whose heart already beats under the heart of the woman herself?
  • Moreover, pregnant women should not visit noisy discos, especially if they smoke and drink a lot there. The smell of alcohol, cigarette smoke, increased noise - all this only harms a pregnant woman. However, a friendly party with your nearest and dearest is a great time.
  • Pregnant women should try to avoid a variety of extreme activities and situations. This is explained by the fact that the frequent release of adrenaline into the blood negatively affects the formation of the neuropsychic activity of the unborn child. Stress and nervous disorders are also included here. During pregnancy, a woman needs to be provided with peace and exclusively positive emotions.
  • Pregnant women should not engage in potentially dangerous sports. These include surfing, horse riding, figure skating, and skiing. But light physical activity is only beneficial for both mother and baby. Health-improving gymnastics and swimming are something that is useful for the expectant mother. Anyone who rides a bike confidently can indulge in a ride in the park.
  • Pregnant women should not listen to the advice of non-professionals, because they are often more harmful than beneficial. You need to trust your doctor and, of course, your mother’s intuition.

Pregnant women should also not:

  • visit the solarium;
  • take a bath in which the water temperature is above 37 degrees;
  • steam in a sauna if the woman has not practiced this before;
  • get vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella, tuberculosis;
  • use medications that are contraindicated for pregnant women;
  • do x-rays and fluorography;
  • change cat litter;
  • use insect repellent sprays.

Especially for

In the early stages of pregnancy, expectant mothers do not yet notice significant changes in their condition. Only morning sickness reminds you that there is a real miracle in your tummy. At this stage, women already begin to lovingly stroke the still unnoticeable belly, talk to the baby, come up with a name for him and guess what color baby vests their loved ones will have to order for the baby’s birthday.

Despite the apparent mildness of the condition, it is important now to treat your health as carefully as possible and understand that every action can affect the baby’s condition.

Important: More than 15 percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.

During pregnancy you do not need to use:

  • cinnamon;
  • cedar;
  • cypress;
  • basil;
  • lemongrass;
  • juniper.

These aromas are ways to greatly invigorate a pregnant woman and increase the tone of the uterus. In some cases, doctors also prohibit oils containing chamomile, rosewood and sandalwood.

What expectant mothers really need are herbal baths with calendula, mint and chamomile, which are added in any form. Some women put the herb in a cloth bag that they tie to the edge of the bathtub. In water, herbs begin to distribute their beneficial properties.

What to wear in early pregnancy

Expectant mothers are not recommended to purchase tight clothing that restricts movement. The expectant mother's wardrobe should be free and very comfortable. You should not walk in high heels, as they shift the center of gravity and increase the load on the spine. Under no circumstances should you purchase synthetic underwear; you should give up thong panties for a while. You need to choose cotton underwear and wear special bras.

Cosmetical tools

In the early stages, the expectant mother should be very careful when choosing cosmetics. Substances that are dangerous for a baby’s development include:

  • vitamin A;
  • benzoyl peroxide;
  • hydrocortisone.

Be healthy!

Video - Nutrition during pregnancy

Video - What pregnant women should not do

What can pregnant women do, and what can’t they do, and what can result from non-compliance with well-known recommendations? They are given by gynecologists and familiar experienced mothers, there is also popular advice, it should also be noted that sometimes it is not bad. There are restrictions on what pregnant women should not do in the early stages, but are allowed in the later stages. More about all this.

1. Douching. This is a previously widely used therapeutic effect that was used for various gynecological diseases affecting the vagina. Using a syringe, women irrigate the vagina with a medicinal product and receive a therapeutic effect. Moreover, the effect is local, not on the entire body, which is also often a plus.
However, pregnant women should not do douching, since this procedure has a side effect - with a stream of liquid, you can introduce an infection into the uterus, and this will most likely end in pregnancy failure. Not to mention the fact that careless and inept actions can damage the vaginal walls and cervix. Doctors prescribe vaginal suppositories and tablets as a treatment for expectant mothers; this is much safer and more convenient.

2. Feel stressed. Severe nervous shock can even lead to miscarriage or premature birth. Therefore, expectant mothers are not advised to read scary stories or watch crime news. Pregnant women should not go to funerals or cemeteries, at least if possible. But if everything is clear with the dead, the expectant mother really shouldn’t look at them, then why do they say that she shouldn’t go to the temple of God? Some superstitious people claim that this is a bad omen. Remember, it is not true that pregnant women should not go to church.

3. Fast, follow an unbalanced and low-calorie diet. Mother's weight loss is also dangerous for the child, as he may not receive enough nutrients. And as a result, the development of the child lags behind the gestational age and is born weak and of low birth weight. Especially in the early stages, pregnant women should not limit themselves to natural vitamins. Since a lack of, for example, folic acid can provoke severe malformations of the embryo that are incompatible with life. You need to eat varied. A pregnant woman's menu should include cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and meat every day.

4. Smoking and drinking alcohol. Pregnant women should absolutely not do this. Even while planning a pregnancy, a woman should give up bad habits that are so dangerous for the unborn child. But if the pregnancy occurs unplanned and, for example, while intoxicated, it should not be terminated just because of fear about the child’s health. Since the fertilized egg is not yet developing and is not connected to the mother’s body by the circulatory system, most likely everything will work out well. If the embryo is damaged, then in the first weeks of pregnancy the fertilized egg will stop developing, or a spontaneous miscarriage will occur.
Drinking alcohol by a pregnant woman, even in small quantities, reduces the child's intelligence. Smoking is less dangerous, but it also almost always leads to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in a child and slow weight gain.

5. Pregnant women should not take medications, dietary supplements, or vitamins unless they have been prescribed by a doctor.

Ideally, the less a woman takes any “chemicals” during pregnancy, the better. Only folic acid and potassium iodide are needed; calcium and iron supplements are required in the second half of pregnancy. 6. Go through some examinations.
For example, in the first trimester, a pregnant woman should not have an x-ray, especially if more than 2-3 weeks have passed since ovulation - conception. Ultrasound is considered a safe test, but nevertheless it is better not to undergo it outside the screening period and without a good reason.
As for gynecological examinations, they are safe and will not cause a miscarriage. There is no need to be afraid of them. Even colposcopy - examination of the cervix using a special optical device - is safe, although it should be performed only according to strict indications, as it can cause discomfort and hypertonicity of the uterus in a pregnant woman.

It is possible and necessary to treat the teeth of expectant mothers. An untreated infection can even lead to intrauterine fetal death. Don't be afraid of dentists. They use only safe, approved drugs for anesthesia during pregnancy. 7. Pregnant women should not lift weights.

, since this can provoke at least uterine hypertonicity or even termination of pregnancy. In the early stages, detachment of the fertilized egg may occur. And after 16 weeks, severe tension can provoke rupture of the membranes and late miscarriage. 8. Do gymnastics not intended for expectant mothers.

  • to strengthen the abdominal muscles;
  • bends;
  • any exercises that are performed while lying on your back (lifting legs, for example); - jumping;
  • and any others that can provoke uterine hypertonicity - pregnant women should not raise their arms with various weights, for example, dumbbells.

9. Eat food that can cause poisoning or intestinal infection. That is, you cannot eat meat with blood, raw eggs or soft-boiled eggs, soft cheeses. Poisoning or intestinal infection is very dangerous, especially in severe cases, when dehydration occurs and there is a need to take strong antibiotics.

10. Sit cross-legged and stay upright for a long time- all this can provoke swelling and venous stagnation. And if you practice this often, then symptoms of varicose veins may appear. The expectant mother, especially during a long period of pregnancy, needs to rest more, and when resting while lying down, it is advisable to raise her legs slightly above head level.

11. Visit the bathhouse, sauna, take a hot bath. Here's what pregnant women should also not do to avoid miscarriage. There are many stories of women bleeding after visiting a bathhouse, for example. And a hot bath can cause fainting by rapidly lowering blood pressure.

12. Sleep on your back. Over long periods of time, this is not only inconvenient, but can also lead to a lack of oxygen in the fetus, since with this position of the expectant mother’s body, her inferior vena cava is compressed.

14. Do not communicate with small children if you have not previously had chickenpox (chickenpox) and rubella and have not been vaccinated against them.

Infection with rubella in the first trimester is an indication for artificial termination of pregnancy. 15. Do not visit public places.

If possible, limit your visits to the clinic, shops, and trips on public transport. Everything to avoid infection by airborne infections.

Another incomprehensible sign that pregnant women should not cut their hair. Allegedly, in this way the mother shortens the life of the child. This is superstition. It is harmful for an expectant mother not to take care of her appearance.

There are also very ambiguous signs on the topic of needlework. Allegedly, a pregnant woman should not sew, knit, embroider, etc. In fact, this pastime has a very positive effect on the nervous system. And you don’t need to drink valerian to calm down, you just need to keep your hands busy with needlework.

From all that has been said, it follows that you need to listen only to the recommendations of your doctor, and ignore the rest, which are given by people without the appropriate education.

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Prohibitions and signs during pregnancy

Many women hide their pregnancy and do not talk about it until the belly is visible. Perhaps this is true, because there are many signs around pregnancy and some actually come true and contain real arguments. In this article we will tell you what pregnant women should not do.

Bad omens during pregnancy

After a woman tells her relatives about an interesting situation, various prohibitions are rained down on her from everywhere, from all sides: don’t do this, don’t go there, don’t eat that. Is everything really that complicated, and is it worth sticking to these signs? There really are groundless superstitions that in no way relate to the health of mother and baby, and are just fiction. But there are superstitions that our ancestors came up with for a reason, and modern doctors can actually explain some prohibitions from a medical point of view.

Below are some signs during pregnancy:

  1. You can't knit as the fetus in the abdomen may become entangled in the umbilical cord. There are indeed cases when a child has hypoxia, that is, a lack of oxygen and entanglement in the umbilical cord. Only recently, geneticists have discovered that the length of the umbilical cord, as well as its features, depend on genetics. Therefore, if the umbilical cord itself is short, then it will be quite difficult to get tangled in it. What does knitting have to do with it? During this type of needlework, the woman sits, that is, blood circulation in the pelvic organs decreases. Accordingly, this may affect the baby’s health. Such superstitions are not entirely groundless, and doctors confirm that a sedentary lifestyle of the expectant mother can cause complications during childbirth and pregnancy.
  2. You cannot hang laundry or hang curtains in the house. During such manipulations, the woman holds her upper limbs above the level of her head. This provokes strong tension in the lower abdomen, which can result in uterine tone and the likelihood of premature birth or miscarriage. Usually this sign is relevant in the later stages, when a woman’s belly is quite large. If a woman lifts her arms, a lot of space is freed up inside the abdomen, and the baby can roll over. However, this has nothing to do with the inversions and rotation of the child inside the abdomen. In most cases, this is due to the fact that the muscle activity of the uterus may increase, resulting in a miscarriage. You should refuse work that involves raising both hands up or entrust it to your mother, or perhaps your husband.
  3. You can't eat red fruits because the baby will be red. This is because consuming red fruits may cause a red face in the newborn. There is some truth in this, because after eating brightly colored fruits, a baby may develop diathesis, or an allergic reaction. Indeed, brightly colored fruits are strong allergens. However, this does not mean that they should be completely excluded from the diet of the expectant mother. It is advisable to simply control the amount of fruits and vegetables consumed, which can cause allergies.

Folk signs about what pregnant women should not do

Signs during pregnancy:

  1. It is believed that while expecting a baby, you should not divulge the good news to strangers and relatives until your belly grows, and it will be quite difficult to hide it. This ban is due to the fact that, according to our grandmothers, if everyone knows about the unborn baby, this could cause a miscarriage. There is some truth in this, because there are various ill-wishers who can jinx it, look at it the wrong way, and wish you failure. That is why try to hide the fact that you are expecting a baby.
  2. While waiting for the baby, it is forbidden to sleep on your back. At the same time, during this period it is quite difficult to sleep on your stomach, because it sticks out, it’s convex, so you can’t lie on it either. The only correct option is to sleep on your side. In fact, this position is not comfortable for everyone. Therefore, now there are a lot of pillows that allow you to even sleep on your stomach and put some kind of rings under it. Why can't expectant mothers sleep in this position? It is popularly believed that the baby can suffocate and die. However, in fact, this sign has nothing to do with death from suffocation. But it is still believed that it is on the back wall that the vena cava is located, which can cause the death of the fetus. Under no circumstances should it be squeezed. Lying on her back increases the risk of premature death for her baby. Therefore, try to adhere to this folk sign and take it seriously.
  3. In addition, the expectant mother should not sit with her legs crossed. It is believed that the baby will have impaired walking function and may suffer from clubfoot. In fact, this has nothing to do with clubfoot in babies, but the superstition is justified by the fact that crossing the legs reduces blood circulation. This may contribute to the development of varicose veins or swelling. Indeed, if there is poor blood circulation in the legs, this has a negative effect on the pregnant woman’s body as a whole. Therefore, try to sit with your legs straight, and it is best to move and walk a lot. In this case, you will not be at risk of swelling and excess weight gain, which young mothers often face.

What pregnant women should not do: signs about hair

Signs during pregnancy:

  1. While waiting for the baby, you should not cut or dye your hair. Since ancient times, it was believed that if a girl cuts her hair during this period, she will be deprived of vital energy. After all, according to our ancestors, it is hair that contains vital energy, which allows us to carry out everything we do. Therefore, it was considered a bad omen to cut and dye your hair; this could take away some of the vitality of a pregnant woman, as well as reduce her chances of bearing a healthy baby. However, doctors do not confirm this opinion, and believe that hair is dead cells, so if you trim it as needed, then nothing bad will happen to the pregnant woman.
  2. Things are a little different with hair dyeing, because while expecting a baby, women may not adequately perceive the dye that they often used before pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, the color often turns out is not the same as expected due to the fact that the body has a high content of various hormones that can affect the effect of the paint. If you still need to tint your hair, try to use natural products such as henna and basma. There are also tinted balms that won't hurt.
  3. During childbirth, you cannot braid your hair or tie it at the back of your head. It is believed that the newborn may be born tied, entwined with the umbilical cord, or there will be a difficult birth that will have to be performed by caesarean section. In fact, it is now quite difficult to imagine giving birth with disheveled hair, especially if it is long. Doctors now recommend weaving them into a braid and hiding them under a special birthing cap. The hair can additionally retain dust, debris and pathogenic microorganisms that will not benefit your child.

What pregnant women should not do: the most common signs

There are other prohibitions, but which have not yet been confirmed by doctors; they are simply superstitions. Whether you stick to them or not is up to you.


  • Our grandmothers advised not to purchase children's things in advance. After all, children's things should contain a child. If you purchase baby vests and onesies in advance, then evil spirits may settle in them, which will contribute to the early death of the child. So try not to purchase these things in advance. However, it is quite difficult to follow and adhere to this sign, because usually by 7 months most pregnant women have a dowry and clothes for the baby for the first time. It is quite difficult to imagine a situation when a woman arrives at the maternity hospital without children's things. Therefore, this sign is groundless.
  • In ancient times, they did not like twins and considered them something unnatural. That is why it was generally forbidden to eat eggs with two yolks or fruits that split into two. Indeed, in this case, the birth of twins is possible, which was considered a misfortune for the whole family. However, now this sign is not relevant, because many young mothers really want to shoot at one time and give birth to two children at once. Nowadays, twins are considered double happiness.
  • Nowadays, many women are faced with infertility due to poor environmental conditions. In this case, there may be no menstruation and the dominant follicle may not mature. Therefore, in order for a woman to become pregnant, stimulation is used, as a result of which not one dominant follicle grows, but several. Accordingly, several eggs are formed, which are subsequently fertilized and cause the growth of two embryos. Thanks to this, twins are born. Nowadays there is a boom in twins, which is associated precisely with artificial stimulation of pregnancy, as well as IVF.
  • According to the signs of our grandmothers, expectant mothers should not stand on the threshold, because this is a kind of portal to another world. Therefore, a woman may encounter an evil spirit and prevent the birth of a healthy child. However, in fact, the sign can only be explained by the fact that there may be a draft on the threshold, which will not benefit the expectant mother.

  • You shouldn't play with cats. It is believed that if you play with cats while waiting for the baby, the baby will have many ill-wishers. Doctors explain this sign in a completely different way, because the feces of these cute pets may contain the causative agent of a dangerous disease - toxoplasmosis. However, most adult women who really love cats and often keep or pet them have a latent form of the disease that does not harm the child. However, if you get this disease for the first time in your life in an interesting position, it can cause a miscarriage or the birth of a defective child. Now in clinics everyone gets tested for torch infections, one of which is toxoplasmosis. Therefore, in any case, a pregnant woman will find out whether she has antibodies to this disease, and whether she should allow cats near her. If you have already had this disease and you have immunity to it, then there is no need to remove the cat from the house or look for new owners for it.
  • Previously, it was believed that expectant mothers should not be photographed because it could stop the growth of the fetus in utero. However, now young mothers are striving to carry out photo sessions and capture themselves in anticipation of a miracle. Therefore, this sign is not popular now and is not justified.
  • It is believed that during demolition you should also not look at the fire or any deformities. The baby may be born frightened or with some kind of defects, that is, birthmarks, possibly with a cleft lip. It is believed that during this period it is necessary to look only at everything beautiful in order to rejoice and be in a good mood.
  • According to superstitions, while expecting a baby, you should also not quarrel with your mother-in-law. Otherwise, this may cause a generational curse or misfortunes that will accompany all representatives of the female line of your family.

Prohibitions for pregnant women: signs

Signs during pregnancy:

  • In addition, it is not recommended to look at dead animals while expecting a baby. This is because the baby will have bad breath.
  • It is believed that expectant mothers should not steal anything, including picking fruits and berries from other people's trees. If she steals a fruit, the baby may develop a birthmark resembling the shape of the fruit that the woman stole while pregnant.
  • While waiting for a new addition to the family, it is also not recommended to limit yourself in sleep. That is, the girl must always be well-rested and in a good mood. It is believed that if the expectant mother sleeps little, the newborn will also have problems sleeping, wake up often and be nervous. There is some truth in this, because the child’s condition really depends significantly on the mother’s nervous system.
  • While waiting for your baby, you should not step over hoses, long rods, or wires. It is believed that the baby may become entangled in its umbilical cord during childbirth and will suffer from hypoxia, that is, a lack of oxygen.
  • It is believed that it is necessary to hide the exact date of birth, which was determined by the obstetrician, from outsiders. After all, evil spirits may find out about this date, so childbirth will be quite difficult and difficult. But in reality, now many pregnant women actually become significantly tired of their condition after 9 months. This is due to the fact that pregnant women are often bothered by swelling, varicose veins, nausea, and heartburn. Therefore, in the last stages, many women really want to give birth as soon as possible, because they are tired of their condition.

There are a lot of signs and prohibitions around pregnancy that women in an interesting position should listen to. You should definitely pay attention to the signs that doctors confirm.

VIDEO: Prohibitions during pregnancy
